A Question for Rightwingers

Would you support mandated concealed carry?

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Women and the Affordable Care Act ? Fact Sheets | HealthCare.gov

The health care law protects women by providing insurance options, covering preventive services, and lowering costs:

Insurance Companies Can’t Deny Coverage to Women. Before the Affordable Care Act became law, insurance companies selling individual policies could deny coverage to women due to pre-existing conditions, such as cancer and having been pregnant. Under the law, insurance companies are already banned from denying coverage to children because of a pre-existing condition. In 2014, it will be illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against anyone with a pre-existing condition.

Women Have a Choice of Doctor. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, all Americans joining new insurance plans have the freedom to choose from any primary care provider, OB-GYN, or pediatrician in their health plan’s network, or emergency care outside of the plan’s network, without a referral.

Women Can Receive Preventive Care Without Copays. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, all Americans joining a new health care plan can receive recommended preventive services, like mammograms, new baby care and well-child visits, with no out-of-pocket costs. See a list of preventive services for women. (Preventive services benefits apply if you’re in a new health plan that you joined after March 23, 2010.) Learn about new women's preventive care guidelines issued August 1, 2011.

Women Pay Lower Health Care Costs. Before the law, women could be charged more for individual insurance policies simply because of their gender. A 22-year-old woman could be charged 150% the premium that a 22-year-old man paid. In 2014, insurers will not be able to charge women higher premiums than they charge men. The law takes strong action to control health care costs, including helping states crack down on excessive premium increases and making sure most of your premium dollars go for your health care.
Sweetness, only boys like you have "diseased organ sacs between their legs."

And yes. You spelled it wrong.

eh... the pathetic loser is just showing his usual level of classlessness...

that's what happens when someone is angry that they only have a 5th grade education and all the other kids are smarter.


besides, he probably thinks i insulted his boyfriend the pretend rabbi... given he always shows up after one of his tirades.

personally most of us think you have a 5th grade education, you certainly sound as if you do most of the time, then every once in a while Elvis will show up and try to convince us you have a law degree. :cuckoo:

most of whom, honey? subliterates on the board like you and your friends?

might well be.

poor willow ijit...

you should probably lie down for a while... your brain is fried...
eh... the pathetic loser is just showing his usual level of classlessness...

that's what happens when someone is angry that they only have a 5th grade education and all the other kids are smarter.


besides, he probably thinks i insulted his boyfriend the pretend rabbi... given he always shows up after one of his tirades.

personally most of us think you have a 5th grade education, you certainly sound as if you do most of the time, then every once in a while Elvis will show up and try to convince us you have a law degree. :cuckoo:

most of whom, honey? subliterates on the board like you and your friends?

might well be.

Apparently, she's never seen the "Smarter than a 5th grader" show. She may want to drop the insult level.
eh... the pathetic loser is just showing his usual level of classlessness...

that's what happens when someone is angry that they only have a 5th grade education and all the other kids are smarter.


besides, he probably thinks i insulted his boyfriend the pretend rabbi... given he always shows up after one of his tirades.

personally most of us think you have a 5th grade education, you certainly sound as if you do most of the time, then every once in a while Elvis will show up and try to convince us you have a law degree. :cuckoo:

most of whom, honey? subliterates on the board like you and your friends?

might well be.

poor willow ijit...

you should probably lie down for a while... your brain is fried...

stay out of my brain and I promise to stay out of your rotten uterus.
I fully support the right to bear arms and am against every law that infringes on it.

Freedom is not forced.

anyone that supports that is a full blown buffoon

ok. you're consistent. fair enough.

now how are you on reproductive choice since we're talking about individual liberty?

I think you know where I have stood for a while on most subjects..

But just to state things again

1) I am against infringement on the right to bear arms... except for felons, mentally ill people, etc... but I am also for states rights for gun registration and things of the like

2) I fully support your choice to reproduce or not to reproduce... I support your freedom to have all the recreational sex with whatever other consenting adult you choose... I support the right to buy whatever birth control you want... I support the right for you to do to your body whatever you wish to do, unless you are using your body or acts to your body to inflict harm on another human... So while I am for your freedom to control reproduction thru behavior or birth control methods (not paid for by others or forcing a person or company to provide things toward your recreational sexual activity, attempts at conception, or attempts at preventing conception), I am not for the act of abortion considering it now involves another human life
I fully support the right to bear arms and am against every law that infringes on it.

Freedom is not forced.

anyone that supports that is a full blown buffoon

ok. you're consistent. fair enough.

now how are you on reproductive choice since we're talking about individual liberty?

I think you know where I have stood for a while on most subjects..

