Abortion as Murder.

are you a fucking retard?
I said in the eyes of the law, a fetus is not living and therefore you can not be brought up for murder. Otherwise a whole lot of women would be going to jail.

nevermind strike that, you are a fucking retard.

If the fetus is a wad of cells like you suggest, then the fetus is alive considering that HUMAN CELLS ARE LIVING ORGANISMS........They're actually considered by science to be the smallest unit of living organisms... Not saying I am on anyone's side, but your wad of cell argument is kind of retarded as well.

I think the distincition is of course they are alive, but at what point in gestation is it considered a human being or a peson.

No, that's the distinction they want to invent, now that all their previous arguments have been turned to shit by advancing medical science. When in doubt, invent a bullshit nothing concept like "personhood" and try to make THAT the argument.
Is everyone who doesn't support abortion ok with people dropping those babies off at their houses once their born? we will see how long they stay anti abortion when they have to come out of pocket to support those kids.
Whether you believe people are selfish or not is irrelevant to the question.

Roe is incoinsistant in that it grants that states do have an interest in preserving the life of viable unborn persons, it then negates any and all action the state might do to actually protect those persons. These persons which is what Roe MUST describe them as, as the state has NO interest in preserving non-living, non-person, lumps of flesh, by virtue of the 14th amendment are entitled to the same protections under the law as any other person. Including having their murederers brought to justice.

Whatever you don't have any interest in these kids either, your not doing anything to help but sitting here typing bullshit. At least people who are ok with abortion are honest, you anti abortion clowns are the biggest fucking liars I ever seen in my life.:eusa_liar:

Ooh, another Miss Cleo moment where you tell us all about the private life and actions of an anonymous poster on the Internet.

While you're at it, can you give me Saturday's Powerball numbers?
If the fetus is a wad of cells like you suggest, then the fetus is alive considering that HUMAN CELLS ARE LIVING ORGANISMS........They're actually considered by science to be the smallest unit of living organisms... Not saying I am on anyone's side, but your wad of cell argument is kind of retarded as well.

I think the distincition is of course they are alive, but at what point in gestation is it considered a human being or a peson.

No, that's the distinction they want to invent, now that all their previous arguments have been turned to shit by advancing medical science. When in doubt, invent a bullshit nothing concept like "personhood" and try to make THAT the argument.

It didn't take HG long to melt down, did it?

No, but it sure is going on for a long time.

This is what usually happens when people know they've been shown for what they really are, rather than what they'd like to believe they are: they start lashing out at everyone who makes them feel bad about themselves by being better people in comparison.
What the fuck? you are never going to stop people from having unwanted pregnancies, we are never going to live in a world where everyone follows your bullshit morals and rhetoric, the bottom line is there are unwanted pregnancies everyday and alot of these women can't take care of these children, if they want to get an abortion that is their business, you are not going to help any of these women change their minds anyways so go fuck yourself retard.
and we're never going to stop people from shooting, stabbing and robbing each other either... maybe we should just throw out all laws.

yet we have a constitutional right to control our own bodies...

or do constitutional rights only matter when they protect things that rightwingnuts like?

Yeah . . . in the Constitution you made up for yourself. The one that actually governs the United States says no such thing.
really? interesting the supreme court didn't see it that way.

so stay out of other people's bedrooms and bodies.

thanks! :thup:
have you ever actually read Roe or Casey? There is no unfettered right to abortion. It can be restricted or even PUNISHED after viability. It should be, just like any other murder.
Actually Roe legalized it till the due date, the reason this doctor has the charges on him, is the method of murder he used. Partial Birth abortion was banned under Bush.

Not quite. The original Roe v. Wade decision allowed states to regulate or even ban it in the third trimester. Of course, the companion decision of Doe v. Bolton essentially nullified this by imposing a vague "protection of the mother" loophole that could be interpreted however the doctor liked.
no. it isn't. not every killing is murder. murder is defined by statute.

so once again, you're wrong.
I am right and one day the so-called terroristic slaughter that is legal will be changed Like what Hitler got away with it will be exposed and stopped, just because it is legal to murder in different country does not make it no longer murder.

why do religious zealots feel the need to ram their beliefs down everyone else's throats?

Because abortion zealots insist on slaughtering babies if we don't?
I am right and one day the so-called terroristic slaughter that is legal will be changed Like what Hitler got away with it will be exposed and stopped, just because it is legal to murder in different country does not make it no longer murder.

why do religious zealots feel the need to ram their beliefs down everyone else's throats?

Because abortion zealots insist on slaughtering babies if we don't?

