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Absolute Flaws of Christianity

As related by Rumi, may God have mercy on him, the famous 12th century Iranian Muslim Mystic and scholar, in his book Fihi Ma Fihi.

A Christian by the name of al-Jarrah said: “A number of Sheik Sadr al-Din’s companions drank with me, and they said, “Jesus is God, as you claim. We confess that to be truth, but we conceal and deny it to preserve the honor of our community.”

Rumi said: God forbid! These are the words of those drunken with the wine of Satan, the misguider. How could it be that Jesus, with such a frail body, who was forced to flee from the plotting Jews, place after place, who stood less than two cubits tall, should be the preserver of the seven heavens—each with a thickness of five hundred years, and from each heaven to the next a distance of five hundred years, and every earth five hundred years, and from each earth to the next five hundred years? And under this Throne, the sea of spirit whose depth is even greater, even many times the like of it? How could your reason accept that the ruler of all these is the feeblest of forms? Moreover, that before being born, Jesus was the creator of the heavens and the earth? Glory be to God, above what the wrongdoers assert!

The Christian said: “His body was mere dust. Dust went to dust, and pure spirit to pure spirit.” Rumi said: If the spirit of Jesus was God, where went his spirit? Spirit returns to its Origin and Creator. If he was himself the Origin and Creator, where should he go?

The Christian said: “So we found it stated, and we took it as our religion.”

Rumi answered: If you find and inherit your parents’ false gold, black and corrupt, do you mean you will not change it for gold of sound quality, free of alloy and adulteration? No, you keep that gold, saying, “We found it so.”

Or you inherit from your parents a paralyzed hand, and you find a treatment and a physician to heal that hand. Do you accept it? No, instead you say, “I found my hand paralyzed, and I will not change it.” Or if you find salt water on a farm where your parents died and you were brought up, but you are shown another farm whose water is sweet, whose herbs are wholesome, whose people are healthy. Do you desire to move to that other farm and drink the sweet water that would rid you of all diseases and ailments? No, you say, “We found this farm with its salt water and its ailments, and we hold on to what we found.”

God forbid! This is not the action or the words of an intelligent person possessed of sound senses. God gave you an intelligence of your own separate from your parents’ intelligence, a sight of your own other than your father’s sight, a discrimination of your own. Why do you nullify your sight and your intelligence, following an intelligence that will mislead and destroy you?

Yutash—his father was a cobbler. Yet when he attained the Sultan’s presence, learning the manner of kings and how to be Master of the Sword and the Sultan conferred on him the highest rank, he never said, “I found my father a cobbler, so I do not want this post. Give me, O Sultan, a shop in the market so I can practice cobbling.” Indeed, even a dog, for all its baseness, once it has learned to become a hunter for the Sultan, forgets how it was raised, skulking in rubbish heaps and waste- lands and craving for carrion. On the contrary, it follows the Sultan’s horses and pursues the game. It is the same with the hawk. When the Sultan has trained it, it never says, “I inherited from my father desolate haunts in the mountains and the devouring of dead things, so I will not heed the Sultan’s drum, or his game.”

If the intellect of the beast can choose something better than what it inherited from its parents, it is monstrous and horrible that a human being, superior to all the inhabitants of the earth in reason and discrimination, should be less than a beast. We take refuge in God from that!

Certainly it is right to say that God honored Jesus and drew him close, so that whoever serves Jesus has served the Lord, whoever obeys him has obeyed the Lord. But since God sends a prophet in every age, manifesting by their hand all that was manifested by Jesus’ hand and more, it behooves us to follow that prophet—not for the sake of the prophet, but for the sake of God.

Only God can be served for Its own sake. Therefore, only God is truly loved. Love for all else ends in God. So, love a thing only for God, and seek a thing only for God, until in the end you come to God and love It for Itself.

To dress up the Kaaba is a vain desire,
God’s presence is all the cloth you need.

Just as worn-out and ragged clothes conceal the elegance of wealth and grandeur, so excellent clothes and fine raiment conceal the mark and beauty and perfection of the saint. When the saint’s clothes are in shreds and patches, then their heart is revealed.

tl;dr. Please organize your thoughts into salient points at least if you want to be read, with links to expound further if needed.
The funny thing is about the “ Flaws” about Christianity is there are many but loosing the “F” instead of flaws we get LAWS and their are none because they did away with all of them when they sold that idea of only believing in their idol Jesus is all that is required
Only the counterfeit Church teaches that.

