A rush from Rush

Rush loves the rich and his desire is to continue to do so. He has a disdain for the poor and middle class working people. This is very clear to anyone who listens. That being said the guy is kinda funny at times and is a good entertainer. He simply would never sit down and have a beer with someone who works hard for a living but makes less than a million per year. He is rich many times over and his number one goal is to protect that. I would be wanting to protect my riches too...if I had any.

Well, don't fucking listen. Radical, I know... but it is your right not to listen, just like it is his right to speak.... much as I might wish he would STFU.
Once again, another EXCELLENT thread Truth.

It never ceases to amaze me how palookas like CalifornaGurl and SteffyWeffy will do back-flips, summersaults and belly flops to wiggle and worm and squirm their way in and out of their illogical and patently false arguments.

They'd argue that the sky is red just after proving it's blue if it meant being against the Democratic position.

You're right, some chick must have did a MASSIVE brain-job on that child's head. Steff is just a follower, trying to walk in CG's hammer-toed slippers.

So perhaps you could provide the evidence to back up TruthDon'tMatter's claim? Since she was unable to.

No backflips, no summersaults, no belly flops.... just facts. TruthDon'tMatter made a claim as fact that she could not prove. Perhaps you could prove it. Otherwise you, like her, are just another hysterical idiot who thinks 'opinion' is 'fact.
Rush's audience is full of people who shouldn't be expected to differentiate between opinion, fact, and hyperbole...because Rush doesn't differentiate. In the 3 weeks I listened to Rush for verifyable "lies", I found very few. What I did find hundreds of were false and misleading impressions he creates...which is also another definition of "lie".

3lie verb \ˈlī\
liedly·ing \ˈlī-iŋ\

Definition of LIE
intransitive verb
1: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive
2: to create a false or misleading impression
Lie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Rush never prefaces his hyperbole or opinions with "in my opinion" or "it was reported by" or "I know this is hyperbole, but..."

Most of this opinion and hyperbole gets dumped out into the conservative media bubble...as evidenced by what we see and hear on Fox, Drudge, all other conservative radio, basically all of conservative media.....and yes...righty posters on this site....and they parrott it, or present it in less intellectually repulsive ways. I can get hundreds of righties to say they don't listen to Rush...but I cannot find one who dissagrees with what he says when I cite his transcripts.

I've noticed that on most political forums...when a Rush thread comes on. The righties delcare themsleves winners after some shoddy self percieved debunking of Rush's detractors...then set up a conservative phony outrage chat room, where they blabber on and on about having won, then nobody talks about Rush. I'd be overestimating righties to assert or think that's done on purpose, but it happens every time...in my experience.

I make the challenge quite frequently where I try to encourage dialoge about Rush's statements.....but righties never hang around long. They usually just attack me for taking the time to do that

Do you mean to say that he is JUST like the politicians and the "liberal" media? Who would have thought? (I guess it is wrong when he does it because it is the opposite view, something liberals claim to support but their action tell us a different story: they try to silence ANYONE that disagrees with them)
Because he is mocking God by claiming that lying, his one and only talent, is on loan from Gawwwwwwwwwd-da.

Even if he was lying, which he isn't, I don't think that's the talent he's talking about.

I think you realize that. So the question is, why would you lie about it?
He has no other "talent" to talk about! It takes no talent to read from his GOP script every day! His only talent is to lie to suckers like you. Lying does take talent!

Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.
Samuel Butler
Once again, another EXCELLENT thread Truth.

It never ceases to amaze me how palookas like CalifornaGurl and SteffyWeffy will do back-flips, summersaults and belly flops to wiggle and worm and squirm their way in and out of their illogical and patently false arguments.

They'd argue that the sky is red just after proving it's blue if it meant being against the Democratic position.

You're right, some chick must have did a MASSIVE brain-job on that child's head. Steff is just a follower, trying to walk in CG's hammer-toed slippers.

So perhaps you could provide the evidence to back up TruthDon'tMatter's claim? Since she was unable to.

