A rush from Rush

Please link to this imaginary dailykos post.

Please post a link to this imaginary challenge to Bozzel.

He's got video that proves your stupidity!!!! :lol: Bozo used to have downloadable audio also, but after my challenge he pulled the audio from his site. I wonder why? Hummmmmmmm

I'm sure that random morons on the interwebz drive everything he posts. You're SOOO impressive. Everyone is just waiting to see what you repeat next..

BTW stupid, Al Gore acknowledges the event, but says he was just prompting the tour guide.
Rush does lie at least once within every three hour show...

When he denies that Obama is god?

Rush is not here to educate righties,

Oh, but you are...

Repeat after me "ohhh bahhhh Bahhhh BAHHHH MAHHH," it's all anyone really needs to know, am I right?
There is another thread called "do you post drunk" or something like that.


.....oh never mind.
Please link to this imaginary dailykos post.

Please post a link to this imaginary challenge to Bozzel.

He's got video that proves your stupidity!!!! :lol: Bozo used to have downloadable audio also, but after my challenge he pulled the audio from his site. I wonder why? Hummmmmmmm
I'm sure that random morons on the interwebz drive everything he posts. You're SOOO impressive. Everyone is just waiting to see what you repeat next..

BTW stupid, Al Gore acknowledges the event, :eusa_liar: but says he was just prompting the tour guide.:eusa_liar:
Well, if you are going to make up crap about a nonexistent bust of Jefferson, it's no big deal to lie about Gore acknowledging the phony gaffe. :eusa_liar:

BTW, you STILL have not backed anything you've posted with money. Talk is cheap, so cheap it's worthless. Money talks! Put some money where your worthless lying mouth is!
decrease in viewership by 30% in just six months will not impress his sponsers no matter how much you try to spin it.

Both him and Hannity being down sure sends a message , you just dont want to hear it.

Thats right......and we're all real sure Al Sharptons new show will bring ratings from 142 viewers/night to 150!!!:fu:

Gonna be a fcukking bonanza!!
Im still laughing thinking about Mr Limbaugh's prediction waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2009..........February I believe.......talking about how Obama's numbers would tank before the end of his first term due to his policies!! Now.....I must admit, even I didnt think they'd be in the 30's by the end of year 3. Who kneeeeeeew??!!!!!!
Rush is a loser, a fat, slovenly, sad, shatty, drug-abusing loser.

All those who listen to his words and take them as gospel are worse than losers, those are the true degenerates of this generation.

Lower than pond-scum.

It's no wonder many are wising up and The Drugster's ratings are suffering for it.

I couldn't be happier to hear this news.

If having the fame and fortune he has is being a loser then... sign me up. I want to be a loser too. Well, screw the fame, just give me the fortune.

Rush is a phony conservative as he is.A 100% complete and total fat hypocrite as well as so-called Christian TV Evangelist Jerry Falwell who is now and forever burns in Hell for his hypocritical les.
Rush is a loser, a fat, slovenly, sad, shatty, drug-abusing loser.

All those who listen to his words and take them as gospel are worse than losers, those are the true degenerates of this generation.

Lower than pond-scum.

It's no wonder many are wising up and The Drugster's ratings are suffering for it.

I couldn't be happier to hear this news.

If having the fame and fortune he has is being a loser then... sign me up. I want to be a loser too. Well, screw the fame, just give me the fortune.

Money doesn't make miserable angry fat bigots happier
Rush is a loser, a fat, slovenly, sad, shatty, drug-abusing loser.

All those who listen to his words and take them as gospel are worse than losers, those are the true degenerates of this generation.

Lower than pond-scum.

It's no wonder many are wising up and The Drugster's ratings are suffering for it.

I couldn't be happier to hear this news.

If having the fame and fortune he has is being a loser then... sign me up. I want to be a loser too. Well, screw the fame, just give me the fortune.

Money doesn't make miserable angry fat bigots happier

I'm sorry that you're not happy.
I thought the OP's premise was a bit faulty, so I did a bit of checking...

And it was.

Is 'fix' in to sink ratings for Rush, Savage, other conservatives?

