A question for the anti-choice crowd.

they freak over the semantics because they don't like the term baby killer. so they twitch over the terms....baby, life, human....to try to change the reality....which is that they are ghoulish death cultists.

I am shocked at this...

"You want to insist that abortions "kill a human life"? I will, reluctantly concede that."

It's rare to ever hear one of them admit this much... reluctantly or not.

They would much rather pretend the fetus is a meaningless clump of cells because that allows them to justify their position on abortion being a right.

These freaks think murder is a right.
they freak over the semantics because they don't like the term baby killer. so they twitch over the terms....baby, life, human....to try to change the reality....which is that they are ghoulish death cultists.

I am shocked at this...

"You want to insist that abortions "kill a human life"? I will, reluctantly concede that."

It's rare to ever hear one of them admit this much... reluctantly or not.

They would much rather pretend the fetus is a meaningless clump of cells because that allows them to justify their position on abortion being a right.
Just like it's rare for folks like you to admit you don't consider fetuses, people, by referring to them as "it."
they freak over the semantics because they don't like the term baby killer. so they twitch over the terms....baby, life, human....to try to change the reality....which is that they are ghoulish death cultists.

I am shocked at this...

"You want to insist that abortions "kill a human life"? I will, reluctantly concede that."

It's rare to ever hear one of them admit this much... reluctantly or not.

They would much rather pretend the fetus is a meaningless clump of cells because that allows them to justify their position on abortion being a right.

These freaks think murder is a right.
Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being. Abortion is legal, therefore, not murder.
Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being. Abortion is legal, therefore, not murder.

Correct. Abortion is the legal killing of an unborn human being.

The "choice" you advocate so loudly for is this ^.

He is actually not correct. Slavery fir exqmple was a crime against humanity even as it too was once legal and upheld by our supreme Court.

The abortions laws are unjust and unconstitutional as the slavery laws were. And abortions are even more of a violation of the children killed because of it.

Would rape be any less a crime against women if we were to legalize rape? Or would making rape (unconstitutionaly) "legal" be an even greater violation of the women who are attacked?

It is in that way that our government is complicit and is just as guilty for the murders of the children aborted as the government was guilty for the slavery that it supported.
Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being. Abortion is legal, therefore, not murder.

Correct. Abortion is the legal killing of an unborn human being.

The "choice" you advocate so loudly for is this ^.

He is actually not correct. Slavery fir exqmple was a crime against humanity even as it too was once legal and upheld by our supreme Court.

The abortions laws are unjust and unconstitutional as the slavery laws were. And abortions are even more of a violation of the children killed because of it.

Would rape be any less a crime against women if we were to legalize rape? Or would making rape (unconstitutionaly) "legal" be an even greater violation of the women who are attacked?

It is in that way that our government is complicit and is just as guilty for the murders of the children aborted as the government was guilty for the slavery that it supported.
Human rights are not granted by government or law. And people who violate them, even when the law states it is legal to do so, can be subject to prosecution and censure for them. Just ask the nurses whonwere hanged after ww2 for just doing their jobs as their bosses, and the law, dictated.
Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being. Abortion is legal, therefore, not murder.

Correct. Abortion is the legal killing of an unborn human being.

The "choice" you advocate so loudly for is this ^.

He is actually not correct. Slavery fir exqmple was a crime against humanity even as it too was once legal and upheld by our supreme Court.

The abortions laws are unjust and unconstitutional as the slavery laws were. And abortions are even more of a violation of the children killed because of it.

Would rape be any less a crime against women if we were to legalize rape? Or would making rape (unconstitutionaly) "legal" be an even greater violation of the women who are attacked?

It is in that way that our government is complicit and is just as guilty for the murders of the children aborted as the government was guilty for the slavery that it supported.
Your opinion is noted and rejected as merely your opinion. Millions feel as you do while millions of other feel as I do. The highest court in the land has rendered their opinion, the one that counts; and you know the rest.
Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being. Abortion is legal, therefore, not murder.

Correct. Abortion is the legal killing of an unborn human being.

The "choice" you advocate so loudly for is this ^.

He is actually not correct. Slavery fir exqmple was a crime against humanity even as it too was once legal and upheld by our supreme Court.

The abortions laws are unjust and unconstitutional as the slavery laws were. And abortions are even more of a violation of the children killed because of it.

Would rape be any less a crime against women if we were to legalize rape? Or would making rape (unconstitutionaly) "legal" be an even greater violation of the women who are attacked?

It is in that way that our government is complicit and is just as guilty for the murders of the children aborted as the government was guilty for the slavery that it supported.
Human rights are not granted by government or law. And people who violate them, even when the law states it is legal to do so, can be subject to prosecution and censure for them. Just ask the nurses whonwere hanged after ww2 for just doing their jobs as their bosses, and the law, dictated.
If that were true, abortion doctors would be hanging from trees.
Abortion is not murder (by definition) only because abortion is legal. Period.

