A WMD: Conservative Supreme Court

Let me guess, you probably also like scorpion stings, the ebola virus and raw sewage in open sores, right? :cuckoo:

To each their own I guess...

Nope. As I would have predicted, your guesses are sub-moronic.

You don't care for Vice President Cheney because you prefer geniuses like Plugs Biden.


Um, no. Not a big fan of Team Obama either. It's just that Cheney more than any other person I can think of has done more damage to the USA via his singular influence. Pound for pound he is the most-concentrated traitor to this country that We have ever known.

And he's wanted by Inter-Pol for war crimes performed at the demise of other nations as well. Other than that, he's probably a great guy.

You are certainly entitled to your outside-directed and fully-propagandized pointless of view, but HAVING your opinion doesn't mean your opinion is logical, coherent, factually well-based or even sane.

Cheney was and is a GREAT American. He is not even remotely akin to a traitor.

And no. He is NOT "wanted" by Interpol for war crimes or for anything else.

Try to be factually accurate about something in your life. It will prove a refreshing change of pace for you!
Jesus Christ!

Your position and mentality is as desireable as that on the far left. There's no room for that kind of extremism. I just can't see how it adds to any discussion. There isn't a law that says in order to have strongly held beliefs you have to abandon compassion and/or reason.


Leftist regimes throughout the last 100 years have systematically slaughtered countless millions of people, for merely the suspicion of dissent.

All I'm suggesting is for what constitues the modern bolshevik party, is removing themselves from the genepool before they have a chance to again slaughter tens of millions of people.

I see that as a net gain. Why you find that to be "extreme" is beyond me. I would prefer a future without gulags. That's not "extreme", that's a genuine humanitarian desire.

I guess you are the perfect example then that extremes beget extremes. I'm saying some side has to take the higher ground sooner or later. Why not the sane one? [I'm in agreement with you on principle but not in remedy. I think there is a more measured and permanent fix to the problem.]

The left has all but destroyed the "high ground".

They've marginalized ethics and morality.

I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Nope. As I would have predicted, your guesses are sub-moronic.

You don't care for Vice President Cheney because you prefer geniuses like Plugs Biden.


Um, no. Not a big fan of Team Obama either. It's just that Cheney more than any other person I can think of has done more damage to the USA via his singular influence. Pound for pound he is the most-concentrated traitor to this country that We have ever known.

And he's wanted by Inter-Pol for war crimes performed at the demise of other nations as well. Other than that, he's probably a great guy.

You are certainly entitled to your outside-directed and fully-propagandized pointless of view, but HAVING your opinion doesn't mean your opinion is logical, coherent, factually well-based or even sane.

Cheney was and is a GREAT American. He is not even remotely akin to a traitor.

And no. He is NOT "wanted" by Interpol for war crimes or for anything else.

Try to be factually accurate about something in your life. It will prove a refreshing change of pace for you!


I actually like Vader myself...

but I would not extol him as a "Great" guy. He represents the international elitist cabal that has done some serious damage to individual liberty using terrorism as an excuse. He's wrong about middle east policy as well. We need to be done with that shithole and pull our military back.

Let the ruskies and chinks deal with that mess. It's their continent.

Um, no. Not a big fan of Team Obama either. It's just that Cheney more than any other person I can think of has done more damage to the USA via his singular influence. Pound for pound he is the most-concentrated traitor to this country that We have ever known.

And he's wanted by Inter-Pol for war crimes performed at the demise of other nations as well. Other than that, he's probably a great guy.

You are certainly entitled to your outside-directed and fully-propagandized pointless of view, but HAVING your opinion doesn't mean your opinion is logical, coherent, factually well-based or even sane.

Cheney was and is a GREAT American. He is not even remotely akin to a traitor.

And no. He is NOT "wanted" by Interpol for war crimes or for anything else.

Try to be factually accurate about something in your life. It will prove a refreshing change of pace for you!

OK, I'll try to be accurate:

According to a story filed late Wednesday, Cheney will be indicted in a Nigerian bribery case as part of an investigation into an alleged $180 million bribery scandal....

