A question for pro-lifers...

Logical fallacy (also known as propaganda, diversionary tactics, and lies) are all Nazi ideologues have.
Or less risky behavior...which is what the left REALLY wants to prevent.

Aside from eliminating that despised population of children they claim would just die anyway.

So how do you explain the fact that legalized abortion has resulted in a lot more unwanted babies? Got an explanation for that?

Simply not true...

Now, there are more babies being born out of wedlock, yuppers, because that isn't the stigma it was 30 years ago. I'd consider this progress. How many people got into unhappy marriages because of an unplanned pregnancy.
It's not stigmatized because you loons promote it. And offer the "fix all" of abortion.

You maintain a whole population of promiscuous women who are always available for sex that way, plus your party makes money off their dead children.

Win/win. And THAT is the reason men like Joe go to the mat for abortion.
It's not stigmatized because you loons promote it. And offer the "fix all" of abortion.

You maintain a whole population of promiscuous women who are always available for sex that way, plus your party makes money off their dead children.

Win/win. And THAT is the reason men like Joe go to the mat for abortion.

The "promiscious" women know how to not get pregnant without abortion.... that isn't the problem.

It's the ones who think, "Gee, if I forget to take my birth control pill, my boyfriend will marry me if I get pregnant!" And then they have abortions when they don't.

Of course, we aren't going to go back to a time when women were virgins on their wedding nights... because that never happened.
Like I said.

Men who go to the mat like Joe to protect abortion do it to protect their own right to fuck without consequences, and so they have the option of legal coercion should one of their sex partners get pregnant.
Like I said.

Men who go to the mat like Joe to protect abortion do it to protect their own right to fuck without consequences, and so they have the option of legal coercion should one of their sex partners get pregnant.

Trust me, that's the last thing I worry about, because my little soldier always wears his helmet...

Not that I have any "legal coercion" if she gets pregnant. I can't make her have an abortion. I've seen enough guys taken to the cleaners in Child Support and on a couple occassions, the kid wasn't even theirs.
  • 52% of all abortions occur before the 9th week of pregnancy
  • 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week
  • 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week
  • 6% happen between the 13th & 15th week
  • 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week
  • 1% of all abortions (16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy

Fast Facts

(just as an aside)While only 1-2% of abortions are the result of rape or incest, 5-6% of rape victims will get pregnant, but only about 3% will see their rapists convicted. (and in 31 states the rapist gets visitation rights to the child)
Those numbers mean nothing. They are obtained from Guttmacher who is limited in the scope and applicability of the stats they are able to provide, #1 because many states aren't required to keep stats on abortion, and #2, Planned Parenthood lies about what they do and skews the stats.

Which is listed as a disclaimer on just about every stat compilation they provide
Neither one is a person. Just a body. A body is not a person. A body is a body.

And ***I*** do not say that it's the same as an unborn baby. ***I*** say it's a fetus because frankly after 25 weeks I would define it as a person, and yet it's still an unborn baby.

If you don't address what I say there is no point in you replying.

I'm not sure how to make it more simple than that.

Yes, your Nazi thinking is quite simplistic.
If you don't address what I say there is no point in you replying.

I'm not sure how to make it more simple than that.

He did....Your stand on baby murder is very Nazi....they too loved eugenics to get rid of undesirables and they as well believed that it was about what use they could be to society like you in determining who should live and die like you.
Genocide is not an opinion. It is an act. There is a difference.

Yeah, I have to disagree with you on that. Abortion is genocide.

Whil I agree with you that abortion is murder, I disagree strongly with your equation of abortion and genocide. Genocide is the deliberate attempt by a government authority to physically eradicate a whole population group.

The term genocide is devalued enough as it is.

That is precisely what Margret Sanger had in mind when she created Planned Parenthood....
  • 52% of all abortions occur before the 9th week of pregnancy
  • 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week
  • 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week
  • 6% happen between the 13th & 15th week
  • 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week
  • 1% of all abortions (16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy

Fast Facts

(just as an aside)While only 1-2% of abortions are the result of rape or incest, 5-6% of rape victims will get pregnant, but only about 3% will see their rapists convicted. (and in 31 states the rapist gets visitation rights to the child)
100% of abortion is killing a innocent human baby.
They think human rights are the right of the strong to oppress and slaughter the weak.

