Abortion and Gay Marriage


Homosexuality is an expression of individual liberty, protected from government interference by the Fifth Amendment’s Liberty Clause, where whether it manifest as a consequence of nature or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant (Lawrence v. Texas (2003)).

in other words it's a so-called 'right' found between the lines by some pin-headed black robes...


The right to individual liberty has always existed, since before the advent of the Republic, codified by the Constitution as intended by the Framers, where the courts acknowledge this fact when invalidating measures offensive to the right to individual liberty.

As Justice Kennedy accurately explained in Lawrence:

Had those who drew and ratified the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment known the components of liberty in its manifold possibilities, they might have been more specific. They did not presume to have this insight. They knew times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.


yup Lawrence threw open the doors to all kinds of perversion....certain truths are being ignored alright...

why is it the 'great legal minds' didn't foresee all the problems that have come from legalizing abortion...?
abnormality is not a reason to pretend one is normal....if you're blind you shouldn't pretend you see....if you can't have kids together you shouldn't pretend you can....
They don't. They have kids the way other couples who can't have children have kids. We have lots of those as well.

no it's different....couples who can't have kids have medical problems...if they get help they can provide the child with both his real mother and real father...

gay couples by choice 'have' children together leaving out either the child's mother or father...the kid has no say in the matter....he's treated like chattel....this is a perversion of human nature...

The follow two questions are rhetorical, but they’re something you and others on the right need to reflect upon nonetheless, as you should find the questions troubling.

Why do you and others on the right exhibit such contempt for the civil rights of your fellow Americans.

How can you as conservatives justify expanding the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
Many have bought into the 'Hallmark version' of 'marriage equality' because they have heard nothing else...

Gay marriage is being forced on this country like legalized abortion was forced on the country in 1973....following the same blueprint....legalized abortion was a product of civil arrogance on a national scale...like gay marriage today....

We have the media tsunami, the judicial old-boys network making secret arrangements, an elite attack on tradition and values, the middle and working classes utterly ignored.

Civil rights today are really all about vengence...

The campaign for gay marriage targets the exact same things that abortion did: tradition, middle-class values, the family. Abortion was part of a large-scale effort by the “Dead Souls” – the upper-class elites – to destroy lower-class attitudes, traditions, and beliefs, above all involving religion and the family, that were thought to be holding back progressive social evolution. The same motive can be seen here.

Marriage has no actual place in homosexual culture. It never has. If marriage were of such overwhelming importance to homosexuals, they would have, at some point in the last several thousand years of civilization, created some institution of their own to reflect it within their ranks. There is no sign in the historical record that this has ever happened. (The reason is that the basic impulse behind same-sex attraction is profoundly different from the attraction between the sexes. But we won’t go into those complexities here.)

Andrew Sullivan and others have reflected this reality by declaring that gay marriage would be “different” from traditional marriage, involving open relationships, shifting liaisons, and the like. In other words, reflecting gay life as it is actually lived, and for all practical purposes not marriage at all. That is, something that could have been established generations ago if gays really wanted it.

So if this campaign is not about marriage per se, what is it about? To put it bluntly, it’s about vengeance. The modern view of civil rights does not involve justice, reconciliation, or tolerance. It involves revenge. No longer is it enough to correct injustices, to see to reparations, to guarantee that no backsliding with regard to minority rights occurs. Since the 1960s, it has been necessary to punish the majority for various historical sins – even if they had no actual involvement. This began with black civil rights, as the movement, at one time a campaign of high moral content, went off the rails with the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. In short order we got forced bussing, affirmative action, and political correctness, each of which was intended less to assist blacks than to punish, harass, and annoy whites. The same has followed with the feminists, Hispanics, and now gays.

