A trillion dollar infrastructure plan...

431,000 residents at risk here.................should it fail......................Did our Gov't fix this shit with all that money......

Lewisville Dam: The dam called trouble
Why can Kentucky afford a War on Drugs?
wtf..................start a dang thread on how drug addicts...............save the world or something.................What the Fuck does legalizing Drugs have to do with a dam that if it breaks could kill a Fing town.
I always support infrastructure investment from either party

I am not crazy about Trumps idea to sell off our roads to private investors
“We offered to work together. We offered our own infrastructure plan to the [White House] to spark discussion. Months passed. We heard nothing back,” Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) tweeted Friday. “Now the few details we have of [Trump’s] plan show it’s private-sector driven, has minimal investment & ignores huge sectors of infrastructure.”--https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/multiple-transit-projects-across-us-at-risk-as-white-house-infrastructure-plan-falters/2017/06/09/0becb67c-4c8b-11e7-a186-60c031eab644_story.html?utm_term=.29690099546b
Obama tried for eight years to get investment in infrastructure
Republicans mocked it as pork

Trump is trying to spend a trillion dollars selling off our infrastructure to private investors
He got bailout money..............gave it to his buddies on BS..................said shovel ready and shoveled it to corrupt ass political donors and their buddies.........

Bailed out states.........................It was Crap...........he and the rest of the Swamp can't be trusted with anything anymore.
In the end, stimulus worked

Reversed an economic collapse and prevented a depression

You continue to perpetuate this lie. If that is the case why don't you offer some substantive proof, huh?
What are the official, U3 numbers?

While they have blocked Desalination Plants for over a decade.

California has plenty of water - and too much politics - Watchdog.org

The real question here is...............were Liberals dropped on their heads at birth to make them so stupid...........

we legalized pot.
Obama tried for eight years to get investment in infrastructure
Republicans mocked it as pork

Trump is trying to spend a trillion dollars selling off our infrastructure to private investors
He got bailout money..............gave it to his buddies on BS..................said shovel ready and shoveled it to corrupt ass political donors and their buddies.........

Bailed out states.........................It was Crap...........he and the rest of the Swamp can't be trusted with anything anymore.
In the end, stimulus worked

Reversed an economic collapse and prevented a depression

You continue to perpetuate this lie. If that is the case why don't you offer some substantive proof, huh?

As you wish

Proper graph for the delusional..............as Obama used the new ZERO POINT in the graph to show how great he was............................Lose massive jobs......RE ZERO THE STATISTICS............and beat chest and say LOOK WHAT I DID.......................

Bottom line............a fucking child could have made better use of that 787 billion money
what are the current U3 numbers?
In the end, stimulus worked

Reversed an economic collapse and prevented a depression

You continue to perpetuate this lie. If that is the case why don't you offer some substantive proof, huh?

As you wish

Proper graph for the delusional..............as Obama used the new ZERO POINT in the graph to show how great he was............................Lose massive jobs......RE ZERO THE STATISTICS............and beat chest and say LOOK WHAT I DID.......................

Bottom line............a fucking child could have made better use of that 787 billion money
That was the stimulus impact on GDP
Let's look at the stock market....shall we?


Shall I remind you that EVERY Republican voted against stimulus?
Openly dumped money into the Markets leaving the bill for doing so to the American people.................

Then lowered the rates to virtually ZERO.............

BUBBLE MACHINE.................to the same asshats that caused collapse.....................while they took money behind the scenes from the Federal Reserve...........

then paid back the BS bailout loans with the money they got from the back door of the Federal Reserve.................

Hooverville was worse. Not even the Mafia would be proud.
We know what needs to be fixed...............It's been reported for decades now on Water and Sewage Problems......Bridges......Dams.........Levies that are in desperate need of repair and replacement.............Some of which if they fail would put entire cities under water............In California should a earthquake hit the levies there the people of California wouldn't have any dang water left..............

But no..........they handed the damned money out like candy to their PET PROJECTS and Buddies..............

Let me repeat............WE CAN NOT TRUST THE GOVT. ANYMORE.
...in the mean time, we legalized pot and expect around a billion in revenue.
So the Government is in with the Drug Dealers................Color me shocked.................

Not something to brag about in my view.
lol. Nothing but propaganda and rhetoric? The US government is the largest purchaser of drugs in the entire world.
Obama tried for eight years to get investment in infrastructure
Republicans mocked it as pork

Trump is trying to spend a trillion dollars selling off our infrastructure to private investors
He got bailout money..............gave it to his buddies on BS..................said shovel ready and shoveled it to corrupt ass political donors and their buddies.........

Bailed out states.........................It was Crap...........he and the rest of the Swamp can't be trusted with anything anymore.
In the end, stimulus worked

Reversed an economic collapse and prevented a depression
Baloney.................they took the money from the back door of the Federal Reserve..................took a Supreme Court Ruling to do so...........and not a freaking peep from the Media about it................

You can't trust the Media anymore nor the damned politicians in office anymore........both sides..............

The boy that cried wolf................I'm not listening anymore.
We did not have a Great Depression.
Did we postpone it...................What happens when the Chickens come home to roost.........................
apples and oranges; we actually bailed out rich bankers who got to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on Means Tested, Corporate Welfare.
The $4.2 Trillion Dilemma | Weekly Economic Commentary | April 10, 2017 - Manchester Investments


In order to decrease supply in the market and push interest rates lower, the Fed has purchased more than $4.2 trillion of bonds ($2.46 trillion in Treasury notes and $1.75 trillion in mortgage-backed securities) since 2008 through multiple QE programs. Although the latest QE program in the U.S. ended more than two years ago (October 2014), these holdings, known as the Fed’s balance sheet, have remained stable. The Fed has rolled proceeds from maturing bonds into new purchases, keeping the size of the Fed’s balance sheet relatively constant over the past few years, and also likely keeping rates slightly lower than they otherwise would be.

by cutting taxes.
Lets ignore these as well..............and build a dang park in California or a high speed rail in California........

Fuck the kids in this school who train to run should the dam break............Yeah......they actually do evacuation drills because the town would be under 14 foot of water should it finally break..............

State Of Disrepair: Dangerous Dams
California legalized pot and we expect around a billion in revenue.
I don't care...........I don't agree with it's legalization.................

Not something to brag about to me...........
lol. why complain about the cost of government and government, "red tape"?
431,000 residents at risk here.................should it fail......................Did our Gov't fix this shit with all that money......

Lewisville Dam: The dam called trouble
Why can Kentucky afford a War on Drugs?
wtf..................start a dang thread on how drug addicts...............save the world or something.................What the Fuck does legalizing Drugs have to do with a dam that if it breaks could kill a Fing town.
did you know, nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics, (or the law)?
As long as Illegals and Progressives are forced to do the actual work, yes I'm for it

Good for you for straight out admitting you don't work for or earn anything.

And thanks for admitting you're fine with taking jobs away from Americans and giving them to "illegals".

Pretty typical of you RWNJs.


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We all need to remember that trump and the Repubs have already started slashing the taxes of their 1% cronies. The cheeto wants to spend a whole lot of money on things we don't need, like military hardware and his idiotic wall.

Surely the trumpkins know they will be paying for his every little whim.

And remember that trump said he "loves debt" and would not hesitate to increase US debt. Just like the shrub did, he will leave not take responsibility for that and RWNJs will blame the next prez.

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