Abortion... It's Murder.

Abortion is not murder.

Thanks to the military, I know what murder feels like. Thanks to my own choices, I also know what abortion feels like.

I felt nothing when I had an abortion. I felt incredible when I took human Life, I mean, it had to be the biggest rush of my Life.

Abortion and murder are nothing alike.​

Murder is the morally unjustified taking of a human life.

Now you claim that you didn't 'feel' like when you took the life of your pre-born baby, what was justification for stripping that human being of its life?

Wrong again, Keys. Murder is the illegal taking of human life. Abortion, not being illegal, is not murder. Also, under the law, a fetus is not a person, so you are wrong on two counts. Also, your religious beliefs on the issue carries absolutely no weight under the law, so you are wrong on three counts. However, if you want to go to a Muslim country, where Muslim beliefs are also the law of the land, you might feel more at home.

Wrong. It is against God's law and that is enough. Abortion is murder. Children are a gift from God. The bible tells us children are a gift from God. No one has the right to take the life of an unborn child. No one.

I have every damn right.

Do you? Then why don't you have the right to kill a post born human being?

Let's try this and I think that we'll soon learn that you have no idea what a right is, from where they come and that which sustains such... .

What are Human Rights?

From where do rights come?

What sustains your rights?

(Enjoy kids... this is the point whereupon the Left's 'feelings' on "Rights" tend toward drying up... .
This argument is so old and stale. No one EVER comes to an agreement. Some people are going to kill their unborn children because they just don't care. No one can MAKE them care either. Even if it is made illegal, these people will find a way to do it. Might as well have it be legal so at least it's done "clean." The world is just not a very good or a very nice place.
This argument is so old and stale. No one EVER comes to an agreement. Some people are going to kill their unborn children because they just don't care. No one can MAKE them care either. Even if it is made illegal, these people will find a way to do it. Might as well have it be legal so at least it's done "clean." The world is just not a very good or a very nice place.

The argument doesn't seek agreement from those who oppose it. The argument seeks to crush the means of others to reasonably oppose it.

Abortion is the morally unjustified taking of the most innocent of human life. The women who murder their pre-born children know what they're doing is wrong. And those who claim not to 'know its wrong' are either lying or their sociopaths.

Sane woman who murder their pre-born children suffer a lifetime of regret... . Ask them if they would do it again and MOST will tell you that it was the most regrettable thing they've ever done and if they had 'it' to do again, they'd have not had sex with that man at that time.

For those women there is hope... and if we could just get them to become the LOUDEST VOICE over that of their evil sisters, the world would INDEED be a better place.
This argument is so old and stale. No one EVER comes to an agreement. Some people are going to kill their unborn children because they just don't care. No one can MAKE them care either. Even if it is made illegal, these people will find a way to do it. Might as well have it be legal so at least it's done "clean." The world is just not a very good or a very nice place.
Then the reasonable and appropriate course of action would be for everyone to work to end the practice that doesn't involve violating citizens' civil rights.

The disagreement doesn't concern the merits of abortion, the disagreement concerns bringing about its end.
What DIFFERENCE does it make if a fetus can live outside of the womb or not?.... you canceled out your own argument saying the fetus CAN'T LIVE outside the womb, so you do admit the fetus is alive! Thanks for bitch slapping yourself!

By that logic, spooge is people. Because when spooge is sitting in your nutsack, it is still "alive".

Once you've spooged it out into a kleenex after you paid the hooker $25.00, it ceases to be alive.

Does sperm develop into a fetus by itself? You are SOOOO FUCKING STUPID with that old bullshit!

No, but here's the thing. 2/3rd of fertilized zygotes do not cling to the Uterine Wall.

In short, most "fetuses" never turn into babies, even before the half of them that get aborted get aborted.

But we aren't throwing funerals for tampons any time soon.