Non sequitur. There is no such thing as an abortion zealot....
if you weren't offended why comment?

i don't sanction murder, loon. no matter how many times you call it that.

since you claim to be pro-life and not pro-birth, can i take it that you are a believer in teaching kids about birth control and safe sex? or funding daycare for unwed moms?

how many unwanted children have you adopted?
Have custody of one I have four of my own all boys,young MEN rather who respect women and do not see them as sexual playthings and revere sex as not only something to express love but an act that is open to life. And I help life choices and birthright both help moms before and after the birth and furthermore I welcome ANY child that is not wanted by their mother.

that's good. i approve.

now answer my question about birth control and safe sex and education, daycare and job training for mothers.

see, my problem with people like you isn't your beliefs. you have every right to believe what you want.

what you don't have the right to do is impose those beliefs on me. my religion says that abortion is a matter of conscience.

You approve? YOU APPROVE?! Who the FUCK do you think you are, superciliously doling out approval to people, as though they're making life decisions in the desperate hope that you'll pat them on the head? Jesus GOD, can you be any more arrogant and condescending?!

"I approve." I don't know if Lisa is going to tell you to shove your approval where the sun don't shine, but I sure as hell think you ought to. If I hadn't already neg repped you for your bullshit "How many babies have YOU adopted" argument, I'd do it for THIS conceited pile of steaming offal.
that's good. i approve.

now answer my question about birth control and safe sex and education, daycare and job training for mothers.
Birthcontrol, is called keeping it in your pants, safe sex... seriously:lol::lol::lol:Daycare I have cared for moms kids at my home, training moms for jobs,only 24 hours in a day, so to you I guess that means obviously more children need to be killed, right.

if you think abstinence is birth control we don't really have anything else to discuss.

have a good night. feel free to believe whatever you want.

stay out of other people's bodies.

Whereas if you were willing to submit to the Lord High Inquisitor's interrogation as to your personal life, to determine whether or not you're allowed to hold your opinions according to her standards, THEN there'd be something to talk about.

Let's talk about who died and left you in charge, Jillian.
If God knows us, before we are formed in the womb like He tells Jeremiah, does this mean that if we were never born and aborted, He would not know us anymore....? We would just disappear from God's presence?

My beliefs tell me that if that is the case, and he knows us before we are born....BTW, I do believe life begins at conception, then those aborted babies are at Gods side in Heaven. Never having been born, but still loved by God.

Abortion is a national tragedy.

do you understand that other religions don't believe that and by trying to legislate it you're trying to legislate your religious beliefs?

no problem with your belief... as long as you don't impose it on others.

Do YOU understand that even if she wasn't religious, she could and probably would still oppose legalized abortion? No, of course you don't, because it's too damned convenient for you to just lump two groups you hate into one big group, so that you can just dismiss them and never be forced to think about anything except how right and good and righteous you are.
Prove it.

And if so, which heaven? Christian? Jewish? Muslim?
One Heaven, God chooses who goes and division is the devils realm not Gods. He chooses who goes and who does not.

i'm so glad my religion doesn't believe in hell...

i bet you think you're going to heaven though.

you forget that whole judge not thing, eh?

This from little Miss "I approve". Better to think you're going to Heaven than to think you're God, in my opinion.
have you ever actually read Roe or Casey? There is no unfettered right to abortion. It can be restricted or even PUNISHED after viability. It should be, just like any other murder.
Actually Roe legalized it till the due date, the reason this doctor has the charges on him, is the method of murder he used. Partial Birth abortion was banned under Bush.

Not quite. The original Roe v. Wade decision allowed states to regulate or even ban it in the third trimester. Of course, the companion decision of Doe v. Bolton essentially nullified this by imposing a vague "protection of the mother" loophole that could be interpreted however the doctor liked.
I stand corrected.:eusa_angel:
You approve? YOU APPROVE?! Who the FUCK do you think you are, superciliously doling out approval to people, as though they're making life decisions in the desperate hope that you'll pat them on the head? .

Oh god, the irony of this post is..is...is...unbelievable....Just when the Cesspit can't get any more arrogant/ignorant <insert derogatory adjective here>, she posts the above drivel....
One Heaven, God chooses who goes and division is the devils realm not Gods. He chooses who goes and who does not.

i'm so glad my religion doesn't believe in hell...

i bet you think you're going to heaven though.

you forget that whole judge not thing, eh?
I leave who is in heaven or hell up to God. I call an evil act an evil act, I never said the woman or anyone else is going to hell or is in hell.

Good for you. Too many people - especially the self-righteous atheists who try to teach Christianity to Christians - don't get the difference at all.
Human tissue which contains DNA is not a human being, a human person with consciousness or sentience.

The morning after pill is not murder.

Well, thank you for putting an end to any arguments that appendectomies aren't murder. Should one of those ever start up, we will be well-armed to deal with it.

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