Act of War

Most of the area has dictators because they are the only ones capable of keeping a lid on the Radical Islamic Sects.......

wrong!! Before America the entire world had been like that forever with liberal groups fighting for control of central govt so they could violently force their will on others. Our liberals are at fault for ME. They have prevented the shot heard around the world from being heard around the world. Did you ever wonder why there are no George Washington's in the Middle East?

Do you understand?
Most of the area has dictators because they are the only ones capable of keeping a lid on the Radical Islamic Sects.......

wrong!! The entire world had been like that forever with liberal groups fighting for control of central govt so they could violently force their will on others. Our liberals are at fault for ME. They have prevented the shot heard around the world from being heard around the world.

Do you understand?
I've served over there dumb ass.................And if you are referring to Peanut Head which gave birth to the place going to hell in a hand basket then I'd agree. Back then we wanted to go take their asses out for taking our people hostage...........In the 1st Gulf War we wanted to finish it then as well, with 350,000 more troops than the 2nd...................

They are ruled by Religion............Dictators by POWER..........Radical Sects challenge that power so the Dictators kill those who challenge them.............This keeps Radical Muslims in check..................By being ruthless..............................

They are ruled by Religion..

so was Europe but the conservative idea of freedom took hold there and in America. Do you understand now?? Liberalism is the evil force in the world, not religion.
Give me the history of the Caliphates.............Tell me about 732......................and the Hammer.....................And if you don't think that the current Civil Wars over there aren't driven by religion......then I reaffirm my statement that you are a dumb ass.
At this point the US has only several bad options, lead a coalition to destroy ISIS's will to continue the battle or sit back and bomb the hell out of them and hope someone else in addition to the Kurds puts some boots on the ground which is the key to a militarily victory. Possibly sending 5,000 or 10,000 US special forces working with the Kurds and Iraqis while maintaining US and Russian bombings would be enough to send ISIS fighters back to where they came from. I really don't think there's any real possibility of destroying ISIS. At best we can beat them militarily and end the battle, but of course not the war. They will just disperse into northern Africa or Yemen or someplace else like Al Qaeda has done. Terrorist groups like ISIS are completely mobile. They are not depend on any one country for their support.

The US handcuffs itself in the fight against ISIS by standing firm on its insistence that Assad must go. If the priority is ISIS, and you need boots on the ground, then it must be pointed out that they already exist on the ground in the form of the legitimate governing authority in Syria.

Your point about not being able to defeat the ISIS ideology is an obvious one and indeed they will scatter but you certainly can't allow them to have a foothold in any country such as we see in Iraq, Syria and Libya.
If it's true that Russia is sending 150,000 troops into Syria then yes, I think we should drop our insistence that Assad must go. However, Russia's primary interest is to secure the Assad regime. That means stopping rebels groups, some working with ISIS and some fighting against ISIS as well as ISIS itself. My guess is they would limit their military campaign to Syria leaving ISIS in Iraq for others to deal with and that is where the US must take the leadership role.
Russia has not shown a desire to send ground troops and if they can prop up Assad through an air campaign it's doubtful they would. Russia propping up Assad is entirely consistent with their stated position of destroying ISIS for the reasons I previously stated.
Russia has stated that they would be fine with Assad stepping down so long as it was a political solution and not coerced. I agree, the Syrian people should make the decision, not a contingency of foreign backed jihadists.
Why is it that so many US citizens feel that they retain a right to overthrow foreign governments, it's bizarre? And it always works out so well.
I haven't seen any conformation but there's a number of reports of Russia sending troops in Syria. A political solution to Putin means an election that keeps Assad in power or a candidate that Russia can control . Russia has a big investments in Syria, a large naval base that gives them access to the Mediterranean, armament manufacturing, and home for about 40,000 Russians.

End of ISIS? Putin 'sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State'
French President Calls Attacks an 'Act of War'

The French president calls attacks in Paris an 'Act of War'.

That is what it is. Nato needs to mobilize immediately and neutralize this threat with all due hostility. We aren't at terrorism, we are at war. The ENEMY has made it clear.

Nato should convene, tell the member states we need a quarter million troops and all will participate and land troops in Iraq and Syria FOR STARTERS. And it should make clear to the rest of the world get the fuck out of the way.

