Abraham? Really?

Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?
Well...actually I think what Rebecca and Jacob was wrong to deceive Issac. And I believe what happened to Jacob's son, Joseph, was a punishment for that.

I don't------it is obvious that Isaac was losing it------and Rebecca was the brains of the family
It still doesn't excuse deceiving her husband. I know that G-D gave her a prophesy that Jacob should get it. However, deceiving your husband and you father is wrong.

Isaac eventually UNDERSTOOD. I deceive my husband all the time----HE UNDERSTANDS
No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

did Jacob really OWN THOSE BEANS?

Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
He wasn't starving on the throes of death. It goes how much he thought of his birthright that he sold it for bean soup.

yes----that is the moral of the story------it was a kind of test of FORTITUDE------For me one
of the MAJOR themes of Genesis is a BREAK WITH THE RIGHTS OF THE FIRST BORN---
which was actually BABYLONIAN LAW-------in genesis----several times over----POWER GOES
to the BEST-----not entirely dependent on birth order

Hebrews were around a lot longer than the Babylonians.
Break the rights go way back to Genesis back around 3,000 B. C.
The Babylonian Civilization was around 626 B.C.
Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?
Well...actually I think what Rebecca and Jacob was wrong to deceive Issac. And I believe what happened to Jacob's son, Joseph, was a punishment for that.

I don't------it is obvious that Isaac was losing it------and Rebecca was the brains of the family
It still doesn't excuse deceiving her husband. I know that G-D gave her a prophesy that Jacob should get it. However, deceiving your husband and you father is wrong.

It depends on how you look at it. :)
There are always two sides.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

did Jacob really OWN THOSE BEANS?

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
He wasn't starving on the throes of death. It goes how much he thought of his birthright that he sold it for bean soup.

yes----that is the moral of the story------it was a kind of test of FORTITUDE------For me one
of the MAJOR themes of Genesis is a BREAK WITH THE RIGHTS OF THE FIRST BORN---
which was actually BABYLONIAN LAW-------in genesis----several times over----POWER GOES
to the BEST-----not entirely dependent on birth order

Hebrews were around a lot longer than the Babylonians.
Break the rights go way back to Genesis back around 3,000 B. C.
The Babylonian Civilization was around 626 B.C.

According to RABBI WIKKI------the Hummurabi code goes back to 1754 BC and Abraham
traveled to CANAAN something like 2100 BC He was brought up in the culture of
Mesopotamia------with its customs and laws
He had a concubine. Actually two if you count hagar. Although some scholars have said they were the same person.
He married his sister
He was subordinate to his sister wife
Made an illegitimate child and kicked him out
Lied to his son that he was going to kill him
He was obviously mentally ill. With some incest and sins in there.
My point is, how did this crazy person become the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Apparently, despite all of these moral flaws and repugnant behavior, he was still chosen by god for loyalty. This "moral" God was able to look past all of his sins because he was willing to kill his child? WTF
And people say atheists have no morals? Lol
For all we know, the story of Abraham is just a myth that Moses invented as he was writing his epic fiction novel called Genesis in English and Greek or Bereshet in Hebrew.

These stories are fun but I would not get all bent out of shape over them TNHarley
Thats not my point at all.
Even if it is an invention, the image was a common patriarch for major religions. Why?
The bible illustrates the failings, and the ideals, of humanity. Our religion is about love and forgiveness, from God and for each other. Why are you shocked that all men are flawed? That's sort of the point of Christianity. We are all flawed, we should not make gods of men. We require God to provide us with a perfect ideal and with forgiveness. And the best examples of the power of forgiveness is to tell the tale of very flawed people who are redeemed.

Abraham died before he stepped foot on the Promised Land. He was punished for his failings, though perhaps they are not the ones that have you so het up about.

Get over it. We don't elevate humans to godlike status because there is no such thing as a perfect human, outside of Christ. It isn't quantum physics. (well, maybe it is, but you know what I mean) Or maybe you don't.

But it is so tiring, the anti-Christian anger that Christians and the patriarchs aren't perfect. YEAH WE KNOW. Neither are you.
Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?
Well...actually I think what Rebecca and Jacob was wrong to deceive Issac. And I believe what happened to Jacob's son, Joseph, was a punishment for that.

I don't------it is obvious that Isaac was losing it------and Rebecca was the brains of the family
It still doesn't excuse deceiving her husband. I know that G-D gave her a prophesy that Jacob should get it. However, deceiving your husband and you father is wrong.

Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

did Jacob really OWN THOSE BEANS?

