Act of War

I'm sorry, that makes no sense to me whatsoever. I'm not seeing the logic in this solution at all. It seems like a HUGE waste of resources and lives for very LITTLE if anything in return.
Over my dead body would he join up. WE are not being attacked by another country. There is nothing to "win" here.
I've already stated that he would be better off not serving under this administration.......................Keep him home..............I have no problem with that..............

I served 10 years................and choose to post reality.....................we need to end this and via an air campaign that will hit them so hard shake the foundations of radical Islam................

I'm not in to house to house long drawn out campaigns..................bomb them into dust and leave..............

Russia is starting that tactics.............

That is not going to happen here. Those days are OVER. So no, you aren't being very realistic. :)
That is foolish IF you are referring to them attacking us on our soil.........which is what I was referring to.............

As far as the Russians............they are already carpet bombing which I have stated long ago before Russia showed up...............

I had a conversation with my brother before the War in Iraq......................I told him that we would be better off blowing the hell out of them from the air and then leave them in the dust...............HE WAS ANGRY WITH ME...............Said that WE WOULD THEN BE NO BETTER THAN THEM.................I told him I didn't care..............I said it's WAR...........and IT'S THEM OR US..........................and that we would get drawn into a long campaign and GET STUCK THERE................This happening as his son was going into the Marines..............................who is now 80% disabled due to an IED in Iraq.......................

I was right then............and I"m right now............

We are not going to bomb them into oblivion because too many "innocents" would be killed, the rest of the world would be in an uproar, etc. Also, you are not going to kill ALL the terrorists. In fact, you might even create MORE of them.
I never said it would kill them all...........It would kill a lot of them...............and most of Northern Syria has been vacated by the civilians a long time ago...........They are ghost towns in most cases..........

and to the other part of the in an UPROAR...............that is exactly why PC will destroy us.

And the children whose parents are killed are going to turn to terrorism, and their children and their children. You are just perpetuating a cycle of violence.
What needs to happen, is we need to go after whomever or whatever is funding them. Sending our guys over there is a useless exercise in futility.
The strikes on the Oil tanker trucks was exactly that............going after the oil they are selling to fund themselves..............Not only that.........they are seizing oil fields there to fund themselves.................THAT IS GOING AFTER THEIR FUNDING.
I'm sorry, that makes no sense to me whatsoever. I'm not seeing the logic in this solution at all. It seems like a HUGE waste of resources and lives for very LITTLE if anything in return.
What lives are lost on our side when the bombs are dropped from 35,000 feet..............
I'm sorry, that makes no sense to me whatsoever. I'm not seeing the logic in this solution at all. It seems like a HUGE waste of resources and lives for very LITTLE if anything in return.
What lives are lost on our side when the bombs are dropped from 35,000 feet..............

Planes getting shot down, terror attacks (like the Russian airliner) . . . I'm sorry but I think it is a terrible idea and that the best thing we could do (which is also probably not very realistic) is to completely wash out hands of that part of the world. We really don't need them at all. We get a VERY small percentage of our oil from that part of the world.
It doesn't end there..............It is the Paris attack......................It is the Mali attack....................and unless we want to see that on a regular basis we had better deal with it.......................It needs to end...............and not by the ROE's...........................and not by long invasions......................

They will continue to do these types of attacks and we will pay a price for ignoring it again.................It's not a matter of if...........but when.................This fight will come to our shores until we drop the hammer on them...............History of the Caliphate...........shows this will happen.............History repeats..........

It's NOT going to happen that way, and you know it. It will be another long and drawn out war where thousands of OUR guys get killed for nothing. Everything is not always up to US to solve. Let someone else deal with it. What we should be doing is working on a way to completely wash our hands of that entire region. We should be not accepting immigrants from that part of the world, no embassies, no trying to make "friends." They say the problem is that we keep "interfering." So? Let's stop interfering Let them work out ALL of their own problems unless they DIRECTLY affect the United States in a very negative way.
I know that the politicians will not make the right decisions.............................I have said WHAT I'D DO.....................and what MANY GENERALS HAVE SAID NEEDS TO BE DONE............

PC will end us............

