Abortion... It's Murder.


Scientists Rush to Understand the Murderous Mamas of the Monkey World

Scientists Discover Mother Monkeys Who Kill Their Babies - TIME

Hippy apes caught cannibalising their young

Hippy apes caught cannibalising their young - life - 01 February 2010 - New Scientist

How many was that out of the entire APE population.... How many KILLER HUMANS are there out of the entire human population! You go find the numbers and I'll bet you whatever you want that MORE HUMAN KILL other humans than apes kill apes...and a 2010 article!!!!

It really makes no difference to me.

Then DO IT... I can always come back tomorrow to set your ass straight!

Are you drunk?


Vigil. I think he's insane.
Born or UNBORN that BUNCH OF CELLS IS A HUMAN, you APE, even APES don't kill their own UNBORN DELIBERATELY, they are better than you PROGS!!!

Scientists Rush to Understand the Murderous Mamas of the Monkey World

Scientists Discover Mother Monkeys Who Kill Their Babies - TIME

Hippy apes caught cannibalising their young

Hippy apes caught cannibalising their young - life - 01 February 2010 - New Scientist

How many was that out of the entire APE population.... How many KILLER HUMANS are there out of the entire human population! You go find the numbers and I'll bet you whatever you want that MORE HUMAN KILL other humans than apes kill apes...and a 2010 article!!!!

It really makes no difference to me.

Then DO IT... I can always come back tomorrow to set your ass straight!

Are you drunk?

Idiot liberals always say the same shit when they have nothing to back up what they say.... Abortion is murder, it's deliberately killing another human, it matters not if it is still in your belly or just popped out. You scum at PPP are trying to get a WINDOW in laws for a few hours AFTER BIRTH to kill these BORN children... do a search, and enlighten yourself. Learn something!

Oh, you'll never do that, it would actually take a brain to do it....

Planned Parenthood Official Endorses Right to Kill Babies Born Alive - Leah Barkoukis
How many was that out of the entire APE population.... How many KILLER HUMANS are there out of the entire human population! You go find the numbers and I'll bet you whatever you want that MORE HUMAN KILL other humans than apes kill apes...and a 2010 article!!!!

It really makes no difference to me.

Then DO IT... I can always come back tomorrow to set your ass straight!

Are you drunk?


Vigil. I think he's insane.

I KNOW you are a POS, but being just a liberal makes you that, nothing to do with baby killing!
Scientists Rush to Understand the Murderous Mamas of the Monkey World

Scientists Discover Mother Monkeys Who Kill Their Babies - TIME

Hippy apes caught cannibalising their young

Hippy apes caught cannibalising their young - life - 01 February 2010 - New Scientist

How many was that out of the entire APE population.... How many KILLER HUMANS are there out of the entire human population! You go find the numbers and I'll bet you whatever you want that MORE HUMAN KILL other humans than apes kill apes...and a 2010 article!!!!

It really makes no difference to me.

Then DO IT... I can always come back tomorrow to set your ass straight!

Are you drunk?

Idiot liberals always say the same shit when they have nothing to back up what they say.... Abortion is murder, it's deliberately killing another human, it matters not if it is still in your belly or just popped out. You scum at PPP are trying to get a WINDOW in laws for a few hours AFTER BIRTH to kill these BORN children... do a search, and enlighten yourself. Learn something!

Oh, you'll never do that, it would actually take a brain to do it....

Planned Parenthood Official Endorses Right to Kill Babies Born Alive - Leah Barkoukis

Oh, that's funny. No one is killing babies that are already born. Sorry, you have flown the coop.
It really makes no difference to me.

Then DO IT... I can always come back tomorrow to set your ass straight!

Are you drunk?


Vigil. I think he's insane.

I KNOW you are a POS, but being just a liberal makes you that, nothing to do with baby killing!

Go take a Xanax or something, and get some sleep. You're gonna stroke out.
How many was that out of the entire APE population.... How many KILLER HUMANS are there out of the entire human population! You go find the numbers and I'll bet you whatever you want that MORE HUMAN KILL other humans than apes kill apes...and a 2010 article!!!!

It really makes no difference to me.

Then DO IT... I can always come back tomorrow to set your ass straight!

Are you drunk?

Idiot liberals always say the same shit when they have nothing to back up what they say.... Abortion is murder, it's deliberately killing another human, it matters not if it is still in your belly or just popped out. You scum at PPP are trying to get a WINDOW in laws for a few hours AFTER BIRTH to kill these BORN children... do a search, and enlighten yourself. Learn something!

Oh, you'll never do that, it would actually take a brain to do it....

Planned Parenthood Official Endorses Right to Kill Babies Born Alive - Leah Barkoukis

Oh, that's funny. No one is killing babies that are already born. Sorry, you have flown the coop.

Of course not, the above, and a search engine would prove you wrong, as YOU LIBERALS always are! I'm here all night, want to see who gets the last post, or?
Then DO IT... I can always come back tomorrow to set your ass straight!

Are you drunk?


Vigil. I think he's insane.

I KNOW you are a POS, but being just a liberal makes you that, nothing to do with baby killing!

Go take a Xanax or something, and get some sleep. You're gonna stroke out.

Go ask Muttley where her corner is, and try hooking, you might find it more rewarding then getting put down here!
Let's try a little sanity here .... 31 states allow 'partial birth abortion' ... you know, that's where you stick a needle in the baby's brain ... as long as ANY portion of the baby remains in the mother. Oh, by the way, PPP, and its sycophants, have filed suits to legalize it in twelve other states.
I don't like abortions and personally would not ever have one, but at the same time, I have to think of what would become of all those poor unwanted children, and then I think about parents who abuse and some who actually kill their own children. Which one is worse for the poor kid? I don't know, and it's kind of awful to think about.
Let's try a little sanity here .... 31 states allow 'partial birth abortion' ... you know, that's where you stick a needle in the baby's brain ... as long as ANY portion of the baby remains in the mother. Oh, by the way, PPP, and its sycophants, have filed suits to legalize it in twelve other states.

Absolutely shameful that we let these pond scum get away with this shit!

I don't like abortions and personally would not ever have one, but at the same time, I have to think of what would become of all those poor unwanted children, and then I think about parents who abuse and some who actually kill their own children. Which one is worse for the poor kid? I don't know, and it's kind of awful to think about.

EVERY LIVING BEING deserves a chance at life...we who are here got our break, we should make sure all that follow have theirs!.... I Mean being a BIG LIBERAL as I am, it's the ONLY FAIR thing to do!
Let's try a little sanity here .... 31 states allow 'partial birth abortion' ... you know, that's where you stick a needle in the baby's brain ... as long as ANY portion of the baby remains in the mother. Oh, by the way, PPP, and its sycophants, have filed suits to legalize it in twelve other states.

Of course nothing like this ever happened before abortion was legalized. So, it would be a really good thing if we start sending doctors to prisons for doing what they have always done. Right?

In fact, since a real doctor would hesitate to do something that would send them to prison, it is probably best to just turn the abortion procedure over to amateurs. For example, Frank Sinatra's mother used to do abortions in Hoboken back in the 1920's and 1930's. The coat hanger's manufacturing guild would thank you!
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Abortion is not murder.

Thanks to the military, I know what murder feels like. Thanks to my own choices, I also know what abortion feels like.

I felt nothing when I had an abortion. I felt incredible when I took human Life, I mean, it had to be the biggest rush of my Life.

Abortion and murder are nothing alike.

wow, I feel sad for you. you felt nothing when you killed your own offspring.
this is why they are fighting so hard against have an ultrasound done before abortions. they are afraid they might see what they are getting ready to kill


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