A question for the anti-choice crowd.

In my state, the poorest district has a median income of $9,800. The population is 63% white, and voted Republican by a 21% margin in the last election. The county has a 24% higher high school drop out rate than the nearest Democratic district. There is a 62% higher incidence of teen pregnancy in this one red district, than any other district in the state, and 34% more abortions.

Again, I'm not going to tell you what state I live in, so you can't confirm any of this, but, by your standards, because I said it, and used "real" numbers, then you must accept it as a true, and accurate fact.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You are making connections that are not there to make.

Many times the people in the poorest areas, know that socialism doesn't work, that's why they vote for the other side.

Plus, the use of social programs, by any particular group, does not mean they support the social programs.

I personally would much rather have a free market, and keep my money, and thus pay for my own health insurance.

But thanks to left-wing crap, I pay thousands of dollars in taxes, even though I barely earn $20,000 a year, and at the same time, the cost of health insurance has drastically gone up since the creation of Obama Care.

So, I am in the subsidized market. You are paying my health insurance. But just because I'm part of that program, doesn't mean I support that program. I would vote against it at any chance. But the incentives you, and left-wingers like you have created, means I am going to take every tax dollar you people are dumb enough to give me.

So when people say "such and such a state or area, collects millions of Federal Tax dollars, and yet they vote republican".... yeah.... so what? That doesn't mean anything. You steal their money in taxes, and offer hand outs... yeah, they are going to take the handouts, even though they don't want them.

Some of that tax money you're willing to take every dollar of comes from those of us that aren't dumb but are still forced to pay it.
You mean some of that money you're willing to take? And you can't say you're not willing to take it, because you are taking it.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

What money would that be? You claim I take it. Tell the specific amounts I get. Remember, based on what you say, it isn't a fact unless you can support it. I need the penny by penny breakdown.
My experience has been, when people start resorting to straw man arguments they've lost the debate.
Remember that next time you give examples of nominative pronouns when I challenge you to prove you ever called a living breathing person an "it."

There's not going to be a next time... you're going on the ignore list. I've had enough of your trolling and harassing. You obviously have nothing to contribute and simply wish to agitate and try to push my buttons. I don't think you've ever posted anything useful or constructive, it's always this same kind of childish shit with you. So, you enjoy yourself and keep on posting whatever you feel like... I'm done with you.
My experience has been, when people start resorting to straw man arguments they've lost the debate.
Remember that next time you give examples of nominative pronouns when I challenge you to prove you ever called a living breathing person an "it."

There's not going to be a next time... you're going on the ignore list. I've had enough of your trolling and harassing. You obviously have nothing to contribute and simply wish to agitate and try to push my buttons. I don't think you've ever posted anything useful or constructive, it's always this same kind of childish shit with you. So, you enjoy yourself and keep on posting whatever you feel like... I'm done with you.
faun is a mentally ill lunatic of the same breed as guano, duhs and coyote.
In my state, the poorest district has a median income of $9,800. The population is 63% white, and voted Republican by a 21% margin in the last election. The county has a 24% higher high school drop out rate than the nearest Democratic district. There is a 62% higher incidence of teen pregnancy in this one red district, than any other district in the state, and 34% more abortions.

Again, I'm not going to tell you what state I live in, so you can't confirm any of this, but, by your standards, because I said it, and used "real" numbers, then you must accept it as a true, and accurate fact.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You are making connections that are not there to make.

Many times the people in the poorest areas, know that socialism doesn't work, that's why they vote for the other side.

Plus, the use of social programs, by any particular group, does not mean they support the social programs.

I personally would much rather have a free market, and keep my money, and thus pay for my own health insurance.

But thanks to left-wing crap, I pay thousands of dollars in taxes, even though I barely earn $20,000 a year, and at the same time, the cost of health insurance has drastically gone up since the creation of Obama Care.

So, I am in the subsidized market. You are paying my health insurance. But just because I'm part of that program, doesn't mean I support that program. I would vote against it at any chance. But the incentives you, and left-wingers like you have created, means I am going to take every tax dollar you people are dumb enough to give me.