No lol. I meant his wife that was his sister. She told him to get rid of her and his illigitimate son and thats what he did.
Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
He wasn't starving on the throes of death. It goes how much he thought of his birthright that he sold it for bean soup.

They would not have a stew if he was not out hunting.
He had a concubine. Actually two if you count hagar. Although some scholars have said they were the same person.
He married his sister
He was subordinate to his sister wife
Made an illegitimate child and kicked him out
Lied to his son that he was going to kill him
He was obviously mentally ill. With some incest and sins in there.
My point is, how did this crazy person become the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Apparently, despite all of these moral flaws and repugnant behavior, he was still chosen by god for loyalty. This "moral" God was able to look past all of his sins because he was willing to kill his child? WTF
And people say atheists have no morals? Lol
For all we know, the story of Abraham is just a myth that Moses invented as he was writing his epic fiction novel called Genesis in English and Greek or Bereshet in Hebrew.

These stories are fun but I would not get all bent out of shape over them TNHarley
Thats not my point at all.
Even if it is an invention, the image was a common patriarch for major religions. Why?
The bible illustrates the failings, and the ideals, of humanity. Our religion is about love and forgiveness, from God and for each other. Why are you shocked that all men are flawed? That's sort of the point of Christianity. We are all flawed, we should not make gods of men. We require God to provide us with a perfect ideal and with forgiveness.

Get over it. We don't elevate humans to godlike status because there is no such thing as a perfect human, outside of Christ. It isn't quantum physics. (well, maybe it is, but you know what I mean) Or maybe you don't.

But it is so tiring, the anti-Christian anger that Christians and the patriarchs aren't perfect. YEAH WE KNOW. Neither are you.

We did with Jesus.
No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?
Well...actually I think what Rebecca and Jacob was wrong to deceive Issac. And I believe what happened to Jacob's son, Joseph, was a punishment for that.

I don't------it is obvious that Isaac was losing it------and Rebecca was the brains of the family
It still doesn't excuse deceiving her husband. I know that G-D gave her a prophesy that Jacob should get it. However, deceiving your husband and you father is wrong.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

did Jacob really OWN THOSE BEANS?

Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
He wasn't starving on the throes of death. It goes how much he thought of his birthright that he sold it for bean soup.

They would not have a stew if he was not out hunting.

they had sheep------hunting was considered an avocation for uncivilized and unlettered people.
Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

did Jacob really OWN THOSE BEANS?

No lol. I meant his wife that was his sister. She told him to get rid of her and his illigitimate son and thats what he did.
Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
The day you actually study a chapter from the beginning will be...
Ah, who am I kidding; you're too much of a Jew hater to do that.

And you are bias. Your holy book is far from holly. Barron women, incest, thievery, trickery, concubines (slave women) genocide, only if I was a Hebrew could I like Hebrews.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?
Well...actually I think what Rebecca and Jacob was wrong to deceive Issac. And I believe what happened to Jacob's son, Joseph, was a punishment for that.

I don't------it is obvious that Isaac was losing it------and Rebecca was the brains of the family
It still doesn't excuse deceiving her husband. I know that G-D gave her a prophesy that Jacob should get it. However, deceiving your husband and you father is wrong.

Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

did Jacob really OWN THOSE BEANS?

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
He wasn't starving on the throes of death. It goes how much he thought of his birthright that he sold it for bean soup.

They would not have a stew if he was not out hunting.

they had sheep------hunting was considered an avocation for uncivilized and unlettered people.

Which is why she didn't like Esau, but then God preferred Abels offering to Cain's. If Rebecca really heard from God, I'm sure he would of preferred the one who provided the meat.
No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

did Jacob really OWN THOSE BEANS?

Half sister. He asked G-D what to do and G-D told him in this case to let Sarah handle it.

The problem with Hager, is because she had Abraham's baby she got really arrogant and disrespectful to Sarah.

No Sara suffered from jealousy and wanted Isaac to inherit. The jewish women are sneaky, remember the Jacob story how his mother helped him steal the birthright from Esau.
Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
The day you actually study a chapter from the beginning will be...
Ah, who am I kidding; you're too much of a Jew hater to do that.

And you are bias. Your holy book is far from holly. Barron women, incest, thievery, trickery, concubines (slave women) genocide, only if I was a Hebrew could I like Hebrews.

sweetums-----there are remedial programs for people who are functionally
illiterate ---------what does the word "holly" mean in your sentence?
something green or some sort of a growing plant? what is "BARRON WOMEN"?

wha tense is the words "If I was...." in your post?
did Jacob really OWN THOSE BEANS?

Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
He wasn't starving on the throes of death. It goes how much he thought of his birthright that he sold it for bean soup.

yes----that is the moral of the story------it was a kind of test of FORTITUDE------For me one
of the MAJOR themes of Genesis is a BREAK WITH THE RIGHTS OF THE FIRST BORN---
which was actually BABYLONIAN LAW-------in genesis----several times over----POWER GOES
to the BEST-----not entirely dependent on birth order

Hebrews were around a lot longer than the Babylonians.
Break the rights go way back to Genesis back around 3,000 B. C.
The Babylonian Civilization was around 626 B.C.

According to RABBI WIKKI------the Hummurabi code goes back to 1754 BC and Abraham
traveled to CANAAN something like 2100 BC He was brought up in the culture of
Mesopotamia------with its customs and laws

Still means that they were around before Babylonians.
Ask him if that law goes back to that time period.
I think that it's law from Abraham, but. I could be wrong. :)
Well...actually I think what Rebecca and Jacob was wrong to deceive Issac. And I believe what happened to Jacob's son, Joseph, was a punishment for that.

I don't------it is obvious that Isaac was losing it------and Rebecca was the brains of the family
It still doesn't excuse deceiving her husband. I know that G-D gave her a prophesy that Jacob should get it. However, deceiving your husband and you father is wrong.

did Jacob really OWN THOSE BEANS?

Sarah was jealous...verse?
steal the birthright...didn't Jacob buy it from Eisav.
Feel stupid yet?

What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
He wasn't starving on the throes of death. It goes how much he thought of his birthright that he sold it for bean soup.

They would not have a stew if he was not out hunting.

they had sheep------hunting was considered an avocation for uncivilized and unlettered people.

Which is why she didn't like Esau, but then God preferred Abels offering to Cain's. If Rebecca really heard from God, I'm sure he would of preferred the one who provided the meat.

are you under the impression that ABEL was a "HUNTER"?
What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
He wasn't starving on the throes of death. It goes how much he thought of his birthright that he sold it for bean soup.

yes----that is the moral of the story------it was a kind of test of FORTITUDE------For me one
of the MAJOR themes of Genesis is a BREAK WITH THE RIGHTS OF THE FIRST BORN---
which was actually BABYLONIAN LAW-------in genesis----several times over----POWER GOES
to the BEST-----not entirely dependent on birth order

Hebrews were around a lot longer than the Babylonians.
Break the rights go way back to Genesis back around 3,000 B. C.
The Babylonian Civilization was around 626 B.C.

According to RABBI WIKKI------the Hummurabi code goes back to 1754 BC and Abraham
traveled to CANAAN something like 2100 BC He was brought up in the culture of
Mesopotamia------with its customs and laws

Still means that they were around before Babylonians.
Ask him if that law goes back to that time period.
I think that it's law from Abraham, but. I could be wrong. :)

Ok-----based on biblical history-----you would be right BABYLONIA did
not exist as BABYLONIA till Nimrod built his TOWER OF BABEL-----which was
sorta at the time Abraham lived too-----I think. Abraham was supposed to have
come from a place called ARAM. ----and somewhere near some place called
UR ------but it does seem that its ALL Mesopotamia-----with local custom and
law. The code of Hummarabi is-----no doubt A COMPILATION
Hebrews do not exist until Abraham invented them------IMHO
remember the term "golden books" from childhood? "little golden books"-------with the
goldenbook stories------like "sleeping beauty"------and 'Cinderella"--------there actually is---
historically a "golden book" of bible stories. Our dear penny has her reading level
Penny dear----LABAN was the father or RACHEL. As far as I know------his relationship
to REBECCA is not noted ----even in the "golden books" of bible stories----pro
Laven and Rivka are siblings. It's explicit in the Torah during Eliezer's visit to Lavan's house to find a wife for Yitzchak.

yes----and LABAN is the father of Rachel and Leah---------and member of the extended family---
which is why-------ELIEZER got told to go there to get a wife-------a keep it in the tribe thing------
but I lost the name of the father of Rebecca------Isn't he the guy who negotiated at the outset
with Eliezer?

His name was Bethel, the father of Rebecca
Bethel...a horrible transliteration which means House of God.
B'Soo'Al means Virgin of God.
The King James translation is horrendous.