...The prosecuting counsel for the country’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission said that indictments will be handed down in the next three days and that an arrest warrant for Cheney “will be issued and transmitted through Interpol.” Nigeria to charge Dick Cheney in $180 million bribery case, issue Interpol arrest warrant

May 13, 2012 8:28 am

In the first verdict of its kind since former President George W. Bush left office, he and several members of his administration have been successfully convicted in absentia of war crimes in Malaysia.

Yes, this is a BFD. [assuming 'Big Fucking Deal']

..This past Friday, a five panel tribunal delivered a unanimous guilty verdict after a week long trial that, unsurprisingly, was not covered by American media. The witnesses included several ex-Guantanamo detainees that gave testimony on the conditions and human rights violations that were systematically carried out under orders of the Bush administration.

Former President Bush, Former Vice-President Dick Cheney, Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo that crafted the legal ‘justification’ for torture that basically said, ‘we can if we want to even if it’s illegal’ were the defendants. None were present, of course, but international war crime trials do not require the presence of the accused. The trial was run according to the standards set by the Nuremberg Trials to convict war criminals after World War II.

Professor Gurdial Singh Nijar, who headed the prosecution said, “The tribunal was very careful to adhere scrupulously to the regulations drawn up by the Nuremberg courts and the International Criminal Courts”.

The United States is subject to international law which makes this trial significant beyond the borders of Malaysia. Foreign Policy Journal reports:

President Lamin told a packed courtroom: “As a tribunal of conscience, the tribunal is fully aware that its verdict is merely declaratory in nature. The tribunal has no power of enforcement, no power to impose any custodial sentence on any one or more of the 8 convicted persons. What we can do, under Article 31 of Chapter VI of Part 2 of the Charter is to recommend to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission to submit this finding of conviction by the tribunal, together with a record of these proceedings, to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council...

..“The Tribunal also recommends to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission that the names of all the 8 convicted persons be entered and included in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals and be publicized accordingly.

“The Tribunal recommends to the War Crimes Commission to give the widest international publicity to this conviction and grant of reparations, as these are universal crimes for which there is a responsibility upon nations to institute prosecutions if any of these Accused persons may enter their jurisdictions? George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Convicted Of War Crimes
This is a great article everyone should read as it really tells it like it is! It really makes great sense.

The Supreme Court's Conservatives Have Turned The Constitution Into A Weapon of Mass Destruction

The SCOTUS whether controlled by "liberals" or "conservatives" have turned the Constitution into a WMD's.

Conservatives AND Liberals are government supremacists.

One was to rule over you in the name of god or religion. The other wants to impose secular communism.



You're confusing republicrats with conservatives. There's a difference whether you like it or not.


A "conservative" SCOTUS affirmed Obama Hellcare

A "conservative" majority in "Columbia v. Heller" allowed the Gun Control Act of 1968 to remain in effect.

The SCOTUS whether controlled by "liberals" or "conservatives" have turned the Constitution into a WMD's.

Conservatives AND Liberals are government supremacists.

One was to rule over you in the name of god or religion. The other wants to impose secular communism.



You're confusing republicrats with conservatives. There's a difference whether you like it or not.


A "conservative" SCOTUS affirmed Obama Hellcare

A "conservative" majority in "Columbia v. Heller" allowed the Gun Control Act of 1968 to remain in effect.


Roberts is a conservative?

I would think that his obozocare vote alone disqualifies him from being a conservative.

He might consider himself one. Bush considered himself one, and all the bed wetters called him one, but clearly he is not.

Just like obozo might call himself a "liberal", when in reality he is a fascist pig.

I hate to say it, but I agree. Conservatives tend to be....conservative...hesitant to change. They are or at least they used to be the brakes on the car.

Citizen's United though is a dangerously foolish progressive idea that was like the HIV to our country's democratic rule. It hasn't yet, but with time will bloom into full blown AIDS "Assisted Insidious Determined Sedition" from foreign interests who are our enemies: acting to destroy us with their money internally with the blessings of the "conservative Supreme Court"..

