A Question for Rightwingers

Would you support mandated concealed carry?

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Can you understand - I mean, you've seen me on the board. I only speak to full partisan hacks when I feel the need to slap somebody about the head and shoulders.

Buh-bye now.


Oh well, it was a pretty simple question. Who knew I would get road rage style flip of the bird for asking it.

Don't question; just follow. :lmao:

Oh, fuck. I was SUPPOSED to be speaking to Amelia.

It looks like you are on drugs.

Get some help....please.
i appreciate your consistency. :)

but auto insurance is ok?

Your logic here is so severely flawed, I don't know where to begin. Why do you insist on making stupid arguments that embarass yourself?

First of all, people can choose not to drive. They can take a cab. Take a bus. Walk. Ride a bike. Get a lift from a friend or co-worker. You cannot choose not to be born, stupid. So there is no corelation between the two, stupid. You are being forced to carry insurance just for existing under Obamacare.

Second, the federal government does not mandate auto-insurance. Those decisions are done legally at the state level. Obamacare would be legal at the state level, as seen with what Romney did in Massachusetts. However, it is completely unconstitutional at the federal level.

I don't see how you could claim to be an attorney and be this stupid as to confuse choosing to drive and being forced just because you exist, and the difference between state and federal. You're either lying through your missing teeth on being an attorney, or you are hands down the worst attorney in the history of the world. Considering you can't even make an argument at the most basic level on this site leads me to believe you can't possibly be an attorney. You guys are supposed to be well trained on making an argument and finding loopholes. Instead, all you do is mention things that have no relevance to the issue (like auto insurance :lol:) and then follow that with a really weak insult like a box of tissues.

Lemmesee if I can translate.

Ad hom, ad hom.

Stupidity, ad hom ad hom.

Yet more stupidity, more ad hom,

Snerk, snark.


Dog who haz webz

A pleasant mix of sidestepping, dodge and deflection.

Nice job Poop.
Nice of you to ....

No, Amelia; I'm not going there. I don't know when you went full snickerdoodles, but you can imagine my shock when it happened.
Going where?

Now we have a law that mandates health care for foreign nationals. Few deny that we have already been doing so because of so many illegals.

But, now it is law - a law that does NOTHING to reduce that problem.

Can you understand the distinction and the problem?

Can you understand - I mean, you've seen me on the board. I only speak to full partisan hacks when I feel the need to slap somebody about the head and shoulders.

Buh-bye now.


And you wind up looking like an ass.

Your logic here is so severely flawed, I don't know where to begin. Why do you insist on making stupid arguments that embarass yourself?

First of all, people can choose not to drive. They can take a cab. Take a bus. Walk. Ride a bike. Get a lift from a friend or co-worker. You cannot choose not to be born, stupid. So there is no corelation between the two, stupid. You are being forced to carry insurance just for existing under Obamacare.

Second, the federal government does not mandate auto-insurance. Those decisions are done legally at the state level. Obamacare would be legal at the state level, as seen with what Romney did in Massachusetts. However, it is completely unconstitutional at the federal level.

I don't see how you could claim to be an attorney and be this stupid as to confuse choosing to drive and being forced just because you exist, and the difference between state and federal. You're either lying through your missing teeth on being an attorney, or you are hands down the worst attorney in the history of the world. Considering you can't even make an argument at the most basic level on this site leads me to believe you can't possibly be an attorney. You guys are supposed to be well trained on making an argument and finding loopholes. Instead, all you do is mention things that have no relevance to the issue (like auto insurance :lol:) and then follow that with a really weak insult like a box of tissues.

It forces us to consume something whether or not we want to consume it. It forces us to purchase something we don't want.

And that is unconstitutional.

Wrong. It forces you to take personal responsibility for your health care coverage and not expect someone else to pay for it for you.

Gee. That almost sounds like something a Conservative would advocate for. Interesting.

