Abortion clinic owner's payback to protesters

and bodecea, are you proud of your support of the murders of the innocent viable babies as this murderer tiller did?

you can't answer that question - even hiding behind the anonymous name on the internet - So much for the "strength" of your "convictions"

I support a woman's right to choose....INCLUDING a woman's right to not have sex, to use contraceptives, to KEEP her baby, and to have a LEGAL abortion up to viability.

So....I've posted it a second time. Would you like me to post it again?
Payback Is a Bitch for Abortion Clinic Protestors, Thanks to a Brilliant Landlord

It's common practice for anti-abortion protesters to disseminate doctors' personal information and urge people to harass them—and it can clearly go far beyond that, as with the 2009 murder of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas. LeRoy Carhart, who's now in Stave's clinic, had his Nebraska farm burned to the ground back in 1991. But protesters in Maryland figured out they could start targeting Stave for owning the clinic's property. He was largely unfazed by this campaign, until last fall when they took it too far. On his daughter's first day in middle school, a large group of people protested outside her school, and then they showed up again for back-to-school night. They were naturally carrying signs with his name and contact info and those nasty pictures of fetuses.

Stave was furious, and then it got even worse. Dozens of the protestors began calling him at home, around the clock. His friends wanted to help him fight back; that's when Stave had the brilliant idea of turning the tables on his tormentors. He began recording the names and numbers of the assholes who called, and then he gave the list of info to his friends and asked them to call these people back on his behalf. Shazam! And the really smart part was that when someone from Team Stave called, they always took the high road. He explains,

In a very calm, very respectful voice, they said that the Stave family thanks you for your prayers. They cannot terminate the lease, and they do not want to. They support women's rights.

There's more. Read the link for the rest.

Payback's a bitch.

Bastards who do that, harassing someone's kid because her dad owns a building is just going way too far.

Stave's calling force became so powerful that sometimes he was able to hammer an unwanted caller with up to 5,000 calls in return.

Love it.
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Reading the article, no pro lifer can possibly condone what these scumbags are doing. The guy is a landlord, for heavens sake, and these mongrels, finding the names and addresses of his family members and calling them at all hours, just borders on abuse.

People have a right to protest against abortion, but they do not have the right to display your personal information to the world, and essentially stalk you to the point where they know where your distant relatives live, and when you leave town.

Its sick.
Big difference between protest and harassment. Calling someone at home to intimidate them is beyond the pale, unless he's a Dr Tiller murdering scum.

You are referring to the murdering scum who killed Dr. Tiller, of course.

no, to the tiller, the baby killer.

he got what he was asking for.

So someone deserved to be shot dead outside his own church? Someone deserves to be murdered because you don't like their profession?
Noting that you still cannot say that you are proud of your anti-choice stance. Even when hiding behind an anonymous nic you can't say it. So much for the "strength" of your "convictions". :lol:

are you an idiot?

I am stating the second page that yes, I am VERY PROUD of my stance. I personally consider abortion should be made illegal in any instance, except some of the cases when mother's life is in danger, it should be made possible after all other options have been ruled too dangerous - by a panel of physicians.

should I make it bold and magenta, so it finally can get into your small brain?

Ah...so you are very proud. Post your full name and address. We'll share your pride with any Abortion Clinic in your area. Stand up for what you believe in.
maybe SSN and bank account?

don't escape the question:
So are YOU proud of supporting the murderer murdering the viable baby?
or are you afraid to admit it?
when hiding behind an anonymous nic you can't say it. So much for the "strength" of your "convictions".
and bodecea, are you proud of your support of the murders of the innocent viable babies as this murderer tiller did?

you can't answer that question - even hiding behind the anonymous name on the internet - So much for the "strength" of your "convictions"

It is not relevant that Tiller performed late term abortions. You obviously think his killer should have been given a medal. You are a disgraceful person.
Vox, you are a piece of shit....you believe it is okay for someone to be shot and killed due to their medical practice? Someone needs to beat some sense into you if that is how you really feel, you are not an American and are the definition of what is wrong with this country.

A woman should have an abortion if they choose (I believe it is fine in the first trimester into the second, but am not so sure about late term, that is if the mother is not in danger). A fetus is NOT a child, it is a fertilized zygote that is unaware of its own existence. Thank God that idiots and radicals like you are not in charge, thanks to sane courts and Democrat politicians.

And KOSHERBITCH: You are scum, thinking it is just fine for women who have had abortions to be tried and hung. Go to hell with the rest of your fucktard pals. :up_yours::up_yours:
no, to the tiller, the baby killer.

he got what he was asking for.

So someone deserved to be shot dead outside his own church? Someone deserves to be murdered because you don't like their profession?

it is called justice.

Was George Tiller arrested for a crime, and charged? You believe the public should be judge, jury, and executioner, you sick fuck.
and bodecea, are you proud of your support of the murders of the innocent viable babies as this murderer tiller did?

you can't answer that question - even hiding behind the anonymous name on the internet - So much for the "strength" of your "convictions"

I support a woman's right to choose....INCLUDING a woman's right to not have sex, to use contraceptives, to KEEP her baby, and to have a LEGAL abortion up to viability.

So....I've posted it a second time. Would you like me to post it again?

oh, so you are proud to support the murder of viable baby?Go ahead - admit it. or are you afraid or ashamed, maybe?
are you an idiot?

I am stating the second page that yes, I am VERY PROUD of my stance. I personally consider abortion should be made illegal in any instance, except some of the cases when mother's life is in danger, it should be made possible after all other options have been ruled too dangerous - by a panel of physicians.

should I make it bold and magenta, so it finally can get into your small brain?

