Abortion rate at lowest level since Roe V Wade

You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.
I don't have a god.
Maybe today, but yesteryears, down syndrome babies wouldn't have a quality of life.
I minored in special ed, I lived and worked with downs adults (what a hoot) in a community residence for a year and a half. I'm not talking about kids with handicaps like that. In Children's Services, you see some of the goddamned awfullest tricks that mother nature can play and babies born with no brain and babies born with diseases that will kill them before their first birthday and require all kinds of painful frightening hospitalizations just to get them that far. IT SUCKS to see kids suffer. That extends to children who are born into miserable defeating circumstances when they are unwanted and are also going to suffer. I don't like it.

So if someone contracts cancer and the prognosis is death it's OK to kill them?
I suppose that my feelings on abortion and the topic of euthanasia are related. How do YOU think I feel about euthanasia?

I'm talking about what you advocate, if a child is to sickly and will suffer you feel abortion is OK, using that logic someone that contracts cancer should be killed. The child has no choice in the matter the descion is made for it, the same for people diagnosed to die? Just kill them to save them from suffering?

I believe life begins at conception and that life has rights...just as you and I do
There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad.

nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said

People still go to the mall?
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
Killing Down's Syndrome babies is the same thing the Nazis did. Tell me, are you a Nazi?
Obviously not.
No, you are. You are arguing that murdering people is ok if they have a handicap. That's pure Nazi, straight down the line.
I haven't said one thing about murdering people, you liar. God doesn't like liars :D
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
what about when he does it? Do you think he feels guilty?

When does He do it?
wrath of god? Babies having life threatening diseases?

God is God and he has His reasons for what He does, they say you should never question God but I have.

When God does something at times we don't understand why but I remember long ago my grandmother telling me everything is for a reason, maybe to test our faith, but there is a reason.
It is good to see the abortion rate go down, but even one abortion is a tragedy because it is the loss of a human being who is unique and loved by God and can never be replaced.
There are a lot of tragedies in this world. If God loves some of these little ones, He has a funny way of showing it.
You mean like how before they are even born they have downs syndrome or some other unfortunate disease? Well, that's gods plan and just the way it is!
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.
I don't have a god.
Maybe today, but yesteryears, down syndrome babies wouldn't have a quality of life.
I minored in special ed, I lived and worked with downs adults (what a hoot) in a community residence for a year and a half. I'm not talking about kids with handicaps like that. In Children's Services, you see some of the goddamned awfullest tricks that mother nature can play and babies born with no brain and babies born with diseases that will kill them before their first birthday and require all kinds of painful frightening hospitalizations just to get them that far. IT SUCKS to see kids suffer. That extends to children who are born into miserable defeating circumstances when they are unwanted and are also going to suffer. I don't like it.
IDK I would support a mother wanting to abort a down syndrome baby. Her life will be ruined. There is a possibility the kid wont have a chance. If they are poor, it comes out of my pocket.. IDK
No, not Downs. Babies with no hope for quality of life, or a brief life of severe suffering. Vegetables and babies with no hope. You got a funny God.

He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
what about when he does it? Do you think he feels guilty?

When does He do it?
wrath of god? Babies having life threatening diseases?

God is God and he has His reasons for what He does, they say you should never question God but I have.

When God does something at times we don't understand why but I remember long ago my grandmother telling me everything is for a reason, maybe to test our faith, but there is a reason.
But why would he use people like stage props to test loyalty?
IDK I hate to demean god to decent minded Christians. In some ways, I even respect "faith". But it all seems like a huge mess to me. Full of contradictions and delusion.
He's not laughing at His creations being murdered
what about when he does it? Do you think he feels guilty?

When does He do it?
wrath of god? Babies having life threatening diseases?

God is God and he has His reasons for what He does, they say you should never question God but I have.

When God does something at times we don't understand why but I remember long ago my grandmother telling me everything is for a reason, maybe to test our faith, but there is a reason.
But why would he use people like stage props to test loyalty?
IDK I hate to demean god to decent minded Christians. In some ways, I even respect "faith". But it all seems like a huge mess to me. Full of contradictions and delusion.

I'm not qualified to answer that, I rely on faith and the belief He is my Creator. I've seen and witnessed the power of prayer and nobody will ever convince me He isn't there.