Behind all those athletic young men and winsome girls stand the six-foot-tall drag queens and three-hundred-pound lesbians in tuxes who are the neglected image of “gay marriage.” The intention is to destroy marriage itself by turning it into a joke, a clown show. This is how gays seek their revenge: by striking at the key heterosexual ritual, one that for most women marks a peak experience in their lives and for men marks the moment of leaving behind carefree youth for responsible manhood. Marriage is the basis of the family, and more than that, a state that marks the differences between the middle class and on one side the “undeserving poor” who don’t care enough to marry, and the butterflies of the wealthy elite, to whom, as the old country western song put it, “love’s a passing fling.”

But there’s more to it.

Articles: Roe and Gay Marriage

Are you being forced into a same sex marriage?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
They don't. They have kids the way other couples who can't have children have kids. We have lots of those as well.

no it's different....couples who can't have kids have medical problems...if they get help they can provide the child with both his real mother and real father...

gay couples by choice 'have' children together leaving out either the child's mother or father...the kid has no say in the matter....he's treated like chattel....this is a perversion of human nature...

We have tons of kids who don't live with their "natural" parents let alone both "natural" parents. You might as well just face up to the fact that you hate homosexuals. Your arguments against them are therefore irrational. That is what the court has found when it looks at the parenting of gay men and women. Those who scream about how terrible that is are being irrational.

exactly why we have a sick society today........thanks to 'progressives'....
some advice for ya.....don't mess with God, Texas, or Mother Nature....:eusa_hand:
One is a myth, one should be a myth, and the other is very real. That one I don't fuck with.

yet you are...

Mother Nature brings men and women together to have children....not two gay dudes...

Mother nature brings people together to have sex. Children are the byproduct of heterosexual sex. Humans do have sex to make children, at times, but most sex has nothing to do with making babies, if you do it right that is. And honestly, some of the very best sex even among heterosexuals has not a chance in hell of making babies. That's also nature at work.
no it's different....couples who can't have kids have medical problems...if they get help they can provide the child with both his real mother and real father...

gay couples by choice 'have' children together leaving out either the child's mother or father...the kid has no say in the matter....he's treated like chattel....this is a perversion of human nature...

We have tons of kids who don't live with their "natural" parents let alone both "natural" parents. You might as well just face up to the fact that you hate homosexuals. Your arguments against them are therefore irrational. That is what the court has found when it looks at the parenting of gay men and women. Those who scream about how terrible that is are being irrational.

exactly why we have a sick society today...
I disagree, and so do the courts. Just because you can have a baby doesn't mean you should, or should be allowed to raise it if you do.
They don't. They have kids the way other couples who can't have children have kids. We have lots of those as well.

no it's different....couples who can't have kids have medical problems...if they get help they can provide the child with both his real mother and real father...

gay couples by choice 'have' children together leaving out either the child's mother or father...the kid has no say in the matter....he's treated like chattel....this is a perversion of human nature...

The follow two questions are rhetorical, but they’re something you and others on the right need to reflect upon nonetheless, as you should find the questions troubling.

Why do you and others on the right exhibit such contempt for the civil rights of your fellow Americans.

How can you as conservatives justify expanding the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
The acceptance of homosexuality is a threat to them, to their god, so they hate homosexuals. It's as simple as that.
Many have bought into the 'Hallmark version' of 'marriage equality' because they have heard nothing else...

Gay marriage is being forced on this country like legalized abortion was forced on the country in 1973....following the same blueprint....legalized abortion was a product of civil arrogance on a national scale...like gay marriage today....

We have the media tsunami, the judicial old-boys network making secret arrangements, an elite attack on tradition and values, the middle and working classes utterly ignored.

Civil rights today are really all about vengence...

The campaign for gay marriage targets the exact same things that abortion did: tradition, middle-class values, the family. Abortion was part of a large-scale effort by the “Dead Souls” – the upper-class elites – to destroy lower-class attitudes, traditions, and beliefs, above all involving religion and the family, that were thought to be holding back progressive social evolution. The same motive can be seen here.

