African Presence in Pre-Columbian Times

ok, that makes more sense, and would explain the asian eye slant

still, how would they get here?

Cop out answer, the same way they got to Australia and Borneo.

There is a huge amount of speculation, drifting ice burgs; drifting land masses, a bridge between Australia and and South America via Antarctica. The last is the most likely, and geographical evidence supports the idea that continental shift is responsible for the dispersion of humans. 60,000 years ago, Antarctica was far North of it's present location and there could have been ice bridges linking both Australia and South America.
My grand parents on both sides told me stories of Native American ancestors and also Africans that were here before Europeans found their way over. I am not descended from any of the original Blacks that I know of but I was wondering if anyone else was aware of this?

There is a tribe in Louisiana that won a US court case and was given some of their land back and they are Africans. Officially they are not recognized by the US despite this court case but are recognized by the UN. - BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA

The experience of the Washitaw Nation (or Ouchita Nation) of the Southern United States is another piece of solid evidence for the fact of pre-Columbian African presence and settlement in the Americas and specifically in the United States. According to an article carried in the magazine, 'The Freedom Press Newsletter, (Spring, 1996), reprinted from Earthways, The Newsleter of the Sojourner Truth Farm School (August, 1995), the Washitaw were
(and still are) a nation of Africans who existed in the Southern U.S. and Mississippi Valley region long before the 16th century Europeans arrived and even before there were "Native Americans" on the lands the Washitaw once occupied and still occupy today.

i suppose it is possible that the vikings brought some along for the ride

after one of their trips into North Africa
ok, that makes more sense, and would explain the asian eye slant

still, how would they get here?

Cop out answer, the same way they got to Australia and Borneo.

There is a huge amount of speculation, drifting ice burgs; drifting land masses, a bridge between Australia and and South America via Antarctica. The last is the most likely, and geographical evidence supports the idea that continental shift is responsible for the dispersion of humans. 60,000 years ago, Antarctica was far North of it's present location and there could have been ice bridges linking both Australia and South America.

I actually saw a special on how they got to Aus

They knew it was there, probably b/c they could see the smoke from forest fires.

Land bridge? from 60k years ago?


I'll need a link for that one.

People don't arrive by accident and set up jack shit
thats an asian


How about this?


where was that found?

Looks early Aztec

that thing on that guys head is a helmet

a viking helmet

the vikings did not wear "Horned" helmets

but rather iron pots like this one

or, it could be how he cuts his hair


Link me another image of a LARGE stone face of a viking, and I'll buy what you say



no size referance
cone head, not pot
one has a beard, typical of Vikings, the other is shaved, very not viking

yes that was an artifact found depicting a dude with a helmet

but do notice the little curly things going around the back

there was several types of helmets the one in the first picture

is a viking helmet as is this one


pretty much only the richer ones afforded a iron pot
Sounds a little like the alleged Welsh connection to the Mandan tribe in the upper Midwest. The shortest route to the New World would have been to modern day Brazil, but it wasn't until the 1400's that anyone could figure out how to navigate around the western bulge of Africa, let alone cross the entire Atlantic Ocean.

Actually if you know about the currents in the Atlantic ocean (formerly the Ethiopian Ocean) Africans sailing from West Africa would hit Mexico. It has been said if you threw a stick in the ocean at a certain point it would float to the Americas in less than 2 months. Africa is the closest and easiest to navigate to the Americas.

There is also evidence Africans were the Olmecs or greatly influenced the Olmec culture. This would fall in line with the Black Indian tribes saying they came from the south.


Yeah I was going to post that.

well done
Olmecs were the ones who left behind artifacts w/ African-looking features and yes, they predated the Vikings forays into the America's by a country mile

Olmec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Olmec flourished during Mesoamerica's Formative period, dating roughly from as early as 1500 BCE to about 400 BCE.

yes they beat the vikings by a long shot

but not the Solutrean

Or the Soul Train!

