Abortion as Murder.

It is not a puppy.:eusa_whistle:

It's not an infant either....
Yes it is an unborn infant at a different stage of life, sort of like a preteen that develops into another stage.

They've never been able to grasp that different names denote different stages of development in the SAME CREATURE, ie. a human being, rather than denoting DIFFERENT CREATURES. I dunno why. Either because they're too stupid to understand it, or admitting they understand it destroys their position.
It's not an infant either....
Yes it is an unborn infant at a different stage of life, sort of like a preteen that develops into another stage.

They've never been able to grasp that different names denote different stages of development in the SAME CREATURE, ie. a human being, rather than denoting DIFFERENT CREATURES. I dunno why. Either because they're too stupid to understand it, or admitting they understand it destroys their position.

Er, that's what I'm saying dumbarse....More irony - god I could write a book. So you agree that an infant is not a zygote or foetus, but a developmental stage of a human being? Than why did YOU (backed up by Lisa) say otherwise.

Talking of stupid...go look in one of your many mirrors in your dungeon. You'll see the epitome of the word....
The anti-Abortion people are always going to have the high moral ground. Doesn't matter what the pro-abortionist say they know who has the morally correct position, they can try to rationalize all they want, We know what is right, And so do they. :eusa_angel:
The anti-Abortion people are always going to have the high moral ground. Doesn't matter what the pro-abortionist say they know who has the morally correct position, they can try to rationalize all they want, We know what is right, And so do they. :eusa_angel:

I disagree. You think those people who kill doctors and bomb clinics are moral?
The anti-Abortion people are always going to have the high moral ground. Doesn't matter what the pro-abortionist say they know who has the morally correct position, they can try to rationalize all they want, We know what is right, And so do they. :eusa_angel:

first of all, and you've been corrected on this before, no one is PRO-abortion. people are either pro or anti choice.

and thinking the anti-choice brigade always has the moral upper hand is an outright lie. it is not moral to give hospitals permission to let a woman die rather than perform an abortion that is necessary to save her life.

it is not moral to force a 10 year old who is a victim of incest to carry a child to term.

it is not moral to murder a doctor for performing a lawful procedure.

it is so easy to pretend to be moral when you've never had and never will have such choices to make.

but keep on feeling self-satisfied.
i'm so glad my religion doesn't believe in hell...

i bet you think you're going to heaven though.

you forget that whole judge not thing, eh?
I leave who is in heaven or hell up to God. I call an evil act an evil act, I never said the woman or anyone else is going to hell or is in hell.

Good for you. Too many people - especially the self-righteous atheists who try to teach Christianity to Christians - don't get the difference at all.

i'm not an atheist, wacko. and i have more morality and compassion in my little finger than you have in your entire body.

you think a pregnant woman is just another sub waiting to be lashed by you and your holier than thou brigade of doms, mistress cecile?
One Heaven, God chooses who goes and division is the devils realm not Gods. He chooses who goes and who does not.

i'm so glad my religion doesn't believe in hell...

i bet you think you're going to heaven though.

you forget that whole judge not thing, eh?

This from little Miss "I approve". Better to think you're going to Heaven than to think you're God, in my opinion.

funny, i'm not the one trying to impose my will on others. seems to me the control fetish is on the other foot... not mine, mistress cecile.

thank you for illustrating that this issue is all about the rabid religious right's RELIGIOUS beliefs and hatred for anyone who doesn't view the world in the limited, hypocritical way that you do.

thank G-d for the first amendment's separation of church and state.

and while you're at it, you might want to go give another read to jesus' actual words about not judging and how judgment is for G-d....
It's not an infant either....
Yes it is an unborn infant at a different stage of life, sort of like a preteen that develops into another stage.

They've never been able to grasp that different names denote different stages of development in the SAME CREATURE, ie. a human being, rather than denoting DIFFERENT CREATURES. I dunno why. Either because they're too stupid to understand it, or admitting they understand it destroys their position.

i bet you're stupid enough to think an egg is a chicken, too. :cuckoo:
It's not an infant either....
Yes it is an unborn infant at a different stage of life, sort of like a preteen that develops into another stage.