You flunked Biology in High School....and your wife never explained it to you! How pathetic!...WTF does that have to do with HUMANS interfering with life?
Vigilante -

Actually, I have spent quite a lot of time in Syria, so I somehow doubt it is me that needs educating here. Have you EVER been to a SINGLE Muslim country?

No - so then at what point were you planning to get an education yourself?

Why would it matter if you were there or not? the TRUTH is the TRUTH!
You would not know the truth twerp if time stood still.
And this coming from someone I'd PISS on, and the bastard would DRINK IT UP!
No one who has heard the heart beat of their child can deny that he or she is a unique human life. Ending that life is wrong. We will be held accountable for our sins.
No soul is wasted by God. The body is merely a vessel, irrelevant.

That's Church teaching.

As an agnostic, your bullshit falls on deaf ears, as does your lack of ethics and morality!
This argument is so old and stale. No one EVER comes to an agreement. Some people are going to kill their unborn children because they just don't care. No one can MAKE them care either. Even if it is made illegal, these people will find a way to do it. Might as well have it be legal so at least it's done "clean." The world is just not a very good or a very nice place.

The argument doesn't seek agreement from those who oppose it. The argument seeks to crush the means of others to reasonably oppose it.

Abortion is the morally unjustified taking of the most innocent of human life. The women who murder their pre-born children know what they're doing is wrong. And those who claim not to 'know its wrong' are either lying or their sociopaths.

Sane woman who murder their pre-born children suffer a lifetime of regret... . Ask them if they would do it again and MOST will tell you that it was the most regrettable thing they've ever done and if they had 'it' to do again, they'd have not had sex with that man at that time.

For those women there is hope... and if we could just get them to become the LOUDEST VOICE over that of their evil sisters, the world would INDEED be a better place.

The point is that women are still going to have sex, get pregnant and have abortions, legal or illegal ones. It does not matter who is morally right or wrong. It doesn't matter to those people that want to rid themselves of the responsibility of having a pregnancy and a child. They don't care.
This argument is so old and stale. No one EVER comes to an agreement. Some people are going to kill their unborn children because they just don't care. No one can MAKE them care either. Even if it is made illegal, these people will find a way to do it. Might as well have it be legal so at least it's done "clean." The world is just not a very good or a very nice place.

The argument doesn't seek agreement from those who oppose it. The argument seeks to crush the means of others to reasonably oppose it.

Abortion is the morally unjustified taking of the most innocent of human life. The women who murder their pre-born children know what they're doing is wrong. And those who claim not to 'know its wrong' are either lying or their sociopaths.

Sane woman who murder their pre-born children suffer a lifetime of regret... . Ask them if they would do it again and MOST will tell you that it was the most regrettable thing they've ever done and if they had 'it' to do again, they'd have not had sex with that man at that time.

For those women there is hope... and if we could just get them to become the LOUDEST VOICE over that of their evil sisters, the world would INDEED be a better place.

The point is that women are still going to have sex, get pregnant and have abortions, legal or illegal ones. It does not matter who is morally right or wrong. It doesn't matter to those people that want to rid themselves of the responsibility of having a pregnancy and a child. They don't care.

BUT Chris, as the president said.....

False... If it is a human being, it's a person. The terms are literally synonymous. And again, this is without regard to the absurd, wholly baseless rationalizations by Feminists, who need there to be a difference, so as to have an excuse to avoid the consequence common to the responsibilities intrinsic to being female.

Most women I know think they are something other than the life support system for a vagina.
Yes... it's a baby.

That's what you're looking at: the image of a baby. That it's an image of an image of a baby... doesn't make a baby something other than a baby.

However, where you find that you've conceived resin... in any form... feel free to abort it.

See how easy this is, when the perverse forms of reasoning are recognized as such, refuted then summarily dismissed?

