About half of America's new college graduates are working in high school-level jobs like food service and retail: report

College Means Daddy Buying Dummy a Top Job

The taxpayer is not responsible for what the heiristocracy caused. Quit being its human sacrifice and demand that trust funds be confiscated to pay for this scam.
I knew I recognized you!

It's amazing to see these young adults borrow all this money to be taught or indoctrinated for information that is free online. Crazy.
A Diploma Is a Participation Trophy

It's amazing that we let employers get away with this unmanly mandate. Once colleges offered computer-science degrees, the economic bullies fired all those who had become self-taught experts.

Little Mamas' Boys sucking their thumbs in college classrooms because they're afraid to grow up. They get a "good job." They don't do a good job, but their Mommies are still proud of them.
Thx for that Parser

One can make a grand living as skilled labor, yet i meet youngsters doing time in construction waiting for their dream job, cuz their shill HS counselors told them they wouldn't amount to jack sh*t if they didn't sign up for higher ed, and now they think it's the only way to pay their debt

Nothing could be further from the truth

At the risk of my bluecollar redneck becoming a tad obnoxious here, we've a classist issue

WE built this country, every road, every car, every house, even the 'puter you'll respond on

Birth-Class Tyranny

Don't be generic. What training they get should depend solely on what they have natural talent for, not on loans or Daddy's Money. And they must be paid a high student-salary, which is the only way we will get the best people for the jobs the whole society depends on.
You really think a college education is just a library card? You've seen too many bad old movies.
Stunted students learn far less in a college classroom than they would have at a library. The inventor of the motion picture, Thomas Edison, had only a few months of schooling.
And they must be paid a high student-salary, which is the only way we will get the best people for the jobs the whole society depends on.
Not necessarily Sage

In fact, they price themselves right outta the market when employers can solicit foreigners who have zero student loans from socialist countries ~S~
50% of my high school classmates said their four-year University degree was useless in their careers. They also stated they wished they had the money spent on their University education right out of high school and would have been better off.
So it depends on what area you want to have as your career should decide if a four-year degree is needed and worth it.
A Diploma Is a Participation Trophy

It's amazing that we let employers get away with this unmanly mandate. Once colleges offered computer-science degrees, the economic bullies fired all those who had become self-taught experts.

Little Mamas' Boys sucking their thumbs in college classrooms because they're afraid to grow up. They get a "good job." They don't do a good job, but their Mommies are still proud of them.

Wow, you are dangerously insecure. Your inferiority complex is red-lining.D
Stunted students learn far less in a college classroom than they would have at a library. The inventor of the motion picture, Thomas Edison, had only a few months of schooling.
Desperately insecure
A Diploma Is a Participation Trophy

It's amazing that we let employers get away with this unmanly mandate. Once colleges offered computer-science degrees, the economic bullies fired all those who had become self-taught experts.

Little Mamas' Boys sucking their thumbs in college classrooms because they're afraid to grow up. They get a "good job." They don't do a good job, but their Mommies are still proud of them.
Not necessarily Sage

In fact, they price themselves right outta the market when employers can solicit foreigners who have zero student loans from socialist countries ~S~
Citizen Doormat

Why should we legally allow them to do that? Being realistic shouldn't mean letting the Plutes' boots walk all over us.
These are the people that make fun people who don't have degrees, whose getting the last laugh.
From your link;
Within a year of graduating, about 52% of people who recently earned bachelor's degrees in the US are working jobs that don't require a college education, according to a new joint report by two research firms.

The vast majority of underemployed graduates — 88% of them — are working high school-level jobs such as office support, food service, and retail within five years of graduation, per the report by the data research firms Burning Glass Institute and the Strada Education Foundation.

The report, published on Thursday, was based on a dataset of 60 million people's careers in the US, including those of 10.8 million people with a bachelor's degree.

Its findings present a bleak outlook for new graduates hoping that a degree will guarantee them significantly better opportunities.

While college graduates typically earn more than those with only a high-school education, "a sizable share of graduates do not experience the economic outcome they expected from earning a bachelor's degree," the report said.
The difference in pay is significant. Underemployed graduates earn about 25% more than workers with only a high school diploma.

But that's far less than they would make if they had found a job that requires a degree. People working college-level jobs earn 88% more than those with only a high school education, the report said.

That means that the typical graduate working a college-level job earns around 50% more than an underemployed graduate, it added.
That’s largely because college has been so watered down in order to let every Tom, Dick, and Harry in that it is now what a high school education was 40 years ago.
I'm not sure it's even that.
Seen the quality of the graffiti on the bathroom stalls on campuses lately?
FWIW, even forty years ago about half or more of entering college students needed to take bonehead English and Basic Math since high schools back then seldom taught that well enough for college entry level.

Some of the subject areas, physical sciences, engineering, and medical still turn out quality worthy of the degree, but grads in those fields are a minority of the total churned out.

I've heard that some areas in the USA you can get a college degree without knowing what used to be high school level arithmetic or basic English skills.
These are the people that make fun people who don't have degrees, whose getting the last laugh.
It began in the 90s with Clinton and the "everyone should go to college" nonsense.
NO. Everyone should NOT go to college.
Then they started the "great dumbing down" by allowing failing students to pass, then added in "equity" measures to lower standards..

Anyone who didn't see this coming is an idiot
Don't be generic. What training they get should depend solely on what they have natural talent for
True, but there are so few in our educational system that seem to be able to access a child's natural talent , unless of course it has something to do with gender bender issues....~S~
From your link;
Within a year of graduating, about 52% of people who recently earned bachelor's degrees in the US are working jobs that don't require a college education, according to a new joint report by two research firms.

The vast majority of underemployed graduates — 88% of them — are working high school-level jobs such as office support, food service, and retail within five years of graduation, per the report by the data research firms Burning Glass Institute and the Strada Education Foundation.

The report, published on Thursday, was based on a dataset of 60 million people's careers in the US, including those of 10.8 million people with a bachelor's degree.

Its findings present a bleak outlook for new graduates hoping that a degree will guarantee them significantly better opportunities.

While college graduates typically earn more than those with only a high-school education, "a sizable share of graduates do not experience the economic outcome they expected from earning a bachelor's degree," the report said.
The difference in pay is significant. Underemployed graduates earn about 25% more than workers with only a high school diploma.

But that's far less than they would make if they had found a job that requires a degree. People working college-level jobs earn 88% more than those with only a high school education, the report said.

That means that the typical graduate working a college-level job earns around 50% more than an underemployed graduate, it added.

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