But how exactly did Rush Limbaugh lose one-third of his audience over 12 months?

According to Pareene and others, the answer was a 2008 change in how ratings-tracker Arbitron determines listenership, away from the survey system to the Portable People Meter.

The survey system worked like this: At the end of each day, a small number of designated "diarists" wrote down which shows they'd listened to. Listeners sent those diaries to Arbitron, where numbers were crunched and ratings revealed.

A few years ago, Arbitron began phasing out diaries and brought in the Portable People Meters, or PPMs. These pager-sized devices automatically record whatever their wearers hear as they go about their day. No need to rely upon fallible human memories, or worry about diarists "fudging" their feedback or forgetting to send it in.

The PPM sounded like the accurate, scientific ratings system sponsors and programmers always hoped would be invented.

Until the first batch of ratings came in, showing conservative talk going strong and certain, urban and minority programs far lower than ever calculated before.

Faced with the new numbers, community leaders suddenly turned on the PPMs, blasting the new system as "racist."

Here's what happened: Right after PPM was launched, according to an investigation by former Reagan aide Jeffrey Lord , "The ratings for talk radio exploded. What took a dive in listenership ratings were urban" – that is, African-American – "and Hispanic formats."

Minority station owners immediately complained. Attorneys general of New York, New Jersey and Maryland filed suits, and Congressmen Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y., and John Conyers, D-Mich., called for investigations into Arbitron, charging that the PPM system was discriminating against minorities.

Arbitron moved quickly to placate minority owned stations, their listeners and sponsors. Precisely what the ratings-tracker did remains a trade secret, but Jeffrey Lord's investigation led him to the following conclusion: that Arbitron raised its payouts to PPM participants from $50 a month to as high as $200 (at least according to an industry insider who spoke to Lord anonymously) in order to incentivize lower-income, and thus more minority, participation.

Shortly thereafter, the Arbitron ratings of Hispanic and urban radio stations returned to pre-PPM heights, while talk radio ratings showed those precipitous drops that led to so much crowing in the liberal commentariat earlier this year.

Lord believes that the radio business is changing, and that, ironically, the biggest loser may turn out to be Arbitron itself.

"This business is no longer the relatively simple – and increasingly old-fashioned – business of one man behind a microphone being beamed throughout the land on AM radio," Lord told WND. "We're talking the increasing use of FM, iPods, iPads, this and that app, streaming over the computer – all kinds of very 21st century technology that simply is not measured by Arbitron.

"So the only real way to measure is profits," Lord continued, "and that, I know from several excellent sources in the business, is absolutely in great shape, the arrow going up, not down."
I thought the OP's premise was a bit faulty, so I did a bit of checking...

And it was.

Is 'fix' in to sink ratings for Rush, Savage, other conservatives?

But how exactly did Rush Limbaugh lose one-third of his audience over 12 months?

According to Pareene and others, the answer was a 2008 change in how ratings-tracker Arbitron determines listenership, away from the survey system to the Portable People Meter.

The survey system worked like this: At the end of each day, a small number of designated "diarists" wrote down which shows they'd listened to. Listeners sent those diaries to Arbitron, where numbers were crunched and ratings revealed.

A few years ago, Arbitron began phasing out diaries and brought in the Portable People Meters, or PPMs. These pager-sized devices automatically record whatever their wearers hear as they go about their day. No need to rely upon fallible human memories, or worry about diarists "fudging" their feedback or forgetting to send it in.

The PPM sounded like the accurate, scientific ratings system sponsors and programmers always hoped would be invented.

Until the first batch of ratings came in, showing conservative talk going strong and certain, urban and minority programs far lower than ever calculated before.

Faced with the new numbers, community leaders suddenly turned on the PPMs, blasting the new system as "racist."

Here's what happened: Right after PPM was launched, according to an investigation by former Reagan aide Jeffrey Lord , "The ratings for talk radio exploded. What took a dive in listenership ratings were urban" – that is, African-American – "and Hispanic formats."