So when people say "such and such a state or area, collects millions of Federal Tax dollars, and yet they vote republican".... yeah.... so what? That doesn't mean anything. You steal their money in taxes, and offer hand outs... yeah, they are going to take the handouts, even though they don't want them.

Some of that tax money you're willing to take every dollar of comes from those of us that aren't dumb but are still forced to pay it.
You mean some of that money you're willing to take? And you can't say you're not willing to take it, because you are taking it.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

What money would that be? You claim I take it. Tell the specific amounts I get. Remember, based on what you say, it isn't a fact unless you can support it. I need the penny by penny breakdown.
Hey. You're the one who said you accepted the subsidy. And don't act like it was just applied without your permission. I, too, got my insurance through the health exchange. You have the option to get it without the subsidy.

Now, you wanna act like you're not "taking the money"?! So were you lying when you said you took the subsidy? Or, are you lying, now?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
faun is a mentally ill lunatic of the same breed as guano, duhs and coyote.

I think duhs is on the ignore list too. If the only purpose you have is to annoy me, you're going on ignore. I don't have any problem with obnoxious people or those who disagree with me and I can even handle the occasional smart-ass comments and tom-trollery... What I can't abide is the obvious and blatant attempts to annoy just for the sake of annoying. I'm a patient person, I understand it's a matter of pride sometimes when you've said something stupid and get schooled like I schooled him... I'll let you get it off your chest because I get it... really, I do. I embarrassed him because he didn't know the rules of grammar and made himself look like a fool. But he went on being an annoying little prick about it for a day and half... enough is enough.
OK, we got it, you like to thin the weeds.

OK, we got it, you life isn't worth shit so why would anyone else's, even the unborn, be worth anything? (I don't don't agree that your life isn't worth shit)

Can those who don't think either of the above carry on telling women what they carry is not just a blob of tissue? That they actually do have a choice? The pro-abortion folks offer only one.

What total bullshit. There is no "pro-abortion" faction. Pro-choice people want women to be able to plan what is best for their families, so that the mothers are able to provide for all of their children.

Mandated maternity leave and job security for pregnant women would go a long way to reducing the US abortion rate.
In my state, the poorest district has a median income of $9,800. The population is 63% white, and voted Republican by a 21% margin in the last election. The county has a 24% higher high school drop out rate than the nearest Democratic district. There is a 62% higher incidence of teen pregnancy in this one red district, than any other district in the state, and 34% more abortions.

Again, I'm not going to tell you what state I live in, so you can't confirm any of this, but, by your standards, because I said it, and used "real" numbers, then you must accept it as a true, and accurate fact.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You are making connections that are not there to make.

Many times the people in the poorest areas, know that socialism doesn't work, that's why they vote for the other side.

Plus, the use of social programs, by any particular group, does not mean they support the social programs.

I personally would much rather have a free market, and keep my money, and thus pay for my own health insurance.

But thanks to left-wing crap, I pay thousands of dollars in taxes, even though I barely earn $20,000 a year, and at the same time, the cost of health insurance has drastically gone up since the creation of Obama Care.

So, I am in the subsidized market. You are paying my health insurance. But just because I'm part of that program, doesn't mean I support that program. I would vote against it at any chance. But the incentives you, and left-wingers like you have created, means I am going to take every tax dollar you people are dumb enough to give me.

So when people say "such and such a state or area, collects millions of Federal Tax dollars, and yet they vote republican".... yeah.... so what? That doesn't mean anything. You steal their money in taxes, and offer hand outs... yeah, they are going to take the handouts, even though they don't want them.

Some of that tax money you're willing to take every dollar of comes from those of us that aren't dumb but are still forced to pay it.
You mean some of that money you're willing to take? And you can't say you're not willing to take it, because you are taking it.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

What money would that be? You claim I take it. Tell the specific amounts I get. Remember, based on what you say, it isn't a fact unless you can support it. I need the penny by penny breakdown.
Hey. You're the one who said you accepted the subsidy. And don't act like it was just applied without your permission. I, too, got my insurance through the health exchange. You have the option to get it without the subsidy.

