Abortion and Gay Marriage

like most libtards you never stop to see what you are actually inflicting upon society in the long run....
you just say idiotic things like 'get used to it' and think you are being 'progressive'.....:cuckoo:

No doubt when it comes to guns, you'll be screaming your head off about rights and all that stuff. When it comes to something you don't like, then you will completely ignore that the US has been a country based on human rights for centuries.

Okay, US tradition is to talk about rights and then have slavery, segregation and so on. And you just seem to be partaking of this tradition. Great huh? No better than Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights you.

Oh, and no doubt your favorite debating "tactic" will be to insult.

the only 'human rights' you progressives believe in are those ordained by the socialist UN....

God and 'Mother Nature' are not included...
Homosexuality serves no societal purpose. Good news is, with advances in genetics, we are coming closer and closer to discovering the potential "homosexual" gene or genes. If we can detect this genetic proclivity towards this anti-social behavior in the womb, we will be able to abort said fetus or use to gene therapy to address the issue. If this gene is discovered, and can be identified in the womb, I think many will go this route.

If homosexuality was genetic, natural selection would have weeded out homosexuality thousands of years ago. It should be an obvious fact that homosexuls would have had a lesser propensity to propagate, and therefore would have gradually disappeared over time.

Homosexuality is a phenomenon of over population, just like the other sexual deviations that raise their ugly heads in crowded populations.
You don't understand Natural Selection, and in this case homosexuals are "made" by heterosexuals, and always have been. Most homosexuals "make" heterosexuals BTW, which is the norm.

Natural Selection does not apply in this case. It would apply to people with two heads, if they had issue getting laid and were not a natural occurrence of one-headed people having sex. Homosexuality is a natural variation within human populations. It has always been there as far as we can tell and most of the time people didn't both to even name since men will fuck anything, man, woman, child, livestock, anything they can catch with a hole in it.

all the more reason gays should not raise children....
If homosexuality was genetic, natural selection would have weeded out homosexuality thousands of years ago. It should be an obvious fact that homosexuls would have had a lesser propensity to propagate, and therefore would have gradually disappeared over time.

Homosexuality is a phenomenon of over population, just like the other sexual deviations that raise their ugly heads in crowded populations.
You don't understand Natural Selection, and in this case homosexuals are "made" by heterosexuals, and always have been. Most homosexuals "make" heterosexuals BTW, which is the norm.

Natural Selection does not apply in this case. It would apply to people with two heads, if they had issue getting laid and were not a natural occurrence of one-headed people having sex. Homosexuality is a natural variation within human populations. It has always been there as far as we can tell and most of the time people didn't both to even name since men will fuck anything, man, woman, child, livestock, anything they can catch with a hole in it.

So, in your humble opinion, homosexuality is a genetic defect? And, homosexuals have always been around, but nobody really noticed early on? You are trying to put me on, right?

Your narrative is a product of your own mind, and has no scientific validity. If true, the genetic combination that produced homosexuality would be as obvious as the genetic combination that determines eye color. It doesn't exist, because homosexuality is a learned trait, just like the desire of adults to have sex with small children, or those who desire to have sex with animals.
Homosexuality is a naturally occurring variation of human sexual orientation that is, for the most part, genetic. We have many things like that, like the many types of color-blindness. Those people don't die out just because they have it, and they have it because of how their genetics combined.

Think of gays like Down Syndrome kids. They are produced, in small numbers, the same as homosexuals however Downs is a true genetic disorder, like all trisomes, but it's just along for the ride as part of normal human reproduction. Downs kids don't die off because they are produced naturally by the normal human population with health genetics, just as homosexuals are.
If homosexuality was genetic, natural selection would have weeded out homosexuality thousands of years ago. It should be an obvious fact that homosexuls would have had a lesser propensity to propagate, and therefore would have gradually disappeared over time.

Homosexuality is a phenomenon of over population, just like the other sexual deviations that raise their ugly heads in crowded populations.
You don't understand Natural Selection, and in this case homosexuals are "made" by heterosexuals, and always have been. Most homosexuals "make" heterosexuals BTW, which is the norm.

