Accidental gun deaths...505. Accidental Medical deaths, 250,000.

To put a little perspective on the issue of which is more dangerous, guns or Doctors...even if you add intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in still don't come anywhere near the danger Doctors pose to their patients...

Blog: Medical errors now the 3rd leading cause of death in the US

A study published in the prominent medical journal BMJ concluded that errors by doctors and hospitals kills more than 250,000 people a year in the US. That's more than strokes, respiratory disease, and Alzheimers.
intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in 2014.
That's okay with you? Really? Let's all get some more guns...

8,124 gun murders.....70-80% of the victims were felons killed by other criminals.....

so about 1,642 innocent people murdered by criminals.....out of a population of 320,000,000 million Americans...

And guns are used 1,500,000 million times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.

Even presented with these numbers you are still against guns.....your position is irrational, not mine.

1.5 million is a myth.

Tell that to the anti gunners who did the actual research for the Department of Justice.......

What number are you going to pull out of your ass and then declare it the real number? Compared to 40 years of actual research into the topic....

Is that who's number you are claiming is right now? They are the survey of the week? You change the number so often it is hard to keep track. Think their number was 1.3... Adjusting for lower crime rates it would be much lower than that.
To put a little perspective on the issue of which is more dangerous, guns or Doctors...even if you add intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in still don't come anywhere near the danger Doctors pose to their patients...

Blog: Medical errors now the 3rd leading cause of death in the US

A study published in the prominent medical journal BMJ concluded that errors by doctors and hospitals kills more than 250,000 people a year in the US. That's more than strokes, respiratory disease, and Alzheimers.
intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in 2014.
That's okay with you? Really? Let's all get some more guns...

8,124 gun murders.....70-80% of the victims were felons killed by other criminals.....

so about 1,642 innocent people murdered by criminals.....out of a population of 320,000,000 million Americans...

And guns are used 1,500,000 million times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.

Even presented with these numbers you are still against guns.....your position is irrational, not mine.

1.5 million is a myth.

Tell that to the anti gunners who did the actual research for the Department of Justice.......

What number are you going to pull out of your ass and then declare it the real number? Compared to 40 years of actual research into the topic....

Is that who's number you are claiming is right now? They are the survey of the week? You change the number so often it is hard to keep track. Think their number was 1.3... Adjusting for lower crime rates it would be much lower than that.

How do you get through life with all the lies you tell........?
So it did increase dramatically. Thank you. It appears more guns equals more innocent deaths.

80 deaths per 37,000,000 ....not an issue.

35,000 car deaths

3,000 drowning deaths...

It is 500 more than any other country, yes it is an issue. And it is increasing. Why do you value life so little?

No isn't an issue.....250,000 medical deaths are an issue......505 accidental gun deaths with over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands is not an issue....and since you and the other anti gunner nuts fight gun safety education for aren't helping.

250,000 that would have died without medical attention. The 586 would be alive without a gun. can't just make things up by taking them out of your ass and declaring them fact.....

the 250,000....include all kinds of medical screw ups that led to death......that includes post op infections and other problems......does your ass hurt because of all the numbers you keep pulling out of it.......?

And they needed the surgery to save their life. All 586 would be alive without a gun.
80 deaths per 37,000,000 ....not an issue.

35,000 car deaths

3,000 drowning deaths...

It is 500 more than any other country, yes it is an issue. And it is increasing. Why do you value life so little?

No isn't an issue.....250,000 medical deaths are an issue......505 accidental gun deaths with over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands is not an issue....and since you and the other anti gunner nuts fight gun safety education for aren't helping.

250,000 that would have died without medical attention. The 586 would be alive without a gun. can't just make things up by taking them out of your ass and declaring them fact.....

the 250,000....include all kinds of medical screw ups that led to death......that includes post op infections and other problems......does your ass hurt because of all the numbers you keep pulling out of it.......?

And they needed the surgery to save their life. All 586 would be alive without a gun.

You mean the people who died from post op infections when they had their breasts saving surgery you twit.
intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in 2014.
That's okay with you? Really? Let's all get some more guns...

8,124 gun murders.....70-80% of the victims were felons killed by other criminals.....

so about 1,642 innocent people murdered by criminals.....out of a population of 320,000,000 million Americans...

And guns are used 1,500,000 million times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.

Even presented with these numbers you are still against guns.....your position is irrational, not mine.

