A "report card" on Trump's tax scam......

Hey guys, how's that 4 percent GDP that Trump promised us each year working out? (Hint: it's not. We haven't hit 4 percent yet while Trump is in office).
Hey guys, how's that 4 percent GDP that Trump promised us each year working out? (Hint: it's not. We haven't hit 4 percent yet while Trump is in office).
Nope we haven't achieved that 4%, nor have we ever saved $2500 on our healthcare either.
Politicians are just a step below a used car salesman, one thing you do know about both of them
is that they always lie when their lips are moving. Hell, look at Schiff these days.
Hey guys, how's that 4 percent GDP that Trump promised us each year working out? (Hint: it's not. We haven't hit 4 percent yet while Trump is in office).
Nope we haven't achieved that 4%, nor have we ever saved $2500 on our healthcare either.
Politicians are just a step below a used car salesman, one thing you do know about both of them
is that they always lie when their lips are moving. Hell, look at Schiff these days.

Hey, a lot of Trump supporters on here when he first got into office were saying that they believed Trump and were fully confident he would get the GDP to 4 percent, but it's not there, it's gotten close a time or two, but now it is dropping quite a bit.

If this keeps up, his talking points about how great the economy is will end up sounding hollow, and could cost him the election.

When Trump first enacted his tax cuts, I was thinking it would take about 8 months to a year to start messing up the economy, but it appears that it's taken two. The next year is gonna be interesting.
Hey guys, how's that 4 percent GDP that Trump promised us each year working out? (Hint: it's not. We haven't hit 4 percent yet while Trump is in office).
Nope we haven't achieved that 4%, nor have we ever saved $2500 on our healthcare either.
Politicians are just a step below a used car salesman, one thing you do know about both of them
is that they always lie when their lips are moving. Hell, look at Schiff these days.
Blame insurers. Obamacare didn’t set rates, or mandate that you change doctors.
Hey guys, how's that 4 percent GDP that Trump promised us each year working out? (Hint: it's not. We haven't hit 4 percent yet while Trump is in office).
Nope we haven't achieved that 4%, nor have we ever saved $2500 on our healthcare either.
Politicians are just a step below a used car salesman, one thing you do know about both of them
is that they always lie when their lips are moving. Hell, look at Schiff these days.
Blame insurers. Obamacare didn’t set rates, or mandate that you change doctors.
Yes, blame anybody but the person who said it. LOL
In the next few days we will hear more reports on exactly how "successful" Trump's tax scam has proven to our economy.

But, before that....bear this in mind....Obama took the unemployment rate down by almost SIX percentage points......while Trump lowered it still by a HALF of a percentage point.
Second, the GDP (not the best of economic indicators) was also high for Obama when the computation is made by quarters and not by year.

Now.......The Trump TAX SCAM

Remember that when the law was passed, Trump (as usual) went down vacationing to Mar-a-Lago and told his friends, :I JUST MADE YOU GUYS A LOT RICHER...."

We are learning that the number of large corporations who paid ZERO taxes in the last two years has DOUBLED.

We are also learning that the tax revenue coming in to Treasury for 2018, is THIRTY-ONE lower.......and this deficit explains why Trump had to borrow $1.4 TRILLION to finance his scam.

Bear in mind that an apropos analogy boils down to this:

Trump went and took a second mortgage on your home.........handed you a couple of thousand dollars......and left you with the higher payment on your debt to handle in the years to come....

REMEMBER.......the tax cuts is PERMANENT for folks like Trump.....and only TEMPORARY for middle and lower classes...........NICE, HUH???

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
I am so tired of these "Hunt and Shoot" issues. Trump's tax returns are not an issue with his performance as president. That's what each citizen must evaluate. Is he doing as he promised and are you happy with the state of our country?

Is yes, vote him a second term. If not, vote him out of office. And relax.
Hey guys, how's that 4 percent GDP that Trump promised us each year working out? (Hint: it's not. We haven't hit 4 percent yet while Trump is in office).
Nope we haven't achieved that 4%, nor have we ever saved $2500 on our healthcare either.
Politicians are just a step below a used car salesman, one thing you do know about both of them
is that they always lie when their lips are moving. Hell, look at Schiff these days.
Blame insurers. Obamacare didn’t set rates, or mandate that you change doctors.
Yes, blame anybody but the person who said it. LOL
Why would I blame him for saying it? He was correct.



The real issue is Trump's casino economics following chapter 11 of his books. Spend and borrow and damn the future.