[ame=]Soul Train LIne Dance to Curtis Mayfield Get Down - YouTube[/ame]

You're missing the obvious. The Vikings were African.
My grand parents on both sides told me stories of Native American ancestors and also Africans that were here before Europeans found their way over. I am not descended from any of the original Blacks that I know of but I was wondering if anyone else was aware of this?

There is a tribe in Louisiana that won a US court case and was given some of their land back and they are Africans. Officially they are not recognized by the US despite this court case but are recognized by the UN. - BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA

The experience of the Washitaw Nation (or Ouchita Nation) of the Southern United States is another piece of solid evidence for the fact of pre-Columbian African presence and settlement in the Americas and specifically in the United States. According to an article carried in the magazine, 'The Freedom Press Newsletter, (Spring, 1996), reprinted from Earthways, The Newsleter of the Sojourner Truth Farm School (August, 1995), the Washitaw were
(and still are) a nation of Africans who existed in the Southern U.S. and Mississippi Valley region long before the 16th century Europeans arrived and even before there were "Native Americans" on the lands the Washitaw once occupied and still occupy today.

You're a stupid guy - a racist. And like all racists, you're a complete and utter moron.

There were Negroid people in America before the Asiatics arrived, this is well know, anthropological fact.

BBC News | Sci/Tech | 'First Americans were Australian'

BUT the idiocy you promote that some African group circumnavigated the globe before the Europeans is an absurdity.

The black race in the Americas was indigenous, and related to Australian aborigines rather than to Africans. The Asiatic invaders (American Indians) engaged in a near total genocide of these first people.

Why are the Aborigines called Australian? Because white people made up racial categories. Thats why. I preface this by saying we already know this is wrong so how are you going to base anything on something thats wrong?

This guy isnt Black?


or this blond child?

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where was that found?

Looks early Aztec

that thing on that guys head is a helmet

a viking helmet

the vikings did not wear "Horned" helmets

but rather iron pots like this one


Why is that black guy wearing a Viking helmet?


actually dot com is correct it is group from mexico

since the artifact was found in the southern United States

as you may or may not know the vikings did travel to North Africa
that thing on that guys head is a helmet

a viking helmet

the vikings did not wear "Horned" helmets

but rather iron pots like this one


Why is that black guy wearing a Viking helmet?


actually dot com is correct it is group from mexico

since the artifact was found in the southern United States

as you may or may not know the vikings did travel to North Africa

I know the Viking were the first Europeans here. Something stinks about that fact too. Why are we still celebrating Columbus day again?
Sounds a little like the alleged Welsh connection to the Mandan tribe in the upper Midwest. The shortest route to the New World would have been to modern day Brazil, but it wasn't until the 1400's that anyone could figure out how to navigate around the western bulge of Africa, let alone cross the entire Atlantic Ocean.

Actually if you know about the currents in the Atlantic ocean (formerly the Ethiopian Ocean) Africans sailing from West Africa would hit Mexico. It has been said if you threw a stick in the ocean at a certain point it would float to the Americas in less than 2 months. Africa is the closest and easiest to navigate to the Americas.

There is also evidence Africans were the Olmecs or greatly influenced the Olmec culture. This would fall in line with the Black Indian tribes saying they came from the south.


Yeah I was going to post that.

well done


some attribute this to the Vikings but it still wouldn't predate African southern contact in central America

Newport Tower (Rhode Island) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is commonly considered to have been a windmill built in the mid-17th century. However, the tower has received attention due to speculation that it is actually several centuries older and represents evidence of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact.

Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why are we still celebrating Columbus day again?

Go back and finish Jr high and you'll know.

I did. They told me he discovered America which is not named after him and i saw the picture in the history book of Native Americans peering out of the bushes. I asked the teacher how was it he discovered America and the Indians were looking at him from the bushes? I got sent to the office and the teacher got red in the face.

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