They've never been able to grasp that different names denote different stages of development in the SAME CREATURE, ie. a human being, rather than denoting DIFFERENT CREATURES. I dunno why. Either because they're too stupid to understand it, or admitting they understand it destroys their position.

in YOUR religious belief system. not in mine.

yes, mistress cecile, only you know the truth about human development. only you and your self-important, self-righteous, holy-rolling, hypocritical rabid religious right know best how to make moral choices for everyone else.

alert the media.
You approve? YOU APPROVE?! Who the FUCK do you think you are, superciliously doling out approval to people, as though they're making life decisions in the desperate hope that you'll pat them on the head? .

Oh god, the irony of this post is..is...is...unbelievable....Just when the Cesspit can't get any more arrogant/ignorant <insert derogatory adjective here>, she posts the above drivel....

yeah, self-righteous, ignorant arrogant twits are like that.
You approve? YOU APPROVE?! Who the FUCK do you think you are, superciliously doling out approval to people, as though they're making life decisions in the desperate hope that you'll pat them on the head? .

Oh god, the irony of this post is..is...is...unbelievable....Just when the Cesspit can't get any more arrogant/ignorant <insert derogatory adjective here>, she posts the above drivel....

yeah, self-righteous, ignorant arrogant twits are like that.

Well, I know she's a Dominatrix, but doesn't mean she has to bring her bitchy bossy self to these threads.

She's one of the few people on these boards that shouts and hollers about others' behaviour, yet carries on exactly like what she is complaining about...:cuckoo:
Birthcontrol, is called keeping it in your pants, safe sex... seriously:lol::lol::lol:Daycare I have cared for moms kids at my home, training moms for jobs,only 24 hours in a day, so to you I guess that means obviously more children need to be killed, right.

if you think abstinence is birth control we don't really have anything else to discuss.

have a good night. feel free to believe whatever you want.

stay out of other people's bodies.

Whereas if you were willing to submit to the Lord High Inquisitor's interrogation as to your personal life, to determine whether or not you're allowed to hold your opinions according to her standards, THEN there'd be something to talk about.

Let's talk about who died and left you in charge, Jillian.

i have a better idea. let's talk about who died and left YOU in charge of what other people can and can't do with their own bodies?
Oh god, the irony of this post is..is...is...unbelievable....Just when the Cesspit can't get any more arrogant/ignorant <insert derogatory adjective here>, she posts the above drivel....

yeah, self-righteous, ignorant arrogant twits are like that.

Well, I know she's a Dominatrix, but doesn't mean she has to bring her bitchy bossy self to these threads.

She's one of the few people on these boards that shouts and hollers about others' behaviour, yet carries on exactly like what she is complaining about...:cuckoo:

yep. i think they call it projection.
yeah, self-righteous, ignorant arrogant twits are like that.

Well, I know she's a Dominatrix, but doesn't mean she has to bring her bitchy bossy self to these threads.

She's one of the few people on these boards that shouts and hollers about others' behaviour, yet carries on exactly like what she is complaining about...:cuckoo:

yep. i think they call it projection.

I think, she thinks, we're all her clients....:lol::lol:
Actually Roe legalized it till the due date, the reason this doctor has the charges on him, is the method of murder he used. Partial Birth abortion was banned under Bush.

Not quite. The original Roe v. Wade decision allowed states to regulate or even ban it in the third trimester. Of course, the companion decision of Doe v. Bolton essentially nullified this by imposing a vague "protection of the mother" loophole that could be interpreted however the doctor liked.
I stand corrected.:eusa_angel:

i'd suggest not relying on misress cecile on that issue. there was ALWAYS an exception for the life of the mother.

how arrogant to think women should die because of your religious beliefs.
and we're never going to stop people from shooting, stabbing and robbing each other either... maybe we should just throw out all laws.

yet we have a constitutional right to control our own bodies...

or do constitutional rights only matter when they protect things that rightwingnuts like?