But just to state things again

1) I am against infringement on the right to bear arms... except for felons, mentally ill people, etc... but I am also for states rights for gun registration and things of the like

2) I fully support your choice to reproduce or not to reproduce... I support your freedom to have all the recreational sex with whatever other consenting adult you choose... I support the right to buy whatever birth control you want... I support the right for you to do to your body whatever you wish to do, unless you are using your body or acts to your body to inflict harm on another human... So while I am for your freedom to control reproduction thru behavior or birth control methods (not paid for by others or forcing a person or company to provide things toward your recreational sexual activity, attempts at conception, or attempts at preventing conception), I am not for the act of abortion considering it now involves another human life

and she supports your right to be mandated to by her nazi cohorts.
There is a city in Utah (I think) that mandates gun ownership for those that can legally carry. Waiver for those who can't aford a weapon.

and you're ok with that?

how does it differ from having to buy health insurance so you're not a moocher?

I personally don't agree with the Utah city and I don't agree with Obamacare...

I think you should be free to purchase the weapon or the health insurance, but not forced to .. and definitely don't support infringing on the rights and freedoms of others to subsidize your choice to purchase either
personally most of us think you have a 5th grade education, you certainly sound as if you do most of the time, then every once in a while Elvis will show up and try to convince us you have a law degree. :cuckoo:

most of whom, honey? subliterates on the board like you and your friends?

might well be.

poor willow ijit...

you should probably lie down for a while... your brain is fried...

stay out of my brain and I promise to stay out of your rotten uterus.



  • $lincoln_palin.jpg
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I just dislike mandates.

Even the mandate to pay taxes, but at least taxes have a clear reason for existing.
I just dislike mandates.

Even the mandate to pay taxes, but at least taxes have a clear reason for existing.

Taxes are unfair. They're a burden on 50% of Americans who pay FEDERAL tax to the benefit of the 50% who do not. Fifty percent of AMERICANS live in slavery today.
personally most of us think you have a 5th grade education, you certainly sound as if you do most of the time, then every once in a while Elvis will show up and try to convince us you have a law degree. :cuckoo:

most of whom, honey? subliterates on the board like you and your friends?

might well be.

poor willow ijit...

you should probably lie down for a while... your brain is fried...

stay out of my brain and I promise to stay out of your rotten uterus.

apparently, i'm already living in your widdle bwain rent free.

I just dislike mandates.

Even the mandate to pay taxes, but at least taxes have a clear reason for existing.

Taxes are unfair. They're a burden on 50% of Americans who pay FEDERAL tax to the benefit of the 50% who do not. Fifty percent of AMERICANS live in slavery today.

Rhetoric alert! Rhetoric alert!

Fact Check: Pastor Rick Warren Tweets ‘HALF of America pays NO taxes’ - ABC News

In fact, 64 percent of the country will pay more in payroll taxes than they do in income taxes this year.
Only 18 percent of people who are old enough to work will escape both income tax and payroll tax. Almost all of them will be retired or unemployed.
I just dislike mandates.

Even the mandate to pay taxes, but at least taxes have a clear reason for existing.

Taxes are unfair. They're a burden on 50% of Americans who pay FEDERAL tax to the benefit of the 50% who do not. Fifty percent of AMERICANS live in slavery today.

Rhetoric alert! Rhetoric alert!

Fact Check: Pastor Rick Warren Tweets ‘HALF of America pays NO taxes’ - ABC News

In fact, 64 percent of the country will pay more in payroll taxes than they do in income taxes this year.
Only 18 percent of people who are old enough to work will escape both income tax and payroll tax. Almost all of them will be retired or unemployed.

Taxes are unfair. They're a burden on 50% of Americans who pay FEDERAL tax to the benefit of the 50% who do not. Fifty percent of AMERICANS live in slavery today.

Rhetoric alert! Rhetoric alert!

Fact Check: Pastor Rick Warren Tweets ‘HALF of America pays NO taxes’ - ABC News

In fact, 64 percent of the country will pay more in payroll taxes than they do in income taxes this year.
Only 18 percent of people who are old enough to work will escape both income tax and payroll tax. Almost all of them will be retired or unemployed.


Ah, so you don't get how taxes actually work then. Cool. Thanks for clarifying.

Also, just an FYI, you live in a country that actually did enslave people for about a hundred years. People were robbed of their humanity, their families split-up at AUCTIONS and they were mercilessly and savagely beat for non-compliance. You comparing paying taxes to slavery makes you simultaneously the stupidest and the most poetically ignorant piece of shit on the planet.

Contributing to our infrastructure isn't slavery, you fuck. It's our duty.

Ah, so you don't get how taxes actually work then. Cool. Thanks for clarifying.

Also, just an FYI, you live in a country that actually did enslave people for about a hundred years. People were robbed of their humanity, their families split-up at AUCTIONS and they were mercilessly and savagely beat for non-compliance. You comparing paying taxes to slavery makes you simultaneously the stupidest and the most poetically ignorant piece of shit on the planet.

Contributing to our infrastructure isn't slavery, you fuck. It's our duty.


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