Marriage has no actual place in homosexual culture. It never has. If marriage were of such overwhelming importance to homosexuals, they would have, at some point in the last several thousand years of civilization, created some institution of their own to reflect it within their ranks. There is no sign in the historical record that this has ever happened. (The reason is that the basic impulse behind same-sex attraction is profoundly different from the attraction between the sexes. But we won’t go into those complexities here.)

Andrew Sullivan and others have reflected this reality by declaring that gay marriage would be “different” from traditional marriage, involving open relationships, shifting liaisons, and the like. In other words, reflecting gay life as it is actually lived, and for all practical purposes not marriage at all. That is, something that could have been established generations ago if gays really wanted it.

So if this campaign is not about marriage per se, what is it about? To put it bluntly, it’s about vengeance. The modern view of civil rights does not involve justice, reconciliation, or tolerance. It involves revenge. No longer is it enough to correct injustices, to see to reparations, to guarantee that no backsliding with regard to minority rights occurs. Since the 1960s, it has been necessary to punish the majority for various historical sins – even if they had no actual involvement. This began with black civil rights, as the movement, at one time a campaign of high moral content, went off the rails with the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. In short order we got forced bussing, affirmative action, and political correctness, each of which was intended less to assist blacks than to punish, harass, and annoy whites. The same has followed with the feminists, Hispanics, and now gays.

Behind all those athletic young men and winsome girls stand the six-foot-tall drag queens and three-hundred-pound lesbians in tuxes who are the neglected image of “gay marriage.” The intention is to destroy marriage itself by turning it into a joke, a clown show. This is how gays seek their revenge: by striking at the key heterosexual ritual, one that for most women marks a peak experience in their lives and for men marks the moment of leaving behind carefree youth for responsible manhood. Marriage is the basis of the family, and more than that, a state that marks the differences between the middle class and on one side the “undeserving poor” who don’t care enough to marry, and the butterflies of the wealthy elite, to whom, as the old country western song put it, “love’s a passing fling.”

But there’s more to it.

Articles: Roe and Gay Marriage

Are you being forced into a same sex marriage?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

no....but forced to accept the mockery of marriage...

children ARE being forced into same-sex marriages....forced to live with queers when they are not...
One is a myth, one should be a myth, and the other is very real. That one I don't fuck with.

yet you are...

Mother Nature brings men and women together to have children....not two gay dudes...

Mother nature brings people together to have sex. Children are the byproduct of heterosexual sex. Humans do have sex to make children, at times, but most sex has nothing to do with making babies, if you do it right that is. And honestly, some of the very best sex even among heterosexuals has not a chance in hell of making babies. That's also nature at work.

i see....to you children are a 'byproduct'......that explains alot...
yet you are...

Mother Nature brings men and women together to have children....not two gay dudes...

Mother nature brings people together to have sex. Children are the byproduct of heterosexual sex. Humans do have sex to make children, at times, but most sex has nothing to do with making babies, if you do it right that is. And honestly, some of the very best sex even among heterosexuals has not a chance in hell of making babies. That's also nature at work.

i see....to you children are a 'byproduct'......that explains alot...
To biology in this case, that's what they are. Most sex is not about makin' babies.
We have tons of kids who don't live with their "natural" parents let alone both "natural" parents. You might as well just face up to the fact that you hate homosexuals. Your arguments against them are therefore irrational. That is what the court has found when it looks at the parenting of gay men and women. Those who scream about how terrible that is are being irrational.

exactly why we have a sick society today...
I disagree, and so do the courts. Just because you can have a baby doesn't mean you should, or should be allowed to raise it if you do.

you're missing the point....the progressive agenda from the 'sexual revolution' onward has led to children living without their parents....and this has created the malaise in our society....
Mother nature brings people together to have sex. Children are the byproduct of heterosexual sex. Humans do have sex to make children, at times, but most sex has nothing to do with making babies, if you do it right that is. And honestly, some of the very best sex even among heterosexuals has not a chance in hell of making babies. That's also nature at work.

i see....to you children are a 'byproduct'......that explains alot...
To biology in this case, that's what they are. Most sex is not about makin' babies.

there you go dissing Mother Nature again....
exactly why we have a sick society today...
I disagree, and so do the courts. Just because you can have a baby doesn't mean you should, or should be allowed to raise it if you do.

you're missing the point....the progressive agenda from the 'sexual revolution' onward has led to children living without their parents....and this has created the malaise in our society....

