Abortion rate at lowest level since Roe V Wade

They were the ISIS of the middle ages. According to historical record, they actually started "torture". They killed MILLIONS for simply having a different belief. Even catholics call that time of their history an embarrassment.
Maybe you can straighten me out on the history of the catholic church and disprove all the facts surrounding it?
And frankly, I don't appreciate you calling me a "Bigoted retard". Call me names simply because we disagree on an issue? IMO, THAT sounds bigoted :thup:

Stop watching sensationalism posing as *educational tv*.

Your view is too distorted to even begin to address it here. But it comes from being fed a lifetime of garbage about the Catholic church. And I'm saying that as a BAPTIST.
I simply just don't agree. But I love to learn! Teach me
And no, it isn't. I didn't learn much about religion except for Baptist and church of Christ growing up. Didn't learn about other religions until I started reading works by credited historians and translations from actual documents Learning for myself..

I'll give it a go.

Let's go back to ancient times. In ancient times, it was routine to sacrifice your children to the gods for such things as prosperity, victory in battle, fertility, etc. They all pretty much did it.

Then Abraham came along and was asked to sacrifice his son. But why? I think it was for the sole purpose of stopping Abraham from doing it to send the message that this sort of behavior was not tolerable. The God of the Bible detests child sacrifice.

Of course, today, we still do this. We sacrifice our unborn for the god of convenience and prosperity, just like they did in ancient times. Some things never change. All that needs to be done is silence the God of the Bible in the name of secular humanism.

As for the Catholic church, the issue I have with the Catholic church is that they mixed statism with the church. In fact, Constantine, who initiated all this, was not even a Christian, even though it was rumored that he converted on his death bed. What we then saw with the Catholic church were all the abuses we normally see when sinful man rules over others. You had the Inquisitions, the Jewish persecution, the Crusades, etc. They did not heed the warning Christ gave which was that God's kingdom was not of this world and men who crave power will routinely abuse it, especially when planting the notion that men should kill in the name of God in their brains.

It's more complex than that. The Roman Catholic church is the last vestige of the Roman Empire...but it is also a Christian institution. The Inquisitions, Jewish persecution, Crusades were state actions. They were not "Catholic" actions.

The church spread the concept of democracy, mercy and philanthropy across the world. True story.
But the inquisition members were chosen by the Dominican Order. Before that it was Catholic clergy.
Also, wasn't the crusades actually sanctioned by the church?

The Inquisition was state-authored by Isabella and Ferdinand...and is a prime example of why we do not allow the state to dictate what religions we may practice.
You can thank Planned Parenthood for declining abortion rates

They do more to stop unwanted pregnancies than any other group
You can thank Planned Parenthood for declining abortion rates

They do more to stop unwanted pregnancies than any other group
In a way,myou are correct...

We have been stigmatizing Planned Parenthood for decades as a baby murder mill and people are increasingly questioning what civilized human does such things.....

We are winning....
You can thank Planned Parenthood for declining abortion rates

They do more to stop unwanted pregnancies than any other group

Declining abortion rates if they actually exist, (you can believe nothing that PP generates, and they generate these fake numbers) are attributable directly to the closing of abortion clinics and increased anti-abortion sentiment.
I am 100% for Liberals aborting their children, Trump should make it free for them. :badgrin:
You can thank Planned Parenthood for declining abortion rates

They do more to stop unwanted pregnancies than any other group

Declining abortion rates if they actually exist, (you can believe nothing that PP generates, and they generate these fake numbers) are attributable directly to the closing of abortion clinics and increased anti-abortion sentiment.

Planned parenthood has done more to reduce unwanted pregnancy than 40 years of rightwing calls for abstinence and shaming of mothers
U.S. Abortion Rate Falls To Lowest Level Since Roe v. Wade
The abortion rate in the United States fell to its lowest level since the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalized abortion nationwide, a new report finds.
The report by the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports legalized abortion, puts the rate at 14.6 abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age (ages 15-44) in 2014. That's the lowest recorded rate since the Roe decision in 1973. The abortion rate has been declining for decades — down from a peak of 29.3 in 1980 and 1981.
The report also finds that in 2013, the total number of abortions nationwide fell below 1 million for the first time since the mid-1970s. In 2014 — the most recent year with data available — the number fell a bit more, to 926,200. The overall number had peaked at more than 1.6 million abortions in 1990, according to Guttmacher.

Some anti-abortion groups, meanwhile, argue the Guttmacher report shows new state restrictions on abortion are working. Kristi Hamrick, a spokeswoman for Americans United for Life, said she has her doubts about the Guttmacher report — since the data come from surveys of abortion providers — but accepts the overall conclusion. She emphasized the impact of new regulations on clinics and laws requiring women seeking abortions to get an ultrasound, which she said are having a "real, measurable impact on abortion."

The Guttmacher report says abortions restrictions do appear to be a factor in the declining numbers in some states. But principal research scientist Rachel Jones, lead author of the report, said that's not the whole story. She noted that abortion declined in almost every state, and "having fewer clinics didn't always translate into having fewer abortions."
A more important driver of the declining abortion rate, Jones said, appears to be improved access to contraception, particularly long-acting birth control options like IUDs. She noted that women in the United States have been using the highly-effective devices in growing numbers for more than a decade, and said the declining birthrate suggests more women are preventing unwanted pregnancies.
I am "pro-choice" or whatever bullshit moniker you want to put on it, but less abortions are a good thing!

