According to the IRS Trump did this

It's funny how Liberals are still foaming at the mouth about Trump's tax returns. They are no one's business except for Trump. He has paid his taxes, as opposed to most / a host of Liberals. That's all that matters.

Trump HAS paid his taxes, and Libs are demanding to see his tax returns.

Hillary 'FORGOT' to claim millions of dollars she collected from foreign donors (if she had been a Republican it would have been called 'tax fraud' / 'tax evasion') and the left has no desire to put her tax returns under the microscope....

No, Hillary Clinton Didn't 'Forget' To Report Her Foreign Millions To IRS - Breitbart

Hmm, why is that... :p
Hillary sold access in exchange for donations to her charity. And the Donald paid no taxes. I'd agree that both are unfit.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.

Maybe Trump just enjoys tweaking you libs by not releasing his tax returns, you seem obsessed with this. :laugh:
He is hiding something. Better be ready this will explode in trumpoline ass.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.
Of course he can't release them because he's rich and paid no taxes - YOU LOSER He's a WINNER, and he'll put America FIRST (_: (he has a bit of a circular argument)

Winner or whiner? He probably cheated and lie that's why he is being audited for straight 7 years. Wipe the foaming off your face.
Hillary sold access in exchange for donations to her charity. And the Donald paid no taxes. I'd agree that both are unfit.

Last I checked, complying with IRS regulations / the law and winding up paying nothing is not illegal or immoral while influence peddling IS illegal:

Influence Peddling:
Influence peddling is the illegal practice of using one's influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favours or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment. Also called traffic of influence or trading in influence.
-- I assume no one is going to take action to legally hold Hillary accountable for her blatant crimes of Influence Peddling?!

Don't blame Trump for taking advantage of the tax code dumbasses like Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel wrote into the law. Don't hate the 'playa' - hate the game!

Want everyone to pay taxes while eliminating the IRS from being used as a weapon by partisan politicians in the future? Institute a 'Fair' or 'Flat' tax.
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It's funny how Liberals are still foaming at the mouth about Trump's tax returns. They are no one's business except for Trump. He has paid his taxes, as opposed to most / a host of Liberals. That's all that matters.

Trump HAS paid his taxes, and Libs are demanding to see his tax returns.

Hillary 'FORGOT' to claim millions of dollars she collected from foreign donors (if she had been a Republican it would have been called 'tax fraud' / 'tax evasion') and the left has no desire to put her tax returns under the microscope....

No, Hillary Clinton Didn't 'Forget' To Report Her Foreign Millions To IRS - Breitbart

Hmm, why is that... :p

You don't have a clue. All presidential candidates released their tax returns except adolf trump.
Even conservative groups are demanding to release his tax returns. I'm sure you don't know that either.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.
Of course he can't release them because he's rich and paid no taxes - YOU LOSER He's a WINNER, and he'll put America FIRST (_: (he has a bit of a circular argument)

Winner or whiner? He probably cheated and lie that's why he is being audited for straight 7 years. Wipe the foaming off your face.
You wouldn't know sarcasm if it was twelve foot two by four up your anus.

I missed the sarcasm.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

If they didn't find anything wrong then there should be no problem releasing his tax returns. Correct? So why is he refusing to release his tax returns. Why? Because he is hiding something. Hillary release her tax returns.................
If you need to compare something...... Compare apple to apple not apple to slipper.

Maybe Trump just enjoys tweaking you libs by not releasing his tax returns, you seem obsessed with this. :laugh:
He is hiding something. Better be ready this will explode in trumpoline ass.
He's hiding, but he's not going to release them. Now if someone can somehow get them, then it'll hurt him. But given Hillary's secret speeches, and her selling access for donations to her foundations .....

IF people conclude Trump has no clue about what he's talking about, and he doesn't, or that he's internally inconsistent in his own positions, and he is with Russia, Iran, Syria being just one example ... you'd think Hillary would win.
You don't have a clue. All presidential candidates released their tax returns except adolf trump.
Even conservative groups are demanding to release his tax returns. I'm sure you don't know that either.

Conservatives issue do or die call on Trump to release tax returns
Then enlighten me, Charmin. Please post the link to the law that states candidates MUST legally release their tax returns. I am sure it is probably located between the laws that declare a President must release all of his personal documents and a candidate must release her G&S speech transcripts.

He's hiding, but he's not going to release them.
You libs keep accusing him of hiding something and doing something wrong, but every time I insist that you put your money where your mouth is no one provides any proof. In this country we are innocent until proven please provide the proof to support your accusations...
Hillary sold access in exchange for donations to her charity. And the Donald paid no taxes. I'd agree that both are unfit.

Last I checked, complying with IRS regulations / the law and winding up paying nothing is not illegal or immoral while influence peddling IS illegal:

Influence Peddling:
Influence peddling is the illegal practice of using one's influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favours or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment. Also called traffic of influence or trading in influence.

Don't blame Trump for taking advantage of the tax code dumbasses like Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel wrote into the law. Don't hate the 'playa' - hate the game!

Want everyone to pay taxes while eliminating the IRS from being used as a weapon by partisan politicians in the future? Institute a 'Fair' or 'Flat' tax.

If it's that simple why don't he released it? He is hiding more than that.
If it's that simple why don't he released it? He is hiding more than that.

Because you are not ENTITLED to them like you seem to think you are....and I guess that means you can't find the law that states he has to do so?!