We would have to either nuke the place into oblivion (which isn't going to happen) or we would have to occupy those "territories" for years and years and years.
We wouldn't have to Nuke them....................Carpet bombing is very effective and can destroy entire cities...........doesn't cost as much.......................

And we have no need for a long occupation there..........................and again....................all of that may be unnecessary Russia may very well do exactly what I'm saying.........................

Time will tell.

You think you can just go over there, bomb them and kill them (even innocents and their families) and that is going to SOLVE the problem with terrorism and not make it worse?
I have stated that most of the people have left the Northern areas of Syria already............which is what I'm referring to.
It's NOT going to happen that way, and you know it. It will be another long and drawn out war where thousands of OUR guys get killed for nothing. Everything is not always up to US to solve. Let someone else deal with it. What we should be doing is working on a way to completely wash our hands of that entire region. We should be not accepting immigrants from that part of the world, no embassies, no trying to make "friends." They say the problem is that we keep "interfering." So? Let's stop interfering Let them work out ALL of their own problems unless they DIRECTLY affect the United States in a very negative way.
I know that the politicians will not make the right decisions.............................I have said WHAT I'D DO.....................and what MANY GENERALS HAVE SAID NEEDS TO BE DONE............

PC will end us............

We would have to either nuke the place into oblivion (which isn't going to happen) or we would have to occupy those "territories" for years and years and years.
We wouldn't have to Nuke them....................Carpet bombing is very effective and can destroy entire cities...........doesn't cost as much.......................

And we have no need for a long occupation there..........................and again....................all of that may be unnecessary Russia may very well do exactly what I'm saying.........................

Time will tell.

You think you can just go over there, bomb them and kill them (even innocents and their families) and that is going to SOLVE the problem with terrorism and not make it worse?
I have stated that most of the people have left the Northern areas of Syria already............which is what I'm referring to.

Well then who are you bombing? :D The terrorists? Well, they have family and connections. If you think that you can just bomb people and they aren't going to retaliate against you, then . . . I don't know what to say.
I'm sorry, that makes no sense to me whatsoever. I'm not seeing the logic in this solution at all. It seems like a HUGE waste of resources and lives for very LITTLE if anything in return.
What lives are lost on our side when the bombs are dropped from 35,000 feet..............

Planes getting shot down, terror attacks (like the Russian airliner) . . . I'm sorry but I think it is a terrible idea and that the best thing we could do (which is also probably not very realistic) is to completely wash out hands of that part of the world. We really don't need them at all. We get a VERY small percentage of our oil from that part of the world.
Our military is conducting 2 dozen sorties a day over there now..........for a very long time now.............Not a single plane has been shot down...........
I'm sorry, that makes no sense to me whatsoever. I'm not seeing the logic in this solution at all. It seems like a HUGE waste of resources and lives for very LITTLE if anything in return.
What lives are lost on our side when the bombs are dropped from 35,000 feet..............

Planes getting shot down, terror attacks (like the Russian airliner) . . . I'm sorry but I think it is a terrible idea and that the best thing we could do (which is also probably not very realistic) is to completely wash out hands of that part of the world. We really don't need them at all. We get a VERY small percentage of our oil from that part of the world.
Our military is conducting 2 dozen sorties a day over there now..........for a very long time now.............Not a single plane has been shot down...........

But we are a target for terrorism because we keep meddling over there, and for what? Is it worth it?
I know that the politicians will not make the right decisions.............................I have said WHAT I'D DO.....................and what MANY GENERALS HAVE SAID NEEDS TO BE DONE............

PC will end us............

We would have to either nuke the place into oblivion (which isn't going to happen) or we would have to occupy those "territories" for years and years and years.
We wouldn't have to Nuke them....................Carpet bombing is very effective and can destroy entire cities...........doesn't cost as much.......................

And we have no need for a long occupation there..........................and again....................all of that may be unnecessary Russia may very well do exactly what I'm saying.........................

Time will tell.

You think you can just go over there, bomb them and kill them (even innocents and their families) and that is going to SOLVE the problem with terrorism and not make it worse?
I have stated that most of the people have left the Northern areas of Syria already............which is what I'm referring to.

Well then who are you bombing? :D The terrorists? Well, they have family and connections. If you think that you can just bomb people and they aren't going to retaliate against you, then . . . I don't know what to say.

