A proposal to end the shut-down

This thread, and anyone who agrees with it's stupid premise is all the proof necessary........

Millennials are the stupidest generation in American history. And ALL the anti-wall morons in this thread are below those idiots.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation

Someone needs to draw you a picture, only silly people went hysterical when the OP was clearly sarcastic. Yeah, both conservative talking heads in this game are in it for money and attention, but that is what makes this form of rhetoric classic.
If I were Trump here is the counter proposal I would give Nancy Pelosi.

"you have 48 hours to authorize $5.7B for border security, including a border steel barrier. After that 48 hours are up, this shutdown will be over one way or the other Either you have given me the funding I've requested and I'll sign appropriation bills to open the government OR you don't and I'l sign appropriation bills to get the government open and declare a national emergency in regards to illegal immigration.

And if I have to do that. I will A) build the perimeter barrier that you have already authorized, while refusing to fund it. and B) I will nationalize the California National Guard and order them to start arresting and detaining illegal aliens and those who are aiding them in the state of California, then if that doesn't get your attention I will do the same in New York"

If only.......
Unless and until he does this, I will continue to believe he's part of the swamp. regardless of what comes from his mouth.
IF he does these things......THEN I will know Trump is who he says he is.

So far though, it has been a lot of posturing and little doing
Want a solution?

Give Trump his requested money for the wall, and give matching funds to Pelosi/Schumer for their solutions for border security.


Why spend 5 billion + dollars to build a wall, when the wall is easily breached?

photos of tunnel under the wall on us southern border - Google Search:

How does a fence keep your garden safe from Gophers? It doesn't.
If I were Trump here is the counter proposal I would give Nancy Pelosi.

"you have 48 hours to authorize $5.7B for border security, including a border steel barrier. After that 48 hours are up, this shutdown will be over one way or the other Either you have given me the funding I've requested and I'll sign appropriation bills to open the government OR you don't and I'l sign appropriation bills to get the government open and declare a national emergency in regards to illegal immigration.

And if I have to do that. I will A) build the perimeter barrier that you have already authorized, while refusing to fund it. and B) I will nationalize the California National Guard and order them to start arresting and detaining illegal aliens and those who are aiding them in the state of California, then if that doesn't get your attention I will do the same in New York"

If only.......
Unless and until he does this, I will continue to believe he's part of the swamp. regardless of what comes from his mouth.
IF he does these things......THEN I will know Trump is who he says he is.

So far though, it has been a lot of posturing and little doing

I don't think he's part of the swamp, but I DO think the swamp has overwhelmed him.

Just like with all the obvious lawlesness directed towards this President and no one has went to jail yet. I think he's just exasperated and overwhelmed.
Want a solution?

Give Trump his requested money for the wall, and give matching funds to Pelosi/Schumer for their solutions for border security.


Why spend 5 billion + dollars to build a wall, when the wall is easily breached?

photos of tunnel under the wall on us southern border - Google Search:

How does a fence keep your garden safe from Gophers? It doesn't.

How does a wall keep undesirables from getting into Pelosis Palace?

It doesn't.

but it IS a deterrent
Want a solution?

Give Trump his requested money for the wall, and give matching funds to Pelosi/Schumer for their solutions for border security.


Why spend 5 billion + dollars to build a wall, when the wall is easily breached?

photos of tunnel under the wall on us southern border - Google Search:

How does a fence keep your garden safe from Gophers? It doesn't.

Knock this stupidity off.. ANYTHING can breached given enough time and resources. That isnt' the purpose of a barrier.

Why do banks put their money in a vault? I mean vaults can be broken into.......... Oh that's right, because it makes it much tougher to steal the money, that's why.
it takes thousands upon thousands of man hours to dig a 1000ft tunnel.

It takes 2 seconds to cross an unprotected border

The entire "Wall is useless because they can tunnel underground" argument is misguided at best. Stupid in fact.
Since this whole thing started when folks like Hannity and Coulter got loud about tRump signing a budget with no wall I am wondering if we can end it the same way.

