Abortion rate at lowest level since Roe V Wade

I don't know much about this but I do know that a lot of old English words that got translated form latin, were actually translated from other languages before. Also, the Catholic church had a lot to do with latin to English translations. And we know how much we can trust the catholics of the middle ages..
As some of the most scholarly ppl of the world, yeah, we do. Don't assume that just because the people you know are ignorant and dishonest that everybody is a shyster.
Are you saying that the catholics of that day were good people?
Are you saying they werent? If you are, you're a bigoted retard asserting stupidity. Educate yourself, you obviously have little to zero understanding of the history of the chuch, and catholicism.
They were the ISIS of the middle ages. According to historical record, they actually started "torture". They killed MILLIONS for simply having a different belief. Even catholics call that time of their history an embarrassment.
Maybe you can straighten me out on the history of the catholic church and disprove all the facts surrounding it?
And frankly, I don't appreciate you calling me a "Bigoted retard". Call me names simply because we disagree on an issue? IMO, THAT sounds bigoted :thup:

I am a Catholic and I am not defending some of their actions... Hey, some of the actions up to a few years ago would be in total contradiction to what was taught...

I think the funny thing is there is a very high correlation between Anti-Abortion and Anti sex education crowds...

By them being anti sex education they are effectively promoting Abortion as the only alternative to Teen Pregnancy... So they have to take responsibility for creating conditions for Abortion to thrive....

They are pro Abortion unlike us who are Pro Choice...
If you know anything about me, you know I am pro-life. You would also know I am a Christian. I was raised Roman Catholic. And you would know I am a huge advocate of more education about the proper usage of birth control.

Half of all abortions are the result of NO birth control of any kind being used during the sex act which led to the unwanted pregnancy. Another fifth are due to the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

So it is plain common sense we could eliminate at least half, if not 75 percent, of all abortions through simple education and increasing the proper use of birth control.

At that point, abortion would become such a rare occasion, it would carry a social and moral stigma.
I don't know much about this but I do know that a lot of old English words that got translated form latin, were actually translated from other languages before. Also, the Catholic church had a lot to do with latin to English translations. And we know how much we can trust the catholics of the middle ages..
As some of the most scholarly ppl of the world, yeah, we do. Don't assume that just because the people you know are ignorant and dishonest that everybody is a shyster.
Are you saying that the catholics of that day were good people?
Are you saying they werent? If you are, you're a bigoted retard asserting stupidity. Educate yourself, you obviously have little to zero understanding of the history of the chuch, and catholicism.
They were the ISIS of the middle ages. According to historical record, they actually started "torture". They killed MILLIONS for simply having a different belief. Even catholics call that time of their history an embarrassment.
Maybe you can straighten me out on the history of the catholic church and disprove all the facts surrounding it?
And frankly, I don't appreciate you calling me a "Bigoted retard". Call me names simply because we disagree on an issue? IMO, THAT sounds bigoted :thup:

I am a Catholic and I am not defending some of their actions... Hey, some of the actions up to a few years ago would be in total contradiction to what was taught...

I think the funny thing is there is a very high correlation between Anti-Abortion and Anti sex education crowds...

By them being anti sex education they are effectively promoting Abortion as the only alternative to Teen Pregnancy... So they have to take responsibility for creating conditions for Abortion to thrive....

They are pro Abortion unlike us who are Pro Choice...
Most baby killers are wacked out psychotics...thanks for confirming it for us....
Its none of the federal governments business one way or another on how many dumpsters are full of dead baby's and how many dead baby parts are sold... its a states issue...
Prior to Roe v. Wade, there were as many abortions in the US as there are now.

Repealing Roe v. Wade would have no impact on the number of abortions at all.