Which the name came from original Hebrew writers when written for the Greeks.
Has nothing to do with the King James.
Incorrect, without the original Hebrew there is no Greek or Latin.
You actually think God dictated the Torah to Moshe in Greek or Latin?
You've got to be kidding.
remember the term "golden books" from childhood? "little golden books"-------with the
goldenbook stories------like "sleeping beauty"------and 'Cinderella"--------there actually is---
historically a "golden book" of bible stories. Our dear penny has her reading level
Penny dear----LABAN was the father or RACHEL. As far as I know------his relationship
to REBECCA is not noted ----even in the "golden books" of bible stories----pro
Laven and Rivka are siblings. It's explicit in the Torah during Eliezer's visit to Lavan's house to find a wife for Yitzchak.

yes----and LABAN is the father of Rachel and Leah---------and member of the extended family---
which is why-------ELIEZER got told to go there to get a wife-------a keep it in the tribe thing------
but I lost the name of the father of Rebecca------Isn't he the guy who negotiated at the outset
with Eliezer?

His name was Bethel, the father of Rebecca
Bethel...a horrible transliteration which means House of God.
B'Soo'Al means Virgin of God.
The King James translation is horrendous.

Which the name came from original Hebrew writers when written for the Greeks.
Has nothing to do with the King James.
I doubt the Septuagint changed the essence of words.
The English Septuagint is based upon the KJV.
yes----and LABAN is the father of Rachel and Leah---------and member of the extended family---
which is why-------ELIEZER got told to go there to get a wife-------a keep it in the tribe thing------
but I lost the name of the father of Rebecca------Isn't he the guy who negotiated at the outset
with Eliezer?

His name was Bethel, the father of Rebecca
Bethel...a horrible transliteration which means House of God.
B'Soo'Al means Virgin of God.
The King James translation is horrendous.

oh-------King James did so well----most of the time
No...it's horrendous when you know even a moderate amount of Hebrew.
There's a lot to learn so start learning.

KJV is "horrendous" ?------not so bad........how well did the king
know Hebrew? ----who did the KJV?
I know Hebrew; the KJV is horrendous.
What was the thing about the suit with hair, if only Isaac knew but he was blind. Laban , sister of Rebecca was just as dishonest. (also not fair to make a deal of food when one is hungry and you have the food, can you say bribe)
He wasn't starving on the throes of death. It goes how much he thought of his birthright that he sold it for bean soup.

yes----that is the moral of the story------it was a kind of test of FORTITUDE------For me one
of the MAJOR themes of Genesis is a BREAK WITH THE RIGHTS OF THE FIRST BORN---
which was actually BABYLONIAN LAW-------in genesis----several times over----POWER GOES
to the BEST-----not entirely dependent on birth order

Hebrews were around a lot longer than the Babylonians.
Break the rights go way back to Genesis back around 3,000 B. C.
The Babylonian Civilization was around 626 B.C.

According to RABBI WIKKI------the Hummurabi code goes back to 1754 BC and Abraham
traveled to CANAAN something like 2100 BC He was brought up in the culture of
Mesopotamia------with its customs and laws

Still means that they were around before Babylonians.
Ask him if that law goes back to that time period.
I think that it's law from Abraham, but. I could be wrong. :)

the first born thing-----I am ALMOST POSTIVE --is from MESOPOTAMIA ---where
Abraham and Sara grew up. Mesopotamia did lots of laws------it was a complex
society ----even had castes -----and the king (or kings) acted as JUDGES -------
Mesopotamia is responsible for the tit for tat legal system------If you accidentally
kill a child-------your kid has got to go
Laven and Rivka are siblings. It's explicit in the Torah during Eliezer's visit to Lavan's house to find a wife for Yitzchak.

yes----and LABAN is the father of Rachel and Leah---------and member of the extended family---
which is why-------ELIEZER got told to go there to get a wife-------a keep it in the tribe thing------
but I lost the name of the father of Rebecca------Isn't he the guy who negotiated at the outset
with Eliezer?

His name was Bethel, the father of Rebecca
Bethel...a horrible transliteration which means House of God.
B'Soo'Al means Virgin of God.
The King James translation is horrendous.

Which the name came from original Hebrew writers when written for the Greeks.
Has nothing to do with the King James.
Incorrect, without the original Hebrew there is no Greek or Latin.
You actually think God dictated the Torah to Moshe in Greek or Latin?
You've got to be kidding.

You have a serious compression problem.
I never said anything even remotely close to what you just typed.
He had a concubine. Actually two if you count hagar. Although some scholars have said they were the same person.
He married his sister
He was subordinate to his sister wife
Made an illegitimate child and kicked him out
Lied to his son that he was going to kill him
He was obviously mentally ill. With some incest and sins in there.
My point is, how did this crazy person become the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Apparently, despite all of these moral flaws and repugnant behavior, he was still chosen by god for loyalty. This "moral" God was able to look past all of his sins because he was willing to kill his child? WTF
And people say atheists have no morals? Lol

Who's yur daddy? That's right! Abraham. :tongue-44:


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