Why do you hate the American tax payer so much you'd force them to pay for your medicine, KosherFuck?

Uh, well - here's the thing sparky... it was your ignorant party that got government involved with healthcare in the first place. The fact that by law - an uninsured person must receive medical care should they walk into a hospital is comical.

If I mandated that you must cut my lawn whether I could pay for it or not, you'd blow a gasket. If I mandated that you must wash my car whether you can pay for it or not, you'd blow a gasket. If I mandated that you must flip my burgers and pass them through the window to me whether I could pay for it or not, you'd blow a gasket. Yet somehow, you think a doctor should perform his labor for free if a person cannot pay for it themselves.

Why? Well, because you are part of the parasite class that believes in two things: One - that they are entitled to everything they want whether or not they can afford it, and two - that you should be empowered to force others into Socialism (same thing the Nazi's believed, same thing the communists believe, etc.).
Going where?

Now we have a law that mandates health care for foreign nationals. Few deny that we have already been doing so because of so many illegals.

But, now it is law - a law that does NOTHING to reduce that problem.

Can you understand the distinction and the problem?

Can you understand - I mean, you've seen me on the board. I only speak to full partisan hacks when I feel the need to slap somebody about the head and shoulders.

Buh-bye now.


And you wind up looking like an ass.


"end up looking like an ass"? She starts off looking like an ass. She lies about everything, can't get her story straight, contradicts herself, defeats her own argument, and in the end never adds anything of value to the post. She never has documented facts or anything interesting. She ends up looking far worse than an "ass".
I know a lot of you have a gun thing going on...

how many of you would support the idea of mandated concealed carry?

Absolutely not. Just because I support our Right to Own Guns does not mean I think the Government can Force someone to buy one.

This is an incredibly Lame Thread.

Jillian drinking & posting again. She's still celebrating her Dear Leader's Mandate/Tax travesty. But wait till she realizes Big Brother now owns & controls her body. That should sober her up a bit. Or not. Who knows? She ain't all that bright. :lol:
I will never understand the need of right wing nut buckets to carry a gun. I've said this many times. It would be like giving dynamite to a fool!!!
i appreciate your consistency. :)

but auto insurance is ok?

Your logic here is so severely flawed, I don't know where to begin. Why do you insist on making stupid arguments that embarass yourself?

First of all, people can choose not to drive. They can take a cab. Take a bus. Walk. Ride a bike. Get a lift from a friend or co-worker. You cannot choose not to be born, stupid. So there is no corelation between the two, stupid. You are being forced to carry insurance just for existing under Obamacare.

Second, the federal government does not mandate auto-insurance. Those decisions are done legally at the state level. Obamacare would be legal at the state level, as seen with what Romney did in Massachusetts. However, it is completely unconstitutional at the federal level.

I don't see how you could claim to be an attorney and be this stupid as to confuse choosing to drive and being forced just because you exist, and the difference between state and federal. You're either lying through your missing teeth on being an attorney, or you are hands down the worst attorney in the history of the world. Considering you can't even make an argument at the most basic level on this site leads me to believe you can't possibly be an attorney. You guys are supposed to be well trained on making an argument and finding loopholes. Instead, all you do is mention things that have no relevance to the issue (like auto insurance :lol:) and then follow that with a really weak insult like a box of tissues.

Lemmesee if I can translate.

Ad hom, ad hom.

Stupidity, ad hom ad hom.

Yet more stupidity, more ad hom,

Snerk, snark.


Dog who haz webz

What's "Ad hom" about pointing out facts? I mean, I know you hate the truth because it completely destroys your Communist/Marxist/Socialist ideology. But you've got to do a better job than just screaming "ad hom" every time you get annihilated in a debate :lol:.

I just completely broke down why Jillian's comparison of mandated auto-insurance by the state to mandated health-insurance by the federal government was an apples to cell phone (can't even say oranges, because at least those are both fruit - her comparison has no correlation on any level) comparison and since you can't deny what I said was accurate, you just stoop to stupid little snarky remarks.

