A Video on 'Reasonable Gun Control' that Libtards Like


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Home invasion exploded and the libtards are OK with it because 'the children are safe', one denigrating the whole thing as someone slipping their foot inside your door'.

Watch and weep, those who love freedom and self defense.

'It doesnt bloody add up.'

Gun control is not about guns, it is about control.
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History of gun registratin and gun control

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What kind of weapons do right wingnuts want to arm teachers with? Bazookas? 50 caliber machine guns? Should they be kept loaded and in the umbrella stand next to the teachers desk?
What kind of weapons do right wingnuts want to arm teachers with? Bazookas? 50 caliber machine guns? Should they be kept loaded and in the umbrella stand next to the teachers desk?

Whatever is needed to shoot libtard fascists dead inone shot would suffice.
Why this liberal no longer believes in gun control? (and why the ?Assault weapon ban? is an ideologically-driven distraction) | Liberaltaria

Why this liberal no longer believes in gun control… (and why the “Assault weapon ban” is an ideologically-driven distraction)

As someone who has done a complete 180 from liberal firearm skeptic and supporter of gun control to now being an ardent supporter of second amendment rights (and a responsible gun owner), I feel like I am uniquely qualified to speak to those individuals whose views I used to share. I’d like to believe I’m a reasonable and objective-minded person, and I want them to read a different perspective on gun control — one that arises from personal experience and research and is not filled with the hyperbole and mis-information we see all over television.

I feel like many people, including most liberal politicians, treat gun control like most conservatives treat sex education or climate change. Their views and thus the policies they support are based entirely on ideology, with only the most cursory attempts at studying the facts. They are blinded by confirmation bias, cherry picking factual evidence to support their foregone conclusion. This is why gun owners can find it hard to even come to the table to have the “gun control” conversation; they are convinced the other side made up their collective minds long ago and are NOT interested in an honest discussion. Many times, it seems their sole focus seems to be on restricting gun rights as much as possible, regardless of whether or not it will help to prevent tragedy. Unfortunately, after the spectacle in the media I’ve seen in the past few weeks, I’d have to agree.
Why Young Women Want AR-15s - Celia Bigelow & Aubrey Blankenship - National Review Online

Why Young Women Want AR-15s
Americans have the right to an efficient weapon for home defense....

Our goal when defending against a home invader is simple: to hit where we aim. One shouldn’t underestimate the value of target practice, but using an accurate weapon is the key to hitting a target with ease and confidence.

The AR-15 is lightweight and practical. As light as five pounds, it produces low levels of recoil, and it’s easy to shoot. It also looks intimidating, which is what you want when facing an assailant or intruder. But don’t let its appearance intimidate you. Assault rifles such as the AR-15 aren’t more “dangerous,” as liberals claim. They don’t fire faster than other rifles, and don’t normally contain more powerful ammunition.

Accuracy? Check. Ease in handling? Check. Intimidation factor? Check. An AR-15 might be a woman’s best friend.

We are rational women who, as law-abiding citizens, understand the need — and the right — to defend ourselves. We don’t want to be caught underprepared in the kind of desperate situation that happens too frequently to people across America....

Imagining ourselves in a high-stress, violent situation, we want a gun with enough ammo, and more, to get the job done. Sometimes, you only get one shot. At other times, you may need more. When you don’t have time to reload in the heat of a home invasion, the AR-15’s 30-round magazine gives you the flexibility and security a handgun will not.

High-capacity magazines serve as a life-saving insurance mechanism, a self-defense back-up if something doesn’t go according to plan. Yet you would never think of these guns in this sense by listening to anti-gun zealots and their allies in media.
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Gun control in the UK; 'It's about liberty, really, we want to defend ourselves.'

'It's easy to understand really, the government cannot control criminals so they control the law abiding.'
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This is really a question of democracy:

Do you consider that gun laws should be made more strict, kept as they are, or less strict?

More strict 58%

Less strict 6%


I assume most people here support the will of the people, no?
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Another 'reasonable' libtarad, Chrissy Matthews.

"You're Carrying A G-D D-mn Gun!" - Chrissy
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What kind of weapons do right wingnuts want to arm teachers with? Bazookas? 50 caliber machine guns? Should they be kept loaded and in the umbrella stand next to the teachers desk?

Whatever is needed to shoot libtard fascists dead inone shot would suffice.

Now you just sound crazy. Or should I say "even more crazy".

It's crazy to defend oneself? or do yo mean its crazy to fight fascism?

Obviously rdean, you are the nut, a liar and an ideological fool.
This is really a question of democracy:

Do you consider that gun laws should be made more strict, kept as they are, or less strict?

More strict 58%

Less strict 6%


I assume most people here support the will of the people, no?

The majority of Germans supported lawas against respecting the legal rights of Jews, and the majority of people in the US had no respect for the rights of blacks for centuries.

No, I do not respect the will of the majority when they are trampling the rights of others.
No matter how many examples are provided to the mind-numbed, brain-dead lib/prog lemmings, they are unable to face the fact that what has failed before will fail again. They are cowards and liars.

Can you explain why the US has 10 times as many gun-related deaths as countries that have real gun control laws?
Gun control should be outlawed and gun control advocates put in detention camps and stripped of their citizenship.

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No matter how many examples are provided to the mind-numbed, brain-dead lib/prog lemmings, they are unable to face the fact that what has failed before will fail again. They are cowards and liars.

Can you explain why the US has 10 times as many gun-related deaths as countries that have real gun control laws?

You mean like Russia does? Or South Africa?

Oh, wait, they have HHIGHER crime rates and murder rates than they USA, my bad.

Can you explain why we have over 2 million uses of a gun for self defense each year?
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