A WMD: Conservative Supreme Court

I piss off a lot of my friends on this one.

But I am all for a huge discussion on campaign money and finance.

What you say is a real possiblilty.

Yeah, the funny thing is that you don't even need an advanced law degree or even having passed poli-sci with more than a C- to see immediately the loophole that SCOTUS created for seditious foreign interests/money. It was like they blew a hole in the side of the the Capitol Building and laid out a welcome mat for our enemies [money] to waltz right in.

It's a no-duh moment when you consider that now any foreigner with money can buy his way into super-citizenship & influence without having to take one class in naturalization or swearing the Oath of allegiance or foresaking his own birth country's interests. Prince Talal must be pissing himself with glee. [just Google his holdings here in the US]. Saudi Arabia is famous for aiding Al Qaida with benefits for widows of suicide bombers.

So glad to welcome this new SuperCitizen on board as a "loyal patriot" to US internal interests... :eek: :cuckoo:

I see that at the local level. It is now more expensive to run campaigns and so the outside money is "needed" and politicians shortcut to a few "money people" to fill their coffers. This happens on both sides and pisses me off.

They get lazy and they are beholden to the money.

I agree.

This is a great article everyone should read as it really tells it like it is! It really makes great sense.

The Supreme Court's Conservatives Have Turned The Constitution Into A Weapon of Mass Destruction

The SCOTUS whether controlled by "liberals" or "conservatives" have turned the Constitution into a WMD's.

Conservatives AND Liberals are government supremacists.

One was to rule over you in the name of god or religion. The other wants to impose secular communism.


A conservative Supreme Court probably IS a good and destructive weapon... against liberalsim.

And that's a GOOD thing.

In fact, that's the USSC's job. They are charged with upholding and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. And the Constitution has no greater enemies (domestically, anyway) than modern liberals.


I personally hope Ruth Badger Ginsburg dies of a massive stroke minutes after Ted Cruz is inaugurated President.

A mass suicide of liberals in a "People's Temple" revisit would be nice also. Call it a retroactive self abortion.

This is a great article everyone should read as it really tells it like it is! It really makes great sense.

The Supreme Court's Conservatives Have Turned The Constitution Into A Weapon of Mass Destruction

The SCOTUS whether controlled by "liberals" or "conservatives" have turned the Constitution into a WMD's.

Conservatives AND Liberals are government supremacists.

One was to rule over you in the name of god or religion. The other wants to impose secular communism.



You're confusing republicrats with conservatives. There's a difference whether you like it or not.

This is a great article everyone should read as it really tells it like it is! It really makes great sense.

The Supreme Court's Conservatives Have Turned The Constitution Into A Weapon of Mass Destruction

The SCOTUS has a conservative MINORITY at present. At MOST it comes down to a fifty fifty split depending on how the swing vote falls.

Conservatism GOT us here.

Stopping the disaster of the leftward movement of American government is the only hope for the preservation of America.

The OP couldn't be any more wrong.

Liberals being laughable. It's what they are and what they do.
This is a great article everyone should read as it really tells it like it is! It really makes great sense.

The Supreme Court's Conservatives Have Turned The Constitution Into A Weapon of Mass Destruction

The Supreme Court’s five male conservative Christians, in ruling for Hobby Lobby, announced in grand fashion that, indeed, the war on women is based on the Christian Right’s faulty interpretation of their rule book, the Christian bible.


The SC makes a ruling the details of which you are obviously unaware, and you think the country is coming unglued. Po, po pitiful you the Liberal. :lol:

I saw what you did there @Mr. H Why did you use the term "Christian" instead of "catholic" :eusa_think: There is a diff ESPECIALLY as regards to that last sham of a narrow decision they made :thup:
A conservative Supreme Court probably IS a good and destructive weapon... against liberalsim.

And that's a GOOD thing.

In fact, that's the USSC's job. They are charged with upholding and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. And the Constitution has no greater enemies (domestically, anyway) than modern liberals.


I personally hope Ruth Badger Ginsburg dies of a massive stroke minutes after Ted Cruz is inaugurated President.

A mass suicide of liberals in a "People's Temple" revisit would be nice also. Call it a retroactive self abortion.

Ruh Ro....

You said a bad thing.

Better watch out......Statistidick will post a rebuke in public about wishing death on others.

Be very afraid.

BTW: I got in trouble once for suggesting that Dick Cheney take her duck hunting.

I think we need to abolish the supreme court, and just flip a coin. Or, perhaps, a APP that can analyze all the facts, given all known facts, there has to be an analogue for that. in ten seconds or less, not for this constant debating that drags out over months or years. The human factor, with the ambiguities and the indecisiveness, that has got to go.

Your post makes the Terminator smile.

Thank God there are those on the Supreme Court that understand their responsibilities as they relate to the Constitution.
As for liberals and birth control, I think it should be mandatory that all liberals, progressives, and socialists practice what they preach, and abstain from reproducing.

I would pay to sterilize them.

Please spay and neuter your liberal family members.

Wait, never mind. Male liberals have no balls.

A conservative Supreme Court probably IS a good and destructive weapon... against liberalsim.

And that's a GOOD thing.

In fact, that's the USSC's job. They are charged with upholding and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. And the Constitution has no greater enemies (domestically, anyway) than modern liberals.