This is from a website I visit now and then...maybe it will help

Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? - Catholic Stand
hadit is right though.. There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad. Probably more than we think..
You really misunderstand the 'pro-choice' position.
no I don't. I am fully aware. You can break up that needless moniker if you want and create sub groups to keep your rhetoric going if you want. Its for fools, though. JS
They like violence and murder.
This thread is like discussing abortion at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
That would be fucking insane!
Sadly, goose is right. I once read about this women that has had multiple abortions simply because she enjoyed killing. Said all women should try it. Or something to that effect. It was a long time ago.
I believe that was fake news, TN. Abortions are physically painful (purposely so) and even if you didn't mind, emotionally, I don't think many women would have multiple abortions for the fun of it.
It's not that people want an abortion themself but that they want others to.

Do you think any woman gets an abortion just because someone urges her to? Who are the people urging women to get abortions anyway?
Yes, I do.
This thread is like discussing abortion at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
That would be fucking insane!
Sadly, goose is right. I once read about this women that has had multiple abortions simply because she enjoyed killing. Said all women should try it. Or something to that effect. It was a long time ago.
I believe that was fake news, TN. Abortions are physically painful (purposely so) and even if you didn't mind, emotionally, I don't think many women would have multiple abortions for the fun of it.
It's not that people want an abortion themself but that they want others to.

Do you think any woman gets an abortion just because someone urges her to? Who are the people urging women to get abortions anyway? Do they really exist anywhere but in the minds of the anti-abortion bunch?
Im not in that bunch and I see it. Also, this stupid ****
I wanted to make it really clear to her that as much as I was going out and fighting for other women’s options, I myself had never had an abortion. And I realized then that even I was carrying within myself stigma around this issue. Even I, the woman who cares as much as anybody about a woman’s right to choose, felt it was important that people know that I was unblemished in this department.
She continues by saying that so many people in her life, including her mother and best friends, have had abortions, prompting her to take her internalized stigma and “put it in the garbage.” She concluded with:
Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had.

Lena Dunham
It always seems to be about normalizing what they are by freakshowing others around them.
There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad.

nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions laws easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.

Aside from tubal pregnancy, there is no life or death situation that abortion can cure. None.

And we have NEVER needed abortion clinics to treat those. In fact, if I had a tubal pregnancy, an abortion clinic is the LAST place I would want to be for the procedure. Thanks, I want to live.

1. I never remarked about having surgery at a clinic, in most emergency situations you will be in the hospital pretty sick..

Conditions that might lead to ending a pregnancy to save a woman's life include severe infections, heart failure and severe cases of preeclampsia, a condition in which a woman develops very high blood pressure , or diabetes ,and is at risk for stroke.
nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions laws easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.

Aside from tubal pregnancy, there is no life or death situation that abortion can cure. None.

And we have NEVER needed abortion clinics to treat those. In fact, if I had a tubal pregnancy, an abortion clinic is the LAST place I would want to be for the procedure. Thanks, I want to live.

1. I never remarked about having surgery at a clinic, in most emergency situations you will be in the hospital pretty sick..

Conditions that might lead to ending a pregnancy to save a woman's life include severe infections, heart failure and severe cases of preeclampsia, a condition in which a woman develops very high blood pressure , or diabetes ,and is at risk for stroke.

Pre eclampsia isn't cured by abortion, dimwit. Women with preeclampsia don't get abortions to prevent it or treat it. In fact, it often isn't even evident until they are in LABOR at which time no sane physician would scream "we must abort to save this woman!" when the only difference between delivering the child and aborting the child is the intentional killing of the child in the case of abortion.

Again. The ONLY medical condition that requires abortion is tubal pregnancy. In the case of *infection*, diabetes and stroke...none are conditions that are improved by abortion.
There are some nut jobs that probably think this is bad.

nut job reporting for duty; there are already too many fucking people on this planet, ever try to find parking at the mall on Saturday? 'nuff said
You fascists do hide in plain sight most of the time....
and telling a woman what to do with her body isn't fascism?

I don't agree with abortion unless if it is a life or death situation ( some dumb ass women use it for birth control ) ,
I believe in free birth control..and or putting out the money to raise the baby, and making the adoptions law easier to adopt the babies... Right now you have to jump through hoops to get a child, and they go to China to adopt.

We adopted a baby girl that was born in China. She's beautiful, bright and articulate and hopes to work in the music field someday
What inquiring minds really want to know is; Is she Sassy like her mama? ;)
Pre eclampsia isn't cured by abortion, dimwit. Women with preeclampsia don't get abortions to prevent it or treat it. In fact, it often isn't even evident until they are in LABOR at which time no sane physician would scream "we must abort to save this woman!" when the only difference between delivering the child and aborting the child is the intentional killing of the child in the case of abortion.