Abortion is the legalized killing of an unborn human being. There is no arguing around that. Period.

If you support "choice", you support abortion. If you support "choice", you support the legalized killing of unborn human beings. Period.

It really is that simple. Why do you pro-choice people tap dance around the facts? You believe a woman should be able to do whatever she wants with the life/body that is inside of her body. Okay. At least have the damn balls to call it what it is. Stop cowering behind retarded excuses like 'the unborn are some blob', some clump, some non-human whateverthefuck'. The unborn are unborn human beings, from the get go. Conception, the division of cells, implantation ... that's how humans reproduce. Humans can not reproduce anything but humans.

So when a woman chooses to terminate what she is terminating is the life of another human being. Just once I wish you pro-choice people would stop being such pussies and admit what it is you're supporting.

Pro-choice supporters believe that the woman's choice is more important.

Pro-life supporters believe that the life of the unborn is more important.

One choice is selfish, the other is selfless.

Abortion is not murder (by definition) only because abortion is legal. Period.

Abortion is the legalized killing of an unborn human being. There is no arguing around that. Period.

If you support "choice", you support abortion. If you support "choice", you support the legalized killing of unborn human beings. Period.

It really is that simple. Why do you pro-choice people tap dance around the facts? You believe a woman should be able to do whatever she wants with the life/body that is inside of her body. Okay. At least have the damn balls to call it what it is. Stop cowering behind retarded excuses like 'the unborn are some blob', some clump, some non-human whateverthefuck'. The unborn are unborn human beings, from the get go. Conception, the division of cells, implantation ... that's how humans reproduce. Humans can not reproduce anything but humans.

So when a woman chooses to terminate what she is terminating is the life of another human being. Just once I wish you pro-choice people would stop being such pussies and admit what it is you're supporting.

Pro-choice supporters believe that the woman's choice is more important.

Pro-life supporters believe that the life of the unborn is more important.

One choice is selfish, the other is selfless.

I did. I acknowledged abortion is the legal killing of the unborn baby. In our country, killing is allowed under certain circumstances. Terminating folks in a vegetative state, self-defense, capital punishment, war, etc... in our country, killing an unborn child before it develops to the point of viability is allowed.
I appreciate your efforts and the sentiments that you are expressing in this post but I have to disagree just a little bit.

Abortion is not murder (by definition) only because abortion is legal. Period.

Yes and no.

Not all abortions are "legal" and a person CAN be charged with MURDER for performing one or for inducing one illegally.

Also, abortions are not "legal" in every country. In those country's where abortion is banned. AND in the U.S. where an abortion is done illegally (in a criminal act) the claim that an "abortion is murder" is true.

Abortion is the legalized killing of an unborn human being. There is no arguing around that. Period.

they freak over the semantics because they don't like the term baby killer. so they twitch over the terms....baby, life, human....to try to change the reality....which is that they are ghoulish death cultists.

I am shocked at this...

"You want to insist that abortions "kill a human life"? I will, reluctantly concede that."

It's rare to ever hear one of them admit this much... reluctantly or not.

They would much rather pretend the fetus is a meaningless clump of cells because that allows them to justify their position on abortion being a right.

These freaks think murder is a right.

That really is all there is to it. Bottom line.... pagans love murder and blood and death. That's pretty much it.
You are the one blathering without reason. You presume to know my position on vouchers.

I know the position of the radical left progressives

And you presume that supporting a woman's right to choose for herself whether to have an abortion is the same as approving of the decision they make.

That would be your presumption, hence the moronic "pro-choice" label.

Ghouls are not promoters of "choice," ghouls are promoters of "abortion."

Which brings up another issue; obviously the ghoul leadership understands how reprehensible the ghoul position really is, which is why deceptive terminology is employed.

Pro-abortion is not an advocate for more television stations nor for more soda-pop flavors. Abortion promoters like you have nothing to do with advocating "choice," you promote abortion.

I suspect that in most cases the more radical abortion promoters have a financial stake and personally gain from the billions in profits from the abortion - industrial complex.

You are obviously incapable of rational thought.

Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Leftists get so angry when defeated by logic and fact.. :dunno:
OK, we got it, you like to thin the weeds.

OK, we got it, you life isn't worth shit so why would anyone else's, even the unborn, be worth anything? (I don't don't agree that your life isn't worth shit)

Can those who don't think either of the above carry on telling women what they carry is not just a blob of tissue? That they actually do have a choice? The pro-abortion folks offer only one.

What total bullshit. There is no "pro-abortion" faction. Pro-choice people want women to be able to plan what is best for their families, so that the mothers are able to provide for all of their children.

Mandated maternity leave and job security for pregnant women would go a long way to reducing the US abortion rate.

Why should a business be forced to give a woman maternity leave for a choice she made with her body? She chose to do what it took to get pregnant. Unless the boss is the one that helped cause it, the boss owes her nothing unless she's at work.
Just like it's rare for folks like you to admit you don't consider fetuses, people, by referring to them as "it."