Natural Selection does not apply in this case. It would apply to people with two heads, if they had issue getting laid and were not a natural occurrence of one-headed people having sex. Homosexuality is a natural variation within human populations. It has always been there as far as we can tell and most of the time people didn't both to even name since men will fuck anything, man, woman, child, livestock, anything they can catch with a hole in it.

all the more reason gays should not raise children....
Men you mean. Men will fuck anything. In this case it's the daughters that are at the most risk. We have far more heterosexual men than homosexual ones.
Looks like a bunch of bible-thumpers are thumping their bibles again about the sin of godless sodomy and heathen abortions. It's a good thing that the First Amendment to the US Constitution forbids these psychotic, dogmatic religious fundamentalists from enforcing their self-righteous bullshit on the rest of society.

Gay marriage is already legal because there isn't a law against it. Abortion is still legal, too. Get used to it because We the People aren't going back in time.

like most libtards you never stop to see what you are actually inflicting upon society in the long run....
you just say idiotic things like 'get used to it' and think you are being 'progressive'.....:cuckoo:

it doesn't take religion or secularism to figure out things....although religion draws from the wisdom of the ages to it's wise to listen to its advice.....however today people are simply observing the actual fruits of progressive campaigns...abortion for example didn't exactly turn out like it was supposed to....

Before abortion law reform, abortion advocates argued that legalising abortion would have a positive effect on society. After several decades most of these predictions have proven false.

  • Rather than giving women more freedom, abortion has led to expoiltation by men who no longer want the responsibility of providing for their children.
  • Some men feel they have been disenfranchised and powerless as they have no legal rights when it comes to abortion.
  • Abortion has not decreased the crime rate as advocates claimed would happen, the opposite is true.
  • Abortion of unwanted babies has not led to fewer victims of child abuse as claimed, numbers are in fact on the increase.
  • Opponents said legalising abortion would be the slippery slope to the acceptance of infanticide and euthanasia, this has happened.
there's more if you want to educate yourself...
Impact of Abortion on Society | The Life Resources Charitable Trust

Actually, it’s you and others on the right in need of an education.

For example, you incorrectly perceive this issue as one of abortion being ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ when in fact that is not the case.

We’re all in agreement that abortion needs to end, the disagreement is how to bring about its end, where in addition to being un-Constitutional, ‘banning’ abortion simply won’t work.
like most libtards you never stop to see what you are actually inflicting upon society in the long run....
you just say idiotic things like 'get used to it' and think you are being 'progressive'.....:cuckoo:

No doubt when it comes to guns, you'll be screaming your head off about rights and all that stuff. When it comes to something you don't like, then you will completely ignore that the US has been a country based on human rights for centuries.

Okay, US tradition is to talk about rights and then have slavery, segregation and so on. And you just seem to be partaking of this tradition. Great huh? No better than Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights you.

Oh, and no doubt your favorite debating "tactic" will be to insult.

the only 'human rights' you progressives believe in are those ordained by the socialist UN....

God and 'Mother Nature' are not included...
Mother Nature doesn't grant rights, and if God does, he doesn't enforce or defend them. And so goes God and Mother Nature.

In this case the UN is a better choice by far.
Homosexuality serves no societal purpose. Good news is, with advances in genetics, we are coming closer and closer to discovering the potential "homosexual" gene or genes. If we can detect this genetic proclivity towards this anti-social behavior in the womb, we will be able to abort said fetus or use to gene therapy to address the issue. If this gene is discovered, and can be identified in the womb, I think many will go this route.

If homosexuality was genetic, natural selection would have weeded out homosexuality thousands of years ago. It should be an obvious fact that homosexuls would have had a lesser propensity to propagate, and therefore would have gradually disappeared over time.

Homosexuality is a phenomenon of over population, just like the other sexual deviations that raise their ugly heads in crowded populations.


Homosexuality is an expression of individual liberty, protected from government interference by the Fifth Amendment’s Liberty Clause, where whether it manifest as a consequence of nature or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant (Lawrence v. Texas (2003)).
You don't understand Natural Selection, and in this case homosexuals are "made" by heterosexuals, and always have been. Most homosexuals "make" heterosexuals BTW, which is the norm.

Natural Selection does not apply in this case. It would apply to people with two heads, if they had issue getting laid and were not a natural occurrence of one-headed people having sex. Homosexuality is a natural variation within human populations. It has always been there as far as we can tell and most of the time people didn't both to even name since men will fuck anything, man, woman, child, livestock, anything they can catch with a hole in it.

So, in your humble opinion, homosexuality is a genetic defect? And, homosexuals have always been around, but nobody really noticed early on? You are trying to put me on, right?