Minority station owners immediately complained. Attorneys general of New York, New Jersey and Maryland filed suits, and Congressmen Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y., and John Conyers, D-Mich., called for investigations into Arbitron, charging that the PPM system was discriminating against minorities.

Arbitron moved quickly to placate minority owned stations, their listeners and sponsors. Precisely what the ratings-tracker did remains a trade secret, but Jeffrey Lord's investigation led him to the following conclusion: that Arbitron raised its payouts to PPM participants from $50 a month to as high as $200 (at least according to an industry insider who spoke to Lord anonymously) in order to incentivize lower-income, and thus more minority, participation.

Shortly thereafter, the Arbitron ratings of Hispanic and urban radio stations returned to pre-PPM heights, while talk radio ratings showed those precipitous drops that led to so much crowing in the liberal commentariat earlier this year.

Lord believes that the radio business is changing, and that, ironically, the biggest loser may turn out to be Arbitron itself.

"This business is no longer the relatively simple – and increasingly old-fashioned – business of one man behind a microphone being beamed throughout the land on AM radio," Lord told WND. "We're talking the increasing use of FM, iPods, iPads, this and that app, streaming over the computer – all kinds of very 21st century technology that simply is not measured by Arbitron.

"So the only real way to measure is profits," Lord continued, "and that, I know from several excellent sources in the business, is absolutely in great shape, the arrow going up, not down."

In my market, urban stations remained as strong as they were before PPM, and I never heard of Arbitron increasing their payouts. And PPM went into effect more than 2 years ago, so I don't see what impact it has on this ratings period.
Again, the problem wasn't the PPM meters, it was the way that Arbitron distributed and analyzed the data AFTER Urban stations started whining that PPMs showed no one was actually listening to them.

The other thing PPM's don't show is who listens to podcasts, streaming audio, etc. For instance, when I used to listen to Rush, I listened on the internet, not a radio..

Incidently, not a big Rush fan, think he's full of crap and haven't listened to him regularly since 2008. But I suspect if anything, his audience has probably increased as the Community Organizer has gotten more unpopular.
Rush's audience is full of people who shouldn't be expected to differentiate between opinion, fact, and hyperbole...because Rush doesn't differentiate. In the 3 weeks I listened to Rush for verifyable "lies", I found very few. What I did find hundreds of were false and misleading impressions he creates...which is also another definition of "lie".
I have no trouble finding verifiable lies, nor suckers stupid enough to believe them enough to put up money.

His 1993 Gore at Monticello lie from his TV show has been my biggest money maker. DittoTards will bet everything they own that Gore could not name the bust of Franklin, a bust Gore names himself in the very video Stuttering LimpTard plays for them. Now that is true talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwwwwwd-da, when you can get people to believe a lie even after you've exposed them to the truth!!!!!

He STILL tells that same lie and I still make money off of it!!! :lol:

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."

Here is a more recent lie:

July 25, 2011
RUSH: Well, how do you dolts feel now when you understand that there wasn't one record set last week? The heat index is not an official temperature. It's not a record. There are too many variables in it, but they wanted to go along with the heat index because it was crisis, because it got everybody all frightened!

It was news coverage, it was something new, it was something to get people captivated, controlled. The heat index was created in 1979, or '78, whatever. It was adopted one year later by the National Weather Service, but it's an official nothing. But last week all that was reported was the heat index numbers, as though that was the record -- and there were no records set last week, pure and simple.

cache:cyXAhaH-6xkJ:www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/daily/maxt/2011/07/00?sts%5B%5D=US record temperature july 2011 usa - Google Search
July record temperatures:
1,313 (Broken) + 906 (Tied) = 2,219 Total

July 26, 2011
RUSH: "The government also reserves several hundred million dollars more," above and beyond the five billion, "which it can distribute to states during weather emergencies, such as the heat wave that is currently scorching large swaths of the country." But again, no heat records are being broken. Contrary to everything you've seen in the news, heat records are not being broken.
This is a great example of what I was talking about regarding the difference between hyperbole, lies, and opinions. A good example of hyperbole is a used car salesman who says "I got billions of cars down here, come on down" or like the immortal Cal Worthington used to say..."If I can't sell you a car I'll eat a bug". Obviously Rush dissmisses anyone who call him out on these by saying "It was hyperbole and my sophisticated audience knows the difference".