1.5 million is a myth.

Tell that to the anti gunners who did the actual research for the Department of Justice.......

What number are you going to pull out of your ass and then declare it the real number? Compared to 40 years of actual research into the topic....

Is that who's number you are claiming is right now? They are the survey of the week? You change the number so often it is hard to keep track. Think their number was 1.3... Adjusting for lower crime rates it would be much lower than that.

How do you get through life with all the lies you tell........?
You should look in the mirror when you say that. You get caught in many lies daily.
8,124 gun murders.....70-80% of the victims were felons killed by other criminals.....

so about 1,642 innocent people murdered by criminals.....out of a population of 320,000,000 million Americans...

And guns are used 1,500,000 million times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.

Even presented with these numbers you are still against guns.....your position is irrational, not mine.

1.5 million is a myth.

Tell that to the anti gunners who did the actual research for the Department of Justice.......

What number are you going to pull out of your ass and then declare it the real number? Compared to 40 years of actual research into the topic....

Is that who's number you are claiming is right now? They are the survey of the week? You change the number so often it is hard to keep track. Think their number was 1.3... Adjusting for lower crime rates it would be much lower than that.

How do you get through life with all the lies you tell........?
You should look in the mirror when you say that. You get caught in many lies daily.

and still you manage to feed and dress yourself........that is truly amazing.....
It is 500 more than any other country, yes it is an issue. And it is increasing. Why do you value life so little?

No isn't an issue.....250,000 medical deaths are an issue......505 accidental gun deaths with over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands is not an issue....and since you and the other anti gunner nuts fight gun safety education for aren't helping.

250,000 that would have died without medical attention. The 586 would be alive without a gun. can't just make things up by taking them out of your ass and declaring them fact.....

the 250,000....include all kinds of medical screw ups that led to death......that includes post op infections and other problems......does your ass hurt because of all the numbers you keep pulling out of it.......?

And they needed the surgery to save their life. All 586 would be alive without a gun.

You mean the people who died from post op infections when they had their breasts saving surgery you twit.

You shouldn't have surgery if it isn't needed. Everyone knows there are risks to that.
No isn't an issue.....250,000 medical deaths are an issue......505 accidental gun deaths with over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands is not an issue....and since you and the other anti gunner nuts fight gun safety education for aren't helping.

250,000 that would have died without medical attention. The 586 would be alive without a gun. can't just make things up by taking them out of your ass and declaring them fact.....

the 250,000....include all kinds of medical screw ups that led to death......that includes post op infections and other problems......does your ass hurt because of all the numbers you keep pulling out of it.......?

And they needed the surgery to save their life. All 586 would be alive without a gun.

You mean the people who died from post op infections when they had their breasts saving surgery you twit.

You shouldn't have surgery if it isn't needed. Everyone knows there are risks to that.
Firearm ownership is an absolute necessary risk... Because it is a absolute right.
It's far more dangerous having surgery any day... Than any Thread of gun violence...

Now go hide...
I don't own a least not yet. I have always been able to handle myself in any situation. I don't have road rage and I don't try and provoke people even when they are being jerks...not because they worry me but because everyone is entitled to having a bad day. Live and let live and pray for them is my motto. I do not fear being in a situation where some random gun owner just walks into a crowd and starts firing randomly because I know from my research thatin the last 5 years that random gun violence incidents have been staged by our own corporate "gubermint"....from the Aurora shooting to the one in San Bernadino have been staged live shooter drills by the DHS...for those that want to debate me on this...bring it on because I will shew you up and spit you out. Sandy Hook was the most pathetic attempt and the ones after that have been pretty pathetic as well.

There is a reason as to why they want to disarm the public and it does not bode well for us. Hang onto your weapons and buy as much ammo as you can while you can.
intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in 2014.
That's okay with you? Really? Let's all get some more guns...

Dick Tiny lives in mortal fear of the day that society doesn't let him have a gun anymore.

Instead of working for a day when most of us are okay with him compensating for his tiny pecker because he has taken the effort to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

You see, once you establish that gun ownership is a privilege for the responsible rather than a God-given right that even the most batshit crazy person who thinks he's the Joker is endowed with, it becomes harder to justify most people having them.
I know from my research thatin the last 5 years that random gun violence incidents have been staged by our own corporate "gubermint"....from the Aurora shooting to the one in San Bernadino have been staged live shooter drills by the DHS...for those that want to debate me on this...bring it on because I will shew you up and spit you out.

