Abortion and Gay Marriage

for what purpose....? to cater to your Saturday night fever....? :lol:

no...her PURPOSE is the reproduction of the species....not something two gays can do...

that's why marriage is between a man and a woman...

elementary, Watson...
You need to learn the biology of human reproduction. Saturday Night Fever is essentially correct. The baby you might make from that is how nature found a way to sneak them into the process.

evidently those gay guys still haven't learned...pretty slow there....:lol:
Not at all. They want to make babies about as often as anyone else, which is, not very often. We get it on, nearly always, for fun.
SE, is there any argument, any at all, that would make homosexuality valid in your opinion?

homosexuality is as 'valid' as any other aberration....however that does not mean that we should turn society upside down to accomodate it...
So it's the acceptance of it that bothers you?

forcing acceptance against the nature of 98% of society is not good...and the issues surrounding gays and children are also not good.....

what will be the impact upon society.....? there is no reason to believe it will end up being any better than abortion or any other progressive campaign...
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homosexuality is as 'valid' as any other aberration....however that does not mean that we should turn society upside down to accomodate it...
So it's the acceptance of it that bothers you?

forcing acceptance against the nature of 98% of society is not good...and the issues surrounding gays and children are also not good.....

what will be the impact upon society.....? there is no reason to believe it will end up being any better than abortion or any other progressive campaign...
It doesn't both my nature that gay people have rights and kids. Your fears for society are irrational, at best, and that's not what we base our laws on.
no....but forced to accept the mockery of marriage...

children ARE being forced into same-sex marriages....forced to live with queers when they are not...

You’re not ‘forced’ to accept anything.

Disallowing you and other ignorant, hateful rightists from denying gay Americans their civil liberties in violation of the Constitution is not ‘force.’

And the bolded is proof of your ignorance and hate, and why what you advocate is repugnant to the Constitution.

so you're saying a company will not be forced to give health coverage to the gay guy's new 'spouse'....? yeah right...

like i said in another post this issue....like abortion....is so important to society that WE THE PEOPLE should have a vote on it....but no we are getting shafted through the courts once again by idiotic 'progressives'.....

Your first paragraph doesn’t make any sense.

Recognizing the equal protection rights of same-sex couples to access marriage law in accordance with 14th Amendment jurisprudence effects you in no way – it doesn’t ‘force’ you to do anything, as the 14th Amendment applies only to the government, not private individuals or organizations.

The issue has nothing to do with Commerce Clause jurisprudence concerning government regulation of the workplace.

With regard to your second paragraph, you were wrong in that other post just as you are wrong in this one.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, where the people are subject to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; un-Constitutional measures such as Proposition 8 are proof of that.

And in our Constitutional Republic one’s civil liberties are not subject to majority rule, as residents of the many states are first and foremost citizens of the United States, where the states lack the authority to determine who will or will not have his civil rights.
homosexuality is as 'valid' as any other aberration....however that does not mean that we should turn society upside down to accomodate it...
So it's the acceptance of it that bothers you?

forcing acceptance against the nature of 98% of society is not good...and the issues surrounding gays and children are also not good.....

what will be the impact upon society.....? there is no reason to believe it will end up being any better than abortion or any other progressive campaign...


Again, obeying the 14th Amendment is not ‘forcing’ anything on anyone, or on society in general.

Moreover, there is no objective, accepted, documented evidence that homosexuality is ‘harmful’ to society and children; indeed, all the evidence indicates that children in homes headed by parents of the same sex are just as happy and as well adjusted as children in a home with opposite-sex parents (see, e.g., Hollingsworth v. Perry).

Your opposition to equal protection rights for same-sex couples and privacy rights for women is predicated on fear, ignorance, and subjective religious dogma, having nothing whatsoever to do with the facts of the issues or settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence.
So it's the acceptance of it that bothers you?

forcing acceptance against the nature of 98% of society is not good...and the issues surrounding gays and children are also not good.....

what will be the impact upon society.....? there is no reason to believe it will end up being any better than abortion or any other progressive campaign...


Again, obeying the 14th Amendment is not ‘forcing’ anything on anyone, or on society in general.