What Rush does is just garden variety spin. If a poll comes out that shows only 25% of Americans approve of Obama's handling of the economy...Rush will add on "So that means 75% of Americans want Obama fired". That's a real example. The problem is impressionable Rush fans, who aren't sophisticated enough to differentiate between hyperbole, opinons, and lies. Rush created a false and misleading impression with his add on. That's where he get's the GOP's job done, pure spin, nothing new. When Karl Rove, Rush, and their buddies play golf at CPAC conferences, and smoke cigars at the steak house after dinner, they discuss quite a bit.

So where is the outrage about the lies that are continually thrown about by left wing commentators? Because for every single one of Rush's bullshit claims, there is a corresponding bullshit claim from left wing commentators.

It is the constant double standard that I find laughable with the left. I honestly don't give a rats ass what some commentator says.

The hyperbolic hypocrisy from the left is laughable. Seriously. :lol::lol:
Again, the problem wasn't the PPM meters, it was the way that Arbitron distributed and analyzed the data AFTER Urban stations started whining that PPMs showed no one was actually listening to them.

The other thing PPM's don't show is who listens to podcasts, streaming audio, etc. For instance, when I used to listen to Rush, I listened on the internet, not a radio..

Incidently, not a big Rush fan, think he's full of crap and haven't listened to him regularly since 2008. But I suspect if anything, his audience has probably increased as the Community Organizer has gotten more unpopular.

And I'm saying that in my market the Urban stations did not see a drop off when PPM was instituted. And data is data. Arbitron subscribers have access to the raw data each time a "book" comes out. Which includes the demographics of the sample pool. So there is no way that Arbitron can massage the data when the stations who subscribe have the access to the raw numbers.

And I don't think his audience has grown online and in podcasts at a faster rate than he has declined in the ratings during the last six months.
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Oh, and I think this whole larger cash payout for minorities who agree to use PPM is hogwash.

You think the claim that it happened is Hogwash, or you think that the fact Arbitron is doing it is hogwash?

And I'm saying that in my market the Urban stations did not see a drop off when PPM was instituted. And data is data. Arbitron subscribers have access to the raw data each time a "book" comes out. Which includes the demographics of the sample pool. So there is no way that Arbitron can massage the data when the stations who subscribe have the access to the raw numbers.

And I don't think his audience has grown online and in podcasts at a faster rate than he has declined in the ratings during the last six months.

If they didn't drop off, then why did all these state officials threaten Arbitron with investigations when they introduced PPM's?

Now, I think there probably has been some decline since November last year, as there always is in the cycle between an election and the period between them. People listen to Talk Radio more when an election is coming up. Just like stations that play switch from an easy-listening format to Christmas music see spikes in December.
Oh, and I think this whole larger cash payout for minorities who agree to use PPM is hogwash.

You think the claim that it happened is Hogwash, or you think that the fact Arbitron is doing it is hogwash?

Nice "do you still beat your dog" question. Completely devoid of intellectual honesty though.

I'm saying it doesnt happen. Radio companies across the country would be screaming their bloody heads off.

And I'm saying that in my market the Urban stations did not see a drop off when PPM was instituted. And data is data. Arbitron subscribers have access to the raw data each time a "book" comes out. Which includes the demographics of the sample pool. So there is no way that Arbitron can massage the data when the stations who subscribe have the access to the raw numbers.

And I don't think his audience has grown online and in podcasts at a faster rate than he has declined in the ratings during the last six months.

If they didn't drop off, then why did all these state officials threaten Arbitron with investigations when they introduced PPM's?

Now, I think there probably has been some decline since November last year, as there always is in the cycle between an election and the period between them. People listen to Talk Radio more when an election is coming up. Just like stations that play switch from an easy-listening format to Christmas music see spikes in December.

So you are assuming that because supposedly some states made a fuss with Arbitron that there was a ratings dropoff? Talk about a flawed conclusion from incomplete data.

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