A Question for Rightwingers

Would you support mandated concealed carry?

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I know a lot of you have a gun thing going on...

how many of you would support the idea of mandated concealed carry?
I wouldn't support putting more guns on the streets anymore than I would support putting gasoline in fire extinguishers. There are people who shouldn't own video games, let alone deadly weapons! Mandating everyone carry a gun is tantamount to mandating every bar fight end with shots fired. Every traffic dispute and road rage incident end in a coroner's inquiry. Every domestic violence call requiring an ambulance or a hearse.

Those testoterone soaked Rambo fans grew up watching cartoon violence and, due to their lack of curiousity and abundence of self importance, seem to believe that guns don't kill, people can get hit in the head with a cast iron skillet and the shape of the skillet changes to show the contours of the victim's face, and good guys always triumph.

Only a Conservative could equate something as necessary and useful as health insurance with something as deadly and havoc-wreaking as the general public walking around packing heat.
I know a lot of you have a gun thing going on...

how many of you would support the idea of mandated concealed carry?
I wouldn't support putting more guns on the streets anymore than I would support putting gasoline in fire extinguishers. There are people who shouldn't own video games, let alone deadly weapons! Mandating everyone carry a gun is tantamount to mandating every bar fight end with shots fired. Every traffic dispute and road rage incident end in a coroner's inquiry. Every domestic violence call requiring an ambulance or a hearse.

Those testoterone soaked Rambo fans grew up watching cartoon violence and, due to their lack of curiousity and abundence of self importance, seem to believe that guns don't kill, people can get hit in the head with a cast iron skillet and the shape of the skillet changes to show the contours of the victim's face, and good guys always triumph.

Only a Conservative could equate something as necessary and useful as health insurance with something as deadly and havoc-wreaking as the general public walking around packing heat.

hey moron, the only fucking person to do that was Jillian take you some notes
I know a lot of you have a gun thing going on...

how many of you would support the idea of mandated concealed carry?
I wouldn't support putting more guns on the streets anymore than I would support putting gasoline in fire extinguishers. There are people who shouldn't own video games, let alone deadly weapons! Mandating everyone carry a gun is tantamount to mandating every bar fight end with shots fired. Every traffic dispute and road rage incident end in a coroner's inquiry. Every domestic violence call requiring an ambulance or a hearse.

Those testoterone soaked Rambo fans grew up watching cartoon violence and, due to their lack of curiousity and abundence of self importance, seem to believe that guns don't kill, people can get hit in the head with a cast iron skillet and the shape of the skillet changes to show the contours of the victim's face, and good guys always triumph.

Only a Conservative could equate something as necessary and useful as health insurance with something as deadly and havoc-wreaking as the general public walking around packing heat.

hey moron, the only fucking person to do that was Jillian take you some notes
I know Jillian and I know two folks voted yes. Should i call you a moron now? No. I have more grace than that.
should rename this thread assholes throwing tantrums!
the kind of people who think traffic signals are just suggestions.
all of you screaming "my individualism is threatend,but get nasty when true individuals have a different pov.
Wow, you're a real nice person.

Can anybody tell me why Cons (on this board) are so nasty? So nasty, so little time..

Must be because they lead such shitty lives...shrug...
So, how's that selective perception thing working out for you? Looks like pretty good.

It's a valid question. If anybody on the planet looked at this board to see what kind of people conservatives are? They'd come up with a really warped opinion.

I personally have to frequently remind myself that a) it's the net where anonymity and mob rule make a perfect storm of toxicity, and b) nobody can carry all that ugly into real life without winding up lonely and alone. So there has to be some kind of verbal vomiting, drunkenness - SOMETHING that means people here aren't total ass fedoras in real life (as well).
Yeah, let's just pretend all the hatred and vitriol from the left here just doesn't exist.
I wouldn't support putting more guns on the streets anymore than I would support putting gasoline in fire extinguishers. There are people who shouldn't own video games, let alone deadly weapons! Mandating everyone carry a gun is tantamount to mandating every bar fight end with shots fired. Every traffic dispute and road rage incident end in a coroner's inquiry. Every domestic violence call requiring an ambulance or a hearse.

Those testoterone soaked Rambo fans grew up watching cartoon violence and, due to their lack of curiousity and abundence of self importance, seem to believe that guns don't kill, people can get hit in the head with a cast iron skillet and the shape of the skillet changes to show the contours of the victim's face, and good guys always triumph.

Only a Conservative could equate something as necessary and useful as health insurance with something as deadly and havoc-wreaking as the general public walking around packing heat.

hey moron, the only fucking person to do that was Jillian take you some notes
I know Jillian and I know two folks voted yes. Should i call you a moron now? No. I have more grace than that.

I've been called worse.

Ah, so you don't get how taxes actually work then. Cool. Thanks for clarifying.

Also, just an FYI, you live in a country that actually did enslave people for about a hundred years. People were robbed of their humanity, their families split-up at AUCTIONS and they were mercilessly and savagely beat for non-compliance. You comparing paying taxes to slavery makes you simultaneously the stupidest and the most poetically ignorant piece of shit on the planet.

