Abortion as Murder.

Yes it is an unborn infant at a different stage of life, sort of like a preteen that develops into another stage.

They've never been able to grasp that different names denote different stages of development in the SAME CREATURE, ie. a human being, rather than denoting DIFFERENT CREATURES. I dunno why. Either because they're too stupid to understand it, or admitting they understand it destroys their position.

i bet you're stupid enough to think an egg is a chicken, too. :cuckoo:

No, I'm bright enough to know the difference between birds and mammals, and not think there's any valid analogy between the way two completely separate and different lifeforms develop.

Why don't you go whole hog into irrelevancy and try to draw an analogy between humans and trees, while you're at it? I'm getting so many laughs from your sad attempts at educated debate tonight, I may get a hernia.
They've never been able to grasp that different names denote different stages of development in the SAME CREATURE, ie. a human being, rather than denoting DIFFERENT CREATURES. I dunno why. Either because they're too stupid to understand it, or admitting they understand it destroys their position.

i bet you're stupid enough to think an egg is a chicken, too. :cuckoo:

No, I'm bright enough to know the difference between birds and mammals, and not think there's any valid analogy between the way two completely separate and different lifeforms develop.

Why don't you go whole hog into irrelevancy and try to draw an analogy between humans and trees, while you're at it? I'm getting so many laughs from your sad attempts at educated debate tonight, I may get a hernia.

Or whiplash....
My, my. I didn't name any names, and actually wasn't even thinking of you. Are you paranoid, or just suffering under a guilty conscience

i have no guilty conscience. your post got the response your ugliness deserved.

Why, Jillian, are you trying to make moral judgements about people's lifestyle choices? How very conservative and hypocritical of you.

nice spin, mistress cecile. i couldn't care less about your lifestyle. as long as you're only dealing with consenting adults and acting within the bounds of agreed upon behavior, more power to you. couldn't care less. i am pointing out, however, since comprehension seems to be difficult for you, that you don't have any standing to judge anyone else. see how that works?

By all means, hold your putrid breath until I start giving a shit what you think.

It amuses me, however, how much it bothers you that I think you're an immoral, baby-killing dumbass, though.

i assume you care what i think of you about as much i care what you think of me.

but then again, i'm also not the one running around pretending i'm a good christian.

i do believe there's a word for your type of behavior and attitude...

oh yeah,

hypocrite. that's it.
Yes it is an unborn infant at a different stage of life, sort of like a preteen that develops into another stage.

They've never been able to grasp that different names denote different stages of development in the SAME CREATURE, ie. a human being, rather than denoting DIFFERENT CREATURES. I dunno why. Either because they're too stupid to understand it, or admitting they understand it destroys their position.

in YOUR religious belief system. not in mine.

yes, mistress cecile, only you know the truth about human development. only you and your self-important, self-righteous, holy-rolling, hypocritical rabid religious right know best how to make moral choices for everyone else.

alert the media.

No, you stupid twat, stages of development aren't found in a religious belief system. They're found in biology.

And no, I'm not the only one who knows the truth about human development. Anyone who's taken a biology course ALSO knows that truth.

I'm just the only one IN THIS CONVERSATION who knows it, apparently.

I realize it's deeply disappointing to you that science just refuses to support your desire to commit infanticide AND to encourage your frothing, rabid hatred of Christians. Fortunately for you, you've never let little things like facts affect your positions, anyway.

I think the Cesspit is drinking. What, it must be about 10ish over there now? Well, I hope she's been drinking - i'd hate to think that's how she usually speaks to people. Then again, she has always been an ignorant, arrogant dumbarse....hhhhmmm

I think the Cesspit is drinking. What, it must be about 10ish over there now? Well, I hope she's been drinking - i'd hate to think that's how she usually speaks to people. Then again, she has always been an ignorant, arrogant dumbarse....hhhhmmm

well, i don't know what timezone she's in. but it's 11:45 here. i dunno.. i think she might well usually speak to people like that. the spittle at the sides of her mouth becomes her.

I think the Cesspit is drinking. What, it must be about 10ish over there now? Well, I hope she's been drinking - i'd hate to think that's how she usually speaks to people. Then again, she has always been an ignorant, arrogant dumbarse....hhhhmmm

well, i don't know what timezone she's in. but it's 11:45 here. i dunno.. i think she might well usually speak to people like that. the spittle at the sides of her mouth becomes her.

