Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's likely replacement killed by US troops

They are like cockroaches...always another one waiting in the dark

So we got this so far from the already defeated Idiot Left:
  1. No sense fighting terrorism because if you kill one of them, you're just going to piss them off and stir them up!
  2. When you DO kill one of them, there are ten more to replace them, so you might as well not fight them at all.
Isn't it amazing the parallels the Left draws between themselves and terrorists?

I guess now we know why the most frequent visitor to the Obama White House was The Muslim Brotherhood.

Damn dude, it is far too early to be drunk posting.

Damn, Stupid, you are far too lame to be trying to deflect from your own ignorance and think yourself clever.

You are the one making drunk post, don’t get pissed at me. I did not say or even imply we should not try and take out the terrorist, yet in your drunken stupor you thought I did.

If I were drunk, Moron, which I'm not, at least I'd have an excuse for being Stupid. What's yours?

I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt for jumping to such a stupid conclusion about my post. Thanks for being honest and just admitting you are just stupid by nature
So we got this so far from the already defeated Idiot Left:
  1. No sense fighting terrorism because if you kill one of them, you're just going to piss them off and stir them up!
  2. When you DO kill one of them, there are ten more to replace them, so you might as well not fight them at all.
Isn't it amazing the parallels the Left draws between themselves and terrorists?

I guess now we know why the most frequent visitor to the Obama White House was The Muslim Brotherhood.

Damn dude, it is far too early to be drunk posting.

Damn, Stupid, you are far too lame to be trying to deflect from your own ignorance and think yourself clever.

You are the one making drunk post, don’t get pissed at me. I did not say or even imply we should not try and take out the terrorist, yet in your drunken stupor you thought I did.

If I were drunk, Moron, which I'm not, at least I'd have an excuse for being Stupid. What's yours?

I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt for jumping to such a stupid conclusion about my post. Thanks for being honest and just admitting you are just stupid by nature

No jump required, Moron, ever since al-Baghdadi was killed, all we've heard from the Left is whining that this will just stir ISIS up! And now you jump in to say that killing one gets you nowhere and they'll have a replacement before sundown. Thanks for confirming that the Left are defeatists who will make great Dhimmis when the time comes! Tell me Dhimmi, did you bake Osama a cake when he took down the WTC? Bye.

Special Forces plus a dog got him. He has been buried at sea, the same as Osama bin Laden.

I heard there wasn't enough left of him to put in a sandwich-sized ziploc bag! Where did you see this about him being buried at sea?
The fish will not eat Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi because he tastes just like schifft
Damn dude, it is far too early to be drunk posting.

Damn, Stupid, you are far too lame to be trying to deflect from your own ignorance and think yourself clever.

You are the one making drunk post, don’t get pissed at me. I did not say or even imply we should not try and take out the terrorist, yet in your drunken stupor you thought I did.

If I were drunk, Moron, which I'm not, at least I'd have an excuse for being Stupid. What's yours?

I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt for jumping to such a stupid conclusion about my post. Thanks for being honest and just admitting you are just stupid by nature

No jump required, Moron, ever since al-Baghdadi was killed, all we've heard from the Left is whining that this will just stir ISIS up! And now you jump in to say that killing one gets you nowhere and they'll have a replacement before sundown. Thanks for confirming that the Left are defeatists who will make great Dhimmis when the time comes! Tell me Dhimmi, did you bake Osama a cake when he took down the WTC? Bye.

That is not what I said, that is your stupid spin on what I said. Nobody but you took it that way.
When someone makes that comment about actual roaches do you take it to mean they are not going to try and kill them? Of course not.
They are like cockroaches...always another one waiting in the dark

yeah those “austere scholars” are like that.

Tell the truth, you had to google that word to find out what it meant.

tell the truth...you are mourning the death of another “austere scholar”....in between touching yourself.
Not doing either...you still have not told me if your wife knows about these sexual fantasies you have about me on a daily basis.
Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching

we can Trust Trump to do the right thing!


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