Again. The ONLY medical condition that requires abortion is tubal pregnancy. In the case of *infection*, diabetes and stroke...none are conditions that are improved by abortion.

Please stop acting like you are a medical doctor when you are not, and I am not going to argue with you about what is isn't an emergency when you want to call out names. Tubel is not the only complication with mother and baby.
Look at how many women and their infants died before we had people come into the hospital and stay for months when they started bleeding..they used to bleed to death, or the baby died inside of the womb.

Now we have state of the art equipment so if the baby is delivered early most will survive depending on the month. I don't know if this would be considered an abortion in this case in medical terms..
but they induce labor, or have surgery.

Thank God that I never had to deal with this, most women in this situation really want their babies.

Preeclampsia a leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths

Preeclampsia a leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths

I believe that was fake news, TN. Abortions are physically painful (purposely so) and even if you didn't mind, emotionally, I don't think many women would have multiple abortions for the fun of it.
It's not that people want an abortion themself but that they want others to.

Do you think any woman gets an abortion just because someone urges her to? Who are the people urging women to get abortions anyway? Do they really exist anywhere but in the minds of the anti-abortion bunch?
Im not in that bunch and I see it. Also, this stupid ****
I wanted to make it really clear to her that as much as I was going out and fighting for other women’s options, I myself had never had an abortion. And I realized then that even I was carrying within myself stigma around this issue. Even I, the woman who cares as much as anybody about a woman’s right to choose, felt it was important that people know that I was unblemished in this department.
She continues by saying that so many people in her life, including her mother and best friends, have had abortions, prompting her to take her internalized stigma and “put it in the garbage.” She concluded with:
Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had.

Lena Dunham

You think that statement is representation of all who think the woman has a right to make her own choice?
No, I just said it because of your comment " Do they really exist anywhere but in the minds of the anti-abortion bunch"
People are fucked up dude.

Yes, you can find a few people that believe anything that you might imagine, but my remark was in response to this remark.

"It's not that people want an abortion themself but that they want others to."

I'm sure that is not a widespread problem.
It's not that people want an abortion themself but that they want others to.

Do you think any woman gets an abortion just because someone urges her to? Who are the people urging women to get abortions anyway? Do they really exist anywhere but in the minds of the anti-abortion bunch?
Im not in that bunch and I see it. Also, this stupid ****
I wanted to make it really clear to her that as much as I was going out and fighting for other women’s options, I myself had never had an abortion. And I realized then that even I was carrying within myself stigma around this issue. Even I, the woman who cares as much as anybody about a woman’s right to choose, felt it was important that people know that I was unblemished in this department.
She continues by saying that so many people in her life, including her mother and best friends, have had abortions, prompting her to take her internalized stigma and “put it in the garbage.” She concluded with:
Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had.

Lena Dunham

You think that statement is representation of all who think the woman has a right to make her own choice?
No, I just said it because of your comment " Do they really exist anywhere but in the minds of the anti-abortion bunch"
People are fucked up dude.

Yes, you can find a few people that believe anything that you might imagine, but my remark was in response to this remark.

"It's not that people want an abortion themself but that they want others to."

I'm sure that is not a widespread problem.
It's not a high % of people that think this way but bullies have ever held sway over the many.
Pre eclampsia isn't cured by abortion, dimwit. Women with preeclampsia don't get abortions to prevent it or treat it. In fact, it often isn't even evident until they are in LABOR at which time no sane physician would scream "we must abort to save this woman!" when the only difference between delivering the child and aborting the child is the intentional killing of the child in the case of abortion.

Again. The ONLY medical condition that requires abortion is tubal pregnancy. In the case of *infection*, diabetes and stroke...none are conditions that are improved by abortion.

Please stop acting like you are a medical doctor when you are not, and I am not going to argue with you about what is isn't an emergency when you want to call out names. Tubel is not the only complication with mother and baby.
Look at how many women and their infants died before we had people come into the hospital and stay for months when they started bleeding..they used to bleed to death, or the baby died inside of the womb.

Now we have state of the art equipment so if the baby is delivered early most will survive depending on the month. I don't know if this would be considered an abortion in this case in medical terms..
but they induce labor, or have surgery.

Thank God that I never had to deal with this, most women in this situation really want their babies.

Preeclampsia a leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths

Preeclampsia a leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths
Please cite evidence that abortion cures ANYTHING except ectopic pregnancy, you moron.

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