He is hiding something'...again you liberals keep saying that without posting any evidence. If it's such an easy declaration to make it must mean you have something to back it up. Please prove it so we can all be enlightened.
He's hiding, but he's not going to release them.
You libs keep accusing him of hiding something and doing something wrong, but every time I insist that you put your money where your mouth is no one provides any proof. In this country we are innocent until proven please provide the proof to support your accusations...
I'm hardly a liberal, but the fact that he won't release what every other candidate other than Mitt released, is proof that he's hiding something.

Your logic is backwards. You require proof of what he's hiding, but the if he disclosed his returns that would just show WHAT he's hiding, and the refusal to disclose is "the hiding."
You don't have a clue. All presidential candidates released their tax returns except adolf trump.
Even conservative groups are demanding to release his tax returns. I'm sure you don't know that either.

Conservatives issue do or die call on Trump to release tax returns
Then enlighten me, Charmin. Please post the link to the law that states candidates MUST legally release their tax returns. I am sure it is probably located between the laws that declare a President must release all of his personal documents and a candidate must release her G&S speech transcripts.

He's not breaking a law by hiding his tax returns.
I'm hardly a liberal, but the fact that he won't release what every other candidate other than Mitt released, is proof that he's hiding something.

Your logic is backwards. You require proof of what he's hiding, but the if he disclosed his returns that would just show WHAT he's hiding, and the refusal to disclose is "the hiding."
WRONG. According to the law I can not walk up to Barak Obama and declare the reason he will not release his personal records is because he is hiding something and that he must release them to prove me wrong. He doesn't have to show me shit, and I am not entitled to them. In the same way as Obama's personal records are his, I am not entitled to Trump's personal records (HIS tax returns), and it's none of my business.

Again, you are accusing a man of wrong-doing. As they say, 'Put up or shut up'.
I'm hardly a liberal, but the fact that he won't release what every other candidate other than Mitt released, is proof that he's hiding something.

Your logic is backwards. You require proof of what he's hiding, but the if he disclosed his returns that would just show WHAT he's hiding, and the refusal to disclose is "the hiding."
WRONG. According to the law I can not walk up to Barak Obama and declare the reason he will not release his personal records is because he is hiding something and that he must release them to prove me wrong. He doesn't have to show me shit, and I am not entitled to them. In the same way as Obama's personal records are his, I am not entitled to Trump's personal records (HIS tax returns), and it's none of my business.

Again, you are accusing a man of wrong-doing. As they say, 'Put up or shut up'.
Well, Obama is hiding something, but no other potus candidate has released his school records BUT every other potus candidate has released tax returns, other than Mitt who was crucified for it.

I think Trump will get a pass because Hillary is obviously hiding her speeches. But anyone but the blind (meaning you) can figure out what Trump's tax returns would show and what Hillary told Wall St.
Well, Obama is hiding something, but no other potus candidate has released his school records.

No other President has ever sealed all of their personal documents ... AFTER promising to run the most transparent administration ever.

No other President has been named THE most criminally non-complaint in regards to the FOIA - 70% CRIMINALLY non-compliant...AFTER promising to run the most transparent administration ever.

For the 'most transparent administration evuh' Obama has run the most secretive administration evuh.

Obama is not alone, though. Remember how john Kerry promised - vowed - to release his military records to prove he was in Cambodia one Christmas, as opposed to what all the other guys who were there said? Americans have given up waiting for him to do so.

Again, however, Kerry - like Trump - is not legally bound to do so. Who gives a damn what's in Kerry's records. People speculated at the time, and since then, that since he never kept his promise and never released his records he was lying / hiding something. Me, personally, I don't give a crap. I am not and never was entitled to see them.
Well, Obama is hiding something, but no other potus candidate has released his school records BUT every other potus candidate has released tax returns, other than Mitt who was crucified for it.

I think Trump will get a pass because Hillary is obviously hiding her speeches. But anyone but the blind (meaning you) can figure out what Trump's tax returns would show and what Hillary told Wall St.

Nice speculative theory.

Liberals pulled the same shite with Romney.

Harry Reid admittedly LIED in his politically abusive attacks on Romney - a US citizen - from the floor of the Senate, intentionally lying about Romney's tax returns. When asked after the election why he did it Reid responded by heinously smiling and declaring, "It worked didn't it?!"

When Romney, also falsely accused of funny business in regards to his taxes, finally released his taxes, you know what it showed? The fact that Romney had contributed more in charitable contribution than Obama, Biden, Reid, and Pelosi combined.

While Trump is continuously being audited by the (Obama's) IRS, especially now that he is running against Hillary, the IRS has found nothing on Trump.

In this country people are innocent until proven guilty. You Libs seem to think Trump has done something wrong regarding his taxes - PROVE IT! The burden of proof is on the accuser. So once and for all, put up or shut up.
when you make a statement about something,it should be the posters job to back it up....the super dem did not do that.....and your link says he has been continually audited since it looks like the Bush IRS was looking at him too,not just your buddy Obama...

Has it ever occurred to you that left leaning workers might target political opponents just to be mean and nasty? I never said Bush or Obama gave a direct order to do so but consider that democratic employees of the agency might use whatever discretion they have and decide to audit anyone they don't like.
The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

The IRS investigated the Donald every year of his life and do you know what they found? Nothing! He broke no tax law whatsoever. Thank God we have these audits so that we know he is complying with the law and did nothing illegal. I can't really say the same thing about Hillary though. Where are those benghazi emails?

I beat you too it, but you've missed the point. The rich/wealthy/business pay far less percentage of their income/revenue in federal tax than you do, and the fools continue to let us do that by voting for Republicans.

Official IRS data doesn't back that up in any way. Most of the income collected from the income tax comes from the very rich. It is a fact being blasted onto every 'liberal' for about twenty years yet these 'deniers' have simply decided to turn off because it doesn't support their class-conscious theory.

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