No backflips, no summersaults, no belly flops.... just facts. TruthDon'tMatter made a claim as fact that she could not prove. Perhaps you could prove it. Otherwise you, like her, are just another hysterical idiot who thinks 'opinion' is 'fact.
Rush's audience is full of people who shouldn't be expected to differentiate between opinion, fact, and hyperbole...because Rush doesn't differentiate. In the 3 weeks I listened to Rush for verifyable "lies", I found very few. What I did find hundreds of were false and misleading impressions he creates...which is also another definition of "lie".
I have no trouble finding verifiable lies, nor suckers stupid enough to believe them enough to put up money.

His 1993 Gore at Monticello lie from his TV show has been my biggest money maker. DittoTards will bet everything they own that Gore could not name the bust of Franklin, a bust Gore names himself in the very video Stuttering LimpTard plays for them. Now that is true talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwwwd-da, when you can get people to believe a lie even after you've exposed them to the truth!!!!!

He STILL tells that same lie and I still make money off of it!!! :lol:

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."

Here is a more recent lie:

July 25, 2011
RUSH: Well, how do you dolts feel now when you understand that there wasn't one record set last week? The heat index is not an official temperature. It's not a record. There are too many variables in it, but they wanted to go along with the heat index because it was crisis, because it got everybody all frightened!

It was news coverage, it was something new, it was something to get people captivated, controlled. The heat index was created in 1979, or '78, whatever. It was adopted one year later by the National Weather Service, but it's an official nothing. But last week all that was reported was the heat index numbers, as though that was the record -- and there were no records set last week, pure and simple.

cache:cyXAhaH-6xkJ:www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/daily/maxt/2011/07/00?sts%5B%5D=US record temperature july 2011 usa - Google Search
July record temperatures:
1,313 (Broken) + 906 (Tied) = 2,219 Total

July 26, 2011
RUSH: "The government also reserves several hundred million dollars more," above and beyond the five billion, "which it can distribute to states during weather emergencies, such as the heat wave that is currently scorching large swaths of the country." But again, no heat records are being broken. Contrary to everything you've seen in the news, heat records are not being broken.
So perhaps you could provide the evidence to back up TruthDon'tMatter's claim? Since she was unable to.

No backflips, no summersaults, no belly flops.... just facts. TruthDon'tMatter made a claim as fact that she could not prove. Perhaps you could prove it. Otherwise you, like her, are just another hysterical idiot who thinks 'opinion' is 'fact.
Rush's audience is full of people who shouldn't be expected to differentiate between opinion, fact, and hyperbole...because Rush doesn't differentiate. In the 3 weeks I listened to Rush for verifyable "lies", I found very few. What I did find hundreds of were false and misleading impressions he creates...which is also another definition of "lie".

3lie verb \ˈlī\
liedly·ing \ˈlī-iŋ\

Definition of LIE
intransitive verb
1: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive
2: to create a false or misleading impression
Lie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Rush never prefaces his hyperbole or opinions with "in my opinion" or "it was reported by" or "I know this is hyperbole, but..."

Most of this opinion and hyperbole gets dumped out into the conservative media bubble...as evidenced by what we see and hear on Fox, Drudge, all other conservative radio, basically all of conservative media.....and yes...righty posters on this site....and they parrott it, or present it in less intellectually repulsive ways. I can get hundreds of righties to say they don't listen to Rush...but I cannot find one who dissagrees with what he says when I cite his transcripts.

I've noticed that on most political forums...when a Rush thread comes on. The righties delcare themsleves winners after some shoddy self percieved debunking of Rush's detractors...then set up a conservative phony outrage chat room, where they blabber on and on about having won, then nobody talks about Rush. I'd be overestimating righties to assert or think that's done on purpose, but it happens every time...in my experience.

I make the challenge quite frequently where I try to encourage dialoge about Rush's statements.....but righties never hang around long. They usually just attack me for taking the time to do that

Do you mean to say that he is JUST like the politicians and the "liberal" media? Who would have thought? (I guess it is wrong when he does it because it is the opposite view, something liberals claim to support but their action tell us a different story: they try to silence ANYONE that disagrees with them)
What in the world would lead you to believe I would defend the 24 hour cable mainstream media?
So perhaps you could provide the evidence to back up TruthDon'tMatter's claim? Since she was unable to.