Moreover, there is no objective, accepted, documented evidence that homosexuality is ‘harmful’ to society and children; indeed, all the evidence indicates that children in homes headed by parents of the same sex are just as happy and as well adjusted as children in a home with opposite-sex parents (see, e.g., Hollingsworth v. Perry).

Your opposition to equal protection rights for same-sex couples and privacy rights for women is predicated on fear, ignorance, and subjective religious dogma, having nothing whatsoever to do with the facts of the issues or settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence.

so you think almost half the Supreme Court justices predicated their opposition based on "fear, ignorance, and subjective religious dogma, having nothing whatsoever to do with the facts of the issues or settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence"....?


face it.....we have a political Supreme Court....judicial activism flourishes.....it's the newly created legislative body....:evil:
SE, how long before you acknowledge that your side has lost on this issue, that you are pissing into the wind? That you are like the people who opposed interracial marriage and blacks in the military?
SE, how long before you acknowledge that your side has lost on this issue, that you are pissing into the wind? That you are like the people who opposed interracial marriage and blacks in the military?

i'm saying Americans will reject it like they are abortion.....but once again it will be mainly the children that will suffer due to self-serving progressive policies...:mad:
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progressives are killing babies.....legally since 1973....

Your ignorance is palpable!

Your failure to defend your position on fracking and pipelines means that you have conceded your position on Mother Nation.

At this point I would suggest that you quite while you are only this far behind.

you think your cute little argument really means something to this argument...? :lol:

I have no illusions that you are capable of learning from your mistakes if that is the point that you are trying to make. :eusa_whistle:
Your ignorance is palpable!

Your failure to defend your position on fracking and pipelines means that you have conceded your position on Mother Nation.

At this point I would suggest that you quite while you are only this far behind.

you think your cute little argument really means something to this argument...? :lol:

I have no illusions that you are capable of learning from your mistakes if that is the point that you are trying to make. :eusa_whistle:

i think you have plenty of illusions....:lol:
SE, how long before you acknowledge that your side has lost on this issue, that you are pissing into the wind? That you are like the people who opposed interracial marriage and blacks in the military?

i'm saying Americans will reject it like they are abortion.....but once again it will be mainly the children that will suffer due to self-serving progressive policies...:mad:
You can say that but it's not true and it's pretty damn dumb. Carry on...
forcing acceptance against the nature of 98% of society is not good...and the issues surrounding gays and children are also not good.....

what will be the impact upon society.....? there is no reason to believe it will end up being any better than abortion or any other progressive campaign...


Again, obeying the 14th Amendment is not ‘forcing’ anything on anyone, or on society in general.

Moreover, there is no objective, accepted, documented evidence that homosexuality is ‘harmful’ to society and children; indeed, all the evidence indicates that children in homes headed by parents of the same sex are just as happy and as well adjusted as children in a home with opposite-sex parents (see, e.g., Hollingsworth v. Perry).

Your opposition to equal protection rights for same-sex couples and privacy rights for women is predicated on fear, ignorance, and subjective religious dogma, having nothing whatsoever to do with the facts of the issues or settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence.

so you think almost half the Supreme Court justices predicated their opposition based on "fear, ignorance, and subjective religious dogma, having nothing whatsoever to do with the facts of the issues or settled and accepted Constitutional jurisprudence"....?


face it.....we have a political Supreme Court....judicial activism flourishes.....it's the newly created legislative body....:evil:

What you need to face is your ignorance of Constitutional case law.

The four justices who will vote to uphold a given state’s measure to deny gay Americans their 14th Amendment rights will do so predicated on their rejection of 14th Amendment jurisprudence, jurisprudence that dates back over 125 years.

As Justice O’Connor outlined in Casey:

