Abortion rate at lowest level since Roe V Wade

Killing innocent little unborn babies is about the most evil thing anyone can ever do.

Anyone who gets an abortion, or pays for an abortion, or performs an abortion, or persuades another person to have an abortion, or votes for abortion in Congress or the Supreme Court, or advocates for legal abortion on an internet forum, will go to hell, I guarantee it. God will have mercy on you, but only if you genuinely repent and then work hard against abortion for the rest of your life as your penance.

But most of you won't repent, and therefore, will end up in hell.

I would pity you, but I will spare my pity for the innocent children who's lives you destroyed.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.
You are literally a Nazi.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
Well, since I'm not sure He's there, this is not an argument to have with me. I'm more focused on the reality of some decisions playing out. There is far more suffering involved, at times, in an irresponsible birth than an 8 wk termination.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.
You are literally a Nazi.
Yes, I know. I've been told before.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
Killing Down's Syndrome babies is the same thing the Nazis did. Tell me, are you a Nazi?
Obviously not.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
Well, since I'm not sure He's there, this is not an argument to have with me. I'm more focused on the reality of some decisions playing out. There is far more suffering involved, at times, in an irresponsible birth than an 8 wk termination.

I'm confident He is there, we are His creations and there is nothing more innocent than a child. To murder one is unconscionable, what have they done to deserve death?
OldLady, do you ever worry about the possibility that your defense of abortion will cause God to send you to hell?

You should worry about it. Hell lasts for all eternity, and if you are actually an elderly person, hell is only a few years away for you.

If I were you, I would throw myself down on my knees and repent.

This is a warning which you should heed.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.
I don't have a god.
Maybe today, but yesteryears, down syndrome babies wouldn't have a quality of life.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
what about when he does it? Do you think he feels guilty?
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
Well, since I'm not sure He's there, this is not an argument to have with me. I'm more focused on the reality of some decisions playing out. There is far more suffering involved, at times, in an irresponsible birth than an 8 wk termination.

I'm confident He is there, we are His creations and there is nothing more innocent than a child. To murder one is unconscionable, what have they done to deserve death?
It's not a child yet, it's a whisper of a future stilled. There will be many more. Life renews itself and life ends.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
Well, since I'm not sure He's there, this is not an argument to have with me. I'm more focused on the reality of some decisions playing out. There is far more suffering involved, at times, in an irresponsible birth than an 8 wk termination.

I'm confident He is there, we are His creations and there is nothing more innocent than a child. To murder one is unconscionable, what have they done to deserve death?
It's not a child yet, it's a whisper of a future stilled. There will be many more. Life renews itself and life ends.

It's a child...I've yet to see an expectant mother proudly proclaim she's carrying a fetus or a zygote
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
what about when he does it? Do you think he feels guilty?

When does He do it?
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.
I don't have a god.
Maybe today, but yesteryears, down syndrome babies wouldn't have a quality of life.
I minored in special ed, I lived and worked with downs adults (what a hoot) in a community residence for a year and a half. I'm not talking about kids with handicaps like that. In Children's Services, you see some of the goddamned awfullest tricks that mother nature can play and babies born with no brain and babies born with diseases that will kill them before their first birthday and require all kinds of painful frightening hospitalizations just to get them that far. IT SUCKS to see kids suffer. That extends to children who are born into miserable defeating circumstances when they are unwanted and are also going to suffer. I don't like it.
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
Well, since I'm not sure He's there, this is not an argument to have with me. I'm more focused on the reality of some decisions playing out. There is far more suffering involved, at times, in an irresponsible birth than an 8 wk termination.

I'm confident He is there, we are His creations and there is nothing more innocent than a child. To murder one is unconscionable, what have they done to deserve death?
It's not a child yet, it's a whisper of a future stilled. There will be many more. Life renews itself and life ends.

It's a child...I've yet to see an expectant mother proudly proclaim she's carrying a fetus or a zygote
!!! Must be a scientist? Holy cow.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
Killing Down's Syndrome babies is the same thing the Nazis did. Tell me, are you a Nazi?
Obviously not.
No, you are. You are arguing that murdering people is ok if they have a handicap. That's pure Nazi, straight down the line.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.
I don't have a god.
Maybe today, but yesteryears, down syndrome babies wouldn't have a quality of life.
I minored in special ed, I lived and worked with downs adults (what a hoot) in a community residence for a year and a half. I'm not talking about kids with handicaps like that. In Children's Services, you see some of the goddamned awfullest tricks that mother nature can play and babies born with no brain and babies born with diseases that will kill them before their first birthday and require all kinds of painful frightening hospitalizations just to get them that far. IT SUCKS to see kids suffer. That extends to children who are born into miserable defeating circumstances when they are unwanted and are also going to suffer. I don't like it.

So if someone contracts cancer and the prognosis is death it's OK to kill them?
OldLady, do you ever worry about the possibility that your defense of abortion will cause God to send you to hell?

You should worry about it. Hell lasts for all eternity, and if you are actually an elderly person, hell is only a few years away for you.

If I were you, I would throw myself down on my knees and repent.

This is a warning which you should heed.
Thank you, Blackrook. I know you mean well. Peace, brother.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.
I don't have a god.
Maybe today, but yesteryears, down syndrome babies wouldn't have a quality of life.
I minored in special ed, I lived and worked with downs adults (what a hoot) in a community residence for a year and a half. I'm not talking about kids with handicaps like that. In Children's Services, you see some of the goddamned awfullest tricks that mother nature can play and babies born with no brain and babies born with diseases that will kill them before their first birthday and require all kinds of painful frightening hospitalizations just to get them that far. IT SUCKS to see kids suffer. That extends to children who are born into miserable defeating circumstances when they are unwanted and are also going to suffer. I don't like it.

So if someone contracts cancer and the prognosis is death it's OK to kill them?
I suppose that my feelings on abortion and the topic of euthanasia are related. How do YOU think I feel about euthanasia?
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
what about when he does it? Do you think he feels guilty?

When does He do it?
wrath of god? Babies having life threatening diseases?
All killing of innocent human life is wrong and should be strictly illegal. Any other answer leads to the concentration camps and mass murder of millions. The Germans went down this road in the the middle of last century, and the Dutch are going down this road today.

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