However, I favor its repeal as a matter of principle.
Are you saying that the catholics of that day were good people?
Are you saying they werent? If you are, you're a bigoted retard asserting stupidity. Educate yourself, you obviously have little to zero understanding of the history of the chuch, and catholicism.
They were the ISIS of the middle ages. According to historical record, they actually started "torture". They killed MILLIONS for simply having a different belief. Even catholics call that time of their history an embarrassment.
Maybe you can straighten me out on the history of the catholic church and disprove all the facts surrounding it?
And frankly, I don't appreciate you calling me a "Bigoted retard". Call me names simply because we disagree on an issue? IMO, THAT sounds bigoted :thup:
KG might be referring to the Catholic Church's role in maintaining and protecting whatever knowledge was in existence during the Dark Ages. They were the "universities," pretty much the only ones who could read and write. Yes, it is scary that only one belief system had that power, but at least when people began to think for themselves again, the libraries were there.
At least that's my understanding.
yea, Pope Theophilus also decreed to burn down the biggest library known to man.
I get what you are saying, but IMO, from what I have read, the catholics wanted a monopoly on knowledge. Like how it took them centuries to translate the bible so peasants could read it for themselves.
I don't have too many good things to say about ancient catholics.
And executing scientists. Yeah, I get it. At that time, the Church was basically the reigning power in the Western World, not so much a religious organization. Or at least not only religious. And that must have been a MUZZIE library, amirite?
that was before islam.
middle English isn't actual latin, apparently.
Might as well be, imo.

Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
5 Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye,
10 That slepen al the nyght with open eye-
(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages);
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes
To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
15 And specially from every shires ende
Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,
The hooly blisful martir for to seke
That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seeke.
I don't know much about this but I do know that a lot of old English words that got translated form latin, were actually translated from other languages before. Also, the Catholic church had a lot to do with latin to English translations. And we know how much we can trust the catholics of the middle ages..
As some of the most scholarly ppl of the world, yeah, we do. Don't assume that just because the people you know are ignorant and dishonest that everybody is a shyster.
Are you saying that the catholics of that day were good people?
Are you saying they werent? If you are, you're a bigoted retard asserting stupidity. Educate yourself, you obviously have little to zero understanding of the history of the chuch, and catholicism.

Early and Middle Ages Roman Catholics as "good people?" I'm sure individuals had their moments, but as an institution, "good people" is only what I'd call it if I were a bishop or higher, or a monarch. I think "political people" is what they were, at least the leadership, and they seem pretty much the same as political people today.
Are you saying that the catholics of that day were good people?
Are you saying they werent? If you are, you're a bigoted retard asserting stupidity. Educate yourself, you obviously have little to zero understanding of the history of the chuch, and catholicism.
They were the ISIS of the middle ages. According to historical record, they actually started "torture". They killed MILLIONS for simply having a different belief. Even catholics call that time of their history an embarrassment.
Maybe you can straighten me out on the history of the catholic church and disprove all the facts surrounding it?
And frankly, I don't appreciate you calling me a "Bigoted retard". Call me names simply because we disagree on an issue? IMO, THAT sounds bigoted :thup:
KG might be referring to the Catholic Church's role in maintaining and protecting whatever knowledge was in existence during the Dark Ages. They were the "universities," pretty much the only ones who could read and write. Yes, it is scary that only one belief system had that power, but at least when people began to think for themselves again, the libraries were there.
At least that's my understanding.
yea, Pope Theophilus also decreed to burn down the biggest library known to man.
I get what you are saying, but IMO, from what I have read, the catholics wanted a monopoly on knowledge. Like how it took them centuries to translate the bible so peasants could read it for themselves.
I don't have too many good things to say about ancient catholics.
And executing scientists. Yeah, I get it. At that time, the Church was basically the reigning power in the Western World, not so much a religious organization. Or at least not only religious. And that must have been a MUZZIE library, amirite?
The Coptic Christians burned the Library of Alexandria down first. The Muslims burned it down again 250 years later.
Its none of the federal governments business one way or another on how many dumpsters are full of dead baby's and how many dead baby parts are sold... its a states issue...
Prior to Roe v. Wade, there were as many abortions in the US as there are now.