No backflips, no summersaults, no belly flops.... just facts. TruthDon'tMatter made a claim as fact that she could not prove. Perhaps you could prove it. Otherwise you, like her, are just another hysterical idiot who thinks 'opinion' is 'fact.
Rush's audience is full of people who shouldn't be expected to differentiate between opinion, fact, and hyperbole...because Rush doesn't differentiate. In the 3 weeks I listened to Rush for verifyable "lies", I found very few. What I did find hundreds of were false and misleading impressions he creates...which is also another definition of "lie".
I have no trouble finding verifiable lies, nor suckers stupid enough to believe them enough to put up money.

His 1993 Gore at Monticello lie from his TV show has been my biggest money maker. DittoTards will bet everything they own that Gore could not name the bust of Franklin, a bust Gore names himself in the very video Stuttering LimpTard plays for them. Now that is true talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwwwd-da, when you can get people to believe a lie even after you've exposed them to the truth!!!!!

He STILL tells that same lie and I still make money off of it!!! :lol:

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."

Here is a more recent lie:

July 25, 2011
RUSH: Well, how do you dolts feel now when you understand that there wasn't one record set last week? The heat index is not an official temperature. It's not a record. There are too many variables in it, but they wanted to go along with the heat index because it was crisis, because it got everybody all frightened!

It was news coverage, it was something new, it was something to get people captivated, controlled. The heat index was created in 1979, or '78, whatever. It was adopted one year later by the National Weather Service, but it's an official nothing. But last week all that was reported was the heat index numbers, as though that was the record -- and there were no records set last week, pure and simple.

cache:cyXAhaH-6xkJ:www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/daily/maxt/2011/07/00?sts%5B%5D=US record temperature july 2011 usa - Google Search
July record temperatures:
1,313 (Broken) + 906 (Tied) = 2,219 Total

July 26, 2011
RUSH: "The government also reserves several hundred million dollars more," above and beyond the five billion, "which it can distribute to states during weather emergencies, such as the heat wave that is currently scorching large swaths of the country." But again, no heat records are being broken. Contrary to everything you've seen in the news, heat records are not being broken.
This is a great example of what I was talking about regarding the difference between hyperbole, lies, and opinions. A good example of hyperbole is a used car salesman who says "I got billions of cars down here, come on down" or like the immortal Cal Worthington used to say..."If I can't sell you a car I'll eat a bug". Obviously Rush dissmisses anyone who call him out on these by saying "It was hyperbole and my sophisticated audience knows the difference".

What Rush does is just garden variety spin. If a poll comes out that shows only 25% of Americans approve of Obama's handling of the economy...Rush will add on "So that means 75% of Americans want Obama fired". That's a real example. The problem is impressionable Rush fans, who aren't sophisticated enough to differentiate between hyperbole, opinons, and lies. Rush created a false and misleading impression with his add on. That's where he get's the GOP's job done, pure spin, nothing new. When Karl Rove, Rush, and their buddies play golf at CPAC conferences, and smoke cigars at the steak house after dinner, they discuss quite a bit.
I have no trouble finding verifiable lies, nor suckers stupid enough to believe them enough to put up money.

His 1993 Gore at Monticello lie from his TV show has been my biggest money maker. DittoTards will bet everything they own that Gore could not name the bust of Franklin, a bust Gore names himself in the very video Stuttering LimpTard plays for them. Now that is true talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwwwd-da, when you can get people to believe a lie even after you've exposed them to the truth!!!!!

He STILL tells that same lie and I still make money off of it!!! :lol:

That's because it's a verified fact, stupid fuck.

I guess people can have partisanship OR brains, but not both. We know which you chose, edtheliar.
This is a great example of what I was talking about regarding the difference between hyperbole, lies, and opinions.

Yeah, Imagine Rush saying that Algore didn't know who Tom Jefferson was...

Media Reality Check -- 03/25/1999 -- Which Vice President is the King of Gaffes?

How DARE he state facts embarrassing to the party...

Yo, edtheliar, note the video.....
That's a great example of what I'm talking about.

What leads you to think I'd defend Al Gore?

