A Reminder: Trey Gowdy Has Never Lost A Case As A Prosecutor

The truth can be dull, as it is in this case. Sorry.

Truth seems to be what Gowdy will be seeking.

What is there about the truth that you find so devastating? Doth it spring from insider knowedge that the truth might be more ugly than Mrs. Messiah's butt?
The truth is this is politics. If it was more, in this day and age, you'd already have it.
And we all know You're a real obama troll. Your word means about as much as Obamas...NOTHING ~ All Lies
Beating the blame the victim drum is starting to sound like a dull echo. Hey, maybe try blaming Booooosssssshhhhh instead of the dead might help your case!
The truth can be dull, as it is in this case. Sorry.
Sorries as you can be.
You blaming Stevens on his own death is as crazy as JFK and MLK and Bobby wishing death upon themselves.
Now you sure you want to work with that?
I don't blame him for more than his share in this fuck-up. He put himself there, he turned down more security, no one died at the embassy that day. Those facts won't change just because you want to hang someone in the Administration.
For the death of an American ambassador and a coverup. What do you think Watergate was about, a break in where nothing was stolen and no one died?
Stevens died of his own actions as much as anything else. And there's no coverup, maybe some poorly done spin but that's hardly illegal.
Obviously there was a great deal of spin, the question is if it amounted to a cover up at the eve of an election. Who knew what? Was it just the sloppiness we have come to expect from this administration, or did it go deeper than that. Were they blaming a well-coordinated attack on an impulsive reaction to a video that no one had seen to cover their asses? These are potentially far more damning than a break in at a Washington hotel.

When you have to have Judicial Watch sue to get testimony from Panetta and Ham that they knew from the get go this was a terrorist attack..................you got a problem.

They testified to this. Information only released in January 2014.
Truth seems to be what Gowdy will be seeking.

What is there about the truth that you find so devastating? Doth it spring from insider knowedge that the truth might be more ugly than Mrs. Messiah's butt?
The truth is this is politics. If it was more, in this day and age, you'd already have it.
And we all know You're a real obama troll. Your word means about as much as Obamas...NOTHING ~ All Lies
This is why you can't get anywhere on this, the inability to deal with the truth.
For the death of an American ambassador and a coverup. What do you think Watergate was about, a break in where nothing was stolen and no one died?
Stevens died of his own actions as much as anything else. And there's no coverup, maybe some poorly done spin but that's hardly illegal.

That story may fly on PBS but in the real world Stevens did Not commit suicide by "Smoke Inhalation" :D:D:D
Nope. He was killed by Islamists, in a city he knew it was very dangerous to be in. See how that works?
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That is a true fact and Obama, Hillary and others complicit in Ambassador Steven's and the 3 other Americans deaths should be seriously worried. Gowdy will indeed come away with convictions. The media needs to be just as worried too.

BOOM: Trey Gowdy Never Lost a Case as a Prosecutor

Oh look, the Tea Folk are still screaming about Bengazi.


Stevens died of his own actions as much as anything else. And there's no coverup, maybe some poorly done spin but that's hardly illegal.

That story may fly on PBS but in the real world Stevens did Not commit suicide by "Smoke Inhalation" :D:D:D
Nope. He was killed by Islamists, in a city he knew it was very dangerous to be in. See how that works?

When you are begging your uplines for security, your boat won't float.

Now let's play your smarmy game. Your government puts you somewhere. You are an asshole and dependent on your own self for being in a crazy country.

Sign up here.............................

OMG look how the left thinks. You get assigned outside of Brussels you deserve to get killed because you didn't go gee maybe I should have thought Ottawa?

You assholes never cease to amaze me.
You can say that again.... wait.... :cool:
That story may fly on PBS but in the real world Stevens did Not commit suicide by "Smoke Inhalation" :D:D:D
Nope. He was killed by Islamists, in a city he knew it was very dangerous to be in. See how that works?

When you are begging your uplines for security, your boat won't float.

Now let's play your smarmy game. Your government puts you somewhere. You are an asshole and dependent on your own self for being in a crazy country.

Sign up here.............................

He turned down more security, twice. See the problem?

And no one put him there, especially on that day. That was his call. See the other problem?
maybe somebody should remind left-wing nutjobs that prosecutions may follow
For what?
For the death of an American ambassador and a coverup. What do you think Watergate was about, a break in where nothing was stolen and no one died?

That does not exactly answer the question. Watergate was a specific action, or series of actions. There are no specifics here. What specifically is the question Rep. Gowdy and company are trying to answer?
Nope. He was killed by Islamists, in a city he knew it was very dangerous to be in. See how that works?