I piss off a lot of my friends on this one.

But I am all for a huge discussion on campaign money and finance.

What you say is a real possiblilty.

Yeah, the funny thing is that you don't even need an advanced law degree or even having passed poli-sci with more than a C- to see immediately the loophole that SCOTUS created for seditious foreign interests/money. It was like they blew a hole in the side of the the Capitol Building and laid out a welcome mat for our enemies [money] to waltz right in.

It's a no-duh moment when you consider that now any foreigner with money can buy his way into super-citizenship & influence without having to take one class in naturalization or swearing the Oath of allegiance or foresaking his own birth country's interests. Prince Talal must be pissing himself with glee. [just Google his holdings here in the US]. Saudi Arabia is famous for aiding Al Qaida with benefits for widows of suicide bombers.

So glad to welcome this new SuperCitizen on board as a "loyal patriot" to US internal interests... :eek: :cuckoo:


I knew you loved conspiracies, but it is 100% illegal for anyone to spend foreign money on a campaign.
I piss off a lot of my friends on this one.

But I am all for a huge discussion on campaign money and finance.

What you say is a real possiblilty.

Yeah, the funny thing is that you don't even need an advanced law degree or even having passed poli-sci with more than a C- to see immediately the loophole that SCOTUS created for seditious foreign interests/money. It was like they blew a hole in the side of the the Capitol Building and laid out a welcome mat for our enemies [money] to waltz right in.

It's a no-duh moment when you consider that now any foreigner with money can buy his way into super-citizenship & influence without having to take one class in naturalization or swearing the Oath of allegiance or foresaking his own birth country's interests. Prince Talal must be pissing himself with glee. [just Google his holdings here in the US]. Saudi Arabia is famous for aiding Al Qaida with benefits for widows of suicide bombers.

So glad to welcome this new SuperCitizen on board as a "loyal patriot" to US internal interests... :eek: :cuckoo:


I knew you loved conspiracies, but it is 100% illegal for anyone to spend foreign money on a campaign.

OK, so Prince Talal funnels it through Murdoch and other holders of the many companies he has major stock in in the US:

Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal owns a 7 percent stake in News Corp — the parent company of Fox News — making him the largest shareholder outside the family of News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch. Alwaleed has grown close with the Murdoch enterprise, recently endorsing James Murdoch to succeed his father and creating a content-sharing agreement with Fox News for his own media conglomerate, Rotana.

Last weekend, at the right-wing Constitutional Coalition’s annual conference in St. Louis, Joseph Farah, publisher of the far right WorldNetDaily, blasted Fox News for its relationship with Alwaleed. Farah noted correctly that Alwaleed had boasted in the past about forcing Fox News to change its content relating to its coverage of riots in Paris, and warned that such foreign ownership of American media is “really dangerous.” ...

...FARAH: There’s a flaw, a real compromise in Fox that you need to understand. And if you care about national security, you especially need to be attentive to it. And that is that Fox News parent company is News Corp has a significant ownership by a Saudi prince that many of you will be familiar with because right after 9/11 this prince very famously offered Rudolph Giuliani a big multi-million dollar check to rebuild and Giuliani told him to stick the check where the sun don’t shine because this guy was basically blaming America for what happened on 9/11. Well this guy owns a very significant percentage of the News Corp and has let the world know that he can get things taken off Fox News when he finds them objectionable and has in the past. And I really believe this is really dangerous for America.
Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is 'Really Dangerous For America' | ThinkProgress
This is a great article everyone should read as it really tells it like it is! It really makes great sense.

The Supreme Court's Conservatives Have Turned The Constitution Into A Weapon of Mass Destruction

The Supreme Court’s five male conservative Christians, in ruling for Hobby Lobby, announced in grand fashion that, indeed, the war on women is based on the Christian Right’s faulty interpretation of their rule book, the Christian bible.