I think you're flying right past my runway here. I think that MSNBC, Fox, and any other 24 hour cable news network, talk radio, and political blogs are selling a product. That product is making you feel good about you political inclinations...and that is it!

Prior to 1996, with the exception of Rush who started in the 80's, and CNN's Crossfire...the political strategy/consulting business was seperate form the press. One good example is how Roger Ailes, president of Fox, was a Republican political campaign consultant...in fact he ran Rudy Gulianni's campaign for Mayor. Another example was George Stephanopolous going to work for ABC, and Wilhelm and Carville went to work for CNN, remember Crossfire?

Ted Turner and Carville are part of the DNC machine, and Democrats/lefties know that. I don't know of any lefties who think MSNBC is unbiased, nor have I heard MSNBC claim to be fair and balanced...or even objective.

I'm not so sure righties recognize how 100% biased conservative media is. I hear many people defend Fox by saying they needed a conservative voice for along time to "balance" things out. I see no problem with that...what I do see as a problem are people who think Fox is fair and balanced...
Last edited:
This is a great example of what I was talking about regarding the difference between hyperbole, lies, and opinions.

Yeah, Imagine Rush saying that Algore didn't know who Tom Jefferson was...

Media Reality Check -- 03/25/1999 -- Which Vice President is the King of Gaffes?

How DARE he state facts embarrassing to the party...

Yo, edtheliar, note the video.....
Would you like to put some money on it? I will warranty with any amount of money you say, that Gore did not ask anyone who Tom Jefferson was!

BTW, I challenged Brent Bozo to back that lie with money, and he wouldn't.
I have no trouble finding verifiable lies, nor suckers stupid enough to believe them enough to put up money.

His 1993 Gore at Monticello lie from his TV show has been my biggest money maker. DittoTards will bet everything they own that Gore could not name the bust of Franklin, a bust Gore names himself in the very video Stuttering LimpTard plays for them. Now that is true talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwwwd-da, when you can get people to believe a lie even after you've exposed them to the truth!!!!!

He STILL tells that same lie and I still make money off of it!!! :lol:

That's because it's a verified fact, stupid fuck.

I guess people can have partisanship OR brains, but not both. We know which you chose, edtheliar.
Then you would have no problem warrantying that "verified fact," with some money, SUCKER!!!! :rofl::lmao:

This shows just how gullible DittoTards are, even after you point out a lie to them, they still can't see the truth.
Rush's audience is full of people who shouldn't be expected to differentiate between opinion, fact, and hyperbole...because Rush doesn't differentiate. In the 3 weeks I listened to Rush for verifyable "lies", I found very few. What I did find hundreds of were false and misleading impressions he creates...which is also another definition of "lie".
I have no trouble finding verifiable lies, nor suckers stupid enough to believe them enough to put up money.

His 1993 Gore at Monticello lie from his TV show has been my biggest money maker. DittoTards will bet everything they own that Gore could not name the bust of Franklin, a bust Gore names himself in the very video Stuttering LimpTard plays for them. Now that is true talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwwwd-da, when you can get people to believe a lie even after you've exposed them to the truth!!!!!

He STILL tells that same lie and I still make money off of it!!! :lol:

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."

Here is a more recent lie:

July 25, 2011
RUSH: Well, how do you dolts feel now when you understand that there wasn't one record set last week? The heat index is not an official temperature. It's not a record. There are too many variables in it, but they wanted to go along with the heat index because it was crisis, because it got everybody all frightened!

It was news coverage, it was something new, it was something to get people captivated, controlled. The heat index was created in 1979, or '78, whatever. It was adopted one year later by the National Weather Service, but it's an official nothing. But last week all that was reported was the heat index numbers, as though that was the record -- and there were no records set last week, pure and simple.

cache:cyXAhaH-6xkJ:www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/daily/maxt/2011/07/00?sts%5B%5D=US record temperature july 2011 usa - Google Search
July record temperatures:
1,313 (Broken) + 906 (Tied) = 2,219 Total

July 26, 2011
RUSH: "The government also reserves several hundred million dollars more," above and beyond the five billion, "which it can distribute to states during weather emergencies, such as the heat wave that is currently scorching large swaths of the country." But again, no heat records are being broken. Contrary to everything you've seen in the news, heat records are not being broken.
This is a great example of what I was talking about regarding the difference between hyperbole, lies, and opinions. A good example of hyperbole is a used car salesman who says "I got billions of cars down here, come on down" or like the immortal Cal Worthington used to say..."If I can't sell you a car I'll eat a bug". Obviously Rush dissmisses anyone who call him out on these by saying "It was hyperbole and my sophisticated audience knows the difference".