Ah...so you are very proud. Post your full name and address. We'll share your pride with any Abortion Clinic in your area. Stand up for what you believe in.
maybe SSN and bank account?

don't escape the question:
So are YOU proud of supporting the murderer murdering the viable baby?
or are you afraid to admit it?
when hiding behind an anonymous nic you can't say it. So much for the "strength" of your "convictions".
Nope...Just full name and your address. I'll pass it on. I'm sure you have the strength of your convictions and will be proud to stand up for them. Right?
Noting that you still cannot say that you are proud of your anti-choice stance. Even when hiding behind an anonymous nic you can't say it. So much for the "strength" of your "convictions". :lol:

are you an idiot?

I am stating the second page that yes, I am VERY PROUD of my stance. I personally consider abortion should be made illegal in any instance, except some of the cases when mother's life is in danger, it should be made possible after all other options have been ruled too dangerous - by a panel of physicians.

should I make it bold and magenta, so it finally can get into your small brain?

Ah...so you are very proud. Post your full name and address. We'll share your pride with any Abortion Clinic in your area. Stand up for what you believe in.

Vox is the sort of hypocrite who would salivate over the personal details of anyone who supported abortion, and would happily harass them with phone calls in the dead of night, but wouldn't give out his own personal information because he would fear for the life of his precious family.
Ah...so you are very proud. Post your full name and address. We'll share your pride with any Abortion Clinic in your area. Stand up for what you believe in.
maybe SSN and bank account?

don't escape the question:
So are YOU proud of supporting the murderer murdering the viable baby?
or are you afraid to admit it?
when hiding behind an anonymous nic you can't say it. So much for the "strength" of your "convictions".
Nope...Just full name and your address. I'll pass it on. I'm sure you have the strength of your convictions and will be proud to stand up for them. Right?

I won't post anything and stop playing the gestapo, although it is your dream role

So, you are proud to support the murder of a viable baby, aren't you?
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and bodecea, are you proud of your support of the murders of the innocent viable babies as this murderer tiller did?

you can't answer that question - even hiding behind the anonymous name on the internet - So much for the "strength" of your "convictions"

I support a woman's right to choose....INCLUDING a woman's right to not have sex, to use contraceptives, to KEEP her baby, and to have a LEGAL abortion up to viability.

So....I've posted it a second time. Would you like me to post it again?

oh, so you are proud to support the murder of viable baby?Go ahead - admit it. or are you afraid or ashamed, maybe?

Most abortions take place in the first 12 weeks, when the fetus is not viable. Why are you fixated on late abortions?
maybe SSN and bank account?

don't escape the question:
So are YOU proud of supporting the murderer murdering the viable baby?
or are you afraid to admit it?
when hiding behind an anonymous nic you can't say it. So much for the "strength" of your "convictions".
Nope...Just full name and your address. I'll pass it on. I'm sure you have the strength of your convictions and will be proud to stand up for them. Right?

I won't post anything and stop playing the gestapo.

So, you are proud to support the murder of a viable baby, aren't you?

Find me a law that says that when a woman has an abortion at an abortion clinic, she is committing murder.
are you an idiot?

I am stating the second page that yes, I am VERY PROUD of my stance. I personally consider abortion should be made illegal in any instance, except some of the cases when mother's life is in danger, it should be made possible after all other options have been ruled too dangerous - by a panel of physicians.

should I make it bold and magenta, so it finally can get into your small brain?

Ah...so you are very proud. Post your full name and address. We'll share your pride with any Abortion Clinic in your area. Stand up for what you believe in.

Vox is the sort of hypocrite who would salivate over the personal details of anyone who supported abortion, and would happily harass them with phone calls in the dead of night, but wouldn't give out his own personal information because he would fear for the life of his precious family.

one more leftard gestapo-wanna be?

not at all surprised - all leftards are nazi worshipers :lol:
are you an idiot?

I am stating the second page that yes, I am VERY PROUD of my stance. I personally consider abortion should be made illegal in any instance,

How should abortion laws be enforced?

except some of the cases when mother's life is in danger, it should be made possible after all other options have been ruled too dangerous - by a panel of physicians.

A panel of physicians could take hours.. maybe days to decide. The mother may not have that long.

should I make it bold and magenta, so it finally can get into your small brain?

The fact is, abortion is a part of life. 15% of pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. 2% of the female population in the US will have an elective abortion each year, and half of those have already had a prior abortion. Whether or not people like it, abortions will continue to happen. If it's made illegal, they will happen in unregulated, back-alley abortion clinics. Many women have died getting unsafe abortions.

I also support abortion rights for women up until viability. After viability, only if the mother's life is at risk. This is a very personal decision (and not one I'd make for myself, btw) but I respect other people's rights to choose for themselves what happens to their own bodies.
Spontaneous abortion is not "abortion". It's a miscarriage. Just as dying of cancer isn't murder, it's death by natural causes.

Murder does continue to happen. That doesn't mean we wink and nod and give it a pass.
except some of the cases when mother's life is in danger, it should be made possible after all other options have been ruled too dangerous - by a panel of physicians.

A panel of physicians could take hours.. maybe days to decide. The mother may not have that long.

If she can undergo a procedure which takes 3 days and is a grave risk to her life - she is not that sick and can wait. there are no known emergencies that require an abortion in 24 hours. later in the pregnancy there are some emergent situations, but later pregnancies can be terminated via emergency c-section, not a late term abortion.
The fact is, abortion is a part of life. 15% of pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion.
actually up to 50%

I also support abortion rights for women up until viability. After viability, only if the mother's life is at risk. This is a very personal decision (and not one I'd make for myself, btw) but I respect other people's rights to choose for themselves what happens to their own bodies.

the OP is about the "doctor" who murders absolute viable babies and the protest tactics and countertactics involved. It is also about the tiller, the baby killer who was shot exactly for what he was doing, so it is ONLY about so-called late term abortions.

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