A small percentage of looting rioters does not discredit the entire racial injustice peaceful protests

View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that every protester is a threat.
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that every protester is a threat.
what neighborhoods have they burned down ?
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
There are people who are making the argument that all cops are bad based on a few bad cops... This is showing that hypocrisy of that. Indeed... Suck on that.
That's only half of the lame comparison, goofus.
No.. That's all it's saying. That it's absolutely right to say that you shouldn't judge the non peaceful protesters by the looters and those beating people... But it's the same for the cops... Just because you some bad ones you shouldn't go after all cops either.

I'm not sure how you missed this painfully obvious fact.
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
that's true...except in this case the rioters and looters were not the protesters who were minorities , they were white liberals rioting and looting and the left wing media coverage only showed minority faces after running footage of the rioting and looting.
Alt right lunatic.
You just blew your whole fucking argument about both sides coming together, with you calling someone a lunatic. Oh well, you can keep on wet dreaming....
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
If it was such a small percentage, why didn’t the rest of the peaceful protesters stop the looters and rioters?

Think about it. Why would peaceful protesters want to risk confrontations with violent criminals and also risk having the militarized police think they were with the violent criminals?
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that every protester is a threat.
If that was true I'm sure it would be all over the news that they murdered an awful lot of people very quickly... I think you ... Make shit up.
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
If it was such a small percentage, why didn’t the rest of the peaceful protesters stop the looters and rioters?

Think about it. Why would peaceful protesters want to risk confrontations with violent criminals and also risk having the militarized police think they were with the violent criminals?
This could explain why liberals side with very bad people.

Maybe later tonight those rioters will show up in your neighborhood and burn your place down.
It's time both sides stopped threatening.
The left has been threatening since the 1960s, when you get that bunch of morons under control, maybe i will have a sit down round table discussion...
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that everyprotester is a threat.
what neighborhoods have they burned down ?
The point is the perception that all these protesters are violent criminals. There have been hundreds of thousands of protesters prove that wrong over the past week and a half. We hear about the riots (and then keep hearing about them over and over and over by people like you who are always waiting for an excuse to bitch about what criminals they ALL are), not the thousands of quiet protests that have been all over the country. I know you aren't counting the black protesters who are STOPPING violence in their midst. That is happening too.
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
that's true...except in this case the rioters and looters were not the protesters who were minorities , they were white liberals rioting and looting and the left wing media coverage only showed minority faces after running footage of the rioting and looting.
Alt right lunatic.
You just blew your whole fucking argument about both sides coming together, with you calling someone a lunatic. Oh well, you can keep on wet dreaming....
I don't consider you someone I'd want on ANY discussion involving race.
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that every protester is a threat.
If that was true I'm sure it would be all over the news that they murdered an awful lot of people very quickly... I think you ... Make shit up.
It has been all over the news. The POINT is the perception of threat. Which is WHY BLM can still say there is racism in our country and in our police forces. Because that fear is there.
It has been all over the news.
That people with AR's are mowing down people? Please share.

The POINT is the perception of threat..
I ... I ... Wow... You don't make the news prove things to you. Thus... They make shit up. You believe said shit?
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View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?

And I can answer that Lakhota , whether or not you listen which is your problem.

Thus, POLICE can be rebuked and held to account by the laws.

Can you compare and tell me how many of the looters and rioters
have taken solemn oath of duty to the Constitution and due process?

NOTE: YES, there are SOME that have military or veteran background.

So to show you the difference this makes, let's see if it is TRUE
that holding the VETERANS and MILITARY responsible for the conspiracy to incite riots
WILL accept to be corrected according to Constitutional laws which they vowed to uphold:

As much as nonbelievers like you REJECT Christian and Constitutional laws,
the DIFFERENCE it makes is that even if Believers violate their own laws,
as long as they have COMMITTED to obey them by the Authority of Jesus or Justice,
then those Believers will respond to CORRECTIONS and comply when compelled by LAW.

THAT is the difference!
This works with both Scriptural laws in the Bible
and Natural Laws in the Constitution, as long as
the person INVOKING these laws is a FELLOW BELIEVER
invoking common Authority of Law, ie Equal Justice Under Law
to correct the problem to RESTORE good faith relations.

If the REBUKE or redress of grievances is done in the
Spirit of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, that's the authority of CHRIST JESUS
and truth will be established by following that process by agreement.

If the complaints or protests are done in the spirit of
Retributive Justice, that may go in circles with rejection back and forth.

This is why I have always pleaded with you to please
take the approach of Restorative Justice, focusing on Correction and Restitution to HEAL the Relationships,
not Retributive Justice that focuses on Judgment or Punishment to REJECT and KILL the Relationships.

There is a difference.
If you choose the positive path, people respond positively.
If you choose the negative approach, it just attracts more negative reactions
in an endless vicious cycle.

So if you care to stop racism, the positive approach of healing is the way out.

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