Abortion as Murder.

No, the law defines what is murder, not you. When the law is passed that makes abortion murder, you can crow.

Right now you get to eat it.

Yep, like when the law held that slavery was legal. Blacks were property not people cuz the law is what matter, so those who called blacks equal should have STFU, the Supreme Court ruled Blacks were property and slavery was Constitutional and if you didn't like it, you got to eat it.

Thank God folks didn't all believe that nonsense that just because it was the law, it was right...someday in the future, folks will look back at the tragedy of the murder of 50 million unborn children in abortion factories the way we look back on the atrocity of slavery today.

Roe v. Wade will be the Dred Scott of the 20th Century.
The anti-Abortion people are always going to have the high moral ground. Doesn't matter what the pro-abortionist say they know who has the morally correct position, they can try to rationalize all they want, We know what is right, And so do they. :eusa_angel:

I disagree. You think those people who kill doctors and bomb clinics are moral?
When did anyone make that claim?
Abortion is not the equivalent of slavery and not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

False analogy.
No, the law defines what is murder, not you. When the law is passed that makes abortion murder, you can crow.

Right now you get to eat it.

Yep, like when the law held that slavery was legal. Blacks were property not people cuz the law is what matter, so those who called blacks equal should have STFU, the Supreme Court ruled Blacks were property and slavery was Constitutional and if you didn't like it, you got to eat it.

Thank God folks didn't all believe that nonsense that just because it was the law, it was right...someday in the future, folks will look back at the tragedy of the murder of 50 million unborn children in abortion factories the way we look back on the atrocity of slavery today.

Roe v. Wade will be the Dred Scott of the 20th Century.

Yeah, because the world needs 50 million more people, right?
Yes it is an unborn infant at a different stage of life, sort of like a preteen that develops into another stage.

They've never been able to grasp that different names denote different stages of development in the SAME CREATURE, ie. a human being, rather than denoting DIFFERENT CREATURES. I dunno why. Either because they're too stupid to understand it, or admitting they understand it destroys their position.

i bet you're stupid enough to think an egg is a chicken, too. :cuckoo:
no, an egg is an egg... until it fertilized.
Yes it is an unborn infant at a different stage of life, sort of like a preteen that develops into another stage.

They've never been able to grasp that different names denote different stages of development in the SAME CREATURE, ie. a human being, rather than denoting DIFFERENT CREATURES. I dunno why. Either because they're too stupid to understand it, or admitting they understand it destroys their position.

in YOUR religious belief system. not in mine.
what does a human being being a human being have to do with any "belief system"? It's biology honey.

yes, mistress cecile, only you know the truth about human development. only you and your self-important, self-righteous, holy-rolling, hypocritical rabid religious right know best how to make moral choices for everyone else.

alert the media.
er... biology. Not religion.
Don't you dare compare ALL victims of WWII with abortion. Don't even belong in the same paragraph. Unless you're a religous zealot..


...that's right...
you are....
By what deserved arrogance do you claim the right to tell anyone what comparisons they can make?

the same where you and others can try to tell a woman what to do with their body....

Think you have control of you body medically?

Go to the Doctor and demand a voluntary amputation or a frontal lobotomy.
er . . . conception is not the start of a person. You know that as well as any of us. Why are you lying?
if you think abstinence is birth control we don't really have anything else to discuss.

have a good night. feel free to believe whatever you want.

stay out of other people's bodies.

Whereas if you were willing to submit to the Lord High Inquisitor's interrogation as to your personal life, to determine whether or not you're allowed to hold your opinions according to her standards, THEN there'd be something to talk about.

Let's talk about who died and left you in charge, Jillian.

i have a better idea. let's talk about who died and left YOU in charge of what other people can and can't do with their own bodies?
You can use your body for anything you'd like... of course many of the things you choose to do aren't legal.
By what deserved arrogance do you claim the right to tell anyone what comparisons they can make?

the same where you and others can try to tell a woman what to do with their body....

Think you have control of you body medically?

Go to the Doctor and demand a voluntary amputation or a frontal lobotomy.

Why would a doctor chop off a perfectly good appendage? Under the hypocratic oath he or she wouldn't be allowed to, so you analogy doesn't fit.
No, the law defines what is murder, not you. When the law is passed that makes abortion murder, you can crow.

Right now you get to eat it.

Yep, like when the law held that slavery was legal. Blacks were property not people cuz the law is what matter, so those who called blacks equal should have STFU, the Supreme Court ruled Blacks were property and slavery was Constitutional and if you didn't like it, you got to eat it.

Thank God folks didn't all believe that nonsense that just because it was the law, it was right...someday in the future, folks will look back at the tragedy of the murder of 50 million unborn children in abortion factories the way we look back on the atrocity of slavery today.

Roe v. Wade will be the Dred Scott of the 20th Century.

Yeah, because the world needs 50 million more people, right?

The answer to that depends greatly on which subset of the world you belong...the 350 million that were born in the US and can speak for themselves, or the 50 million that were aborted and have no voice.
the same where you and others can try to tell a woman what to do with their body....

Think you have control of you body medically?

Go to the Doctor and demand a voluntary amputation or a frontal lobotomy.

Why would a doctor chop off a perfectly good appendage? Under the hypocratic oath he or she wouldn't be allowed to, so you analogy doesn't fit.

