A “sizable amount” of FBI agents had sympathy toward the insurrectionists on Jan 6th

Yeah, an FBI that willingly, intentionally violated the Constitution,defrauded the FISA Court more than a dozen times, violated the Patriot Act, altered documents, hid Russian accomplices, order that Russian accomplice to wipe evidence of FBI crimes off of his phone, illegally spied on citizens / a President, put innocent Ameticans in jail, and participated in a partisan treasonous failed coup attempt after their own internal investigation showed there was nothing to the false acvusations against a sitting President - thereby willingly attemptong to.overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting Ptesident...

....an FBI that admittedly infiltrated a militia and talked them into.participating in a plan to kidnapp a hovernor...

...an FBI who admitted they were running a Special Operation before and during J6 AND had agents in the crowds at the Capitol the night before and during the events of J6...

...an FBI who atrempted to help the Biden Administration and DOJ declare PARENTS opposing Dem govt mandated CRT, Ttansgender indoctrination, etc... to be 'Domestic Terrorists'...

...would never run an operation in cooperation with Democrats to set-up and initiate a violent protest at the Capitol in an attempt to discredit and label all Trump supporters and Conservatives as threats to the nation and to go after Trump one more time.

How could anyone think such a thing?!

Yes, they tried. They failed. Now they're being tried and convicted.

They're political prisoners being held in a gulag on a witch hunt.

The only reason they got Stephen Cannon is because it was politically impossible not to do so
Yes, they tried. They failed. Now they're being tried and convicted.
Starved, isolated inhumanely, veaten, their Constitutional Rights stripped ... convicted for 'Parading' and other 'treasonous' charges. People who have proven they weren't even at tbe Capitol have been arrested.

This was a rehersal for when Democrats go full Marxist / Nazi and have to use their Gestapo on a much larger scale to quel the reolt.
You guys are off your collective rockers on deplorable Kool Aid.

Oh well.
You leftards think you have a monopoly on public servants? Fuck you. You're leaving town. 24 days till we can start going after your servants too

You just don't get it.

We're going to do what Donald Trump couldn't. We're going to drain the swamp.

You think I'm kidding

I'm not

I'm deadly serious
No one knows what the fuck you are trying to say
A sizable amount of FBI infiltrators were perpetrators of the faux "insurrection".

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