What do you consider a fetus to be?

Look, dehumanizing the victim is standard practice. Stalin termed the Kulaks to be "vermin" and "leeches." Hitler called the Jews rodents.

So what do you ghouls call your intended victims?
You are the one blathering without reason. You presume to know my position on vouchers.

I know the position of the radical left progressives

And you presume that supporting a woman's right to choose for herself whether to have an abortion is the same as approving of the decision they make.

That would be your presumption, hence the moronic "pro-choice" label.

Ghouls are not promoters of "choice," ghouls are promoters of "abortion."

Which brings up another issue; obviously the ghoul leadership understands how reprehensible the ghoul position really is, which is why deceptive terminology is employed.

Pro-abortion is not an advocate for more television stations nor for more soda-pop flavors. Abortion promoters like you have nothing to do with advocating "choice," you promote abortion.

I suspect that in most cases the more radical abortion promoters have a financial stake and personally gain from the billions in profits from the abortion - industrial complex.

You are obviously incapable of rational thought.

Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Leftists get so angry when defeated by logic and fact.. :dunno:
Your posts have nothing to do with logic. Only presumption.

I'm not angry. I am amused at your stupid attempt to tell me what I do, and do not believe.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You are the one blathering without reason. You presume to know my position on vouchers.

I know the position of the radical left progressives

And you presume that supporting a woman's right to choose for herself whether to have an abortion is the same as approving of the decision they make.

That would be your presumption, hence the moronic "pro-choice" label.

Ghouls are not promoters of "choice," ghouls are promoters of "abortion."

Which brings up another issue; obviously the ghoul leadership understands how reprehensible the ghoul position really is, which is why deceptive terminology is employed.

Pro-abortion is not an advocate for more television stations nor for more soda-pop flavors. Abortion promoters like you have nothing to do with advocating "choice," you promote abortion.

I suspect that in most cases the more radical abortion promoters have a financial stake and personally gain from the billions in profits from the abortion - industrial complex.

You are obviously incapable of rational thought.

Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Leftists get so angry when defeated by logic and fact.. :dunno:

I've found, like you, that those calling themselves pro choice are nothing more than pro abortion. It's easy to show their hypocrisy. Ask them if they support school vouchers, people having the ability to opt out of being part of the social security system, not having to support the kids of a woman that said what she does with her body is her choice then demands someone else pay for her choice to have kids she couldn't afford, etc. Their answers to those questions prove that the only choice they support by describing themselves with that term is abortion.
You are the one blathering without reason. You presume to know my position on vouchers.

I know the position of the radical left progressives

And you presume that supporting a woman's right to choose for herself whether to have an abortion is the same as approving of the decision they make.

That would be your presumption, hence the moronic "pro-choice" label.

Ghouls are not promoters of "choice," ghouls are promoters of "abortion."

Which brings up another issue; obviously the ghoul leadership understands how reprehensible the ghoul position really is, which is why deceptive terminology is employed.

Pro-abortion is not an advocate for more television stations nor for more soda-pop flavors. Abortion promoters like you have nothing to do with advocating "choice," you promote abortion.

I suspect that in most cases the more radical abortion promoters have a financial stake and personally gain from the billions in profits from the abortion - industrial complex.

You are obviously incapable of rational thought.

Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Leftists get so angry when defeated by logic and fact.. :dunno:
Your posts have nothing to do with logic. Only presumption.

I'm not angry. I am amused at your stupid attempt to tell me what I do, and do not believe.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

He's not telling you what you believe. He's pointing out that you are lying about it.
Your posts have nothing to do with logic. Only presumption.

Again, the presumption is entirely yours. You presume that the only choice that exists is the choice to abort a baby.

Life is full of choice, the pro-abortion lobby is not a promoter of choices, only of abotion.

I'm not angry. I am amused at your stupid attempt to tell me what I do, and do not believe.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Since you post said beliefs on a public message board, it is logical to do so.
Your posts have nothing to do with logic. Only presumption.

Again, the presumption is entirely yours. You presume that the only choice that exists is the choice to abort a baby.

Life is full of choice, the pro-abortion lobby is not a promoter of choices, only of abotion.
Where do you get such ridiculous notions? Choice clearly means there is more than one option - to have an abortion, or not to have an abortion. I do not purport to favour either option above the other. You keep trying to assign to me a preference that I have never expressed. That is a presumption on your part.

I would agree with you that pro-abortion advocates would, likely, think the way you suggest. Since I am not pro-abortion nor have I ever claimed to be, I cannot understand why you would continue to presume that has anything to do with my position.


quote]I'm not angry. I am amused at your stupid attempt to tell me what I do, and do not believe.
Since you post said beliefs on a public message board, it is logical to do so.[/QUOTE]

I have never posted the beliefs that you keep assigning to me, and I challenge you to quote where I have.

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