Then we will disagree and this war will last forever..................If you want to break their will.........this needs to be done.............We'll disagree.
If we are going to do anything at all, it should be to go after their funding and that's all. Anything else is a waste of time and isn't really a solution. You are never going to kill all the terrorists. New ones are born every day, multiple times a day I'm sure. They are spread out all OVER the globe too. Something happens to a Muslim in one country, and Muslims in countries over the world react.
We would have to either nuke the place into oblivion (which isn't going to happen) or we would have to occupy those "territories" for years and years and years.
We wouldn't have to Nuke them....................Carpet bombing is very effective and can destroy entire cities...........doesn't cost as much.......................

And we have no need for a long occupation there..........................and again....................all of that may be unnecessary Russia may very well do exactly what I'm saying.........................

Time will tell.

You think you can just go over there, bomb them and kill them (even innocents and their families) and that is going to SOLVE the problem with terrorism and not make it worse?
I have stated that most of the people have left the Northern areas of Syria already............which is what I'm referring to.

Well then who are you bombing? :D The terrorists? Well, they have family and connections. If you think that you can just bomb people and they aren't going to retaliate against you, then . . . I don't know what to say.

Then we will disagree and this war will last forever..................If you want to break their will.........this needs to be done.............We'll disagree.

What war? I don't WANT to have a war. That is your idea. I am saying NO war.
I'm sorry, that makes no sense to me whatsoever. I'm not seeing the logic in this solution at all. It seems like a HUGE waste of resources and lives for very LITTLE if anything in return.
What lives are lost on our side when the bombs are dropped from 35,000 feet..............

Planes getting shot down, terror attacks (like the Russian airliner) . . . I'm sorry but I think it is a terrible idea and that the best thing we could do (which is also probably not very realistic) is to completely wash out hands of that part of the world. We really don't need them at all. We get a VERY small percentage of our oil from that part of the world.
Our military is conducting 2 dozen sorties a day over there now..........for a very long time now.............Not a single plane has been shot down...........

But we are a target for terrorism because we keep meddling over there, and for what? Is it worth it?
Radical Islam has been doing this before we were even a nation............go back to the the Time of Jefferson and the Battle of Tripoli...........same things we are saying today were being said back then.
We wouldn't have to Nuke them....................Carpet bombing is very effective and can destroy entire cities...........doesn't cost as much.......................

And we have no need for a long occupation there..........................and again....................all of that may be unnecessary Russia may very well do exactly what I'm saying.........................

Time will tell.

You think you can just go over there, bomb them and kill them (even innocents and their families) and that is going to SOLVE the problem with terrorism and not make it worse?
I have stated that most of the people have left the Northern areas of Syria already............which is what I'm referring to.

Well then who are you bombing? :D The terrorists? Well, they have family and connections. If you think that you can just bomb people and they aren't going to retaliate against you, then . . . I don't know what to say.

Then we will disagree and this war will last forever..................If you want to break their will.........this needs to be done.............We'll disagree.

What war? I don't WANT to have a war. That is your idea. I am saying NO war.
We've been at War over there since the 70's............9/11 and terror attacks made War. NOT MY IDEA................How it was fought..........NOT MY IDEA.......

We will disagree.....................

If Russia does what I think they'll they have started doing so.............we may see whether I'm right or not in Syria...............
You think you can just go over there, bomb them and kill them (even innocents and their families) and that is going to SOLVE the problem with terrorism and not make it worse?
I have stated that most of the people have left the Northern areas of Syria already............which is what I'm referring to.

Well then who are you bombing? :D The terrorists? Well, they have family and connections. If you think that you can just bomb people and they aren't going to retaliate against you, then . . . I don't know what to say.

Then we will disagree and this war will last forever..................If you want to break their will.........this needs to be done.............We'll disagree.

What war? I don't WANT to have a war. That is your idea. I am saying NO war.
We've been at War over there since the 70's............9/11 and terror attacks made War. NOT MY IDEA................How it was fought..........NOT MY IDEA.......

We will disagree.....................

If Russia does what I think they'll they have started doing so.............we may see whether I'm right or not in Syria...............