Your narrative is a product of your own mind, and has no scientific validity. If true, the genetic combination that produced homosexuality would be as obvious as the genetic combination that determines eye color. It doesn't exist, because homosexuality is a learned trait, just like the desire of adults to have sex with small children, or those who desire to have sex with animals.
Homosexuality is a naturally occurring variation of human sexual orientation that is, for the most part, genetic. We have many things like that, like the many types of color-blindness. Those people don't die out just because they have it, and they have it because of how their genetics combined.

Think of gays like Down Syndrome kids. They are produced, in small numbers, the same as homosexuals however Downs is a true genetic disorder, like all trisomes, but it's just along for the ride as part of normal human reproduction. Downs kids don't die off because they are produced naturally by the normal human population with health genetics, just as homosexuals are.

abnormality is not a reason to pretend one is normal....if you're blind you shouldn't pretend you see....if you can't have kids together you shouldn't pretend you can....
No doubt when it comes to guns, you'll be screaming your head off about rights and all that stuff. When it comes to something you don't like, then you will completely ignore that the US has been a country based on human rights for centuries.

Okay, US tradition is to talk about rights and then have slavery, segregation and so on. And you just seem to be partaking of this tradition. Great huh? No better than Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights you.

Oh, and no doubt your favorite debating "tactic" will be to insult.

the only 'human rights' you progressives believe in are those ordained by the socialist UN....

God and 'Mother Nature' are not included...
Mother Nature doesn't grant rights, and if God does, he doesn't enforce or defend them. And so goes God and Mother Nature.

In this case the UN is a better choice by far.

some advice for ya.....don't mess with God, Texas, or Mother Nature....:eusa_hand:
Hey fucktard, how many dudes have you buttfucked lately?

fag marriage cheapens it, which is why you want it. Why have normal two parent households, when everyone can be a freak.

Sounds like scapegoating your own inadequacies to me...

I've been legally married over 6 years now. Does it make you feel cheap? :lol:
Yet you are constantly harping about how you dykes get the shaft. Pun intended. You got married legally, now can please move on to other topics :eusa_shhh:

The ignorance, hate, and stupidity you exhibit toward gay Americans in this post is proof that this issue is far from resolved, where gay Americans must continue to defend against the efforts of you and others on the right to deny gay Americans their civil liberties.
So, in your humble opinion, homosexuality is a genetic defect? And, homosexuals have always been around, but nobody really noticed early on? You are trying to put me on, right?

Your narrative is a product of your own mind, and has no scientific validity. If true, the genetic combination that produced homosexuality would be as obvious as the genetic combination that determines eye color. It doesn't exist, because homosexuality is a learned trait, just like the desire of adults to have sex with small children, or those who desire to have sex with animals.
Homosexuality is a naturally occurring variation of human sexual orientation that is, for the most part, genetic. We have many things like that, like the many types of color-blindness. Those people don't die out just because they have it, and they have it because of how their genetics combined.

Think of gays like Down Syndrome kids. They are produced, in small numbers, the same as homosexuals however Downs is a true genetic disorder, like all trisomes, but it's just along for the ride as part of normal human reproduction. Downs kids don't die off because they are produced naturally by the normal human population with health genetics, just as homosexuals are.

abnormality is not a reason to pretend one is normal....if you're blind you shouldn't pretend you see....if you can't have kids together you shouldn't pretend you can....
They don't. They have kids the way other couples who can't have children have kids. We have lots of those as well.
Homosexuality serves no societal purpose. Good news is, with advances in genetics, we are coming closer and closer to discovering the potential "homosexual" gene or genes. If we can detect this genetic proclivity towards this anti-social behavior in the womb, we will be able to abort said fetus or use to gene therapy to address the issue. If this gene is discovered, and can be identified in the womb, I think many will go this route.

If homosexuality was genetic, natural selection would have weeded out homosexuality thousands of years ago. It should be an obvious fact that homosexuls would have had a lesser propensity to propagate, and therefore would have gradually disappeared over time.

Homosexuality is a phenomenon of over population, just like the other sexual deviations that raise their ugly heads in crowded populations.


Homosexuality is an expression of individual liberty, protected from government interference by the Fifth Amendment’s Liberty Clause, where whether it manifest as a consequence of nature or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant (Lawrence v. Texas (2003)).

in other words it's a so-called 'right' found between the lines by some pin-headed black robes...
the only 'human rights' you progressives believe in are those ordained by the socialist UN....

