Active shooter inside an Atlanta hospital.

And strangely, none of that was mentioned by the member of the well-regulated militia that just sold an assault rifle no questions asked .

Please watch the video and tell me this isn't a way around any gun law ever written.
I don't have to watch the video .. it is established law in most states that private sales don't require background checks.

Maybe they should outlaw crime and it will just go away? By the way, the Supreme Court already ruled it was an individual right ... so the well-regulated militia aspect is just hearsay for people that don't understand basic government and law.

Now tell me .. what law was thwarted?
It's one of them ...... imagine that.

I don't have to watch the video .. it is established law in most states that private sales don't require background checks.
Yet the video, the guy didn't even ask for ID. But feel free to stay stupid. Its served us so well in the past.
Maybe they should outlaw crime and it will just go away? By the way, the Supreme Court already ruled it was an individual right ... so the well-regulated militia aspect is just hearsay for people that don't understand basic government and law.

Now tell me .. what law was thwarted?
Other nations have solved the gun problem. We simply refuse to do so.

Maybe we should adopt their best practices...this is what any other business on earth would do.

You run a tire shop and the guy down the street runs a tire shop. You have an issue with your tires rotting in the sunlight and your customers are constantly having blow outs. The guy down the street keeps his tires in covered area and doesn't have the problem...are you going to simply keep doing what you're doing or change because they have a better idea.
Yet the video, the guy didn't even ask for ID. But feel free to stay stupid. Its served us so well in the past.
if it's a private sale .. that's not required ... pretty established law.
Other nations have solved the gun problem. We simply refuse to do so.
The United States is completely different than any other nation -- including freedom of speech and the right to defend oneself with a firearm. Why do we care what any other nation does?

Maybe we should adopt their best practices...this is what any other business on earth would do.

You run a tire shop and the guy down the street runs a tire shop. You have an issue with your tires rotting in the sunlight and your customers are constantly having blow outs. The guy down the street keeps his tires in covered area and doesn't have the problem...are you going to simply keep doing what you're doing or change because they have a better idea.
Is this your non-answer answer? What law was broken with a private sale?
if it's a private sale .. that's not required ... pretty established law. if some middle eastern terrorist were making the purchase and told the dealer that he was coming to your house'd be just fine with it.
The United States is completely different than any other nation -- including freedom of speech and the right to defend oneself with a firearm. Why do we care what any other nation does?
Because they do it better and they don't have the daily bloodbaths. Hopefully, you're not into that sort of thing...enjoying someone else getting blown away who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What an idiotic question.

PS: Other nations have freedom...without the bloodbaths.
One day FTF sales will be limited to interfamilial only , and perhaps a Drug Screening will be required with every 4473 Form ( with Special attention given to SSRIs & Illegal Drugs ) if some middle eastern terrorist were making the purchase and told the dealer that he was coming to your house'd be just fine with it.
Sounds like a logical fallacy to me .. assuming I would support an illegal transaction. I suggest you stop with these logical fallacy and ask legitimate questions.

Because they do it better and they don't have the daily bloodbaths. Hopefully, you're not into that sort of thing...enjoying someone else getting blown away who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What an idiotic question.

PS: Other nations have freedom...without the bloodbaths.
Every other nation does not have the freedoms the United States has ... prove me wrong.

Freedom of Speech
Freedom to Protect Yourself (2nd Amendment)

are two rights we have that no other country has ..
Sounds like a logical fallacy to me .. assuming I would support an illegal transaction. I suggest you stop with these logical fallacy and ask legitimate questions. support illegal transactions all the time if you're in favor of the gunshow loophole (assuming that someone would be in favor of the loophole being closed)
Every other nation does not have the freedoms the United States has ... prove me wrong.
Did I say "every other nation"? Nope. Nice try at moving the goalposts.
Freedom of Speech
Freedom to Protect Yourself (2nd Amendment)

are two rights we have that no other country has ..
No other nation has freedom of speech? Really? support illegal transactions all the time if you're in favor of the gunshow loophole (assuming that someone would be in favor of the loophole being closed)
Sigh .. the "gun show loophole" is a private sale ... nothing illegal about that. If I sell or give a firearm to my friend .. it's exactly the same as the scary "gun show loophole."
Did I say "every other nation"? Nope. Nice try at moving the goalposts.

No other nation has freedom of speech? Really?
Tell me a nation that has freedom of speech like the United States.
Illegal immigrant, deported 5 times, multiple felon and you blame the gun. Of course.

So, being an illegal immigrant instantly makes someone kill people? Or being deported makes someone killed people?

Also Deion Patterson probably isn't an illegal immigrant.

Also, it's pretty obvious that guns in the hands of certain people is a HUGE MISTAKE.

We're seeing it daily.

Thirteen shootings this year of 5 people or more, according to this, and we're only 4 months into the year and this probably excludes gangland killings.

That's literally one every ten days or so.

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