Adam Kokesh to run for president

Everyone always considers "the radical ...." to be someone else.

You ever heard anyone say "I'm a racist"?
But we all know racists exist.

You ever heard anyone say, "I'm a horrible driver" ?
And yet we all know that many horrible drivers exist.

Not very many people (even on the extremes) consider themselves extremists.
Even when they support a felon for president.
The "real" extremists are "the other guys"

Go figure.

All libertarians are not extremists. Some are.
Bush had a criminal record....telling me all those that voted for him are extremists? I figured they were just idiots.
No one is freaking out for it..I find it amusing and he would have my vote no doubt about that. But it is funny to see people freaking out about him running that don't like him..they act like he has a chance in hell of winning.

Yeah keep telling yourself that:)
Telling myself what kiddo?

Great, that's just what the libertarian movement needs. An asshole malcontent who has the gall to exploit his military service in order to degrade the service of the rest of us. I really don't like the bastard at all.

Yet he would be an improvement over just about anyone the republicrats have offered, and infinitely better than any democrook.

Too bad he won't even be a whisper in the grand scheme of things, and now that the tinfoil messiah has retired the only ones left to represent libertarians are just as loony as Nanzi Pillousy.

Yes. I left the LIbertarian Party because it consists of armchair intellectuals who have been addled reading Ayn Rand. The only thing they're good for is knocking candidates who want to move the country in the right direction and understand it will necessarily be a slow process.
So you were never a real libertarian...nuff said.

Yes. Real libertarians do nothing but build castles in the air in the wan hope Howard Roark will move into one of them. Totally useless. I'm a constitutional conservative.
I wouldn't vote for him for one simple reason - he's no different than most of the politicians we currently have in Washington. :eusa_whistle:

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