What Rush does is just garden variety spin. If a poll comes out that shows only 25% of Americans approve of Obama's handling of the economy...Rush will add on "So that means 75% of Americans want Obama fired". That's a real example. The problem is impressionable Rush fans, who aren't sophisticated enough to differentiate between hyperbole, opinons, and lies. Rush created a false and misleading impression with his add on. That's where he get's the GOP's job done, pure spin, nothing new. When Karl Rove, Rush, and their buddies play golf at CPAC conferences, and smoke cigars at the steak house after dinner, they discuss quite a bit.
There is no denying that he is a spin doctor, but the spin is mixed with out and out lies. Everything highlighted below is a lie. The Big Bang does not violate the FLoT and no new physics had to be invented. He actually sticks his foot in his lying mouth in the last sentence! He let it slip that the Big Bang does not say the universe came from nothing with the words, "this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe." Almost nothing is not nothing, so there is no violation of the FLoT, and that "tiny little speck" was ALL THE ENERGY IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!! So the spin, that scientists can't be trusted, is built around lies that he knows are lies.

December 24, 2007
RUSH: The Big Bang violates the best-known law of science, the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics says that you cannot create something out of nothing. Hello, Mr. Pascal. He wasn't even a scientist. He was a philosopher. It's easier to believe that something that has been can be again than it is to believe that something that has never been can be. Yet, the Big Bang violates the first law of thermodynamics. That law says you cannot create something out of nothing. But cosmologists, who are physicists that study the evolution of the universe, have to invent new physics to explain the Big Bang: physics that have never been observed. So is this science or is it faith? The Big Bang crowd, nobody was there to see it. We're just told that this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe?
There is no denying that he is a spin doctor, but the spin is mixed with out and out lies. Everything highlighted below is a lie. The Big Bang does not violate the FLoT and no new physics had to be invented. He actually sticks his foot in his lying mouth in the last sentence! He let it slip that the Big Bang does not say the universe came from nothing with the words, "this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe." Almost nothing is not nothing, so there is no violation of the FLoT, and that "tiny little speck" was ALL THE ENERGY IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!! So the spin, that scientists can't be trusted, is built around lies that he knows are lies.

December 24, 2007
RUSH: The Big Bang violates the best-known law of science, the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics says that you cannot create something out of nothing. Hello, Mr. Pascal. He wasn't even a scientist. He was a philosopher. It's easier to believe that something that has been can be again than it is to believe that something that has never been can be. Yet, the Big Bang violates the first law of thermodynamics. That law says you cannot create something out of nothing. But cosmologists, who are physicists that study the evolution of the universe, have to invent new physics to explain the Big Bang: physics that have never been observed. So is this science or is it faith? The Big Bang crowd, nobody was there to see it. We're just told that this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe?

Being willing to publicly speak about things one is not adequately informed about is not lying, it just amounts to showing one's ignorance. He harms his credibility about other things he does know about when he does that.

People who are based on science realize that he is speaking beyond his expertise.
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Would you like to put some money on it? I will warranty with any amount of money you say, that Gore did not ask anyone who Tom Jefferson was!

BTW, I challenged Brent Bozo to back that lie with money, and he wouldn't.

Oh? You posted your challenge on the DailyKOS website and got REALLY mad, took a bong hit, got even madder...


Yo dipwad, he's got video, you've got mindless partisanship... I mean, we can see the stupid fuck saying it...

Hmmm, who to believe....

You partisan hacks are funny - stupid, but funny.
Would you like to put some money on it? I will warranty with any amount of money you say, that Gore did not ask anyone who Tom Jefferson was!

BTW, I challenged Brent Bozo to back that lie with money, and he wouldn't.