God and 'Mother Nature' are not included...
Mother Nature doesn't grant rights, and if God does, he doesn't enforce or defend them. And so goes God and Mother Nature.

In this case the UN is a better choice by far.

some advice for ya.....don't mess with God, Texas, or Mother Nature....:eusa_hand:
One is a myth, one should be a myth, and the other is very real. That one I don't fuck with.
If homosexuality was genetic, natural selection would have weeded out homosexuality thousands of years ago. It should be an obvious fact that homosexuls would have had a lesser propensity to propagate, and therefore would have gradually disappeared over time.

Homosexuality is a phenomenon of over population, just like the other sexual deviations that raise their ugly heads in crowded populations.


Homosexuality is an expression of individual liberty, protected from government interference by the Fifth Amendment’s Liberty Clause, where whether it manifest as a consequence of nature or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant (Lawrence v. Texas (2003)).

in other words it's a so-called 'right' found between the lines by some pin-headed black robes...
In this case there never should have been a law in the first place. That's why the court tossed it.
Go ahead, move on. I won't until my legal marriage is recognized in all 50 like yours.
Workin' on it. Boy won't he be unhappy, when dykes have rights like he does.

I hope they do, just so we have to hear you fags moan and groan all fucking day long.
I hear no moaning and groaning from the left, that's you guys, and I'm a fan of equality before the law for all Americans, what about you?
Homosexuality is a naturally occurring variation of human sexual orientation that is, for the most part, genetic. We have many things like that, like the many types of color-blindness. Those people don't die out just because they have it, and they have it because of how their genetics combined.

Think of gays like Down Syndrome kids. They are produced, in small numbers, the same as homosexuals however Downs is a true genetic disorder, like all trisomes, but it's just along for the ride as part of normal human reproduction. Downs kids don't die off because they are produced naturally by the normal human population with health genetics, just as homosexuals are.

abnormality is not a reason to pretend one is normal....if you're blind you shouldn't pretend you see....if you can't have kids together you shouldn't pretend you can....
They don't. They have kids the way other couples who can't have children have kids. We have lots of those as well.

no it's different....couples who can't have kids have medical problems...if they get help they can provide the child with both his real mother and real father...

gay couples by choice 'have' children together leaving out either the child's mother or father...the kid has no say in the matter....he's treated like chattel....this is a perversion of human nature...
If homosexuality was genetic, natural selection would have weeded out homosexuality thousands of years ago. It should be an obvious fact that homosexuls would have had a lesser propensity to propagate, and therefore would have gradually disappeared over time.

Homosexuality is a phenomenon of over population, just like the other sexual deviations that raise their ugly heads in crowded populations.


Homosexuality is an expression of individual liberty, protected from government interference by the Fifth Amendment’s Liberty Clause, where whether it manifest as a consequence of nature or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant (Lawrence v. Texas (2003)).

in other words it's a so-called 'right' found between the lines by some pin-headed black robes...


The right to individual liberty has always existed, since before the advent of the Republic, codified by the Constitution as intended by the Framers, where the courts acknowledge this fact when invalidating measures offensive to the right to individual liberty.

As Justice Kennedy accurately explained in Lawrence:

Had those who drew and ratified the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment known the components of liberty in its manifold possibilities, they might have been more specific. They did not presume to have this insight. They knew times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.

abnormality is not a reason to pretend one is normal....if you're blind you shouldn't pretend you see....if you can't have kids together you shouldn't pretend you can....
They don't. They have kids the way other couples who can't have children have kids. We have lots of those as well.

no it's different....couples who can't have kids have medical problems...if they get help they can provide the child with both his real mother and real father...

gay couples by choice 'have' children together leaving out either the child's mother or father...the kid has no say in the matter....he's treated like chattel....this is a perversion of human nature...

We have tons of kids who don't live with their "natural" parents let alone both "natural" parents. You might as well just face up to the fact that you hate homosexuals. Your arguments against them are therefore irrational. That is what the court has found when it looks at the parenting of gay men and women. Those who scream about how terrible that is are being irrational.
Mother Nature doesn't grant rights, and if God does, he doesn't enforce or defend them. And so goes God and Mother Nature.

In this case the UN is a better choice by far.

some advice for ya.....don't mess with God, Texas, or Mother Nature....:eusa_hand:
One is a myth, one should be a myth, and the other is very real. That one I don't fuck with.

yet you are...

Mother Nature brings men and women together to have children....not two gay dudes...

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