Just out of curiousity, why is that? Is it like a "get-it-off-my-chest" type of release for you when you realize you can't take your side of the argument any further and you've been defeated? It's such an odd quirk of yours.

Don't get me wrong, I add insults to people as stupid as you in my posts. But that's only when I include an actual sound argument based on reason and facts. Just typing "ad hom" and crying like a little girl seems like such a waste of time (unless it just makes you feel bettter to "get it off your chest").
No one should be mandated to carry a gun or buy health insurance.

i appreciate your consistency. :)

but auto insurance is ok?
what about seat belts
public safety
clean air and water
speed limits
food laws
sanitation ..just to name a few.

all have been mandated.
if you so called free thinking indahviguals....had your way
the air would be worse than it is
there would be gunfights at grocery stores where infected rotten food is sold ,washing it would not help because of the raw sewage in it
the roads would go un repaired .
just because you don't like mandates.
I will never understand the need of right wing nut buckets to carry a gun. I've said this many times. It would be like giving dynamite to a fool!!!

there's a hell of a lot you don't understand, that's why it's dangerous for you ilk to be in charge.
No one should be mandated to carry a gun or buy health insurance.

i appreciate your consistency. :)

but auto insurance is ok?
what about seat belts
public safety
clean air and water
speed limits
food laws
sanitation ..just to name a few.

all have been mandated.
if you so called free thinking indahviguals....had your way
the air would be worse than it is
there would be gunfights at grocery stores where infected rotten food is sold ,washing it would not help because of the raw sewage in it
the roads would go un repaired .
just because you don't like mandates.

we love mandates, we love the mandate that allows us to probe Jillian's uterus.
i appreciate your consistency. :)

but auto insurance is ok?
what about seat belts
public safety
clean air and water
speed limits
food laws
sanitation ..just to name a few.

all have been mandated.
if you so called free thinking indahviguals....had your way
the air would be worse than it is
there would be gunfights at grocery stores where infected rotten food is sold ,washing it would not help because of the raw sewage in it
the roads would go un repaired .
just because you don't like mandates.

we love mandates, we love the mandate that allows us to probe Jillian's uterus.
SO you are a lesbian!
I will never understand the need of right wing nut buckets to carry a gun. I've said this many times. It would be like giving dynamite to a fool!!!

Millions of Americans (law-abiding) carry every single day. Most of them never need to use the weapon (occasionally, they show it to a trouble maker and trouble STOPS). It must seem amazing to you (someone that believes if you are no threat, the aggressive and the bullies will ignore you), that there are that many people carrying with no incidences, day after day after day. You would think if they were the "fools" you judge them to be, there would be hundreds of shootings every day, and some places would be having shootouts at the parking lot (corral). Just goes to show that you, yes you, can be wrong about some things. Just think if you are that wrong about law-abiding citizens carrying weapons, what other areas have you misjudged?
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No one should be mandated to carry a gun or buy health insurance.

i appreciate your consistency. :)

but auto insurance is ok?
what about seat belts
public safety
clean air and water
speed limits
food laws
sanitation ..just to name a few.

all have been mandated.
if you so called free thinking indahviguals....had your way
the air would be worse than it is
there would be gunfights at grocery stores where infected rotten food is sold ,washing it would not help because of the raw sewage in it
the roads would go un repaired .
just because you don't like mandates.

With the execption of the FDA, those are pretty much "state gov't" standards. Some places allow septic fields, others do not/ some allow wells, others do not, speed limits can be set by local communities.

Please list one other area that gov't is regulating that:
gives the gov't your bank account
sends the IRS as a "debt collector"
taxes every retirement account (disguised as "capital gains" on the rich tax)
changes the definition of femine hygiene products and toothbrushes to "medical devices" to tax them at a higher rate (talk about a war on women....)
etc, etc, etc

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