Administration people say Inflation is deliberate... to make more people dependent on government


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021

I knew this a long time ago. If following news for a long time doesn't make you cynical, nothing will
The democrat party has been all about making people dependent on the handouts from the government. IT makes them easier to control when they control your ability to feed you. Control the food, the heat, and everything else and they control you. Welfare destroys the family unit and look what it has done to black youth being raised fatherless. Nothing they do is to help people; it is always a way to control them...

I knew this a long time ago. If following news for a long time doesn't make you cynical, nothing will
You had me worried, for a moment with that attention getting headline, until I cheated, by actually listening to the interview, only to find out the headline is purely an outright lie. Nowhere in the interview, does Secretary Buttigieg, say anything remotely like that.
The democrat party has been all about making people dependent on the handouts from the government. IT makes them easier to control when they control your ability to feed you. Control the food, the heat, and everything else and they control you. Welfare destroys the family unit and look what it has done to black youth being raised fatherless. Nothing they do is to help people; it is always a way to control them...
pres johnson pretty much admitted this

he spoke of giving Blacks a lot of welfare to "have those N*****s voting for us [Dems] for 200 years"
You had me worried, for a moment with that attention getting headline, until I cheated, by actually listening to the interview, only to find out the headline is purely an outright lie. Nowhere in the interview, does Secretary Buttigieg, say anything remotely like that.
So more government spending and gun control doesn't equal more government control? What video interview did you watch again?
So more government spending and gun control doesn't equal more government control? What video interview did you watch again?
Why change the subject now? Just because somebody posted an outrageous headline in someplace called but used an interview, that basically was the opposite of the headline? Why bother? So choosing the wrong interview for example, by the guy looked like an amateur unsupported post on a message board. Big deal. If it makes it hard to argue what you want to argue, you can always abandon and easily start a new thread. I am pretty sure, with the plethora of right leaning publications out there, you should have no problem finding one, possibly of better support of their own headline.
Yours is an admirable and interest thing to debate, just not what the thread was about, as Secretary Pete never said what the headline said.
Why change the subject now? Just because somebody posted an outrageous headline in someplace called but used an interview, that basically was the opposite of the headline? Why bother? So choosing the wrong interview for example, by the guy looked like an amateur unsupported post on a message board. Big deal. If it makes it hard to argue what you want to argue, you can always abandon and easily start a new thread. I am pretty sure, with the plethora of right leaning publications out there, you should have no problem finding one, possibly of better support of their own headline.
Yours is an admirable and interest thing to debate, just not what the thread was about, as Secretary Pete never said what the headline said.
It's an opinion piece correctly reading between the gaslit lines of leftist bullshit.
oh look... the lying left calling someone dishonest
Not dishonest necessarily. Maybe just somebody that got in a hurry to do an inflammatory headline, as if breaking news, but picked the wrong vid to prove their point. A little surprising for an online news article, but we've seen it here on the board time and time again. I have no doubt, our guy rightnow909 had every reason to believe the posted vid would say that, and yes, it would have been big news, if Secretary Pete had said it. I can't say as much for the guy, as he actually picked that video and made up that headline, knowing they had nothing to do with any admission of that type. Drudge report got famous for that crap of using a sensational headline that people would remember and internalize to a degree, without ever looking past the headline. All those people that talked about those headlines around the water cooler or in the break room were not being dishonest. They just didn't know the headlines were not proven or sometimes not even about what was inside.
. Drudge report got famous for that crap of using a sensational headline that people would remember and internalize to a degree, without ever looking past the headline. All those people that talked about those headlines around the water cooler or in the break room were not being dishonest. They just didn't know the headlines were not proven or sometimes not even about what was inside.
oh my... once again I notice how a leftist is focusing on conservative news people being something less than honest, which I don't know bc I am not all that familiar with Drudge...

but... you guys watch cnn (sued for false reporting several times)


enough said...

oh my... once again I notice how a leftist is focusing on conservative news people being something less than honest, which I don't know bc I am not all that familiar with Drudge...

but... you guys watch cnn (sued for false reporting several times)


enough said...

I religiously read The Drudge Report almost from beginning to end before ever getting on this message board. Been reading it steady since the Bill Clinton scandal days. You got the wrong guy. I just happen to know what I am posting before I post it, never taking headlines as gospel until seeing what is inside the headline. In this case, it was posted right over a video of Secretary Pete, lasting over 7 minutes on a major new organization, only he did not say at anytime what the headlineusa guy claimed in his title. I suspect he was a better Mayor than Transportation Secretary, but he is definitely not prone to that kind of misspeaking. Speaking being all well and good, but if I had my druthers, I'd druther he was a better Transportation Secretary and had been able to get a handle on the ports and logistic problem caused by the pandemic, but he didn't. So, he is just an inexperienced cabinet level Secretary, that speaks well, but not necessarily setting any high notes for performance of the job he was appointed too, though a good speaker. That is better than some in the administration, as an example, there is the VP. She is pretty mediocre or worse at her job and that is even if you viewed her job as supporting administration goals, but she is a lousy speaker, with poor judgement speaking publicly or being interviewed, to boot.

I knew this a long time ago. If following news for a long time doesn't make you cynical, nothing will

It is part of a deliberate plan by corporate America to gouge consumers.

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