I personally hope Ruth Badger Ginsburg dies of a massive stroke minutes after Ted Cruz is inaugurated President.

A mass suicide of liberals in a "People's Temple" revisit would be nice also. Call it a retroactive self abortion.

Ruh Ro....

You said a bad thing.

Better watch out......Statistidick will post a rebuke in public about wishing death on others.

Be very afraid.

BTW: I got in trouble once for suggesting that Dick Cheney take her duck hunting.


Statistwhore can say whatever it wants.

I won't waste time reading it.

Yeah, the funny thing is that you don't even need an advanced law degree or even having passed poli-sci with more than a C- to see immediately the loophole that SCOTUS created for seditious foreign interests/money. It was like they blew a hole in the side of the the Capitol Building and laid out a welcome mat for our enemies [money] to waltz right in.

It's a no-duh moment when you consider that now any foreigner with money can buy his way into super-citizenship & influence without having to take one class in naturalization or swearing the Oath of allegiance or foresaking his own birth country's interests. Prince Talal must be pissing himself with glee. [just Google his holdings here in the US]. Saudi Arabia is famous for aiding Al Qaida with benefits for widows of suicide bombers.

So glad to welcome this new SuperCitizen on board as a "loyal patriot" to US internal interests... :eek: :cuckoo:

I see that at the local level. It is now more expensive to run campaigns and so the outside money is "needed" and politicians shortcut to a few "money people" to fill their coffers. This happens on both sides and pisses me off.

They get lazy and they are beholden to the money.

I agree.


"Uh-yeah" [I feel like that kangaroo plugging the hopper] money=citizenship is a fast-track to foreign sedition right into the heart of our democracy. And we used to think lobbying=law was bad... This is phase two of that 'progressive democracy'... When the people no longer can pick and promote their own leaders, through whatever type of real or figurative handcuffs are placed on them, democracy has died.
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Hunting with Cheney?

I like our former VP.

But THAT'S a funny line.

Let me guess, you probably also like scorpion stings, the ebola virus and raw sewage in open sores, right? :cuckoo:

To each their own I guess...

Nope. As I would have predicted, your guesses are sub-moronic.

You don't care for Vice President Cheney because you prefer geniuses like Plugs Biden.

I personally hope Ruth Badger Ginsburg dies of a massive stroke minutes after Ted Cruz is inaugurated President.

A mass suicide of liberals in a "People's Temple" revisit would be nice also. Call it a retroactive self abortion.

Jesus Christ!

Your position and mentality is as desireable as that on the far left. There's no room for that kind of extremism. I just can't see how it adds to any discussion. There isn't a law that says in order to have strongly held beliefs you have to abandon compassion and/or reason.
Hunting with Cheney?

I like our former VP.

But THAT'S a funny line.

Let me guess, you probably also like scorpion stings, the ebola virus and raw sewage in open sores, right? :cuckoo:

To each their own I guess...

Nope. As I would have predicted, your guesses are sub-moronic.

You don't care for Vice President Cheney because you prefer geniuses like Plugs Biden.


Um, no. Not a big fan of Team Obama either. It's just that Cheney more than any other person I can think of has done more damage to the USA via his singular influence. Pound for pound he is the most-concentrated traitor to this country that We have ever known.

And he's wanted by Inter-Pol for war crimes performed at the demise of other nations as well. Other than that, he's probably a great guy.
I personally hope Ruth Badger Ginsburg dies of a massive stroke minutes after Ted Cruz is inaugurated President.

A mass suicide of liberals in a "People's Temple" revisit would be nice also. Call it a retroactive self abortion.

Jesus Christ!

Your position and mentality is as desireable as that on the far left. There's no room for that kind of extremism. I just can't see how it adds to any discussion. There isn't a law that says in order to have strongly held beliefs you have to abandon compassion and/or reason.


Leftist regimes throughout the last 100 years have systematically slaughtered countless millions of people, for merely the suspicion of dissent.

All I'm suggesting is for what constitues the modern bolshevik party, is removing themselves from the genepool before they have a chance to again slaughter tens of millions of people.

I see that as a net gain. Why you find that to be "extreme" is beyond me. I would prefer a future without gulags. That's not "extreme", that's a genuine humanitarian desire.

Jesus Christ!

Your position and mentality is as desireable as that on the far left. There's no room for that kind of extremism. I just can't see how it adds to any discussion. There isn't a law that says in order to have strongly held beliefs you have to abandon compassion and/or reason.


Leftist regimes throughout the last 100 years have systematically slaughtered countless millions of people, for merely the suspicion of dissent.

All I'm suggesting is for what constitues the modern bolshevik party, is removing themselves from the genepool before they have a chance to again slaughter tens of millions of people.

I see that as a net gain. Why you find that to be "extreme" is beyond me. I would prefer a future without gulags. That's not "extreme", that's a genuine humanitarian desire.

I guess you are the perfect example then that extremes beget extremes. I'm saying some side has to take the higher ground sooner or later. Why not the sane one? [I'm in agreement with you on principle but not in remedy. I think there is a more measured and permanent fix to the problem.] All your extremism is doing is polarizing people in the middle and driving them away from you, when they would otherwise roll up their sleeves to help you accomplish your goals.
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