The real world is harsh and sometimes deadly force is required and right now is one of those times. And be clear, Nato will have forces in that region for decades to come.

The Nato charter states 'any attack on one member nation is an attack on all'. The time for half measures and yammering is now over, for good. Brutal force is now required, not by our choice but by what has been forced on us.
Unless any troops go in on the side of the Syran government, any force would be a waste of lives, money and effort. Let's go allong with the bullshit propaganda that the Syrian leader Assad is a "dictator." Consider this. Tunisia got rid of its "dictator." The result? Chaos. Libya got rid of its dictator. The result? Chaos. Egypt got rid of its dictator. The result? Civil unrest and military rule. We got rid of Iraqs dictator. The result? An ongoing disaster. Clearly helping Assad and attacking both ISIS and the rebels in Syria is the only way to go.
I agree, that is the most expedient method of dealing with ISIS. However, ISIS isn't the only priority for Russia, the US, and the nations in the region. For the US, establishing a democratic form of government is a priority, probably not so for Russia Iraq, Iran, or Turkey.

There are requirements for a democratic style government to be successful. There are a number of countries with so called democratic governments which are just facades masking a totalitarian regime that is riddled with corruption. We have seen this in Africa, Asia, and South America.

For democracy to work there must be a political culture of negotiation, compromise and accommodation. Secondly there must be a middle class. A country in which it's citizens are either rich or poor is unlikely to be able to sustain a democratic government. Lastly,the people must be ready to accept the fact that government of the people, for the people, and by the people is not an efficient form of government compared to dictatorships and other totalitarians governments of the past.
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So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

The French don't exactly have a very good military record.

My guess is that the US should do it for them, like Obama did to remove Gaddafi for them.

Yeah, the US have a great record, I mean, Vietnam, the French lost there, the US lost there.

Iraq, initial success followed by ineptitude and total and utter failure.
So what will the French do? Go into Syria and Iraq? And then what? This has been done already, and it just got worse.

The French don't exactly have a very good military record.

My guess is that the US should do it for them, like Obama did to remove Gaddafi for them.

Yeah, the US have a great record, I mean, Vietnam, the French lost there, the US lost there.

Iraq, initial success followed by ineptitude and total and utter failure.
Vietnam was lost due to Rules of engagement and not being fought as a War.............You Shall not pass this line..............Kinda like Gandolf in the Lord of the Rings in the Cave...............Had we massed forces and pushed North there was no way in hell the Viet Cong could have stopped us........Their max force was only about 250,000 men..............We fought by their rules which is why they never capitulated....................

In Iraq, the armies were destroyed...........the Civil War.......Sunni versus Shiite..........Then Petraeous changed the tactics and had a lot of it calmed down via the intel and rapid strikes against the insurgence.................The country was taken and held until another political Midget took the office................and hauled ass without leaving even a intel contingent...................

Politicians lose Wars............left to their strategies with sufficient forces............and without the ROEs you would have seen a different outcome.........refusal to Fight these battles as WWII is why this shit has grown.
Politicians lose Wars............left to their strategies with sufficient forces............and without the ROEs you would have seen a different outcome.........refusal to Fight these battles as WWII is why this shit has grown.

The problem is that you can't wage war against a tactic/ideology (terrorism/jihadi nutjobs) the same way as you wage war against a country. The evildoers don't just quit because you destroyed their industrial base, have air superiority, capture the capital etc. They simply don't care about things like that.

The only way to win is to go after the source, that means the wahabi nutjobs in Saudi Arabia and the madrasses they're sponsoring all over the world and the oil sheiks that arm the "moderate jihadis".

But that won't happen because they're your loyal allies after all

Politicians lose Wars............left to their strategies with sufficient forces............and without the ROEs you would have seen a different outcome.........refusal to Fight these battles as WWII is why this shit has grown.

The problem is that you can't wage war against a tactic/ideology (terrorism/jihadi nutjobs) the same way as you wage war against a country. The evildoers don't just quit because you destroyed their industrial base, have air superiority, capture the capital etc. They simply don't care about things like that.

The only way to win is to go after the source, that means the wahabi nutjobs in Saudi Arabia and the madrasses they're sponsoring all over the world and the oil sheiks that arm the "moderate jihadis".