And this is why you can't get a gun, dude. We don't give guns to crazy people.

The Lizard people have you on their list.
Granny says, "Hmmm...

... mebbe dey should regulate scalpels...

... an' require background checks fer doctors."
Yes, it's called medical school. And it lasts years and years. Any idiot can walk into a gun store and buy a gun instantly without any training or regulation. And while we're at it, let's arm more toddlers. After all, they account for many of the accidental shootings in America. Let's also read them the NRA bedtime stories in which our beloved storybook figures are now armed. I say More Guns for Everybody! And then 2aguy can stop parsing whether one more death is too many or not enough. Really? You can argue over numbers?
To put a little perspective on the issue of which is more dangerous, guns or Doctors...even if you add intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in still don't come anywhere near the danger Doctors pose to their patients...

Blog: Medical errors now the 3rd leading cause of death in the US

A study published in the prominent medical journal BMJ concluded that errors by doctors and hospitals kills more than 250,000 people a year in the US. That's more than strokes, respiratory disease, and Alzheimers.
intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in 2014.
That's okay with you? Really? Let's all get some more guns...
you realize that "gun nutters" are the ones that even bring up those deaths, right?
I copied that from Guy's quote. I didn't bring it up. If that's what you meant
intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in 2014.
That's okay with you? Really? Let's all get some more guns...
For every gun used to commit murder yesterday, 16,000,000 were not.
Your conclusion: We need more gun control!!
Not control, less guns altogether. Putting stupid paperwork and unenforceable (seemingly) laws on gun buying and selling isn't going to do shit. We need to do something much more drastic. The guy who got p.o.'d yesterday in Texas because he was fired would NOT have gone back to work and shot two people, killing one, if he had no access to a gun at home. He would have done what us gun haters do--settle in at a bar, get good and drunk, say lots of nasty things about the boss, and then take a cab home and sleep it off.
intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in 2014.
That's okay with you? Really? Let's all get some more guns...

Dick Tiny lives in mortal fear of the day that society doesn't let him have a gun anymore.

Instead of working for a day when most of us are okay with him compensating for his tiny pecker because he has taken the effort to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

You see, once you establish that gun ownership is a privilege for the responsible rather than a God-given right that even the most batshit crazy person who thinks he's the Joker is endowed with, it becomes harder to justify most people having them.
That's heading in the right direction, imo
intentional, illegal use of guns you get 8,124 gun murders in 2014.
That's okay with you? Really? Let's all get some more guns...

Dick Tiny lives in mortal fear of the day that society doesn't let him have a gun anymore.

Instead of working for a day when most of us are okay with him compensating for his tiny pecker because he has taken the effort to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

You see, once you establish that gun ownership is a privilege for the responsible rather than a God-given right that even the most batshit crazy person who thinks he's the Joker is endowed with, it becomes harder to justify most people having them.

We had a vast period in human history where only the "responsible" people had weapons and the little people who the "responsible" people did not believe needed was called the Dark Ages, it was slavery under the democrats in this country....and in all of the countries where there has been mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing...of the irresponsible people is called Mexico....where the "responsible" people see no need for the peasants out in the country to have guns.....even when the government with their drug cartel allies are butchering them in the thousands each year...and have recreated the quaint practice of using ovens to dispose of the dead......

The serfs didn't need weapons...their "betters" took care of them....the slaves in the democrat south did not need guns, their masters took care of them...the Jews and political opponents in Germany did not need guns...the police and the military would protect them....

Do you morons ever study actual human history........or human behavior...because the way you see the gun issue it is obvious you went to government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party....

Mass murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing only happen when people don't have guns.....

There was no Holocaust in Switzerland.....because they had 435,000 rifle and pistol armed civilians ready to resist the German invasion....the rest of Europe handed over their citizens for mass murder in German death camps because their was no way to resist....

You guys are fools.......and really, really, need to study human history and human behavior....
Yes, it's called medical school. And it lasts years and years. Any idiot can walk into a gun store and buy a gun instantly without any training or regulation.
This is, of course, false.
Hopefully you;re better versed in medicine than firearms laws.

And while we're at it, let's arm more toddlers.
Said no one, ever.

After all, they account for many of the accidental shootings in America
Care to quantify that "many"?

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