A question for the anti-choice crowd.

You spoiled nothing. In an unguarded moment of clarity, you let your true feelings slip out. Then you tried to cover your tracks by idiotically claiming people are things who can be referred to as "it."

So show a post where you've ever done that. Show a post where you referred to a living, breathing person as "it." I'm not looking for examples of how "it" can be applied.... I'm looking for evidence you've ever called a person, "it."

No... again, you illiterate hick... I used the appropriate 'nominative pronoun' and you attempted to ignorantly question it because you're a moron who doesn't know any better. I don't need to show you anything other than what I already have. If that's not good enough for you, then you can go fuck yourself. I don't really give a shit.

the definition of it's

used to represent a person or animal understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned whose gender is unknown or disregarded.
So you've never called a living, breathing person, "it" before; but you expect folks to believe you really do think of a fetus as a person. :lmao:

Sure, uh-huh.

Faun is butt hurt... it needs it's binky!
Why on Earth would I be butthurt because you let the truth slip out? You call a fetus, "it," when you don't call people it. Clearly, though you won't readily admit it, even you know a fetus is not a person.

You spoiled nothing. In an unguarded moment of clarity, you let your true feelings slip out. Then you tried to cover your tracks by idiotically claiming people are things who can be referred to as "it."

So show a post where you've ever done that. Show a post where you referred to a living, breathing person as "it." I'm not looking for examples of how "it" can be applied.... I'm looking for evidence you've ever called a person, "it."

No... again, you illiterate hick... I used the appropriate 'nominative pronoun' and you attempted to ignorantly question it because you're a moron who doesn't know any better. I don't need to show you anything other than what I already have. If that's not good enough for you, then you can go fuck yourself. I don't really give a shit.

the definition of it's

used to represent a person or animal understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned whose gender is unknown or disregarded.
So you've never called a living, breathing person, "it" before; but you expect folks to believe you really do think of a fetus as a person. :lmao:

Sure, uh-huh.


Nope, I call living breathing persons "it" all the time when it's appropriate... as do most people who comprehend basic English grammar. You're apparently the only idiot who doesn't know what a "nominative pronoun" is.

I think of a fetus as a human being because that's what it IS.
Faun is butt hurt... it needs it's binky!
Why on Earth would I be butthurt because you let the truth slip out? You call a fetus, "it," when you don't call people it. Clearly, though you won't readily admit it, even you know a fetus is not a person.


Very good... you understood I was talking about YOU when I used a nominative pronoun! You're learning!

Nominative Pronoun

Here are the nominative pronouns:

I, you, he, she, it, they, and we
Very simple...... the penalty for an abortion should be sterilization. We can discuss the specific type, but I'm in favor of complete removal of the ovaries.
So, you want to permanently mutilate women's bodies for daring to not do as you command them? And, the anti-choice crowd wonders why the rest of us perceive them as hating women…

Sent from my Samsung using Tapatalk.
Seeing as how just this week we had a 16 year old girl come into the ER with a high grade fever and abdominal pain that turned out to be an " incomplete abortion". Pro abortion people have no problem with the mutilation of females.

If the girl didn't have insurance, guess who gets the bill. Those of us told to butt out of her choice to have an abortion. Pro abortion people have no problem giving the choice yet a total problem with holding the one making the choice personally responsible.
And they lie to teens telling them it's safe and they are not obligated to tell their parents. Yet when the kids are deathly ill... Guess who brings them to the ER??

That's typical for Liberals. They don't want anyone being involved in such situations except the one having the abortion then, when she can't handle all aspect of it, expect those that were supposed to stay out of it to be the ones to be responsible for the results.
I'd love to see your evidence that a zygote is a human being.

the definition of organism
1. a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes.
2. a form of life considered as an entity; an animal, plant, fungus, protistan, or moneran.
3. any organized body or system conceived of as analogous to a living being:
the governmental organism.
4. any complex thing or system having properties and functions determined not only by the properties and relations of its individual parts, but by the character of the whole that they compose and by the relations of the parts to the whole.


When the fertilized egg and sperm gametes reproduce (on their own accord) another cell, a new unique organism exists. Therefore, there is no biological question that a zygote is indeed some kind of an organism. Considering it is the product of a human egg and sperm gamete, it is a human organism. Considering it exists in the state of being, it is a human being.

This is confirmed by the fact that the organism is growing. Only living organisms can grow. Now, a cancerous tumor or fingernail also grows but neither is an organism because they don't do this independently on their own accord and they are not carrying on the vital processes of life. The host of these growing things is carrying on these processes, it is the organism and they are merely a part of it. A zygote is independent of the host organism in it's carrying on the vital processes of life. It only depends on the host for an environment.
Now you're backpedaling to "organism". Fine.
Organisms have 2nd Amendment rights, don'tcha know.
LOL. But can they pass a background check?
...Let's face the facts here... you are a mouth-breathing moron who doesn't comprehend biology. You have accepted some radical left-wing explanation that doesn't comport with biological evidence or science. Why? Because you are stupid in the head. You probably failed your required year of biology in high school and only passed the second go-around because of liberal "outcome based" education policies. What you actually know about science could fit on a matchbook cover with plenty of room to spare.
Ahhh, I see you didn't spend the night at a Holiday Inn Express and are now acting like a typical fucking liberal wearing his emotions and hate as armor. Fine. I can't, nor desire to, help emotional, abusive people who can't discuss a topic logically.