The SC makes a ruling the details of which you are obviously unaware, and you think the country is coming unglued. Po, po pitiful you the Liberal. :lol:

I saw what you did there @Mr. H Why did you use the term "Christian" instead of "catholic" :eusa_think: There is a diff ESPECIALLY as regards to that last sham of a narrow decision they made :thup:

I dunno. Maybe because the article used the word "Christian" about a bazillion times? :dunno:
Um, no. Not a big fan of Team Obama either. It's just that Cheney more than any other person I can think of has done more damage to the USA via his singular influence. Pound for pound he is the most-concentrated traitor to this country that We have ever known.

And he's wanted by Inter-Pol for war crimes performed at the demise of other nations as well. Other than that, he's probably a great guy.

You are certainly entitled to your outside-directed and fully-propagandized pointless of view, but HAVING your opinion doesn't mean your opinion is logical, coherent, factually well-based or even sane.

Cheney was and is a GREAT American. He is not even remotely akin to a traitor.

And no. He is NOT "wanted" by Interpol for war crimes or for anything else.

Try to be factually accurate about something in your life. It will prove a refreshing change of pace for you!


I actually like Vader myself...

but I would not extol him as a "Great" guy. He represents the international elitist cabal that has done some serious damage to individual liberty using terrorism as an excuse. He's wrong about middle east policy as well. We need to be done with that shithole and pull our military back.

Let the ruskies and chinks deal with that mess. It's their continent.

That's ok. You are not required to agree with my correct assessment.

But he was great.
Um, no. Not a big fan of Team Obama either. It's just that Cheney more than any other person I can think of has done more damage to the USA via his singular influence. Pound for pound he is the most-concentrated traitor to this country that We have ever known.

And he's wanted by Inter-Pol for war crimes performed at the demise of other nations as well. Other than that, he's probably a great guy.

You are certainly entitled to your outside-directed and fully-propagandized pointless of view, but HAVING your opinion doesn't mean your opinion is logical, coherent, factually well-based or even sane.

Cheney was and is a GREAT American. He is not even remotely akin to a traitor.

And no. He is NOT "wanted" by Interpol for war crimes or for anything else.

Try to be factually accurate about something in your life. It will prove a refreshing change of pace for you!

OK, I'll try to be accurate:

According to a story filed late Wednesday, Cheney will be indicted in a Nigerian bribery case as part of an investigation into an alleged $180 million bribery scandal....

...The prosecuting counsel for the country’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission said that indictments will be handed down in the next three days and that an arrest warrant for Cheney “will be issued and transmitted through Interpol.” Nigeria to charge Dick Cheney in $180 million bribery case, issue Interpol arrest warrant

May 13, 2012 8:28 am

In the first verdict of its kind since former President George W. Bush left office, he and several members of his administration have been successfully convicted in absentia of war crimes in Malaysia.

Yes, this is a BFD. [assuming 'Big Fucking Deal']

..This past Friday, a five panel tribunal delivered a unanimous guilty verdict after a week long trial that, unsurprisingly, was not covered by American media. The witnesses included several ex-Guantanamo detainees that gave testimony on the conditions and human rights violations that were systematically carried out under orders of the Bush administration.

Former President Bush, Former Vice-President Dick Cheney, Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo that crafted the legal ‘justification’ for torture that basically said, ‘we can if we want to even if it’s illegal’ were the defendants. None were present, of course, but international war crime trials do not require the presence of the accused. The trial was run according to the standards set by the Nuremberg Trials to convict war criminals after World War II.

Professor Gurdial Singh Nijar, who headed the prosecution said, “The tribunal was very careful to adhere scrupulously to the regulations drawn up by the Nuremberg courts and the International Criminal Courts”.

The United States is subject to international law which makes this trial significant beyond the borders of Malaysia. Foreign Policy Journal reports:

President Lamin told a packed courtroom: “As a tribunal of conscience, the tribunal is fully aware that its verdict is merely declaratory in nature. The tribunal has no power of enforcement, no power to impose any custodial sentence on any one or more of the 8 convicted persons. What we can do, under Article 31 of Chapter VI of Part 2 of the Charter is to recommend to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission to submit this finding of conviction by the tribunal, together with a record of these proceedings, to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council...