Oh? You posted your challenge on the DailyKOS website and got REALLY mad, took a bong hit, got even madder...


Yo dipwad, he's got video, you've got mindless partisanship... I mean, we can see the stupid fuck saying it...

Hmmm, who to believe....

You partisan hacks are funny - stupid, but funny.
Please link to this imaginary dailykos post.

He's got video that proves your stupidity!!!! :lol: Bozo used to have downloadable audio also, but after my challenge he pulled the audio from his site. I wonder why? Hummmmmmmm

You see what you were programmed to see and you are missing what is ALSO there. There is something there in addition to what you were told to listen for that you don't hear because you were not told to listen for it. That is how the power of suggestion works on SUCKERS.

I notice you are not putting up any money, so you obviously believe ME! :rofl::lmao:

BTW, there was no bust of Jefferson, it was Jefferson's house. :asshole:
Interesting that you didn't catch that even after seeing the MRC video! Your MessiahRushie told you Gore asked the name of the Jefferson bust that didn't exist and YOU saw and heard a Jefferson bust that didn't exist. :cuckoo:

I have $20 that says Gore named the bust of Franklin himself, with no help from the curator. Put up some money if you want to call me a liar!!!

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
I have no trouble finding verifiable lies, nor suckers stupid enough to believe them enough to put up money.

His 1993 Gore at Monticello lie from his TV show has been my biggest money maker. DittoTards will bet everything they own that Gore could not name the bust of Franklin, a bust Gore names himself in the very video Stuttering LimpTard plays for them. Now that is true talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwwwd-da, when you can get people to believe a lie even after you've exposed them to the truth!!!!!

He STILL tells that same lie and I still make money off of it!!! :lol:

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."

Here is a more recent lie:

July 25, 2011
RUSH: Well, how do you dolts feel now when you understand that there wasn't one record set last week? The heat index is not an official temperature. It's not a record. There are too many variables in it, but they wanted to go along with the heat index because it was crisis, because it got everybody all frightened!

It was news coverage, it was something new, it was something to get people captivated, controlled. The heat index was created in 1979, or '78, whatever. It was adopted one year later by the National Weather Service, but it's an official nothing. But last week all that was reported was the heat index numbers, as though that was the record -- and there were no records set last week, pure and simple.

cache:cyXAhaH-6xkJ:www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/daily/maxt/2011/07/00?sts%5B%5D=US record temperature july 2011 usa - Google Search
July record temperatures:
1,313 (Broken) + 906 (Tied) = 2,219 Total

July 26, 2011
RUSH: "The government also reserves several hundred million dollars more," above and beyond the five billion, "which it can distribute to states during weather emergencies, such as the heat wave that is currently scorching large swaths of the country." But again, no heat records are being broken. Contrary to everything you've seen in the news, heat records are not being broken.
This is a great example of what I was talking about regarding the difference between hyperbole, lies, and opinions. A good example of hyperbole is a used car salesman who says "I got billions of cars down here, come on down" or like the immortal Cal Worthington used to say..."If I can't sell you a car I'll eat a bug". Obviously Rush dissmisses anyone who call him out on these by saying "It was hyperbole and my sophisticated audience knows the difference".

What Rush does is just garden variety spin. If a poll comes out that shows only 25% of Americans approve of Obama's handling of the economy...Rush will add on "So that means 75% of Americans want Obama fired". That's a real example. The problem is impressionable Rush fans, who aren't sophisticated enough to differentiate between hyperbole, opinons, and lies. Rush created a false and misleading impression with his add on. That's where he get's the GOP's job done, pure spin, nothing new. When Karl Rove, Rush, and their buddies play golf at CPAC conferences, and smoke cigars at the steak house after dinner, they discuss quite a bit.
There is no denying that he is a spin doctor, but the spin is mixed with out and out lies. Everything highlighted below is a lie. The Big Bang does not violate the FLoT and no new physics had to be invented. He actually sticks his foot in his lying mouth in the last sentence! He let it slip that the Big Bang does not say the universe came from nothing with the words, "this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe." Almost nothing is not nothing, so there is no violation of the FLoT, and that "tiny little speck" was ALL THE ENERGY IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!! So the spin, that scientists can't be trusted, is built around lies that he knows are lies.