Well, thank you for a civil discussion. :)
So, instead of leaving their own young men of fighting age there to fight, we are going to take them here and in other countries as "refugees" who are trying to escape the war, and we have some who want to send OUR guys over to that hellhole to be captured, tortured and murdered by those nuts? Not my son.
77% of the Syrian refugees are women and children
Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
My son can't believe what cowards these guys are, targeting young people going out to enjoy themselves at a concert, and I think the story of the young American girl who was killed there really struck home for him. He couldn't believe they would kill a young attractive woman like that and thinks they are most cowardly, and he is absolutely right, but I still don't want him to ever have to go over there to that shit hole and die for those assholes.
He would be ill advised to go in under the current administration.............who fight wars with politics instead of military strategy..............even under Bush they engaged in rules that gave advantage to the enemy............................

We have no reason for long occupations there..............kill the fire ant beds and leave before the dust settles...................It is how it should have been fought from the onset..............

NOBODY should be "advised" to go there. Let the Arabs and the others deal with it. We don't want to send our kids over there to die, and for WHAT?
It doesn't end there..............It is the Paris attack......................It is the Mali attack....................and unless we want to see that on a regular basis we had better deal with it.......................It needs to end...............and not by the ROE's...........................and not by long invasions......................

They will continue to do these types of attacks and we will pay a price for ignoring it again.................It's not a matter of if...........but when.................This fight will come to our shores until we drop the hammer on them...............History of the Caliphate...........shows this will happen.............History repeats..........

It's NOT going to happen that way, and you know it. It will be another long and drawn out war where thousands of OUR guys get killed for nothing. Everything is not always up to US to solve. Let someone else deal with it. What we should be doing is working on a way to completely wash our hands of that entire region. We should be not accepting immigrants from that part of the world, no embassies, no trying to make "friends." They say the problem is that we keep "interfering." So? Let's stop interfering Let them work out ALL of their own problems unless they DIRECTLY affect the United States in a very negative way.
The US is now blowing the hell out the remaining Syrian oil field while the Russians are launching missiles at over a dozen targets in Syria. These air strikes will cripple ISIS but they won't drive them out of the country of them. I think eventually, the Russians are going to put enough troops on the ground to secure most of Syria. This will make Russia a major player in Middle East.
I've already stated that he would be better off not serving under this administration.......................Keep him home..............I have no problem with that..............

I served 10 years................and choose to post reality.....................we need to end this and via an air campaign that will hit them so hard shake the foundations of radical Islam................

I'm not in to house to house long drawn out campaigns..................bomb them into dust and leave..............

Russia is starting that tactics.............

That is not going to happen here. Those days are OVER. So no, you aren't being very realistic. :)
That is foolish IF you are referring to them attacking us on our soil.........which is what I was referring to.............

As far as the Russians............they are already carpet bombing which I have stated long ago before Russia showed up...............

I had a conversation with my brother before the War in Iraq......................I told him that we would be better off blowing the hell out of them from the air and then leave them in the dust...............HE WAS ANGRY WITH ME...............Said that WE WOULD THEN BE NO BETTER THAN THEM.................I told him I didn't care..............I said it's WAR...........and IT'S THEM OR US..........................and that we would get drawn into a long campaign and GET STUCK THERE................This happening as his son was going into the Marines..............................who is now 80% disabled due to an IED in Iraq.......................

I was right then............and I"m right now............

We are not going to bomb them into oblivion because too many "innocents" would be killed, the rest of the world would be in an uproar, etc. Also, you are not going to kill ALL the terrorists. In fact, you might even create MORE of them.
I never said it would kill them all...........It would kill a lot of them...............and most of Northern Syria has been vacated by the civilians a long time ago...........They are ghost towns in most cases..........

and to the other part of the in an UPROAR...............that is exactly why PC will destroy us.

And the children whose parents are killed are going to turn to terrorism, and their children and their children. You are just perpetuating a cycle of violence.
Losing a parent does not make them a terrorist. It's how they are treated after the loss. If they are treated as unwanted baggage in refugee camps and eventually tossed on streets to fend for themselves, they will most probably either end up in a terrorist or criminal organization. We may not want them in our country but terrorist organization welcome them.

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