As related by Rumi, may God have mercy on him, the famous 12th century Iranian Muslim Mystic and scholar, in his book Fihi Ma Fihi.

A Christian by the name of al-Jarrah said: “A number of Sheik Sadr al-Din’s companions drank with me, and they said, “Jesus is God, as you claim. We confess that to be truth, but we conceal and deny it to preserve the honor of our community.”

Rumi said: God forbid! These are the words of those drunken with the wine of Satan, the misguider. How could it be that Jesus, with such a frail body, who was forced to flee from the plotting Jews, place after place, who stood less than two cubits tall, should be the preserver of the seven heavens—each with a thickness of five hundred years, and from each heaven to the next a distance of five hundred years, and every earth five hundred years, and from each earth to the next five hundred years? And under this Throne, the sea of spirit whose depth is even greater, even many times the like of it? How could your reason accept that the ruler of all these is the feeblest of forms? Moreover, that before being born, Jesus was the creator of the heavens and the earth? Glory be to God, above what the wrongdoers assert!

The Christian said: “His body was mere dust. Dust went to dust, and pure spirit to pure spirit.” Rumi said: If the spirit of Jesus was God, where went his spirit? Spirit returns to its Origin and Creator. If he was himself the Origin and Creator, where should he go?

The Christian said: “So we found it stated, and we took it as our religion.”

Rumi answered: If you find and inherit your parents’ false gold, black and corrupt, do you mean you will not change it for gold of sound quality, free of alloy and adulteration? No, you keep that gold, saying, “We found it so.”

Or you inherit from your parents a paralyzed hand, and you find a treatment and a physician to heal that hand. Do you accept it? No, instead you say, “I found my hand paralyzed, and I will not change it.” Or if you find salt water on a farm where your parents died and you were brought up, but you are shown another farm whose water is sweet, whose herbs are wholesome, whose people are healthy. Do you desire to move to that other farm and drink the sweet water that would rid you of all diseases and ailments? No, you say, “We found this farm with its salt water and its ailments, and we hold on to what we found.”

God forbid! This is not the action or the words of an intelligent person possessed of sound senses. God gave you an intelligence of your own separate from your parents’ intelligence, a sight of your own other than your father’s sight, a discrimination of your own. Why do you nullify your sight and your intelligence, following an intelligence that will mislead and destroy you?

Yutash—his father was a cobbler. Yet when he attained the Sultan’s presence, learning the manner of kings and how to be Master of the Sword and the Sultan conferred on him the highest rank, he never said, “I found my father a cobbler, so I do not want this post. Give me, O Sultan, a shop in the market so I can practice cobbling.” Indeed, even a dog, for all its baseness, once it has learned to become a hunter for the Sultan, forgets how it was raised, skulking in rubbish heaps and waste- lands and craving for carrion. On the contrary, it follows the Sultan’s horses and pursues the game. It is the same with the hawk. When the Sultan has trained it, it never says, “I inherited from my father desolate haunts in the mountains and the devouring of dead things, so I will not heed the Sultan’s drum, or his game.”

If the intellect of the beast can choose something better than what it inherited from its parents, it is monstrous and horrible that a human being, superior to all the inhabitants of the earth in reason and discrimination, should be less than a beast. We take refuge in God from that!

Certainly it is right to say that God honored Jesus and drew him close, so that whoever serves Jesus has served the Lord, whoever obeys him has obeyed the Lord. But since God sends a prophet in every age, manifesting by their hand all that was manifested by Jesus’ hand and more, it behooves us to follow that prophet—not for the sake of the prophet, but for the sake of God.

Only God can be served for Its own sake. Therefore, only God is truly loved. Love for all else ends in God. So, love a thing only for God, and seek a thing only for God, until in the end you come to God and love It for Itself.

To dress up the Kaaba is a vain desire,
God’s presence is all the cloth you need.

Just as worn-out and ragged clothes conceal the elegance of wealth and grandeur, so excellent clothes and fine raiment conceal the mark and beauty and perfection of the saint. When the saint’s clothes are in shreds and patches, then their heart is revealed.

First of all has not any sentence here really to do with the Christian religion (=our faith and rebound in god) and second: Children, who carry the belief of their parents in their hearts, are often also called "people with a golden heart". Fanatic convertits often cause problems, because they sometimes like to attack the religion, where they once came from. For sure in the Christian religion everyone has to respect the own parents, independent from their religion. When Catholics criticize each other then we say often such things like: "Is the Pope catholic?" or "You are more papist than the pope on him own!" I hope no one is more Rumi than Rumi on his own, because this, what this man says here, seems to be a little confused.