Could be spittle. I thought it was foam...I know I posted this before, but I can't help myself. This is who I think is typing those posts when I read her moronic drivel...


I think the Cesspit is drinking. What, it must be about 10ish over there now? Well, I hope she's been drinking - i'd hate to think that's how she usually speaks to people. Then again, she has always been an ignorant, arrogant dumbarse....hhhhmmm

well, i don't know what timezone she's in. but it's 11:45 here. i dunno.. i think she might well usually speak to people like that. the spittle at the sides of her mouth becomes her.

Could be spittle. I thought it was foam...I know I posted this before, but I can't help myself. This is who I think is typing those posts when I read her moronic drivel...


foam works. lol..

i see a resemblance. ;)
well, i don't know what timezone she's in. but it's 11:45 here. i dunno.. i think she might well usually speak to people like that. the spittle at the sides of her mouth becomes her.

Could be spittle. I thought it was foam...I know I posted this before, but I can't help myself. This is who I think is typing those posts when I read her moronic drivel...


foam works. lol..

i see a resemblance. ;)

Warning-----this could be construed as a "fat ass bitch" thread and the gang bangers will git ya. :lol:
The anti-Abortion people are always going to have the high moral ground. Doesn't matter what the pro-abortionist say they know who has the morally correct position, they can try to rationalize all they want, We know what is right, And so do they. :eusa_angel:

first of all, and you've been corrected on this before, no one is PRO-abortion. people are either pro or anti choice.

Rationalizing again either you push Abortion or you don't. Seems to me you're pushing it, and if you support Planned parenthood you're pushing profit from it. You do support abortion on demand right?

and thinking the anti-choice brigade always has the moral upper hand is an outright lie. it is not moral to give hospitals permission to let a woman die rather than perform an abortion that is necessary to save her life.

Still reaching.. I never said that, you said it was a "matter of conscience" I said only if the mothers life is in danger Reread my posts.

it is not moral to force a 10 year old who is a victim of incest to carry a child to term.

it is not moral to murder a doctor for performing a lawful procedure.

it is so easy to pretend to be moral when you've never had and never will have such choices to make.

but keep on feeling self-satisfied.

You continue to reach, rationalizing your position to make yourself feel better about your position. First of all, how often is your ten old scenario actually in play? 1% of all abortions are performed because of rape or incest. Today abortion is mainly used as a form of birth control and Who advocated murder here? That’s a stupid comment on its face, this whole thread is about saving life try again.

Let me clarify the conservative position for you. While I believe that abortion is wrong in most cases and will speak out and work for the preservation of human life, my position is there is no right to abortion in the Constitution, and any law concerning abortion should be left to each individual state. No federal funding should be allowed, If you want to send some money to support abortion that is your right, but don't force me to do the same.
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I heard not a word out of the pro life people over the invasion of Iraq, I hear nothing from them on poverty and the child who dies every few seconds in the world, I hear nothing from them on supporting prenatal care for the poor or sharing the wealth, I hear nothing from them on education or prevention of pregnancy, they are the biggest hypocrites in modern society as all they want to do is control another while they moralize and feel holy. Fakes all of them.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time." HISTORY OF ABORTION

"It seems to me that a case can be made for taking a human life statute that dates the origin of personhood at conception to be an "establishment" of religious doctrine. The argument runs as follows. For reasons given above, it is quite contrary to common sense to claim that a newly fertilized human ovum is already an actual person. Employing the term 'person' in the normal fashion, no one thinks of a fertilized egg in that way. The only arguments that have been advanced to the conclusion that fertilized eggs are people, common sense notwithstanding, are arguments with theological premises. These premises are part of large theological and philosophical systems that are very much worthy of respect indeed, but they can neither be established nor refuted without critical discussion of the whole systems of which they form a part. In fact, many conscientious persons reject them, often in favor of doctrines stemming from rival theological systems; so for the state to endorse the personhood of newly fertilized ova would be for the state to embrace one set of controversial theological tenets rather than others, in effect to enforce the teaching of some churches against those of other churches (and nonchurches), and to back up this enforcement with severe criminal penalties. The state plays this constitutionally prohibited role when it officially affirms a doctrine that is opposed to common sense and understanding and whose only proposed arguments proceed from theological premises. This case, it seems to me, is a good one even if there is reason, as there might be, for affirming the personhood of fetuses in the second or third trimester of pregnancy." Joel Feinberg Joel Feinberg, Abortion
It's interesting how this topic is such a passionate one. It really cuts through to the meaning of human life.