Contributing to our infrastructure isn't slavery, you fuck. It's our duty.
I don't think you'll find too many conservatives who object to investing in infrastructure.

But 4th-generation professional welfare recipients, Piss Christ, and payback to Democrat special interest groups aren't "infrastructure".
I know a lot of you have a gun thing going on...

how many of you would support the idea of mandated concealed carry?
I wouldn't support putting more guns on the streets anymore than I would support putting gasoline in fire extinguishers. There are people who shouldn't own video games, let alone deadly weapons! Mandating everyone carry a gun is tantamount to mandating every bar fight end with shots fired. Every traffic dispute and road rage incident end in a coroner's inquiry. Every domestic violence call requiring an ambulance or a hearse.

Those testoterone soaked Rambo fans grew up watching cartoon violence and, due to their lack of curiousity and abundence of self importance, seem to believe that guns don't kill, people can get hit in the head with a cast iron skillet and the shape of the skillet changes to show the contours of the victim's face, and good guys always triumph.

Only a Conservative could equate something as necessary and useful as health insurance with something as deadly and havoc-wreaking as the general public walking around packing heat.
Yes, guns are scary! :eek:

Ah, so you don't get how taxes actually work then. Cool. Thanks for clarifying.

Also, just an FYI, you live in a country that actually did enslave people for about a hundred years. People were robbed of their humanity, their families split-up at AUCTIONS and they were mercilessly and savagely beat for non-compliance. You comparing paying taxes to slavery makes you simultaneously the stupidest and the most poetically ignorant piece of shit on the planet.

Contributing to our infrastructure isn't slavery, you fuck. It's our duty.
I don't think you'll find too many conservatives who object to investing in infrastructure.

But 4th-generation professional welfare recipients, Piss Christ, and payback to Democrat special interest groups aren't "infrastructure".

Piss Christ? What is this 2001?

I'd rather have my money go to a million Piss Christs than to Exxon/Mobil.

Then again, I don't believe in fake things, so who knows...maybe I'm the asshole.
As abortion is legal, it cannot be murder. It's a definition thing.

But, let's not let facts get in the way of hysterical rhetoric.

So to be clear, if tomorrow we legalize kiling liberals, you will believe it is ok and you won't refer to it as "murder"?

Just because something gets legalized by the radical liberal, doesn't mean it is ok, anymore than O.J. being found "not guilty" means he was innocent, stupid...
If tomorrow, killing a person of some political is legal, and I CHOOSE to kill one, then it is not murder.

Again, it's a simple definition.

As to whether it is OK or not, it is, according to the law. If it is OK with you or me personally, is your or my business.

But, your hypothetical would not happen.

Yeah, you're right - that would never happen. Thank God, right? I mean, can you imagine if there was somebody, say like an Adolf Hitler, who created something called the Holocaust and tried to wipe out an entire class of people.

Crazy, right? Thank God that could never happen....
you SUBJECTIVELY DEEM that they don't make enough... $1 is enough on income tax as it is on sales tax

Aren't you the one who just told me that sales tax and income tax are two different things? Are you telling me there are people in this country living off of a dollar a year? I didn't think so. So this first point is Totes McGotes bullshit.

There should be NO tax breaks, no loopholes, no deductions, no exemption, no lower limit, no upper cut off, no nothing.. equal treatment by government under law.. equal taxation across the board on every dollar earned by every citizen.. period..

Flat taxes don't work. Period.

You want to model your economy after these countries'?

Flat tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tell me, genius, where's all the revenue lost from cutting taxes on the rich EVEN FURTHER going to come from? You really believe that taxing the lower 50% the same as the upper 1% will balance out?


You posted no facts.. you tried an 'ah ha' moment... well, as stated, we all know that when the statement is made about 1/2 of the citizenry of adult age is paying 'no tax', it means FEDERAL INCOME TAX

I did post facts. The facts are that most people do not make enough money to be taxed Federally. Do you own your home? Have you paid it off? Do you want to lose your mortgage deduction credit? If you've already paid your house off but expect others to give up the credit you got the whole time, you're just another old, wrinkle-sacked bastard who wants "MINE MINE MINE!" but don't want others to have the help you got.

I guess I'm saying, "Fuck your face."

you are indeed clueless, troll

Troll? Sure. Clueless? Uh, that's the AIDS calling the cancer fatal.

So you now admit that A.) you are a TROLL and more importantly, B.) you and your entire sad ideological fools are indeed a CANCER that is killing America (just like your ideology killed the former U.S.S.R., Cuba, Greece, Spain, England, North Korea, etc., etc., etc.) :lol:
I know a lot of you have a gun thing going on...
how many of you would support the idea of mandated concealed carry?
The Queen Mother of Useful Idiots asks a question with an obvious answer:

Having a right to do something means you also have the right to NOT do that something.

HOWever... if you agree with the recent decision on Obamacare, you cannot disagree with the federal government taxing you should such mandate come down and you choose to not carry a gun.