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All gods are the creation of man to quell their insecurities of life and death.

Why do you think this belief is plausible? You live in a world full of structures. Are this structures real? If not, Âżhow are you able to communicate? - if so, Âżwho made this structures? or Âżwhy are this structures? You are for example a product of this older structure which was necessarily made before you was made:

Are you the sun? Is the sun the universe? Is the universe god?
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Capt Obvious recants in making the biblical fallen imposter messiah Lucifer their god and messiah, offering free get away with sins in exchange for idol worship, group affiliation and monetary donations, and causing over 50 million murders and thousands of wars-
Absolute Flaws of ChristianityView attachment 254971
The funny thing is about the “ Flaws” about Christianity is there are many but loosing the “F” instead of flaws we get LAWS and their are none because they did away with all of them when they sold that idea of only believing in their idol Jesus is all that is required...Interesting because all that you pointed out above is the result of getting rid of those Laws and now all we have are the Flaws...
Believing is only the first step.
Ding you really don’t offer much but let us look at what you stated..Believe.. Bel( the snakes) LIE to Eve..is only the first step..That is correct because once you take that first step down the “ garden” path you end up getting kicked out of “ Eden” and working very very hard to getting back there.. Or you loose you legs and ability to take any other step and you grow a lot of really really big Tales(tails) and swim around in circles spreading them into every little and big watering hole you can think of which is quite “ fishy” and “ smelly” at the same time...
I don’t offer anything. He does. Specifically, Peace through the storm.
Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a mocker( As is the new wine sold or packaged by Christianity) strong drink is a raging and whoever is deceived thereby( deceived by all the fantasies contained in the new wine) is not wise...That is truly why Christians are called “ Fools for Christ” because they consume their new wine without realizes the true effects it has on them...

"I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine."

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it; when they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them,"

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

I was waiting for you Hobe I knew you would post that and so. Psalm 16:4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names unto my lips...

I saw that... Thanks for the cue.. lol...Funny how ding responded with, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.", as if he knew those verses applied to him and didn't care at all that scripture clearly indicates that Jesus who said, "I have not come to bring peace but a sword," sent a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine through the nations.

He seems to have confused faith with obstinate stupidity. A sad sign that he has been abandoned by God to his folly.
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"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."
The "sword" is from YOU. He warned His followers YOU would turn on any who follow Him. You are, of course, of your father, the devil.
The sword is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine taken from the hand of God and sent through the nations by Jesus.

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."

heads up Mr True Christian. If you think a revelation of truth from God is of the devil, its because you are dead.

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April 5, 2017

Christians remain world’s largest religious group, but they are declining in Europe

By Conrad Hackett and David McClendon


April 5, 2017
Christians remain world’s largest religious group, but they are declining in Europe
By Conrad Hackett and David McClendon

Indeed, fertility differences between religious groups are one of the key factors behind current population trends and will be important for future growth. Globally, Muslims have the highest fertility rate of any religious group – an average of 2.9 children per woman, well above replacement level (2.1), the minimum typically needed to maintain a stable population. This fertility advantage is one reason why Muslims are expected to catch up with Christians in absolute number and as a share of the global population in the coming decades. Christians have the second highest fertility rate, at 2.6 children per woman. Hindu and Jewish fertility (2.3 each) are both just below the global average of 2.4 children per woman. All other major religious groups have fertility levels too low to sustain their populations.

World’s largest religion by population is still Christianity
goes by birth, and the 3rd largest is secular, atheist, agnostic.
As related by Rumi, may God have mercy on him, the famous 12th century Iranian Muslim Mystic and scholar, in his book Fihi Ma Fihi.

A Christian by the name of al-Jarrah said: “A number of Sheik Sadr al-Din’s companions drank with me, and they said, “Jesus is God, as you claim. We confess that to be truth, but we conceal and deny it to preserve the honor of our community.”

Rumi said: God forbid! These are the words of those drunken with the wine of Satan, the misguider. How could it be that Jesus, with such a frail body, who was forced to flee from the plotting Jews, place after place, who stood less than two cubits tall, should be the preserver of the seven heavens—each with a thickness of five hundred years, and from each heaven to the next a distance of five hundred years, and every earth five hundred years, and from each earth to the next five hundred years? And under this Throne, the sea of spirit whose depth is even greater, even many times the like of it? How could your reason accept that the ruler of all these is the feeblest of forms? Moreover, that before being born, Jesus was the creator of the heavens and the earth? Glory be to God, above what the wrongdoers assert!