Repealing Roe v. Wade would have no impact on the number of abortions at all.

However, I favor its repeal as a matter of principle.
We would just have to build bigger jails...fine by me....
Are you saying they werent? If you are, you're a bigoted retard asserting stupidity. Educate yourself, you obviously have little to zero understanding of the history of the chuch, and catholicism.
They were the ISIS of the middle ages. According to historical record, they actually started "torture". They killed MILLIONS for simply having a different belief. Even catholics call that time of their history an embarrassment.
Maybe you can straighten me out on the history of the catholic church and disprove all the facts surrounding it?
And frankly, I don't appreciate you calling me a "Bigoted retard". Call me names simply because we disagree on an issue? IMO, THAT sounds bigoted :thup:
KG might be referring to the Catholic Church's role in maintaining and protecting whatever knowledge was in existence during the Dark Ages. They were the "universities," pretty much the only ones who could read and write. Yes, it is scary that only one belief system had that power, but at least when people began to think for themselves again, the libraries were there.
At least that's my understanding.
yea, Pope Theophilus also decreed to burn down the biggest library known to man.
I get what you are saying, but IMO, from what I have read, the catholics wanted a monopoly on knowledge. Like how it took them centuries to translate the bible so peasants could read it for themselves.
I don't have too many good things to say about ancient catholics.
And executing scientists. Yeah, I get it. At that time, the Church was basically the reigning power in the Western World, not so much a religious organization. Or at least not only religious. And that must have been a MUZZIE library, amirite?
The Coptic Christians burned the Library of Alexandria down first. The Muslims burned it down again 250 years later.
"Coptic pope"
Its none of the federal governments business one way or another on how many dumpsters are full of dead baby's and how many dead baby parts are sold... its a states issue...
Prior to Roe v. Wade, there were as many abortions in the US as there are now.

Repealing Roe v. Wade would have no impact on the number of abortions at all.

However, I favor its repeal as a matter of principle.
Row versus Wade is supposed to make abortion a states issue. I am not for overturning row versus Wade, it should be up to each individual state if abortion is a is allowed or not...
Its none of the federal governments business one way or another on how many dumpsters are full of dead baby's and how many dead baby parts are sold... its a states issue...
Prior to Roe v. Wade, there were as many abortions in the US as there are now.

Repealing Roe v. Wade would have no impact on the number of abortions at all.

However, I favor its repeal as a matter of principle.
We would just have to build bigger jails...fine by me....
If Roe v. Wade were overturned, most of the states would legalize abortion.

Even most of those states which outlawed abortion prior to Roe v. Wade had such wide latitude for "health of the mother", abortion was effectively legal in those states, too.
What do you mean "winning?"
People being repulsed by the actions of pro-choice baby killers....
ok but what are you winning?
Fewer babies being killed....
Does America have a big problem with babies getting murdered?
Don't know, but we have a big problem with them being killed by liberals.....
Please show proof that only liberals have abortions, since they don't keep demographics on people that have abortions, your accusation is a typical syllogistic fallacy, which makes it not the truth...
Its none of the federal governments business one way or another on how many dumpsters are full of dead baby's and how many dead baby parts are sold... its a states issue...
Prior to Roe v. Wade, there were as many abortions in the US as there are now.

Repealing Roe v. Wade would have no impact on the number of abortions at all.

However, I favor its repeal as a matter of principle.
Row versus Wade is supposed to make abortion a states issue. I am not for overturning row versus Wade, it should be up to each individual state if abortion is a is allowed or not...
Your last sentence makes no sense. If you are for states deciding whether or not to make abortion legal, then you are in favor of overturning Roe V. Wade. That's the decision which took it out of the hands of the states.
A large number of people who self-identify as "pro-choice" are actually opposed to Roe v. Wade and don't even know it.
Its none of the federal governments business one way or another on how many dumpsters are full of dead baby's and how many dead baby parts are sold... its a states issue...
Prior to Roe v. Wade, there were as many abortions in the US as there are now.