Now, you wanna act like you're not "taking the money"?! So were you lying when you said you took the subsidy? Or, are you lying, now?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Where did I say I accepted a subsidy? Post the link.

I don't get my insurance through an Obamacare exchange.
You are making connections that are not there to make.

Many times the people in the poorest areas, know that socialism doesn't work, that's why they vote for the other side.

Plus, the use of social programs, by any particular group, does not mean they support the social programs.

I personally would much rather have a free market, and keep my money, and thus pay for my own health insurance.

But thanks to left-wing crap, I pay thousands of dollars in taxes, even though I barely earn $20,000 a year, and at the same time, the cost of health insurance has drastically gone up since the creation of Obama Care.

So, I am in the subsidized market. You are paying my health insurance. But just because I'm part of that program, doesn't mean I support that program. I would vote against it at any chance. But the incentives you, and left-wingers like you have created, means I am going to take every tax dollar you people are dumb enough to give me.

So when people say "such and such a state or area, collects millions of Federal Tax dollars, and yet they vote republican".... yeah.... so what? That doesn't mean anything. You steal their money in taxes, and offer hand outs... yeah, they are going to take the handouts, even though they don't want them.

Some of that tax money you're willing to take every dollar of comes from those of us that aren't dumb but are still forced to pay it.
You mean some of that money you're willing to take? And you can't say you're not willing to take it, because you are taking it.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

What money would that be? You claim I take it. Tell the specific amounts I get. Remember, based on what you say, it isn't a fact unless you can support it. I need the penny by penny breakdown.
Hey. You're the one who said you accepted the subsidy. And don't act like it was just applied without your permission. I, too, got my insurance through the health exchange. You have the option to get it without the subsidy.

Now, you wanna act like you're not "taking the money"?! So were you lying when you said you took the subsidy? Or, are you lying, now?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Where did I say I accepted a subsidy? Post the link.

I don't get my insurance through an Obamacare exchange.
I stand corrected. I just went back, and reread. I was confusing your post for that of Andylusion. I apologise.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Some of that tax money you're willing to take every dollar of comes from those of us that aren't dumb but are still forced to pay it.
You mean some of that money you're willing to take? And you can't say you're not willing to take it, because you are taking it.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

What money would that be? You claim I take it. Tell the specific amounts I get. Remember, based on what you say, it isn't a fact unless you can support it. I need the penny by penny breakdown.
Hey. You're the one who said you accepted the subsidy. And don't act like it was just applied without your permission. I, too, got my insurance through the health exchange. You have the option to get it without the subsidy.

Now, you wanna act like you're not "taking the money"?! So were you lying when you said you took the subsidy? Or, are you lying, now?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Where did I say I accepted a subsidy? Post the link.

I don't get my insurance through an Obamacare exchange.
I stand corrected. I just went back, and reread. I was confusing your post for that of Andylusion. I apologise.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I addressed his view on things, too, when it came to his accepting things that he said as long as people were dumb enough to give him he'd take despite disagreeing with them being in place (i.e. - handouts). While there are people dumb enough to put them in place, those of us that aren't still have to pay for him using them. It goes back to what I've been saying about being forced to support a woman who chooses to have kids she can't afford then demands those she told to butt out to pay for it. For the most part, I don't really care what people do, although there are exceptions, but when they say it's none of my business what they do then ask the government to make me pay for it when they can't, I have a problem.
OK, we got it, you like to thin the weeds.

OK, we got it, you life isn't worth shit so why would anyone else's, even the unborn, be worth anything? (I don't don't agree that your life isn't worth shit)

Can those who don't think either of the above carry on telling women what they carry is not just a blob of tissue? That they actually do have a choice? The pro-abortion folks offer only one.

What total bullshit. There is no "pro-abortion" faction. Pro-choice people want women to be able to plan what is best for their families, so that the mothers are able to provide for all of their children.