The Christian said: “His body was mere dust. Dust went to dust, and pure spirit to pure spirit.” Rumi said: If the spirit of Jesus was God, where went his spirit? Spirit returns to its Origin and Creator. If he was himself the Origin and Creator, where should he go?

The Christian said: “So we found it stated, and we took it as our religion.”

Rumi answered: If you find and inherit your parents’ false gold, black and corrupt, do you mean you will not change it for gold of sound quality, free of alloy and adulteration? No, you keep that gold, saying, “We found it so.”

Or you inherit from your parents a paralyzed hand, and you find a treatment and a physician to heal that hand. Do you accept it? No, instead you say, “I found my hand paralyzed, and I will not change it.” Or if you find salt water on a farm where your parents died and you were brought up, but you are shown another farm whose water is sweet, whose herbs are wholesome, whose people are healthy. Do you desire to move to that other farm and drink the sweet water that would rid you of all diseases and ailments? No, you say, “We found this farm with its salt water and its ailments, and we hold on to what we found.”

God forbid! This is not the action or the words of an intelligent person possessed of sound senses. God gave you an intelligence of your own separate from your parents’ intelligence, a sight of your own other than your father’s sight, a discrimination of your own. Why do you nullify your sight and your intelligence, following an intelligence that will mislead and destroy you?

Yutash—his father was a cobbler. Yet when he attained the Sultan’s presence, learning the manner of kings and how to be Master of the Sword and the Sultan conferred on him the highest rank, he never said, “I found my father a cobbler, so I do not want this post. Give me, O Sultan, a shop in the market so I can practice cobbling.” Indeed, even a dog, for all its baseness, once it has learned to become a hunter for the Sultan, forgets how it was raised, skulking in rubbish heaps and waste- lands and craving for carrion. On the contrary, it follows the Sultan’s horses and pursues the game. It is the same with the hawk. When the Sultan has trained it, it never says, “I inherited from my father desolate haunts in the mountains and the devouring of dead things, so I will not heed the Sultan’s drum, or his game.”

If the intellect of the beast can choose something better than what it inherited from its parents, it is monstrous and horrible that a human being, superior to all the inhabitants of the earth in reason and discrimination, should be less than a beast. We take refuge in God from that!

Certainly it is right to say that God honored Jesus and drew him close, so that whoever serves Jesus has served the Lord, whoever obeys him has obeyed the Lord. But since God sends a prophet in every age, manifesting by their hand all that was manifested by Jesus’ hand and more, it behooves us to follow that prophet—not for the sake of the prophet, but for the sake of God.

Only God can be served for Its own sake. Therefore, only God is truly loved. Love for all else ends in God. So, love a thing only for God, and seek a thing only for God, until in the end you come to God and love It for Itself.

To dress up the Kaaba is a vain desire,
God’s presence is all the cloth you need.

Just as worn-out and ragged clothes conceal the elegance of wealth and grandeur, so excellent clothes and fine raiment conceal the mark and beauty and perfection of the saint. When the saint’s clothes are in shreds and patches, then their heart is revealed.

As related by Rumi, may God have mercy on him, the famous 12th century Iranian Muslim Mystic and scholar, in his book Fihi Ma Fihi.

A Christian by the name of al-Jarrah said: “A number of Sheik Sadr al-Din’s companions drank with me, and they said, “Jesus is God, as you claim. We confess that to be truth, but we conceal and deny it to preserve the honor of our community.”

Rumi said: God forbid! These are the words of those drunken with the wine of Satan, the misguider. How could it be that Jesus, with such a frail body, who was forced to flee from the plotting Jews, place after place, who stood less than two cubits tall, should be the preserver of the seven heavens—each with a thickness of five hundred years, and from each heaven to the next a distance of five hundred years, and every earth five hundred years, and from each earth to the next five hundred years? And under this Throne, the sea of spirit whose depth is even greater, even many times the like of it? How could your reason accept that the ruler of all these is the feeblest of forms? Moreover, that before being born, Jesus was the creator of the heavens and the earth? Glory be to God, above what the wrongdoers assert!

The Christian said: “His body was mere dust. Dust went to dust, and pure spirit to pure spirit.” Rumi said: If the spirit of Jesus was God, where went his spirit? Spirit returns to its Origin and Creator. If he was himself the Origin and Creator, where should he go?