Constitutional protection of the woman's decision to terminate her pregnancy derives from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. It declares that no State shall "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." The controlling word in the case before us is "liberty." Although a literal reading of the Clause might suggest that it governs only the procedures by which a State may deprive persons of liberty, for at least 105 years, at least since Mugler v. Kansas, 123 U.S. 623, 660-661 (1887), the Clause has been understood to contain a substantive component as well, one "barring certain government actions regardless of the fairness of the procedures used to implement them." Daniels v. Williams, 474 U.S. 327, 331 (1986). As Justice Brandeis (joined by Justice Holmes) observed, "[d]espite arguments to the contrary which had seemed to me persuasive, it is settled that the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applies to matters of substantive law as well as to matters of procedure. Thus all fundamental rights comprised within the term liberty are protected by the Federal Constitution from invasion by the States." Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357, 373 (1927) (Brandeis, J., concurring). "[T]he guaranties of due process, though having their roots in Magna Carta's `per legem terrae' and considered as procedural safeguards `against executive usurpation and tyranny,' have in this country `become bulwarks also against arbitrary legislation.' " Poe v. Ullman, 367 U.S. 497, 541 (1961) (Harlan, J., dissenting from dismissal on jurisdictional grounds) (quoting Hurtado v. California, 110 U.S. 516, 532 (1884)).

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)
Needless to say the four justices hostile to gay Americans’ civil liberties are not ‘ignorant’ of 14th Amendment jurisprudence; rather, they have contempt for it and reject it accordingly.

But whether one has contempt for settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence, such as jurists who are conservative ideologues, or individuals such as you who are ignorant of that settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence, you are both nonetheless wrong to reject that case law because it comports with the original intent of the Framers: to protect and reinforce citizens’ civil liberties at the expense of the state, even if some find offensive how citizens might exercise their civil liberties.
SE, how long before you acknowledge that your side has lost on this issue, that you are pissing into the wind? That you are like the people who opposed interracial marriage and blacks in the military?

i'm saying Americans will reject it like they are abortion.....but once again it will be mainly the children that will suffer due to self-serving progressive policies...:mad:
You can say that but it's not true and it's pretty damn dumb. Carry on...

it's happening with abortion.....why not 'gay marriage' eventually.....?

you think people are going to buy into your 'progressive' crap forever....?
i'm saying Americans will reject it like they are abortion.....but once again it will be mainly the children that will suffer due to self-serving progressive policies...:mad:
You can say that but it's not true and it's pretty damn dumb. Carry on...

it's happening with abortion.....why not 'gay marriage' eventually.....?

you think people are going to buy into your 'progressive' crap forever....?

It's happening with abortion because we can save smaller and smaller babies. As for the "progressive" crap, you live in a progressive liberal nation. We aren't going back to 1950, you just wish we would.
You can say that but it's not true and it's pretty damn dumb. Carry on...

it's happening with abortion.....why not 'gay marriage' eventually.....?

you think people are going to buy into your 'progressive' crap forever....?

It's happening with abortion because we can save smaller and smaller babies. As for the "progressive" crap, you live in a progressive liberal nation. We aren't going back to 1950, you just wish we would.

it's happening with abortion because conservatives are fighting Planned Parenthood... by putting up pregnancy centers to help young women and countering the PP propaganda....

going back to 1950 would be a pleasure compared to the 'progressive' crap we have today....there's nothing progressive about it....our nation has become a sewer...
it's happening with abortion.....why not 'gay marriage' eventually.....?

you think people are going to buy into your 'progressive' crap forever....?

It's happening with abortion because we can save smaller and smaller babies. As for the "progressive" crap, you live in a progressive liberal nation. We aren't going back to 1950, you just wish we would.

it's happening with abortion because conservatives are fighting Planned Parenthood... by putting up pregnancy centers to help young women and countering the PP propaganda....

going back to 1950 would be a pleasure compared to the 'progressive' crap we have today....there's nothing progressive about it....our nation has become a sewer...
You could always move? And I would call it a shithole mainly because of people like you, so we have a disagreement but history is on my side. We go forwards, not backwards.

You should look for another nation. This one isn't a good fit for your kind.
It's happening with abortion because we can save smaller and smaller babies. As for the "progressive" crap, you live in a progressive liberal nation. We aren't going back to 1950, you just wish we would.

it's happening with abortion because conservatives are fighting Planned Parenthood... by putting up pregnancy centers to help young women and countering the PP propaganda....

going back to 1950 would be a pleasure compared to the 'progressive' crap we have today....there's nothing progressive about it....our nation has become a sewer...
You could always move? And I would call it a shithole mainly because of people like you, so we have a disagreement but history is on my side. We go forwards, not backwards.

You should look for another nation. This one isn't a good fit for your kind.

hate to burst your little bubble but progressives are not exactly known for being pro-America...

therefore if anybody is to leave it should be you...

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