GDP is growing at ~1.9% currently while the budget deficit has grown by 50% and Federal government debt has grown by ~5% of GDP.

The tax cuts are a diversion and an illusion. Since Trump tenure Americans are collectively being burdened with debt at any multiples of the cumulative value of tax cuts.

Where has the money gone? Trump has not built a wall. Trump has not spent $1 on the badly decayed US infrastructure.

The longer Trump's tenure, the more will be the pain suffered by the US public.
The real issue is Trump's casino economics following chapter 11 of his books. Spend and borrow and damn the future.

GDP is growing at ~1.9% currently while the budget deficit has grown by 50% and Federal government debt has grown by ~5% of GDP.

The tax cuts are a diversion and an illusion. Since Trump tenure Americans are collectively being burdened with debt at any multiples of the cumulative value of tax cuts.

Where has the money gone? Trump has not built a wall. Trump has not spent $1 on the badly decayed US infrastructure.

The longer Trump's tenure, the more will be the pain suffered by the US public.
You should ask some of those questions to the House, they are the ones who set the budget. just sayin'.....
The real issue is Trump's casino economics following chapter 11 of his books. Spend and borrow and damn the future.

GDP is growing at ~1.9% currently while the budget deficit has grown by 50% and Federal government debt has grown by ~5% of GDP.

The tax cuts are a diversion and an illusion. Since Trump tenure Americans are collectively being burdened with debt at any multiples of the cumulative value of tax cuts.

Where has the money gone? Trump has not built a wall. Trump has not spent $1 on the badly decayed US infrastructure.

The longer Trump's tenure, the more will be the pain suffered by the US public.

You should ask some of those questions to the House, they are the ones who set the budget. just sayin'.....

Can Donald Trump speak to the House himself without using abuse?

If Donald Trump was not responsible for the 'yooj' budget deficit he might be doing something about infrastructure. Donald Trump is fearful and blubbering and has nightmares about old ladies whipping him.
The real issue is Trump's casino economics following chapter 11 of his books. Spend and borrow and damn the future.

GDP is growing at ~1.9% currently while the budget deficit has grown by 50% and Federal government debt has grown by ~5% of GDP.

The tax cuts are a diversion and an illusion. Since Trump tenure Americans are collectively being burdened with debt at any multiples of the cumulative value of tax cuts.

Where has the money gone? Trump has not built a wall. Trump has not spent $1 on the badly decayed US infrastructure.

The longer Trump's tenure, the more will be the pain suffered by the US public.

You should ask some of those questions to the House, they are the ones who set the budget. just sayin'.....

Can Donald Trump speak to the House himself without using abuse?

If Donald Trump was not responsible for the 'yooj' budget deficit he might be doing something about infrastructure. Donald Trump is fearful and blubbering and has nightmares about old ladies whipping him.
Can the House speak to Donald without using abuse?
Why doesn't the House present a infrastructure Bill?
Is it because they are too busy trying to get rid of him?
Is it because they don't want to give Donald a win?
It's amazing how many Republican talking points Trump has forever taken away from them.

With his brazen whoremongering, Trump has amputated the Right's moral legs at the hip.

He has doubled the federal deficit to a trillion dollars.

He has started a far left protectionist racket with his tariff war which has hurt manufacturers and farmers and brought the nine year rise of the Dow to a screeching halt.

He has provided a bailout to the farmers which is currently running at twice the auto bailout.

Comrade Donald has surrendered the Middle East, Turkey, and the Ukraine to Russia.

And now Trump has completed exploded the Republican talking point that decreasing taxes increases revenues.

Christ, it's almost as if a far left Democrat figured out the best way to destroy the GOP was from the inside...

The real issue is Trump's casino economics following chapter 11 of his books. Spend and borrow and damn the future.

GDP is growing at ~1.9% currently while the budget deficit has grown by 50% and Federal government debt has grown by ~5% of GDP.

The tax cuts are a diversion and an illusion. Since Trump tenure Americans are collectively being burdened with debt at any multiples of the cumulative value of tax cuts.

Where has the money gone? Trump has not built a wall. Trump has not spent $1 on the badly decayed US infrastructure.

The longer Trump's tenure, the more will be the pain suffered by the US public.
You should ask some of those questions to the House, they are the ones who set the budget. just sayin'.....
Yes, the Republican-held House; the ones who did all this damage with the Tax Scam.

the Democratic House has been in power since January and get zero blame, because Turtle Mitch is the Grim Reaper who won’t allow any House bills to come to the Senate floor.
The real issue is Trump's casino economics following chapter 11 of his books. Spend and borrow and damn the future.