..“The Tribunal also recommends to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission that the names of all the 8 convicted persons be entered and included in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals and be publicized accordingly.

“The Tribunal recommends to the War Crimes Commission to give the widest international publicity to this conviction and grant of reparations, as these are universal crimes for which there is a responsibility upon nations to institute prosecutions if any of these Accused persons may enter their jurisdictions? George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Convicted Of War Crimes

The "story" is bullshit and Interpol has NEVER listed former Vice President Cheney as wanted.

You remain a sub-moron douche bag propagandized drooling puddle of shit.
Are liberals trying to divest the judiciary of power and give it to the presidunce?
A conservative Supreme Court probably IS a good and destructive weapon... against liberalsim.

And that's a GOOD thing.

In fact, that's the USSC's job. They are charged with upholding and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. And the Constitution has no greater enemies (domestically, anyway) than modern liberals.


I personally hope Ruth Badger Ginsburg dies of a massive stroke minutes after Ted Cruz is inaugurated President.

A mass suicide of liberals in a "People's Temple" revisit would be nice also. Call it a retroactive self abortion.

Why the hatred? Radicalism is not welcomed from any front. That's the root of our problems with violence today. You're acting no better that the radical Muslims that insist on killing for their own sick joy.
Yeah, the funny thing is that you don't even need an advanced law degree or even having passed poli-sci with more than a C- to see immediately the loophole that SCOTUS created for seditious foreign interests/money. It was like they blew a hole in the side of the the Capitol Building and laid out a welcome mat for our enemies [money] to waltz right in.

It's a no-duh moment when you consider that now any foreigner with money can buy his way into super-citizenship & influence without having to take one class in naturalization or swearing the Oath of allegiance or foresaking his own birth country's interests. Prince Talal must be pissing himself with glee. [just Google his holdings here in the US]. Saudi Arabia is famous for aiding Al Qaida with benefits for widows of suicide bombers.

So glad to welcome this new SuperCitizen on board as a "loyal patriot" to US internal interests... :eek: :cuckoo:


I knew you loved conspiracies, but it is 100% illegal for anyone to spend foreign money on a campaign.

OK, so Prince Talal funnels it through Murdoch and other holders of the many companies he has major stock in in the US:

Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal owns a 7 percent stake in News Corp — the parent company of Fox News — making him the largest shareholder outside the family of News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch. Alwaleed has grown close with the Murdoch enterprise, recently endorsing James Murdoch to succeed his father and creating a content-sharing agreement with Fox News for his own media conglomerate, Rotana.

Last weekend, at the right-wing Constitutional Coalition’s annual conference in St. Louis, Joseph Farah, publisher of the far right WorldNetDaily, blasted Fox News for its relationship with Alwaleed. Farah noted correctly that Alwaleed had boasted in the past about forcing Fox News to change its content relating to its coverage of riots in Paris, and warned that such foreign ownership of American media is “really dangerous.” ...

...FARAH: There’s a flaw, a real compromise in Fox that you need to understand. And if you care about national security, you especially need to be attentive to it. And that is that Fox News parent company is News Corp has a significant ownership by a Saudi prince that many of you will be familiar with because right after 9/11 this prince very famously offered Rudolph Giuliani a big multi-million dollar check to rebuild and Giuliani told him to stick the check where the sun don’t shine because this guy was basically blaming America for what happened on 9/11. Well this guy owns a very significant percentage of the News Corp and has let the world know that he can get things taken off Fox News when he finds them objectionable and has in the past. And I really believe this is really dangerous for America.
Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is 'Really Dangerous For America' | ThinkProgress


Here is a nice little conspiracy site for you.

Who Owns The News? Media Ownership By Corporations.

Now some facts, the FCC approved the foreign ownership of Fox, just like it has approved other foreign ownership of cable and network news stations. There are actually good reasons for that, and Alwaleed bin Talal is still prohibited from spending money on federal elections. Maybe if you weren't obsessed with Fox News you would be more aware of what is happening in the real world.

FCC relaxes rule limiting foreign ownership of media stations - The Washington Post

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