Mandated maternity leave and job security for pregnant women would go a long way to reducing the US abortion rate.
YOu baby killers just pull shit out of your asses and pretend it's *fact*.
At some point in growth, a fetus becomes a human being. By law, based on science, that is 24 weeks.

No... By LAW... that is when the fetus becomes "viable" ...not when it becomes a human being.

By SCIENCE it becomes a human being the moment the fused egg cell produces another cell.

If there is "growth" then logic should tell you SOMETHING is alive and growing... if it's not a human organism, tell us what it is?

It does NOT "at some point in growth" begin to be what it already is and what it was from the moment it began growing.
Agreed on the legal point.

I'd love to see your evidence that a zygote is a human being.

hu·man be·ing
  1. a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.

Let's try some deductive reasoning to see how intellectually honest you are about this topic.

1. This from Planned Parenthood:
The single-celled organism that results from the joining of the egg and sperm.

2. This if from the Unborn Victims of Violence Act:
(C) If the person engaging in the conduct thereby intentionally kills or attempts to kill the unborn child, that person shall instead of being punished under subparagraph (A), be punished as provided under sections1111 (murder), 1112 (manslaughter), and 1113 (attempted murder) of this title for intentionally killing or attempting to kill a human being.

3. Consider This from Dianne N. Irving, M.A., Ph.D.of Princeton University:
"upon fertilization, parts of human beings have actually been transformed into something very different from what they were before; they have been changed into a single, whole human being. During the process of fertilization, the sperm and the oocyte cease to exist as such, and a new human being is produced.

4. Then, you might consider the science about aging:
"Aging is a process that begins at conception and continues for as long as we live. At any given time throughout our lifespan, the body reflects:
  • its genetic component and
  • its environmental experience."
5. Lastly, I will leave you with some simple questions. "What is it that makes your biological father YOUR biological father and when or how did he first become YOUR biological parent?

You should play your word games with Boss and grrl.

The bottom line here is that I'm sick and tired of fucking assholes who run around telling others how to live, what to think and what to do. It was bad enough when the fucking Democrats did it, but when the Republicans started doing it in the 80s, it left a lot of Americans anchorless. It's only gotten worse in the past couple decades which is why so many people have left both parties to become Independents.

I could care less how you live. Be as miserable as you like.

But if you want to kill babies or exert state control over faith, I'll say something.

Aside from that, knock yourself out.
OK, we got it, you like to thin the weeds.

OK, we got it, you life isn't worth shit so why would anyone else's, even the unborn, be worth anything? (I don't don't agree that your life isn't worth shit)

Can those who don't think either of the above carry on telling women what they carry is not just a blob of tissue? That they actually do have a choice? The pro-abortion folks offer only one.

What total bullshit. There is no "pro-abortion" faction. Pro-choice people want women to be able to plan what is best for their families, so that the mothers are able to provide for all of their children.

Mandated maternity leave and job security for pregnant women would go a long way to reducing the US abortion rate.
YOu baby killers just pull shit out of your asses and pretend it's *fact*.
The people pulling shit out of their asses is you moralist fascists. "Babies", indeed. A fetus is not a baby. period. And you can keep calling it a baby all you like, that will not make it so. You want to insist that abortions "kill a human life"? I will, reluctantly concede that. But you wanna keep calling a fetus a baby? I'm gonna tell you you're full of shit.
OK, we got it, you like to thin the weeds.

OK, we got it, you life isn't worth shit so why would anyone else's, even the unborn, be worth anything? (I don't don't agree that your life isn't worth shit)

Can those who don't think either of the above carry on telling women what they carry is not just a blob of tissue? That they actually do have a choice? The pro-abortion folks offer only one.

What total bullshit. There is no "pro-abortion" faction. Pro-choice people want women to be able to plan what is best for their families, so that the mothers are able to provide for all of their children.

Mandated maternity leave and job security for pregnant women would go a long way to reducing the US abortion rate.
YOu baby killers just pull shit out of your asses and pretend it's *fact*.
The people pulling shit out of their asses is you moralist fascists. "Babies", indeed. A fetus is not a baby. period. And you can keep calling it a baby all you like, that will not make it so. You want to insist that abortions "kill a human life"? I will, reluctantly concede that. But you wanna keep calling a fetus a baby? I'm gonna tell you you're full of shit.