That's very unlikely to be the cause, and it world be impossible to prove anyway even if it is a factor.

Look, I'm sorry that society has moved on and left you and your reactionary mentality, and your version of god, behind, but you are just going to have to deal with it or move to a society that is a better fit for you. Your dogs no longer hunt. You've lost. Sorry,
No, that's not true! Allowing gays to marry LESSENS straight marriage....or sumptin'

Just like when they allow inter-racial marriage, it LESSENS same-race marriage....or sumptin'

And just like when they allow inter-faith marriage, it LESSENS same-faith marriage..or sumptin'

Hey fucktard, how many dudes have you buttfucked lately?

fag marriage cheapens it, which is why you want it. Why have normal two parent households, when everyone can be a freak.

At least you went for the stupid argument.

It isn't as though he had a choice! :eusa_whistle:
To biology in this case, that's what they are. Most sex is not about makin' babies.

there you go dissing Mother Nature again....
Not in this slightest. She created it that way.

for what purpose....? to cater to your Saturday night fever....? :lol:

no...her PURPOSE is the reproduction of the species....not something two gays can do...

that's why marriage is between a man and a woman...

elementary, Watson...
I disagree, and so do the courts. Just because you can have a baby doesn't mean you should, or should be allowed to raise it if you do.

you're missing the point....the progressive agenda from the 'sexual revolution' onward has led to children living without their parents....and this has created the malaise in our society....

That's very unlikely to be the cause, and it world be impossible to prove anyway even if it is a factor.

Look, I'm sorry that society has moved on and left you and your reactionary mentality, and your version of god, behind, but you are just going to have to deal with it or move to a society that is a better fit for you. Your dogs no longer hunt. You've lost. Sorry,

exactly what you progressives said before about abortion.....

and THAT picture isn't so rosy anymore...what makes you think 'gay marriage' will be...?
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like most libtards you never stop to see what you are actually inflicting upon society in the long run....
you just say idiotic things like 'get used to it' and think you are being 'progressive'.....:cuckoo:

No doubt when it comes to guns, you'll be screaming your head off about rights and all that stuff. When it comes to something you don't like, then you will completely ignore that the US has been a country based on human rights for centuries.

Okay, US tradition is to talk about rights and then have slavery, segregation and so on. And you just seem to be partaking of this tradition. Great huh? No better than Saudi Arabia when it comes to human rights you.

Oh, and no doubt your favorite debating "tactic" will be to insult.

the only 'human rights' you progressives believe in are those ordained by the socialist UN....

God and 'Mother Nature' are not included...

FYI the USA was instrumental in drafting the UN's human rights charter!
in other words it's a so-called 'right' found between the lines by some pin-headed black robes...


The right to individual liberty has always existed, since before the advent of the Republic, codified by the Constitution as intended by the Framers, where the courts acknowledge this fact when invalidating measures offensive to the right to individual liberty.

As Justice Kennedy accurately explained in Lawrence:

Had those who drew and ratified the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment known the components of liberty in its manifold possibilities, they might have been more specific. They did not presume to have this insight. They knew times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.


yup Lawrence threw open the doors to all kinds of perversion....certain truths are being ignored alright...

why is it the 'great legal minds' didn't foresee all the problems that have come from legalizing abortion...?

Incorrect again.

Obviously you’ve not read the ruling, otherwise you wouldn’t have posted such ignorant nonsense.

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