Why would a doctor chop up a baby and vacuum a baby out of the womb, that also violates the hypocratic oath...my analogy fits perfectly. A babies heart is beating at 8 weeks. An abortion stops a beating heart. If that's not "doing harm", Nothing is.
Yep, like when the law held that slavery was legal. Blacks were property not people cuz the law is what matter, so those who called blacks equal should have STFU, the Supreme Court ruled Blacks were property and slavery was Constitutional and if you didn't like it, you got to eat it.

Thank God folks didn't all believe that nonsense that just because it was the law, it was right...someday in the future, folks will look back at the tragedy of the murder of 50 million unborn children in abortion factories the way we look back on the atrocity of slavery today.

Roe v. Wade will be the Dred Scott of the 20th Century.

Yeah, because the world needs 50 million more people, right?

The answer to that depends greatly on which subset of the world you belong...the 350 million that were born in the US and can speak for themselves, or the 50 million that were aborted and have no voice.

Fair enough.

I believe that a woman should not abort, but also it is their choice (and their partners).

In saying that, I do have a problem with people trying to sell me that something that is only 2 months gestation is a viable anything, let alone a human.

Then there is the other aspect, that a lot of anti-abortionists see this as "god's childen" being punished by selfish people. I just see it as humans making a choice - one that most don't want to make BTW - but is there right to make.

Where anti-aboritionists lose me (to any valid aspect of their argument), is when they start sprouting out words like "abortion factories" like you just did. Like there's this group of woman lining up like it's the Macy day sales. Please, Missourian, you're better than that.

I have said this once, and I'll say it again. I have seen the human face of abortion on three occasions. All three of them found it a traumatic experience and hated every moment of it.

Anti-abortionists also take things to the nth degree. They act like late term abortions are:
1) The norm (they are not)
2) Are carried out in a care-free, "who gives a shit" manner (theyr'e not)
3) the doctors performing them are sitting there with a big smile on their face going "yippee!" (they're not)
4) That on the rare occasion when a mother, having not gotten an abortion in the first two trimesters, then wants to abort a perfectly healthy foetus near the end of the third, people should be looking into the mental state/well being of the mother as opposed to ostricising her because something has gone terribly wrong in her thought processes.

Until anti-abortionists get rid of the vitriolic rhetoric, and stop using extreme examples as the norm, most (but not all) will get treated with the ridicule they deserve.
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Nothing like the A word to get everyone going.

Me? The fetus does not out weight the mental or physical well being of the mother if a choice becomes necesary between the two. The mother wins out every time.

So if you have the flu anyone should be able to bash you in the heaqd with a hammer to protect their "wellbeing"?

I'm not so sure the concept of killing in defence of self or others quite stretches that far.
No, the law defines what is murder, not you. When the law is passed that makes abortion murder, you can crow.

Right now you get to eat it.

Yep, like when the law held that slavery was legal. Blacks were property not people cuz the law is what matter, so those who called blacks equal should have STFU, the Supreme Court ruled Blacks were property and slavery was Constitutional and if you didn't like it, you got to eat it.

Thank God folks didn't all believe that nonsense that just because it was the law, it was right...someday in the future, folks will look back at the tragedy of the murder of 50 million unborn children in abortion factories the way we look back on the atrocity of slavery today.

Roe v. Wade will be the Dred Scott of the 20th Century.

For Jake: Read it again, for comprehension this time, there is no analogy.
Me? The fetus does not out weight the mental or physical well being of the mother if a choice becomes necesary between the two. The mother wins out every time.

Here is another angle,the choice between you or your child,who would win???

There is no difference between the two situations,an unborn child,is still just as human as the mother,just not shaped the same,a kid born missing limbs is any less a human?? not shaped the same as most but still just as human.

thank you for making it very clear that choice is not yours, only mine. Thus, the choice is only that of the mother, and you don't have a fricking thing morally to say about it.
Choice is a weak argument. People choose to do lots of things their in jail for.
For those who claim abortion is a medical procedure and is not killing an innocent human being I have a question.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 69, faces eight counts of murder in the deaths of a woman following a botched abortion at his office, along with the deaths of seven other babies who, prosecutors allege, were born alive following illegal late-term abortions and then were killed by severing their spinal cords with a pair of scissors.
would these children have been any less viable had this piece of human trash cut them up in utero as opposed to after birth? If Roe is the standard, and the standard it sets is "viability", how is a fetus, any fetus, unviable after about 4 1/2 months of pregnancy? All of them are viable given proper medical care, so what is the difference between murdering them in utero or out?

Philly Abortion Doctor Facing 8 Counts Of Murder CBS Philly – News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of Philadelphia

Yeah, if you can flop that fetus on the table and it survives on it's own, it sounds viable to me.

Women should be encouraged to adopt out unwanted babies, maybe we would have less abortions. How many here will take a deformed drug baby and raise it?
people adopt every day.
Me? The fetus does not out weight the mental or physical well being of the mother if a choice becomes necesary between the two. The mother wins out every time.

Here is another angle,the choice between you or your child,who would win???

There is no difference between the two situations,an unborn child,is still just as human as the mother,just not shaped the same,a kid born missing limbs is any less a human?? not shaped the same as most but still just as human.

thank you for making it very clear that choice is not yours, only mine. Thus, the choice is only that of the mother, and you don't have a fricking thing morally to say about it.
Choice is a weak argument. People choose to do lots of things their in jail for.

That is one of your weaker comments. Please do better.

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