Learn how your baby is conceived and how your baby develops inside the mother's womb.

Alternative Names
Zygote; Blastocyst; Embryo; Fetus


Gestation is the period of time between conception and birth when a baby grows and develops inside the mother's womb. Because it's impossible to know exactly when conception occurs, gestational age is measured from the first day of the mother's last menstrual cycle to the current date. It is measured in weeks.
You spoiled nothing. In an unguarded moment of clarity, you let your true feelings slip out. Then you tried to cover your tracks by idiotically claiming people are things who can be referred to as "it."

So show a post where you've ever done that. Show a post where you referred to a living, breathing person as "it." I'm not looking for examples of how "it" can be applied.... I'm looking for evidence you've ever called a person, "it."

No... again, you illiterate hick... I used the appropriate 'nominative pronoun' and you attempted to ignorantly question it because you're a moron who doesn't know any better. I don't need to show you anything other than what I already have. If that's not good enough for you, then you can go fuck yourself. I don't really give a shit.

the definition of it's

used to represent a person or animal understood, previously mentioned, or about to be mentioned whose gender is unknown or disregarded.
So you've never called a living, breathing person, "it" before; but you expect folks to believe you really do think of a fetus as a person. :lmao:

Sure, uh-huh.


Nope, I call living breathing persons "it" all the time when it's appropriate... as do most people who comprehend basic English grammar. You're apparently the only idiot who doesn't know what a "nominative pronoun" is.

I think of a fetus as a human being because that's what it IS.
So prove it, don't just claim it.... link to a post where you ever referred to a living, breathing person, as "it."

You're approaching 15,000 posts. If that's something you do, as you claim you do, it should be easy for you to link multiple examples......

nominative pronouns:
I, you, he, she, it, they, and we
nominative pronouns:
I, you, he, she, it, they, and we
nominative pronouns:
I, you, he, she, it, they, and we

...keep repeating... you'll get it!
That you keep repeating the definition when I'm challenging you to link to a post where you've actually called a living, breathing person an "it" is all the evidence needed to know you've never referred to such a person as "it."

So much for your hollow rhetoric that fetuses are people.

My experience has been, when people start resorting to straw man arguments they've lost the debate.
Remember that next time you give examples of nominative pronouns when I challenge you to prove you ever called a living breathing person an "it."

There's not going to be a next time... you're going on the ignore list. I've had enough of your trolling and harassing. You obviously have nothing to contribute and simply wish to agitate and try to push my buttons. I don't think you've ever posted anything useful or constructive, it's always this same kind of childish shit with you. So, you enjoy yourself and keep on posting whatever you feel like... I'm done with you.
Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:

Oh, and don't think for a New York minute that folks here can't recognize you fled because I challenged you to prove you've ever referred to a living, breathing person as an "it" on this forum and you couldn't prove it.

So you ran instead.

My experience has been, when people start resorting to straw man arguments they've lost the debate.
Remember that next time you give examples of nominative pronouns when I challenge you to prove you ever called a living breathing person an "it."

There's not going to be a next time... you're going on the ignore list. I've had enough of your trolling and harassing. You obviously have nothing to contribute and simply wish to agitate and try to push my buttons. I don't think you've ever posted anything useful or constructive, it's always this same kind of childish shit with you. So, you enjoy yourself and keep on posting whatever you feel like... I'm done with you.
faun is a mentally ill lunatic of the same breed as guano, duhs and coyote.
Like I needed more evidence you never recovered from that bitch-slapping I put on you over Fenicum.
faun is a mentally ill lunatic of the same breed as guano, duhs and coyote.