Repealing Roe v. Wade would have no impact on the number of abortions at all.

However, I favor its repeal as a matter of principle.
Row versus Wade is supposed to make abortion a states issue. I am not for overturning row versus Wade, it should be up to each individual state if abortion is a is allowed or not...
Your last sentence makes no sense. If you are for states deciding whether or not to make abortion legal, then you are in favor of overturning Roe V. Wade. That's the decision which took it out of the hands of the states.
I never said I wanted roe versus Wade overturned, I just think it's none of the federal government's business on abortion one way or the other because they don't have the morality/ethics to make such decision. Its a States issue
People being repulsed by the actions of pro-choice baby killers....
ok but what are you winning?
Fewer babies being killed....
Does America have a big problem with babies getting murdered?
Don't know, but we have a big problem with them being killed by liberals.....
Please show proof that only liberals have abortions, since they don't keep demographics on people that have abortions, your accusation is a typical syllogistic fallacy, which makes it not the truth...
RIF child....
Its none of the federal governments business one way or another on how many dumpsters are full of dead baby's and how many dead baby parts are sold... its a states issue...
Prior to Roe v. Wade, there were as many abortions in the US as there are now.

Repealing Roe v. Wade would have no impact on the number of abortions at all.

However, I favor its repeal as a matter of principle.
Row versus Wade is supposed to make abortion a states issue. I am not for overturning row versus Wade, it should be up to each individual state if abortion is a is allowed or not...
Your last sentence makes no sense. If you are for states deciding whether or not to make abortion legal, then you are in favor of overturning Roe V. Wade. That's the decision which took it out of the hands of the states.
I never said I wanted roe versus Wade overturned, I just think it's none of the federal government's business on abortion one way or the other because they don't have the morality/ethics to make such decision. Its a States issue
Again, the very purpose of Roe v. Wade was to take the decision out of the hands of the states. You are making no sense.
Its none of the federal governments business one way or another on how many dumpsters are full of dead baby's and how many dead baby parts are sold... its a states issue...
Prior to Roe v. Wade, there were as many abortions in the US as there are now.

Repealing Roe v. Wade would have no impact on the number of abortions at all.

However, I favor its repeal as a matter of principle.
We would just have to build bigger jails...fine by me....
If Roe v. Wade were overturned, most of the states would legalize abortion.

Even most of those states which outlawed abortion prior to Roe v. Wade had such wide latitude for "health of the mother", abortion was effectively legal in those states, too.
Doubt that....the issue would die a complete death once out closer to we he people....
Might as well be, imo.

Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
5 Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye,
10 That slepen al the nyght with open eye-
(So priketh hem Nature in hir corages);
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes
To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
15 And specially from every shires ende
Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,
The hooly blisful martir for to seke
That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seeke.
I don't know much about this but I do know that a lot of old English words that got translated form latin, were actually translated from other languages before. Also, the Catholic church had a lot to do with latin to English translations. And we know how much we can trust the catholics of the middle ages..
As some of the most scholarly ppl of the world, yeah, we do. Don't assume that just because the people you know are ignorant and dishonest that everybody is a shyster.
Are you saying that the catholics of that day were good people?
Are you saying they werent? If you are, you're a bigoted retard asserting stupidity. Educate yourself, you obviously have little to zero understanding of the history of the chuch, and catholicism.
They were the ISIS of the middle ages. According to historical record, they actually started "torture". They killed MILLIONS for simply having a different belief. Even catholics call that time of their history an embarrassment.
Maybe you can straighten me out on the history of the catholic church and disprove all the facts surrounding it?
And frankly, I don't appreciate you calling me a "Bigoted retard". Call me names simply because we disagree on an issue? IMO, THAT sounds bigoted :thup:

Stop watching sensationalism posing as *educational tv*.

Your view is too distorted to even begin to address it here. But it comes from being fed a lifetime of garbage about the Catholic church. And I'm saying that as a BAPTIST.

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