No, it's not a baby. It's not even a fetus. It's a resin doll that some anti-choice whacks made up.
LOL! It should be noted that Joe is among those who also 'assured' us, that if we just replace soundly reasoned actuarial lending principle with "Fairness"... that there was NO CHANCE that this would ever cause a run on mortgages, driving up the value of real-estate beyond the means of the market to sustain such values and inevitably crash the international financial markets... . They're the same one's who assure us that subsidizing the unemployed will never result in sustained levels of high-unemployment, robbing the markets of their labor, their skills and their production, lowering overall national production values... .

Guy, you right wingers don't get to preach about economics after 2008, when everything you ever said was proven wrong.
This argument is so old and stale. No one EVER comes to an agreement. Some people are going to kill their unborn children because they just don't care. No one can MAKE them care either. Even if it is made illegal, these people will find a way to do it. Might as well have it be legal so at least it's done "clean." The world is just not a very good or a very nice place.
Then the reasonable and appropriate course of action would be for everyone to work to end the practice that doesn't involve violating citizens' civil rights.

The disagreement doesn't concern the merits of abortion, the disagreement concerns bringing about its end.
yeah ChrisL :mad-61:
LOL! It should be noted that Joe is among those who also 'assured' us, that if we just replace soundly reasoned actuarial lending principle with "Fairness"... that there was NO CHANCE that this would ever cause a run on mortgages, driving up the value of real-estate beyond the means of the market to sustain such values and inevitably crash the international financial markets... . They're the same one's who assure us that subsidizing the unemployed will never result in sustained levels of high-unemployment, robbing the markets of their labor, their skills and their production, lowering overall national production values... .

Guy, you right wingers don't get to preach about economics after 2008, when everything you ever said was proven wrong.
Do you? Then why don't you have the right to kill a post born human being?

Let's try this and I think that we'll soon learn that you have no idea what a right is, from where they come and that which sustains such... .

What are Human Rights?

From where do rights come?

What sustains your rights?

(Enjoy kids... this is the point whereupon the Left's 'feelings' on "Rights" tend toward drying up...

Guy, i'm going to explain this to you.

There are no "rights". There never were any "rights".

There are privileges the rest of society lets you have.

Any fool who thinks he has "rights' needs to look up, "Japanese-Americans, 1942". Society decided they had no rights, they simply rounded them all up, took everything they had, and locked them in concentration camps for the duration of the war. And when they appealed to the courts about their "rights", the courts told them to take a flying fuck.

There is neither a right for a woman to have an abortion or a right for a fetus not to be killed. There is just what society considers sensible. And sensibly, society has figured out that you really can't stop abortions without turning the country into a police state.

Incidentally, a country DID try to do exactly what you anti-choice types want, making women into breeding machines. This was Romania in 1967. And it worked... for exactly one year. After the first year, people figured out how to get DIY abortions or to drive over to a slightly less crazy communist country to get one.
There's nothing false about the photo.

There's nothing implied in the photo that the baby in the palm is alive. The Photo states the obvious, that the 12 week old pre-born human baby is a human being, therefore the pre-born human baby is a 'person'. And this without regard to the irrational Feminist rant regarding "Personhood". A specious rationalization that I and many others have refuted in incontrovertible terms, MANY TIMES.

Like every other conjuring of Left-think, "Personhood" is demonstrable nonsense.

The baby in that photo is made out of resin, so we can be pretty sure it's not alive. ALso, 12 week fetuses aren't that large or look that much like a baby.

Here's the reality. As long as that fetus is inside a woman, whether it stays there or not is entirely up to her.

Because I have yet to hear how you anti-choice nuts are going to compel women to have babies they don't want.

Thanks for admitting it.

Because I have yet to hear how you anti-choice nuts are going to compel women to have babies they don't want.

Thanks for admitting it.

Hey, reality check. Didn't say it was a baby when she has the abortion. I said you can't compel her to keep it until it becomes a baby.

I'm still waiting to hear your big plan to make a woman carry a pregnancy to term. this should be good.

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