The closest I personally came to this issue, is that I helped drive a college roommate to NY state for an abortion. At the time, I was attending a Catholic college in KY. The women in my dorm were incredibly mean to this girl, who'd gotten herself pregnant. At that time, my spiritual beliefs were that the soul entered the fetus close to the time of birth. I did not think life begins at conception, like I do now.

I regretted my decision later, after I became a Buddhist. I too, believe life begins at conception, I just don't see that the medical information backs that view.

Take care Catholic. I'm not going to argue anymore.


And that is a positin I've always find rather illogical. That life begins at conception isa rather arbitrary point in time. True, conception is the beginning of creating a human life. But a feralized egg is not a human life. To argue that life begins at conception one would need to argue against things like contraception. You would need to argue that life really begins at adolescense when women start producing eggs and men, sperm. You would be required to argue that using condom or birth control is also abortion. Whether you take the morning after pill after an egg has been fertilized or you use birth control, in either case you are aborting the process of starting a human life.
It's interesting how this topic is such a passionate one. It really cuts through to the meaning of human life.

The closest I personally came to this issue, is that I helped drive a college roommate to NY state for an abortion. At the time, I was attending a Catholic college in KY. The women in my dorm were incredibly mean to this girl, who'd gotten herself pregnant. At that time, my spiritual beliefs were that the soul entered the fetus close to the time of birth. I did not think life begins at conception, like I do now.

I regretted my decision later, after I became a Buddhist. I too, believe life begins at conception, I just don't see that the medical information backs that view.

Take care Catholic. I'm not going to argue anymore.


And that is a positin I've always find rather illogical. That life begins at conception isa rather arbitrary point in time. True, conception is the beginning of creating a human life. But a feralized egg is not a human life. To argue that life begins at conception one would need to argue against things like contraception. You would need to argue that life really begins at adolescense when women start producing eggs and men, sperm. You would be required to argue that using condom or birth control is also abortion. Whether you take the morning after pill after an egg has been fertilized or you use birth control, in either case you are aborting the process of starting a human life.

that is the position of the Catholic Church....no BC pills, no rubbers, no morning after pill....only abstaining from sex or the rhythmic method is permitted for birth control.
Whether you believe people are selfish or not is irrelevant to the question.

Roe is incoinsistant in that it grants that states do have an interest in preserving the life of viable unborn persons, it then negates any and all action the state might do to actually protect those persons. These persons which is what Roe MUST describe them as, as the state has NO interest in preserving non-living, non-person, lumps of flesh, by virtue of the 14th amendment are entitled to the same protections under the law as any other person. Including having their murederers brought to justice.

Whatever you don't have any interest in these kids either, your not doing anything to help but sitting here typing bullshit. At least people who are ok with abortion are honest, you anti abortion clowns are the biggest fucking liars I ever seen in my life.:eusa_liar:

Ooh, another Miss Cleo moment where you tell us all about the private life and actions of an anonymous poster on the Internet.

While you're at it, can you give me Saturday's Powerball numbers?

You can eat shit and die you big mouth stupid fucking XXXX

Unless in the flame zone, please refrain from using THAT X'd word....thanks...Care
And that is a positin I've always find rather illogical. That life begins at conception isa rather arbitrary point in time. True, conception is the beginning of creating a human life. But a feralized egg is not a human life. To argue that life begins at conception one would need to argue against things like contraception. You would need to argue that life really begins at adolescense when women start producing eggs and men, sperm. You would be required to argue that using condom or birth control is also abortion. Whether you take the morning after pill after an egg has been fertilized or you use birth control, in either case you are aborting the process of starting a human life.


What?? talk about illogical

To say life dosn't start at conception is the epitome of illogical thought,how could it be anything else,look at yourself,yu were once just what you deny

Argue life begins at adolescents because of a pro life position???really???!!!!
It didn't take HG long to melt down, did it?

No, but it sure is going on for a long time.

This is what usually happens when people know they've been shown for what they really are, rather than what they'd like to believe they are: they start lashing out at everyone who makes them feel bad about themselves by being better people in comparison.

You wanna talk about Miss Cleo look at yourself bitch, your making this assumption based off of what some internet posts? go fuck yourself you worthless cow.

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