Which of course is insane.
Yes. Telling others what they think is a great way to look stupid.

Oh look, the tried and true argument for abortion...

"Yore stoopid".

Thank you for that.

Of course it means nothing. Scratch an abortion advocate, find a fascist.
Umm... No... Because of this:


Where you said to JoeB131 :
koshergrl said:
What is with you and your compulsion to tell people (continually) what they THINK?

I'm not like other people. Everything you say can and will be used against you to prove your hypocrisy. If you want to be my plaything I am capable of thought and remembering what you have said in the past to apply it to what is currently going on.

It's actually the main reason why I hate Romney.

I do find it mildly humorous that you said that AFTER my post that it makes you look stupid. Remember... ***I*** can't make you look stupid. Only you can do that.
Yes. Telling others what they think is a great way to look stupid.

Oh look, the tried and true argument for abortion...

"Yore stoopid".

Thank you for that.

Of course it means nothing. Scratch an abortion advocate, find a fascist.
Umm... No... Because of this:


Where you said to JoeB131 :
koshergrl said:
What is with you and your compulsion to tell people (continually) what they THINK?

I'm not like other people. Everything you say can and will be used against you to prove your hypocrisy. If you want to be my plaything I am capable of thought and remembering what you have said in the past to apply it to what is currently going on.

It's actually the main reason why I hate Romney.

I do find it mildly humorous that you said that AFTER my post that it makes you look stupid. Remember... ***I*** can't make you look stupid. Only you can do that.
*falls into a fit of giggles*

I can't rep you again, or I would. :)
What a loon.

Oh look, the tried and true argument for abortion...

"Yore stoopid".

Thank you for that.
Shelzin said:
Oh look, the tried and true argument for pro-life...

"What a loon"

Thank you for that.
My memory certainly extends within your last post within the thread.

Please... For the love of god... Apply your own values on others to yourself. It not only makes you look foolish, it brings your stance down with you. Pro-lifers are hurt by your blatant idiocies through your hypocrisy.

I personally don't mind people who are pro-life. For me that's part of the choice. Your choice is pro-life. That works for me so long as you don't try to force that choice on others.

But if you want to change the hearts and minds of those who are pro-choice... Do people who agree with you on pro-life a favor and shut the fuck up.
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Those numbers mean nothing. They are obtained from Guttmacher who is limited in the scope and applicability of the stats they are able to provide, #1 because many states aren't required to keep stats on abortion, and #2, Planned Parenthood lies about what they do and skews the stats.

Which is listed as a disclaimer on just about every stat compilation they provide

Guttmacher is respected by both on the pro choice and pro life side. The only people who dismiss their statistics are the extreme pro lifers.
  • 52% of all abortions occur before the 9th week of pregnancy
  • 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week
  • 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week
  • 6% happen between the 13th & 15th week
  • 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week
  • 1% of all abortions (16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy

Fast Facts

(just as an aside)While only 1-2% of abortions are the result of rape or incest, 5-6% of rape victims will get pregnant, but only about 3% will see their rapists convicted. (and in 31 states the rapist gets visitation rights to the child)
100% of abortion is killing a innocent human baby.

I wasn't aware that a fetus had rights. If it does, tell them to file their tax returns. They're late.
  • 52% of all abortions occur before the 9th week of pregnancy
  • 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week
  • 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week
  • 6% happen between the 13th & 15th week
  • 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week
  • 1% of all abortions (16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy

Fast Facts

(just as an aside)While only 1-2% of abortions are the result of rape or incest, 5-6% of rape victims will get pregnant, but only about 3% will see their rapists convicted. (and in 31 states the rapist gets visitation rights to the child)
100% of abortion is killing a innocent human baby.

I wasn't aware that a fetus had rights. If it does, tell them to file their tax returns. They're late.

LMAO!!! ILLEGAL aliens don't pay taxes but they have rights....

just another empty argument from the libs....
Those numbers mean nothing. They are obtained from Guttmacher who is limited in the scope and applicability of the stats they are able to provide, #1 because many states aren't required to keep stats on abortion, and #2, Planned Parenthood lies about what they do and skews the stats.

Which is listed as a disclaimer on just about every stat compilation they provide

Just as your post means nothing.

As long as a woman obtains an abortion in accordance with her state’s laws, she’s not required to justify to you or anyone her exercising of a fundamental right.

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