After Admitting Fatal Flaw in Electric Vehicles, the REAL Green Car Agenda Is Coming Out


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Of course, it was always about control and taking away personal liberty. 'Scientific American' admits it.


And they’re already in the process of planting the seeds so they can normalize this draconian mindset. According to Scientific American [emphasis added]:

The transition to electric vehicles could lead to lithium shortages unless the United States and other countries overhaul their transportation systems and move away from private cars as the primary means of travel.

Simply converting the existing U.S. car fleet to battery-powered electric vehicles, for example, would require three times more lithium by 2050 than the world currently produces, according to new research from the University of California, Davis, and the Climate and Community Project.

A spike in lithium demand could cause other problems too, such as greater environmental damage and worsening international tension over supplies of the metal, which is primarily mined outside the United States.

The report argues that broader changes in the transportation system, combined with intensive recycling of lithium batteries, could drastically cut into lithium demand. Some suggestions include greater use of mass transit, denser urban development and micromobility solutions such as electric bikes and scooters.

On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I broke down what this really means and why their endgame is to get rid of all personal cars other than the ones the elites own. I highlighted how the three suggestions made in the article are all tied to The Great Reset. Greater use of mass transit is clearly a goal of the powers-that-be who can more easily control our movements by stuffing us in trains and buses like sardines.

“Denser urban development” has always been a goal of theirs. They want us in overcrowded cities so they can keep tabs on the masses. Moreover, they want these to be “15-minute cities” so the people can walk everywhere and not notice how immobile they really are.

As for electric bikes and scooters, the implication is obvious. While they prance around in their super-expensive electric vehicles free from the elements and safe from the public, the rest of us are supposed to zip around like 5th graders on crowded streets in the rain, heat, or snow.​

Of course, it was always about control and taking away personal liberty. 'Scientific American' admits it.

And they’re already in the process of planting the seeds so they can normalize this draconian mindset. According to Scientific American [emphasis added]:
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I broke down what this really means and why their endgame is to get rid of all personal cars other than the ones the elites own. I highlighted how the three suggestions made in the article are all tied to The Great Reset. Greater use of mass transit is clearly a goal of the powers-that-be who can more easily control our movements by stuffing us in trains and buses like sardines.​
“Denser urban development” has always been a goal of theirs. They want us in overcrowded cities so they can keep tabs on the masses. Moreover, they want these to be “15-minute cities” so the people can walk everywhere and not notice how immobile they really are.​
As for electric bikes and scooters, the implication is obvious. While they prance around in their super-expensive electric vehicles free from the elements and safe from the public, the rest of us are supposed to zip around like 5th graders on crowded streets in the rain, heat, or snow.​

Yep, and the government does all it can to thwart lithium mining in the US. The Biden admin has severely limited mining in MN dealing a near fatal blow to the efforts around Duluth while throwing stumbling blocks before a new mine in NV. TX mining is being restricted to the point that Elon Musk is negotiating back door deals in order to obtain lithium in that state. The only operational mine for lithium in the US currently is at the Silver Peak mine in NV.
You think car manufacturers would let this occur without a massive fight? the private auto industry supports millions of jobs, just count the ways from insurance, dealers, mechanics, manufacturing, car part/accessories/oil canisters etc
You think car manufacturers would let this occur without a massive fight? the private auto industry supports millions of jobs, just count the ways from insurance, dealers, mechanics, manufacturing, car part/accessories/oil canisters etc
They have met a surprisingly successful foe in the Biden admin, backed by the WEF.
A people with freedom of movement, freedom of association, freedom of self defense, and freedom of economic decisions is annoying to those benevolent creatures who run our government. We often get in the way of their agenda which is created solely for our own good.

We could make it much easier for them to take care of us if we just gave up those annoying freedoms and did what we were told.

A people with freedom of movement, freedom of association, freedom of self defense, and freedom of economic decisions is annoying to those benevolent creatures who run our government. We often get in the way of their agenda which is created solely for our own good.

We could make it much easier for them to take care of us if we just gave up those annoying freedoms and did what we were told.

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Kind of like what the scamdemic forced on us. The gov't enjoyed that control and they are looking for ways to expand it.
Of course, it was always about control and taking away personal liberty. 'Scientific American' admits it.

And they’re already in the process of planting the seeds so they can normalize this draconian mindset. According to Scientific American [emphasis added]:
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I broke down what this really means and why their endgame is to get rid of all personal cars other than the ones the elites own. I highlighted how the three suggestions made in the article are all tied to The Great Reset. Greater use of mass transit is clearly a goal of the powers-that-be who can more easily control our movements by stuffing us in trains and buses like sardines.​
“Denser urban development” has always been a goal of theirs. They want us in overcrowded cities so they can keep tabs on the masses. Moreover, they want these to be “15-minute cities” so the people can walk everywhere and not notice how immobile they really are.​
As for electric bikes and scooters, the implication is obvious. While they prance around in their super-expensive electric vehicles free from the elements and safe from the public, the rest of us are supposed to zip around like 5th graders on crowded streets in the rain, heat, or snow.​

We are rich in all the vital materials we would need to sustain ourselves but the eco-fascists & EPA will always try to prevent us from using our own resources.
There is not enough lithium capacity on Earth to even replace just the US car fleet.
We will own nothing & like it... or else

Know what country is also extremely rich in lithium, rare earths, gold, copper, chromium, zinc, iron & most other minerals they deny us? Afghanistan.
Huge resources there with the Chinese going for control of them now
Kind of like what the scamdemic forced on us.

Let's not be so quick to blame "government" for the abuses of the COVID. We, the citizens of America (and the citizens of many other countries) did that to ourselves.

Rightly or wrongly, people were scared. They were assured by entertainment news that this was the apocalypse to end all apocalypses and we demanded action of our "leaders".

Of course, those leaders had no idea what to do but, we forced them to do anything. We, the voters, threw our panties and hotel room key up onto the stage of government.

We have no one to blame but ourselves if government showed up in our room and gave that for which we were begging.
Let's not be so quick to blame "government" for the abuses of the COVID
I can only speak to the west coast of the US and a few other democrat controlled states. WA, OR, & CA governors closed schools, closed private enterprise with the exception of a few "essential" businesses. Because of gov't mandates and restrictions, travel became so cumbersome and unenjoyable that yeah, the paying public threw "their panties and room keys up on that stage." I agree that a freedom loving public would have told these gov't minions to shove it where the sun doesn't shine, but such was not the case. Many of us held tight to our panties and resisted in ways that were beneficial to us.
I can only speak to the west coast of the US and a few other democrat controlled states. WA, OR, & CA governors closed schools, closed private enterprise with the exception of a few "essential" businesses. Because of gov't mandates and restrictions, travel became so cumbersome and unenjoyable that yeah, the paying public threw "their panties and room keys up on that stage." I agree that a freedom loving public would have told these gov't minions to shove it where the sun doesn't shine, but such was not the case. Many of us held tight to our panties and resisted in ways that were beneficial to us.

When France was liberated by the Allies in World War II. Every Frenchman became a partisan and no one collaborated with the NAZIs.

In fact, if a majority of The French hadn't collaborated with the Germans, there is no way that 100,000 Germans could have subjugated 112 Million Frenchmen.

Same with any state, in any country such as ours, if things go off the rails as they did during COVID, it's because most of us helped to push the train.

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