The morning after pill sold by the millions probably has a lot to do with the decline mentioned in the article. Don't know if the article mentioned that.
There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad.

nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions laws easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.
What do you mean "winning?"
People being repulsed by the actions of pro-choice baby killers....
ok but what are you winning?
Fewer babies being killed....
Does America have a big problem with babies getting murdered?
Don't know, but we have a big problem with them being killed by liberals.....

Hummm, I am sure there are republicans getting knocked up too, silly rabbit...
There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad.

nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions laws easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.
I don't believe in free birth control. I think making people pay for ones irresponsibility and/or sex life is malarkey. Adoption laws should be laxed.
Also, foreign adoptions are on a decline. Which is a good thing as well!
There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad.

nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions law easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.

We adopted a baby girl that was born in China. She's beautiful, bright and articulate and hopes to work in the music field someday
There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad.

nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions law easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.

We adopted a baby girl that was born in China. She's beautiful, bright and articulate and hopes to work in the music field someday

Oh tears bless your heart..My cousin did as well, her baby is grown now but boy did they have problems with her teeth ( giving them tons of sugar water ) and she couldn't walk at 2 because they stayed in the crib most of the time.
Are you having any problems with that?
There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad.

nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions laws easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.
I don't believe in free birth control. I think making people pay for ones irresponsibility and/or sex life is malarkey. Adoption laws should be laxed.
Also, foreign adoptions are on a decline. Which is a good thing as well!

Well they could at least make birth control over the counter to buy cheaper ... these young girls on drugs will not go to a doctor .
Its none of the federal governments business one way or another on how many dumpsters are full of dead baby's and how many dead baby parts are sold... its a states issue...
Prior to Roe v. Wade, there were as many abortions in the US as there are now.

Repealing Roe v. Wade would have no impact on the number of abortions at all.

However, I favor its repeal as a matter of principle.
Row versus Wade is supposed to make abortion a states issue. I am not for overturning row versus Wade, it should be up to each individual state if abortion is a is allowed or not...
Your last sentence makes no sense. If you are for states deciding whether or not to make abortion legal, then you are in favor of overturning Roe V. Wade. That's the decision which took it out of the hands of the states.
I never said I wanted roe versus Wade overturned, I just think it's none of the federal government's business on abortion one way or the other because they don't have the morality/ethics to make such decision. Its a States issue
Again, the very purpose of Roe v. Wade was to take the decision out of the hands of the states. You are making no sense.
No you're confused
nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions law easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.

We adopted a baby girl that was born in China. She's beautiful, bright and articulate and hopes to work in the music field someday

Oh tears bless your heart..My cousin did as well, her baby is grown now but boy did they have problems with her teeth ( giving them tons of sugar water ) and she couldn't walk at 2 because they stayed in the crib most of the time.
Are you having any problems with that?

She was seven months old when we got her so she wasn't exposed to any of that. Her birth mother died in childbirth and the father gave her up. Our adoption was very quick, about three months start to finish, my understanding now is it's about 7-18 months to get it finalized

But no, she's very healthy, smart as a whip also
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions law easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.

We adopted a baby girl that was born in China. She's beautiful, bright and articulate and hopes to work in the music field someday

Oh tears bless your heart..My cousin did as well, her baby is grown now but boy did they have problems with her teeth ( giving them tons of sugar water ) and she couldn't walk at 2 because they stayed in the crib most of the time.
Are you having any problems with that?

She was seven months old when we got her so she wasn't exposed to any of that. Her birth mother died in childbirth and the father gave her up. Our adoption was very quick, about three months start to finish, my understanding now is it's about 7-18 months to get it finalized

But no, she's very healthy, smart as a whip also

I bet it is extremely expensive too... glad your baby is doing well. I wonder if they are still doing the one child per family thing and give up the girls so they can have a boy..?
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions law easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.

We adopted a baby girl that was born in China. She's beautiful, bright and articulate and hopes to work in the music field someday

Oh tears bless your heart..My cousin did as well, her baby is grown now but boy did they have problems with her teeth ( giving them tons of sugar water ) and she couldn't walk at 2 because they stayed in the crib most of the time.
Are you having any problems with that?

She was seven months old when we got her so she wasn't exposed to any of that. Her birth mother died in childbirth and the father gave her up. Our adoption was very quick, about three months start to finish, my understanding now is it's about 7-18 months to get it finalized

But no, she's very healthy, smart as a whip also

I bet it is extremely expensive too... glad your baby is doing well. I wonder if they are still doing the one child per family thing and give up the girls so they can have a boy..?

IDK about the boy/girl thing in China but when we adopted we were told she would have a very rough life in China if she wasn't adopted out.

I remind her of that when she gets belligerent ;)
There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad.

nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions laws easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.

Aside from tubal pregnancy, there is no life or death situation that abortion can cure. None.

And we have NEVER needed abortion clinics to treat those. In fact, if I had a tubal pregnancy, an abortion clinic is the LAST place I would want to be for the procedure. Thanks, I want to live.
hadit is right though.. There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad. Probably more than we think..
Yet neither you nor he has explained why.
They like violence and murder.
This thread is like discussing abortion at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
That would be fucking insane!
Sadly, goose is right. I once read about this women that has had multiple abortions simply because she enjoyed killing. Said all women should try it. Or something to that effect. It was a long time ago.
I believe that was fake news, TN. Abortions are physically painful (purposely so) and even if you didn't mind, emotionally, I don't think many women would have multiple abortions for the fun of it.
It's not that people want an abortion themself but that they want others to.

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