December 24, 2007
RUSH: The Big Bang violates the best-known law of science, the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics says that you cannot create something out of nothing. Hello, Mr. Pascal. He wasn't even a scientist. He was a philosopher. It's easier to believe that something that has been can be again than it is to believe that something that has never been can be. Yet, the Big Bang violates the first law of thermodynamics. That law says you cannot create something out of nothing. But cosmologists, who are physicists that study the evolution of the universe, have to invent new physics to explain the Big Bang: physics that have never been observed. So is this science or is it faith? The Big Bang crowd, nobody was there to see it. We're just told that this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe?
Rush does lie at least once within every three hour show...but he dispenses all the other hyperbole, opinion, and about 30% of the time facts mixed all together so quickly...righties just absoarb the anger and nobody has the time to unwind it all...and they are NOT insterested in any specific analyses of Rush's claims.

Rush is not here to educate righties, though he claims to, and some may think he actualy does. Rush creates a product that keeps righties enraged, and that is usefull to the GOP. Study after study shows that mad voters vote in greater percentages. So Rush is a political strategy sub contractor for the GOP, but has no written or verbal contract to say anything specific. Rush knows exactly how to electioneer for the GOP. Fox does to.

Righties on this site aren't interested in whether or not Rush is telling the truth. I've tried on other sites...it's no use. The only thing you can do is plant the seed of the idea that Rush is NOT right 99.6% of the time. I've actualy been able to convince a few ditto-heads in my time that Fox and Rush are toxic. And yes yes yes......(yawn).....MSNBC and Ed Schultz are too.
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The Sean Hannity Show was reported to be down 28% from its peak numbers in the fall.

Read more: Rush Limbaugh's Ratings Have Fallen 30% In The Last Six Months

It's normal for the ratings of politically oriented programming to decline after the election is over.
All this shows is the desperation of liberal turds to find a silver lining in the gathering storm clouds.
That's not true.

Ratings for political programming receed about 10% at the most after an election. The accross the board ratings drop for Fox, Rush, and conservative media as a whole have more to do with the GOP taking the house, and the subsequent lackluster reality of the historic, never heard of, unbelieveable, incomprehensible, did I say historic!, mandate of conservatism.

Here is a completely unbiased source for cable news ratings.
Ratings - TVNewser
There is no denying that he is a spin doctor, but the spin is mixed with out and out lies. Everything highlighted below is a lie. The Big Bang does not violate the FLoT and no new physics had to be invented. He actually sticks his foot in his lying mouth in the last sentence! He let it slip that the Big Bang does not say the universe came from nothing with the words, "this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe." Almost nothing is not nothing, so there is no violation of the FLoT, and that "tiny little speck" was ALL THE ENERGY IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!! So the spin, that scientists can't be trusted, is built around lies that he knows are lies.

December 24, 2007
RUSH: The Big Bang violates the best-known law of science, the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics says that you cannot create something out of nothing. Hello, Mr. Pascal. He wasn't even a scientist. He was a philosopher. It's easier to believe that something that has been can be again than it is to believe that something that has never been can be. Yet, the Big Bang violates the first law of thermodynamics. That law says you cannot create something out of nothing. But cosmologists, who are physicists that study the evolution of the universe, have to invent new physics to explain the Big Bang: physics that have never been observed. So is this science or is it faith? The Big Bang crowd, nobody was there to see it. We're just told that this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe?

Being willing to publicly speak about things one is not adequately informed about is not lying, it just amounts to showing one's ignorance. He harms his credibility about other things he does know about when he does that.

People who are based on science realize that he is speaking beyond his expertise.
It absolutely is the definition of lying. To lie...one way is to intentionally decieve someone...and the other way is to create a false and misleading impression.

Rush created the false and misleading impression that HE KNEW what he was talking about. If he would have prefaced any of that with "IMO", or "some say", it would be just ignorance. This is Rush's trick.....mix truth with false and misleading impressions so quickly, that nobody can unwind it fast enough before he's on to his next foundationless rant.

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