Enjoy the election year. It's a hoot!
You asked for facts and when you get them, you ignore them because you don't like what they prove.

There sure are a lot of damn freeloaders that you hold in high regard.
You don't provide facts, you just repeat rhetoric....opinions of right-wing tightwads that don't like any of their money going to help the needy....but they also call themselves "Christians".

And, the majority of "damn freeloaders" live in red states, for all I know you may be one of them, and most of them don't mind cutting their noses off to spite their face.
Shut the fuck up you ignorant ass clown hick.
Who do you think you are, you mental pigmy? Trump's ass wiper? You, shut the fuck up, since all you spew is moronic rhetoric.

A zygote has already qualified itself as a living organism... if it is the product of a human sperm and egg gamete, it is a human organism. Nothing needs to be added to make it a being... it is a being by virtue of it's existing in a state of being.

Just like a fertilized chicken egg.....it has the potential of becoming a chicken, but in the meantime you don't mind enjoying it scrambled. Time has to be added to make it a "person". And, quit acting as if "human being" means so damn much to you.....you want to cut welfare, SNAP, Medicaid for all the "needy" human beings, so I guess you are just a damn hypocrite.

You are such a despicable piece of shit to be sitting here lecturing me about compassion for children born to the poor while defending your infanticide policies.
You are an even worse despicable piece of shit, pretending to care so much about children and human beings when you are just a tight-wad hypocrite who despises the poor and coddles the rich. Typical fool

Fuck you!
Not in your lifetime, bubba.....I don't want to catch that STD that has affected your brain and rendered you addled. Go find another idiot like you to fuck.
I could donate my estate to a future child that I'm not even pregnant with.

No... actually, you can't do that.
Like hell you can't. Quit claiming stuff you know nothing about, it just amplifies your ignorance.

Some wills and trusts are written to anticipate the possibility of additional children, thus protecting the interests of any future children. This, or similar, wording may be used:

If, subsequent to the execution of this document, there shall be an additional child or children born to me, such child or children (or issue thereof) shall share in the benefits hereunder the same as my children named herein.
What if I Have More Children After I Write My Will?
You asked for facts and when you get them, you ignore them because you don't like what they prove.

There sure are a lot of damn freeloaders that you hold in high regard.
You don't provide facts, you just repeat rhetoric....opinions of right-wing tightwads that don't like any of their money going to help the needy....but they also call themselves "Christians".

And, the majority of "damn freeloaders" live in red states, for all I know you may be one of them, and most of them don't mind cutting their noses off to spite their face.

They don't cease to be facts because you disagree. You call it rhetoric because you don't.

The majority of the freeloaders in my red state come from the only blue district in it.

You lefties choose to use the government to force people to support another person and that isn't necessary. Seems the lefties are the tightwads. You come up with all sorts of things you believe people should have that they don't have and could provide them simply by reaching into your own pockets and meeting those needs. Instead, you choose to get the government to force it from someone else then claim compassion as if it came from you personally.

Are you one of those bleeding hearts that says you don't have a problem with the government telling you to pay higher taxes if it goes to a needy person? If so, if you care and you believe someone without deserves something, why do you have to wait to be told to do it. Shouldn't you just do it?
Shut the fuck up you ignorant ass clown hick.
Who do you think you are, you mental pigmy? Trump's ass wiper? You, shut the fuck up, since all you spew is moronic rhetoric.

A zygote has already qualified itself as a living organism... if it is the product of a human sperm and egg gamete, it is a human organism. Nothing needs to be added to make it a being... it is a being by virtue of it's existing in a state of being.

Just like a fertilized chicken egg.....it has the potential of becoming a chicken, but in the meantime you don't mind enjoying it scrambled. Time has to be added to make it a "person". And, quit acting as if "human being" means so damn much to you.....you want to cut welfare, SNAP, Medicaid for all the "needy" human beings, so I guess you are just a damn hypocrite.

You are such a despicable piece of shit to be sitting here lecturing me about compassion for children born to the poor while defending your infanticide policies.
You are an even worse despicable piece of shit, pretending to care so much about children and human beings when you are just a tight-wad hypocrite who despises the poor and coddles the rich. Typical fool

Fuck you!
Not in your lifetime, bubba.....I don't want to catch that STD that has affected your brain and rendered you addled. Go find another idiot like you to fuck.

You're damn sure Obama's ass licker and seem to be fighting your way to the front of the line to lick Hillary's ****.

You eat fertilized chicken eggs?