We could have a "no wall" go fund me to raise enough money to pay the rwnj talking heads to reverse course. You know they're just in it for the money and tRump would end it in a second if they said to.

I think it would work. What's more I don't think our resident tRumpkins would even notice since they are used to whiplash inducing flip-flops from tRump.

What say you?

What I say? You're an uneducated, indoctrinated idiot.
The whole idea of a "Government Shutdown" started with..............

---------->>>>> THE CONSTITUTION <<<<<--------

You freaking imbecile
Lol, shouting nonsense is not an answer.
Since this whole thing started when folks like Hannity and Coulter got loud about tRump signing a budget with no wall I am wondering if we can end it the same way.

We could have a "no wall" go fund me to raise enough money to pay the rwnj talking heads to reverse course. You know they're just in it for the money and tRump would end it in a second if they said to.

I think it would work. What's more I don't think our resident tRumpkins would even notice since they are used to whiplash inducing flip-flops from tRump.

What say you?
Youve got it all wrong. Liberals are the ones who love taking other peoples money. Republicans like to earn it themselves.
Hilarious. Republicans borrow money and make the middle class and poor pay it back.
Want a solution?

Give Trump his requested money for the wall, and give matching funds to Pelosi/Schumer for their solutions for border security.


Why spend 5 billion + dollars to build a wall, when the wall is easily breached?

photos of tunnel under the wall on us southern border - Google Search:

How does a fence keep your garden safe from Gophers? It doesn't.
If it was that easy, why are these people engaging in a rock fight with US border agents? Why didnt they just use that tunnel instead?

Since this whole thing started when folks like Hannity and Coulter got loud about tRump signing a budget with no wall I am wondering if we can end it the same way.

We could have a "no wall" go fund me to raise enough money to pay the rwnj talking heads to reverse course. You know they're just in it for the money and tRump would end it in a second if they said to.

I think it would work. What's more I don't think our resident tRumpkins would even notice since they are used to whiplash inducing flip-flops from tRump.

What say you?
Youve got it all wrong. Liberals are the ones who love taking other peoples money. Republicans like to earn it themselves.
Hilarious. Republicans borrow money and make the middle class and poor pay it back.

Hilarious, Democrats all the sudden act like they give a shit about deficit spending.
Someone needs to draw you a picture, only silly people went hysterical when the OP was clearly sarcastic. Yeah, both conservative talking heads in this game are in it for money and attention, but that is what makes this form of rhetoric classic.

Don't even try it you Commie bastard

Oh please don't threaten me, I promise not to "try it" I swear I won't. Sob.

SARCASM ALERT - BHU is a punk, and punks are cowards. However, a threat is a threat and a major rule violation.
Someone needs to draw you a picture, only silly people went hysterical when the OP was clearly sarcastic. Yeah, both conservative talking heads in this game are in it for money and attention, but that is what makes this form of rhetoric classic.

Don't even try it you Commie bastard

Oh please don't threaten me, I promise not to "try it" I swear I won't. Sob.

SARCASM ALERT - BHU is a punk, and punks are cowards. However, a threat is a threat and a major rule violation.

I hope you reported that threat to the mods and to the local authorities LOL. Threat LOL
Want a solution?

Give Trump his requested money for the wall, and give matching funds to Pelosi/Schumer for their solutions for border security.


Why spend 5 billion + dollars to build a wall, when the wall is easily breached?

photos of tunnel under the wall on us southern border - Google Search:

How does a fence keep your garden safe from Gophers? It doesn't.
If it was that easy, why are these people engaging in a rock fight with US border agents? Why didnt they just use that tunnel instead?


Yes Virginia, there really are stupid questions.

The focus in the photo of the mother and two daughters are fleeing those who build the tunnels.

Of course Trumpanzees fear the mother and daughters pictured; trump told them they represent murderers and rapists.

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