"The Queen Mother of Useful Idiots..." Man M14, truer words were never spoken. She claims to be an attorney, but can't think for herself (just regergates ThinkProgress garbage), can't comprehend the US Constitution, and can't understand the difference between federal, state, and local. I mean, seriously WTF?!?! She actually avoids me llike the plague because I have so profoundly destroyed her in debates, proving her wrong with her own words. She contradicts herself and defeats her own arguments. I feel sorry for what ever clients she defends in court. She has to lose every case - because she can't make an argument for shit and she certainly can't weigh facts and draw her own conclusion.
Aren't you the one who just told me that sales tax and income tax are two different things? Are you telling me there are people in this country living off of a dollar a year? I didn't think so. So this first point is Totes McGotes bullshit.

Flat taxes don't work. Period.

You want to model your economy after these countries'?

Flat tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tell me, genius, where's all the revenue lost from cutting taxes on the rich EVEN FURTHER going to come from? You really believe that taxing the lower 50% the same as the upper 1% will balance out?


I did post facts. The facts are that most people do not make enough money to be taxed Federally. Do you own your home? Have you paid it off? Do you want to lose your mortgage deduction credit? If you've already paid your house off but expect others to give up the credit you got the whole time, you're just another old, wrinkle-sacked bastard who wants "MINE MINE MINE!" but don't want others to have the help you got.

I guess I'm saying, "Fuck your face."

Troll? Sure. Clueless? Uh, that's the AIDS calling the cancer fatal.

Flat taxes CAN work.. hell, it is you guys complaining about all the deductions, differing types of income, upper level ceilings for SS tax, etc... and you also neglect to realize that a rate would be determined for what is needed for taxation.. AND when you couple that with spending cuts, a flat tax can be made to work....

Nobody should be exempt.... the exemption and subjective reasoning behind it is why we are in this mess in the first place

And no... you did not state any fact.... $1 is enough to be taxed.... unfortunately, you and your ILK SUBJECTIVELY exclude people from being taxed... it is not that they cannot, it is that for vote pandering they are not taxed

Do I want mine?? Yep... I want mine to be treated EXACTLY like others... you know, that who thing you just cannot grasp of equal treatment by government under law

You're right, it can work.

Just travel to one of these countries, and EXPERIENCE Flat Tax Utopia!

  1. Albania (10%) [35][36]
  2. BIH [20]
  3. Bulgaria [37]
  4. Estonia [38][39][40]
  5. Georgia [40][41]
  6. Guernsey [42]
  7. Hungary
  8. Iceland
  9. Iraq [43][44][45] It is not clear how effectively the Iraqi tax is being collected in practice.
  10. Jamaica
  11. Jersey [46]
  12. Kazakhstan [47]
  13. Kyrgyzstan [42]
  14. Latvia [40]
  15. Lithuania [40][48]
  16. Macedonia [42][49]
  17. Mauritius [42]
  18. Mongolia [50]
  19. Montenegro [51]
  20. Romania [40]
  21. Russia [40][52]
  22. Serbia [53]
  23. Slovakia [40]
  24. Trinidad and Tobago
  25. Ukraine [40][54]

Or we could travel to one of YOUR "utopia" countires and experience poverty and misery that far exceeds these nations. You know, the U.S.S.R. (oh wait, that's right, it completely collapsed under ConservaDerp knowledge and because of that, no longer exists). Well, there's always Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam. You know, the shit holes of the world. That's what your lack of knowledge and common sense creates - misery and failure.
Ah, so you don't get how taxes actually work then. Cool. Thanks for clarifying.

Also, just an FYI, you live in a country that actually did enslave people for about a hundred years. People were robbed of their humanity, their families split-up at AUCTIONS and they were mercilessly and savagely beat for non-compliance. You comparing paying taxes to slavery makes you simultaneously the stupidest and the most poetically ignorant piece of shit on the planet.

Contributing to our infrastructure isn't slavery, you fuck. It's our duty.
I don't think you'll find too many conservatives who object to investing in infrastructure.

But 4th-generation professional welfare recipients, Piss Christ, and payback to Democrat special interest groups aren't "infrastructure".

Piss Christ? What is this 2001?

I'd rather have my money go to a million Piss Christs than to Exxon/Mobil.

Then again, I don't believe in fake things, so who knows...maybe I'm the asshole.
The National Endowment for the Arts is a waste of money.

If you want a Piss Christ, pay for it your own self. Get your hands out of my wallet.

And Exxon/Mobil does a lot more for the nation than Serrano ever could. The government has no business paying for "art" which is little more than a small child yelling "Poo poo! Pee pee!" in a roomful of adults.
There is a city in Utah (I think) that mandates gun ownership for those that can legally carry. Waiver for those who can't aford a weapon.

and you're ok with that?

how does it differ from having to buy health insurance so you're not a moocher?

Can you tell me who you consider to be a moocher?

She's a liberal, she wants people covered at the ER then complains when they use it. Instead of the government mandating insurance, just dont GIVE healthcare to people without insurance. We still have freedom and people would get it and if they dont, that's one less person that's uninsured(figure this part out)

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