But that won't happen because they're your loyal allies after all

You can't kill the ideology...........but you can sure silence some with that ideology.................They are no longer a threat in the Graveyard.............

Will more come........yep.............repeat and recycle..............
You can't kill the ideology...........but you can sure silence some with that ideology.................They are no longer a threat in the Graveyard.............

Will more come........yep.............repeat and recycle..............

And that solves..... what exactly?

History repeats it has since the 6th Century.............If you don't control the Caliphates it eventually reaches your door step................Look at the history of the Caliphates.....................

Fire Ant Strategy..........If you don't kill them from time to time they will take over your yard.........If you go out and destroy them they always come do you simply ignore it and hope it goes the historical context is that the West has always had to kill these things..................

Look up Karl the hammer............732.

As far as Vietnam..............I don't know what the hell we would have done with it after winning it.............
So, instead of leaving their own young men of fighting age there to fight, we are going to take them here and in other countries as "refugees" who are trying to escape the war, and we have some who want to send OUR guys over to that hellhole to be captured, tortured and murdered by those nuts? Not my son.
Not destroying the Caliphate early on allowed it to grow...............Standing back and not addressing it will allow this growth to grow even larger............The World needs to KILL IT..................Europe needs to get into the fight as does the rest of the world................I'm hopeful that with Russia entering it, who will not be hampered by the ROE's that our ground involvement will not be required..................Syria is after all their puppet...................

The mission creep under Obama is slowly growing....................1300 of the 82nd Airborne are now in Iraq advising? near the fight with ISIL..........and as we have seen the first Spec Op missions against ISIL as well..................Obama will not want to be EGO'd out of his Legacy there by Putin..........which means he may very well increase the size and scope of our ground forces there.

Irregardless...............the Caliphate MUST DIE..............I just hope that the rest of the world shows up in force for this one..............because they only put up TOKENS in these Wars as we pay the Lion's share of the price over and over again.
My son is young and stupid, so of course he has talked about wanting to go over there and kill terrorists, especially after this most recent French bombings. He was too young to know what was going on 9/11. I told him that not one of those losers is worth his life or the life of any decent person. Why can't Iran and the other countries get rid of this pock on the world? Why does it always have to be the US that sacrifices?
My son can't believe what cowards these guys are, targeting young people going out to enjoy themselves at a concert, and I think the story of the young American girl who was killed there really struck home for him. He couldn't believe they would kill a young attractive woman like that and thinks they are most cowardly, and he is absolutely right, but I still don't want him to ever have to go over there to that shit hole and die for those assholes.
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

and therein lies the problem.

who is the enemy?

what is the military objective? (aside from keeping us embroiled in war for the next 20 years).
It lasts because we play by rules.................and refuse to fight it like a War....................putting ROE's on our forces and getting into trying to install democracy into a Region who has no intentions of embracing our view of Democracy......................

Russia is now showing signs of going away from these rules of engagement...............

This video shows what it’s like to be almost on the receiving end of Russian carpet bombings in Syria
And if it turns out to be French nationals who self-radicalized? What, civil war?

and therein lies the problem.

who is the enemy?

what is the military objective? (aside from keeping us embroiled in war for the next 20 years).
Military objective..............same as always.................Kill the enemy or break his will to fight..................

There are plenty of enemy strong holds in Northern Syria.................Forget the collateral damage and use our heavies against these enclaves.............Most of the Syrians have long ago left the area.......................................

You will see Putin do so in the near future...................he is already doing so..........The survivors of this campaign will be in a town or city that is nothing more than a pile of rubble................Cities can be rebuilt......................This is what needs to be done.
My son can't believe what cowards these guys are, targeting young people going out to enjoy themselves at a concert, and I think the story of the young American girl who was killed there really struck home for him. He couldn't believe they would kill a young attractive woman like that and thinks they are most cowardly, and he is absolutely right, but I still don't want him to ever have to go over there to that shit hole and die for those assholes.
He would be ill advised to go in under the current administration.............who fight wars with politics instead of military strategy..............even under Bush they engaged in rules that gave advantage to the enemy............................

We have no reason for long occupations there..............kill the fire ant beds and leave before the dust settles...................It is how it should have been fought from the onset..............

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