The Christian said: “So we found it stated, and we took it as our religion.”

Rumi answered: If you find and inherit your parents’ false gold, black and corrupt, do you mean you will not change it for gold of sound quality, free of alloy and adulteration? No, you keep that gold, saying, “We found it so.”

Or you inherit from your parents a paralyzed hand, and you find a treatment and a physician to heal that hand. Do you accept it? No, instead you say, “I found my hand paralyzed, and I will not change it.” Or if you find salt water on a farm where your parents died and you were brought up, but you are shown another farm whose water is sweet, whose herbs are wholesome, whose people are healthy. Do you desire to move to that other farm and drink the sweet water that would rid you of all diseases and ailments? No, you say, “We found this farm with its salt water and its ailments, and we hold on to what we found.”

God forbid! This is not the action or the words of an intelligent person possessed of sound senses. God gave you an intelligence of your own separate from your parents’ intelligence, a sight of your own other than your father’s sight, a discrimination of your own. Why do you nullify your sight and your intelligence, following an intelligence that will mislead and destroy you?

Yutash—his father was a cobbler. Yet when he attained the Sultan’s presence, learning the manner of kings and how to be Master of the Sword and the Sultan conferred on him the highest rank, he never said, “I found my father a cobbler, so I do not want this post. Give me, O Sultan, a shop in the market so I can practice cobbling.” Indeed, even a dog, for all its baseness, once it has learned to become a hunter for the Sultan, forgets how it was raised, skulking in rubbish heaps and waste- lands and craving for carrion. On the contrary, it follows the Sultan’s horses and pursues the game. It is the same with the hawk. When the Sultan has trained it, it never says, “I inherited from my father desolate haunts in the mountains and the devouring of dead things, so I will not heed the Sultan’s drum, or his game.”

If the intellect of the beast can choose something better than what it inherited from its parents, it is monstrous and horrible that a human being, superior to all the inhabitants of the earth in reason and discrimination, should be less than a beast. We take refuge in God from that!

Certainly it is right to say that God honored Jesus and drew him close, so that whoever serves Jesus has served the Lord, whoever obeys him has obeyed the Lord. But since God sends a prophet in every age, manifesting by their hand all that was manifested by Jesus’ hand and more, it behooves us to follow that prophet—not for the sake of the prophet, but for the sake of God.

Only God can be served for Its own sake. Therefore, only God is truly loved. Love for all else ends in God. So, love a thing only for God, and seek a thing only for God, until in the end you come to God and love It for Itself.

To dress up the Kaaba is a vain desire,
God’s presence is all the cloth you need.

Just as worn-out and ragged clothes conceal the elegance of wealth and grandeur, so excellent clothes and fine raiment conceal the mark and beauty and perfection of the saint. When the saint’s clothes are in shreds and patches, then their heart is revealed.
Yeah... Look, I'm neither Christian nor Muslim and from.the outside looking in I don't think you have a leg to stand on here
As related by Rumi, may God have mercy on him, the famous 12th century Iranian Muslim Mystic and scholar, in his book Fihi Ma Fihi.

A Christian by the name of al-Jarrah said: “A number of Sheik Sadr al-Din’s companions drank with me, and they said, “Jesus is God, as you claim. We confess that to be truth, but we conceal and deny it to preserve the honor of our community.”

Rumi said: God forbid! These are the words of those drunken with the wine of Satan, the misguider. How could it be that Jesus, with such a frail body, who was forced to flee from the plotting Jews, place after place, who stood less than two cubits tall, should be the preserver of the seven heavens—each with a thickness of five hundred years, and from each heaven to the next a distance of five hundred years, and every earth five hundred years, and from each earth to the next five hundred years? And under this Throne, the sea of spirit whose depth is even greater, even many times the like of it? How could your reason accept that the ruler of all these is the feeblest of forms? Moreover, that before being born, Jesus was the creator of the heavens and the earth? Glory be to God, above what the wrongdoers assert!

The Christian said: “His body was mere dust. Dust went to dust, and pure spirit to pure spirit.” Rumi said: If the spirit of Jesus was God, where went his spirit? Spirit returns to its Origin and Creator. If he was himself the Origin and Creator, where should he go?

The Christian said: “So we found it stated, and we took it as our religion.”

Rumi answered: If you find and inherit your parents’ false gold, black and corrupt, do you mean you will not change it for gold of sound quality, free of alloy and adulteration? No, you keep that gold, saying, “We found it so.”