I think duhs is on the ignore list too. If the only purpose you have is to annoy me, you're going on ignore. I don't have any problem with obnoxious people or those who disagree with me and I can even handle the occasional smart-ass comments and tom-trollery... What I can't abide is the obvious and blatant attempts to annoy just for the sake of annoying. I'm a patient person, I understand it's a matter of pride sometimes when you've said something stupid and get schooled like I schooled him... I'll let you get it off your chest because I get it... really, I do. I embarrassed him because he didn't know the rules of grammar and made himself look like a fool. But he went on being an annoying little prick about it for a day and half... enough is enough.
You can lie all day long. My purpose wasn't to annoy you -- it was to get you to prove what you say. You ran away with your tail tucked firmly betwixt your hind legs because you couldn't prove it.
The people pulling shit out of their asses is you moralist fascists. "Babies", indeed. A fetus is not a baby. period. And you can keep calling it a baby all you like, that will not make it so. You want to insist that abortions "kill a human life"? I will, reluctantly concede that. But you wanna keep calling a fetus a baby? I'm gonna tell you you're full of shit.

So now we are right back to another semantics argument. You concede the fetus is a human life and that's good... finally, you are acknowledging biological facts that can't be ignored. Now your contention is with the usage of the word "baby" to describe it.... However, the word "baby" can be used to describe the human life inside the womb. When a woman goes to her doctor for an ultrasound, they look at the "baby" ...the medical doctor who does the ultrasound says... "look, there is your baby!" They make a picture and the woman shows her friends and family the first pictures of "the baby!" So clearly, the human life inside of her is considered a baby by the doctor, by the mother, by the friends and family. When the human life inside her kicks, she says "the baby kicked." When other people notice her protruding abdomen, they might say... "when is your baby due?" Or... "do you know if the baby is a boy or girl?" So again, there is clearly no confusion as to what the human life inside of her is.

Is it a "newborn baby"? No... it hasn't been born yet. Is it an "infant"? No, it hasn't reached the stage of infancy yet. Is it a toddler, adolescent, adult or geriatric? Of course it's not. But it certainly CAN be called a baby and often is. And all your argument amounts to now is this arbitrary and stubborn line in the sand you've drawn over semantics.
The people pulling shit out of their asses is you moralist fascists. "Babies", indeed. A fetus is not a baby. period. And you can keep calling it a baby all you like, that will not make it so. You want to insist that abortions "kill a human life"? I will, reluctantly concede that. But you wanna keep calling a fetus a baby? I'm gonna tell you you're full of shit.

So now we are right back to another semantics argument. You concede the fetus is a human life and that's good... finally, you are acknowledging biological facts that can't be ignored. Now your contention is with the usage of the word "baby" to describe it.... However, the word "baby" can be used to describe the human life inside the womb. When a woman goes to her doctor for an ultrasound, they look at the "baby" ...the medical doctor who does the ultrasound says... "look, there is your baby!" They make a picture and the woman shows her friends and family the first pictures of "the baby!" So clearly, the human life inside of her is considered a baby by the doctor, by the mother, by the friends and family. When the human life inside her kicks, she says "the baby kicked." When other people notice her protruding abdomen, they might say... "when is your baby due?" Or... "do you know if the baby is a boy or girl?" So again, there is clearly no confusion as to what the human life inside of her is.

Is it a "newborn baby"? No... it hasn't been born yet. Is it an "infant"? No, it hasn't reached the stage of infancy yet. Is it a toddler, adolescent, adult or geriatric? Of course it's not. But it certainly CAN be called a baby and often is. And all your argument amounts to now is this arbitrary and stubborn line in the sand you've drawn over semantics.
they freak over the semantics because they don't like the term baby killer. so they twitch over the terms....baby, life, human....to try to change the reality....which is that they are ghoulish death cultists.
they freak over the semantics because they don't like the term baby killer. so they twitch over the terms....baby, life, human....to try to change the reality....which is that they are ghoulish death cultists.

I am shocked at this...

"You want to insist that abortions "kill a human life"? I will, reluctantly concede that."

It's rare to ever hear one of them admit this much... reluctantly or not.

They would much rather pretend the fetus is a meaningless clump of cells because that allows them to justify their position on abortion being a right.

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