Yeah . . . in the Constitution you made up for yourself. The one that actually governs the United States says no such thing.

so i take it you believe jim crow laws are constitutional since the constitution doesn't specifically say the words that segregation is illegal.

as for the "constitution that made up for [my]self, i would never presume such a thing. rather, i'd defer to justices berger, douglas, brennan, stewart, white, marshall and brennan.

given a choice between accepting your pathetic and self-serving effort at constitutional construction and their educated, deliberate and well thought out determination on the issue, i think i'll go with them.

tell me, mistress cecile, do you have a right to privacy at your fetish parties? or can government come crashing in?
The anti-Abortion people are always going to have the high moral ground. Doesn't matter what the pro-abortionist say they know who has the morally correct position, they can try to rationalize all they want, We know what is right, And so do they. :eusa_angel:

first of all, and you've been corrected on this before, no one is PRO-abortion. people are either pro or anti choice.

There you go with that "Arbiter of the Universe" thing. You must think your twat is platinum-plated, the way you wander around, "approving" of people and designating titles for things.

If you can call us "anti-choice", then we sure the fuck can call you pro-abortion. In fact, you can "correct" all you fucking like, and you're STILL pro-abortion. Just as long as you're out there fanatically fighting against ANYTHING that might lower the abortion rate, you've earned it.

The trick to feeling proud of your position on an issue is not to relabel it; it's to choose a position that's actually worthy of pride.

and thinking the anti-choice brigade always has the moral upper hand is an outright lie. it is not moral to give hospitals permission to let a woman die rather than perform an abortion that is necessary to save her life.

But somehow, it's moral to order a hospital to let a woman starve to death rather than providing the feeding tube necessary to save her life. And unlike you, I can actually document MY examples, instead of just making shit up.

it is not moral to force a 10 year old who is a victim of incest to carry a child to term.

But somehow, it's moral to give her a secret abortion without reporting her pregnancy to the police so her molester can be prosecuted. Also documentable, as opposed to made up out of your own fevered imaginings of the "evils" that exist outside of a world where millions of babies are killed every year.

it is not moral to murder a doctor for performing a lawful procedure.

It's also not moral to lie about people with no connection with that murderer being responsible for his actions. The PRO-ABORTION side is outraged by even the implication that they're in favor of killing babies, despite their support for it out of their own mouths, but see no hypocrisy in screaming, "Doctor killer!" at people who actually condemn such acts.

That's why it's always such a joke being lectured on morality by Jillian, who wouldn't recognize a moral if it crawled in her panties with her. It's like being lectured on how to make love to a woman by a pimply-faced 15-year-old virgin computer geek.

it is so easy to pretend to be moral when you've never had and never will have such choices to make.

but keep on feeling self-satisfied.

It's so easy to pretend to be moral when you've never had a moral and will never have to figure out how to operate under such a burden.

But keep on feeling like a good person, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
I leave who is in heaven or hell up to God. I call an evil act an evil act, I never said the woman or anyone else is going to hell or is in hell.

Good for you. Too many people - especially the self-righteous atheists who try to teach Christianity to Christians - don't get the difference at all.

i'm not an atheist, wacko. and i have more morality and compassion in my little finger than you have in your entire body.

My, my. I didn't name any names, and actually wasn't even thinking of you. Are you paranoid, or just suffering under a guilty conscience?

you think a pregnant woman is just another sub waiting to be lashed by you and your holier than thou brigade of doms, mistress cecile?

Why, Jillian, are you trying to make moral judgements about people's lifestyle choices? How very conservative and hypocritical of you.

By all means, hold your putrid breath until I start giving a shit what you think.

It amuses me, however, how much it bothers you that I think you're an immoral, baby-killing dumbass, though.

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