GDP is growing at ~1.9% currently while the budget deficit has grown by 50% and Federal government debt has grown by ~5% of GDP.

The tax cuts are a diversion and an illusion. Since Trump tenure Americans are collectively being burdened with debt at any multiples of the cumulative value of tax cuts.

Where has the money gone? Trump has not built a wall. Trump has not spent $1 on the badly decayed US infrastructure.

The longer Trump's tenure, the more will be the pain suffered by the US public.

You should ask some of those questions to the House, they are the ones who set the budget. just sayin'.....

Can Donald Trump speak to the House himself without using abuse?

If Donald Trump was not responsible for the 'yooj' budget deficit he might be doing something about infrastructure. Donald Trump is fearful and blubbering and has nightmares about old ladies whipping him.
Can the House speak to Donald without using abuse?
Why doesn't the House present a infrastructure Bill?
Is it because they are too busy trying to get rid of him?
Is it because they don't want to give Donald a win?
See this is the problem with living in a Rightwing media bubble: it makes you ignorant and looking foolish.

U.S. Democrats seek up to $2 trillion to invest in aging infrastructure
President Trump faced major opposition by members of his own party earlier this year when he expressed support for a $2 trillion deal on the matter with Democrats.

Republicans called the deal too ambitious and said they are against any deal that adds to the deficit
The real issue is Trump's casino economics following chapter 11 of his books. Spend and borrow and damn the future.

GDP is growing at ~1.9% currently while the budget deficit has grown by 50% and Federal government debt has grown by ~5% of GDP.

The tax cuts are a diversion and an illusion. Since Trump tenure Americans are collectively being burdened with debt at any multiples of the cumulative value of tax cuts.

Where has the money gone? Trump has not built a wall. Trump has not spent $1 on the badly decayed US infrastructure.

The longer Trump's tenure, the more will be the pain suffered by the US public.

You should ask some of those questions to the House, they are the ones who set the budget. just sayin'.....

Can Donald Trump speak to the House himself without using abuse?

If Donald Trump was not responsible for the 'yooj' budget deficit he might be doing something about infrastructure. Donald Trump is fearful and blubbering and has nightmares about old ladies whipping him.
Can the House speak to Donald without using abuse?
Why doesn't the House present a infrastructure Bill?
Is it because they are too busy trying to get rid of him?
Is it because they don't want to give Donald a win?
See this is the problem with living in a Rightwing media bubble: it makes you ignorant and looking foolish.

U.S. Democrats seek up to $2 trillion to invest in aging infrastructure
Link us to the Bill, Synth, let's you and I look it over, maybe we both will agree with it.

You forget, talk is cheap on the Hill
The real issue is Trump's casino economics following chapter 11 of his books. Spend and borrow and damn the future.

GDP is growing at ~1.9% currently while the budget deficit has grown by 50% and Federal government debt has grown by ~5% of GDP.

The tax cuts are a diversion and an illusion. Since Trump tenure Americans are collectively being burdened with debt at any multiples of the cumulative value of tax cuts.

Where has the money gone? Trump has not built a wall. Trump has not spent $1 on the badly decayed US infrastructure.

The longer Trump's tenure, the more will be the pain suffered by the US public.
You should ask some of those questions to the House, they are the ones who set the budget. just sayin'.....
Yes, the Republican-held House; the ones who did all this damage with the Tax Scam.

the Democratic House has been in power since January and get zero blame, because Turtle Mitch is the Grim Reaper who won’t allow any House bills to come to the Senate floor.
Gotta get it through congress, which the dems hold. Can't blame Mitch, yet.
The real issue is Trump's casino economics following chapter 11 of his books. Spend and borrow and damn the future.

GDP is growing at ~1.9% currently while the budget deficit has grown by 50% and Federal government debt has grown by ~5% of GDP.

The tax cuts are a diversion and an illusion. Since Trump tenure Americans are collectively being burdened with debt at any multiples of the cumulative value of tax cuts.

Where has the money gone? Trump has not built a wall. Trump has not spent $1 on the badly decayed US infrastructure.

The longer Trump's tenure, the more will be the pain suffered by the US public.
You should ask some of those questions to the House, they are the ones who set the budget. just sayin'.....
You had no problem blaming every penny of debt on Obama that accumulated on his watch.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

just sayin'...

Also, the GOP doubled the deficit after several years of the Democrats and Obama REDUCING it. The GOP DOUBLED it, with Trump's help.

just sayin...

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