You say you care about your fellow man yet have to wait to be told by the government to do something you say needs to be done. If you cared, you wouldn't wait.
Back to the topic:

"What about the rights of the child?"

Who speaks for the fetus/child?

And what about the people who get "Multiple Abortions"? What, they don't know how to prevent this?
Back to the topic:

"What about the rights of the child?"

Who speaks for the fetus/child?

And what about the people who get "Multiple Abortions"? What, they don't know how to prevent this?

On the flip side of that, what about those having more children while relying on taxpayers to support the ones they already have?
You spoiled nothing. In an unguarded moment of clarity, you let your true feelings slip out. Then you tried to cover your tracks by idiotically claiming people are things who can be referred to as "it."

So show a post where you've ever done that. Show a post where you referred to a living, breathing person as "it." I'm not looking for examples of how "it" can be applied.... I'm looking for evidence you've ever called a person, "it."

No... again, you illiterate hick... I used the appropriate 'nominative pronoun' and you attempted to ignorantly question it because you're a moron who doesn't know any better. I don't need to show you anything other than what I already have. If that's not good enough for you, then you can go fuck yourself. I don't really give a shit.

the definition of it's

used to represent a person or animal understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned whose gender is unknown or disregarded.
So you've never called a living, breathing person, "it" before; but you expect folks to believe you really do think of a fetus as a person. :lmao:

Sure, uh-huh.


Nope, I call living breathing persons "it" all the time when it's appropriate... as do most people who comprehend basic English grammar. You're apparently the only idiot who doesn't know what a "nominative pronoun" is.

I think of a fetus as a human being because that's what it IS.
So prove it, don't just claim it.... link to a post where you ever referred to a living, breathing person, as "it."

You're approaching 15,000 posts. If that's something you do, as you claim you do, it should be easy for you to link multiple examples......
Faun is butt hurt... it needs it's binky!
Why on Earth would I be butthurt because you let the truth slip out? You call a fetus, "it," when you don't call people it. Clearly, though you won't readily admit it, even you know a fetus is not a person.


Very good... you understood I was talking about YOU when I used a nominative pronoun! You're learning!

Nominative Pronoun

Here are the nominative pronouns:

I, you, he, she, it, they, and we
Imbecile ... you said, "Faun is butt hurt."

So of course I knew you were talking about me.

You asked for facts and when you get them, you ignore them because you don't like what they prove.

There sure are a lot of damn freeloaders that you hold in high regard.
You don't provide facts, you just repeat rhetoric....opinions of right-wing tightwads that don't like any of their money going to help the needy....but they also call themselves "Christians".

And, the majority of "damn freeloaders" live in red states, for all I know you may be one of them, and most of them don't mind cutting their noses off to spite their face.

They don't cease to be facts because you disagree. You call it rhetoric because you don't.

The majority of the freeloaders in my red state come from the only blue district in it.

You lefties choose to use the government to force people to support another person and that isn't necessary. Seems the lefties are the tightwads. You come up with all sorts of things you believe people should have that they don't have and could provide them simply by reaching into your own pockets and meeting those needs. Instead, you choose to get the government to force it from someone else then claim compassion as if it came from you personally.

Are you one of those bleeding hearts that says you don't have a problem with the government telling you to pay higher taxes if it goes to a needy person? If so, if you care and you believe someone without deserves something, why do you have to wait to be told to do it. Shouldn't you just do it?
Ya know, you've stated that a couple of times. I'm curious. What state are you from?
You spoiled nothing. In an unguarded moment of clarity, you let your true feelings slip out. Then you tried to cover your tracks by idiotically claiming people are things who can be referred to as "it."

So show a post where you've ever done that. Show a post where you referred to a living, breathing person as "it." I'm not looking for examples of how "it" can be applied.... I'm looking for evidence you've ever called a person, "it."

No... again, you illiterate hick... I used the appropriate 'nominative pronoun' and you attempted to ignorantly question it because you're a moron who doesn't know any better. I don't need to show you anything other than what I already have. If that's not good enough for you, then you can go fuck yourself. I don't really give a shit.

the definition of it's

used to represent a person or animal understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned whose gender is unknown or disregarded.
So you've never called a living, breathing person, "it" before; but you expect folks to believe you really do think of a fetus as a person. :lmao:

Sure, uh-huh.


Nope, I call living breathing persons "it" all the time when it's appropriate... as do most people who comprehend basic English grammar. You're apparently the only idiot who doesn't know what a "nominative pronoun" is.

I think of a fetus as a human being because that's what it IS.
So prove it, don't just claim it.... link to a post where you ever referred to a living, breathing person, as "it."

You're approaching 15,000 posts. If that's something you do, as you claim you do, it should be easy for you to link multiple examples......

nominative pronouns:
I, you, he, she, it, they, and we
nominative pronouns:
I, you, he, she, it, they, and we
nominative pronouns:
I, you, he, she, it, they, and we

...keep repeating... you'll get it!

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