Or you inherit from your parents a paralyzed hand, and you find a treatment and a physician to heal that hand. Do you accept it? No, instead you say, “I found my hand paralyzed, and I will not change it.” Or if you find salt water on a farm where your parents died and you were brought up, but you are shown another farm whose water is sweet, whose herbs are wholesome, whose people are healthy. Do you desire to move to that other farm and drink the sweet water that would rid you of all diseases and ailments? No, you say, “We found this farm with its salt water and its ailments, and we hold on to what we found.”

God forbid! This is not the action or the words of an intelligent person possessed of sound senses. God gave you an intelligence of your own separate from your parents’ intelligence, a sight of your own other than your father’s sight, a discrimination of your own. Why do you nullify your sight and your intelligence, following an intelligence that will mislead and destroy you?

Yutash—his father was a cobbler. Yet when he attained the Sultan’s presence, learning the manner of kings and how to be Master of the Sword and the Sultan conferred on him the highest rank, he never said, “I found my father a cobbler, so I do not want this post. Give me, O Sultan, a shop in the market so I can practice cobbling.” Indeed, even a dog, for all its baseness, once it has learned to become a hunter for the Sultan, forgets how it was raised, skulking in rubbish heaps and waste- lands and craving for carrion. On the contrary, it follows the Sultan’s horses and pursues the game. It is the same with the hawk. When the Sultan has trained it, it never says, “I inherited from my father desolate haunts in the mountains and the devouring of dead things, so I will not heed the Sultan’s drum, or his game.”

If the intellect of the beast can choose something better than what it inherited from its parents, it is monstrous and horrible that a human being, superior to all the inhabitants of the earth in reason and discrimination, should be less than a beast. We take refuge in God from that!

Certainly it is right to say that God honored Jesus and drew him close, so that whoever serves Jesus has served the Lord, whoever obeys him has obeyed the Lord. But since God sends a prophet in every age, manifesting by their hand all that was manifested by Jesus’ hand and more, it behooves us to follow that prophet—not for the sake of the prophet, but for the sake of God.

Only God can be served for Its own sake. Therefore, only God is truly loved. Love for all else ends in God. So, love a thing only for God, and seek a thing only for God, until in the end you come to God and love It for Itself.

To dress up the Kaaba is a vain desire,
God’s presence is all the cloth you need.

Just as worn-out and ragged clothes conceal the elegance of wealth and grandeur, so excellent clothes and fine raiment conceal the mark and beauty and perfection of the saint. When the saint’s clothes are in shreds and patches, then their heart is revealed.
Yeah... Look, I'm neither Christian nor Muslim and from.the outside looking in I don't think you have a leg to stand on here

"This is not the action or the words of an intelligent person possessed of sound senses. God gave you an intelligence of your own separate from your parents’ intelligence, a sight of your own other than your father’s sight, a discrimination of your own. Why do you nullify your sight and your intelligence, following an intelligence that will mislead and destroy you?"

its a valid question.
All gods are the creation of man to quell their insecurities of life and death.

1. Do you believe that human beings possess the highest form of intelligence in the universe?

2. If so, why do they possess insecurities about life and death?

3. If not, what name would you give to a higher intelligence?
All gods are the creation of man to quell their insecurities of life and death.

1. Do you believe that human beings possess the highest form of intelligence in the universe?

2. If so, why do they possess insecurities about life and death?

3. If not, what name would you give to a higher intelligence?
I do not care about any of those things.
Religions are such powerful instruments, they will, for the most of them, incorporate many flaws very easily. That's terrible.
Religions are such powerful instruments, they will, for the most of them, incorporate many flaws very easily. That's terrible.
Because humans are flawed and don't always address root causes or fix the status quo when it is severly flawed.
Religions get flawed because humans have egos thus affiliation pride=rivalries. Study of psychology, human and social group behavior has to be studied not just religious and historical texts, otherwise we won't understand how we process and handle the texts, info, debates, and our affiliation pride.
Leadership/central sources are also a problem. When the world does not allow equal rights to Jews to have a central source (Mikdash-temple for all people) [light shine to the world] and that source can't exist to help the other religious sources see through the spiritual darkness then the world and those religions suffer (their affiliation ego stiffles their learning).
And if the Spiritual leader is the same for both Muslim (Head Imam)and Jews (Head Priest) then the 2 sticks can not become one in understanding. If "like in the Days of Solomon" the brides from all the Kingdoms marry the Groom then they all have a stake in the same kingdom and rivalry fades that brings peace.

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