When you are begging your uplines for security, your boat won't float.

Now let's play your smarmy game. Your government puts you somewhere. You are an asshole and dependent on your own self for being in a crazy country.

Sign up here.............................

He turned down more security, twice. See the problem?

And no one put him there, especially on that day. That was his call. See the other problem?
The problem is you painted yourself into a corner, not your house. You lost badly a you have no where to go. The White House hasn't reached that point yet, but with your tactics it will.
OMG look how the left thinks. You get assigned outside of Brussels you deserve to get killed because you didn't go gee maybe I should have thought Ottawa?

You assholes never cease to amaze me.

They're big kids, they know the risks. So do I when I'm in a foreign nation and my country can't protect me.
For what?
For the death of an American ambassador and a coverup. What do you think Watergate was about, a break in where nothing was stolen and no one died?

What specifically is the question Rep. Gowdy and company are trying to answer?
This is what Gowdy wants to know.

In his own words:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5FwBnCU6WU]Trey Gowdy excoriates the press for giving obammer & clinton a pass on Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]
For the death of an American ambassador and a coverup. What do you think Watergate was about, a break in where nothing was stolen and no one died?

What specifically is the question Rep. Gowdy and company are trying to answer?
This is what Gowdy wants to know.

In his own words:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5FwBnCU6WU]Trey Gowdy excoriates the press for giving obammer & clinton a pass on Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]

This statement was made 6 months ago. It is still the objective? Is there a statement besides a six month old video of objectives. This isn't some sort of kangaroo court, is it?

From Rep. Gowdy's statement the objective is to answer these questions:
Trey Gowdy DESTROYS the Mainstream Media in Just Three Minutes on Benghazi
Can you tell me why [Ambassador] Chris Stevens was in Benghazi that he was killed? Do you know? Does it bother you whether or not you know why Chris Stevens was in Benghazi?

Do you know why we were the last flag flying in Benghazi, after the British had left and the Red Cross had been bombed?

Do you know why requests for additional security were denied? Do you know why an ambassador asking for more security, days and weeks before he was murdered and those requests went unheeded? Do you know the answer to why those requests went unheeded?

Do you know why no assets were deployed during the siege? And I’ve heard the explanation, which defies logic, frankly, that we could not have gotten there in time. But you know they didn’t know when it was going to end, so how can you possibly cite that as an excuse?

Do you know whether the president called any of our allies and said, can you help, we have men under attack? Can you answer that?

Do any of you know why Susan Rice was picked [to go on five Sunday talk shows after the attacks]? The Secretary of State [Hillary Clinton] did not go. She says she doesn’t like Sunday talk shows. That’s the only media venue she does not like, if that’s true. Why was Susan Rice on the five Sunday talk shows?

Do you know the origin of this mythology, that it was spawned as a spontaneous reaction to a video? Do you know where that started?

Do you know where we got from no evidence on that, to that being the official position of the administration?
Prosecutors can also cherry-pick cases so they can drop poor cases, cut deals to get guilty pleas, and only go to court with slam dunks.

There's a dead US ambassador and staff, serious questions about what went down and who gave the orders, and stonewalling, but the public could not possibly care less about this. Even if we had video of Hilary ordering the planes to stand down and giggling madly while people died, this will just be a distant memory by 2016 and that's before we even get into the media minimizing everything to help out the Dems.

Sadly, it's a non-starter so far as the public is concerned.
It's non-starter as far as reality is concerned. That's why you guys aren't getting anywhere.

Alas you live in dream land. Judicial Watch has been scoring big with the courts. The White House also known as The Home of the Whopper has been losing big time.

Now with John making this move whoa whoa whoa. Whether you like it or not this is huge.
Prosecutors can also cherry-pick cases so they can drop poor cases, cut deals to get guilty pleas, and only go to court with slam dunks.

There's a dead US ambassador and staff, serious questions about what went down and who gave the orders, and stonewalling, but the public could not possibly care less about this. Even if we had video of Hilary ordering the planes to stand down and giggling madly while people died, this will just be a distant memory by 2016 and that's before we even get into the media minimizing everything to help out the Dems.

Sadly, it's a non-starter so far as the public is concerned.
It's non-starter as far as reality is concerned. That's why you guys aren't getting anywhere.

Alas you live in dream land. Judicial Watch has been scoring big with the courts. The White House also known as The Home of the Whopper has been losing big time.

Now with John making this move whoa whoa whoa. Whether you like it or not this is huge.

No, it's isn't, but you've been made to think so, because you can't think.

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