After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Tell you what, you idiots worry about Ayers, and the rest of us grown ups will worry about people who might actually attack the U.S.
Funny these folks go all ape shit over a weak connection with a "terrorist" that never killed anyone or was convicted of anything and went on to live a productive life..

Yet not one peep about Orlando Bosch, Salim Bin Laden, the IRA or the State of Israel.

Charles Manson never killed anyone, but...... :cuckoo:

Bill Ayers never ordered anyone killed.

That help?

Neither did any gun manufacturer or dealer. so you just blew you lets hold gun manufacturers liable argument out of the water with your double standard.
Funny these folks go all ape shit over a weak connection with a "terrorist" that never killed anyone or was convicted of anything and went on to live a productive life..

Yet not one peep about Orlando Bosch, Salim Bin Laden, the IRA or the State of Israel.

Charles Manson never killed anyone, but...... :cuckoo:

Bill Ayers never ordered anyone killed.

That help?

Notable Attacks:

As a member of the Weatherman, Ayers had a hand in several attacks, all designed to protest the Vietnam War and racism in the United States, including:
1970: Bombing of New York City Police Headquarters
1971: Bombing of U.S. Capitol Building
1972: Bombing of Pentagon
Bill Ayers-- Profile of Bill Ayers, the Weatherman (aka Weather Underground)

Today, that would be a crime
Charles Manson never killed anyone, but...... :cuckoo:

Bill Ayers never ordered anyone killed.

That help?

Notable Attacks:

As a member of the Weatherman, Ayers had a hand in several attacks, all designed to protest the Vietnam War and racism in the United States, including:
1970: Bombing of New York City Police Headquarters
1971: Bombing of U.S. Capitol Building
1972: Bombing of Pentagon
Bill Ayers-- Profile of Bill Ayers, the Weatherman (aka Weather Underground)

Today, that would be a crime

I'm so scared of being attacked 40+ years in the past that I'm going to hate Obama.
Bill Ayers never ordered anyone killed.

That help?

Notable Attacks:

As a member of the Weatherman, Ayers had a hand in several attacks, all designed to protest the Vietnam War and racism in the United States, including:
1970: Bombing of New York City Police Headquarters
1971: Bombing of U.S. Capitol Building
1972: Bombing of Pentagon
Bill Ayers-- Profile of Bill Ayers, the Weatherman (aka Weather Underground)

Today, that would be a crime

I'm so scared of being attacked 40+ years in the past that I'm going to hate Obama.

So you're for home grown terrorists as long as it's for your cause. Got it
What you are saying is that if a violent group of radicals do not like US Policy, they can use violence and cause property damage just as long as they phone in warnings. Got it.

When ever someone start out by saying "What you are saying....." I've alway found that they are going to mischaracterize whatever was said. Just pointing out that the difference between that 60's radical group and the Muslim extremist who target and kill as many innocent civilians as possible.

El Rushbo is famous for that.

the innocent victims are just as dead under either scenario.

Still waiting for the list of innocent civilians targeted or killed by the Weather Underground. Perhaps you could compile a list of sporting events they targeted. How many suicide bombers did they have?

Only folk with ODS still get suckered into comparing what happen here in the 60's and 70's to Radical Islamics.

Turn off Fox.

It's bad News for America.
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Bill Ayers is not Obama's pal and Obama is not Bill Ayers pal. This is more bullshit you guys have created out of the blue. Because they crossed paths does not mean they are pals. Because Ayers supported Obama does not make them pals. Those of you who promote such nonsense are either absolute liars or extremely paranoid. Either one is not something to brag about.

Wrong again:

Weatherman domestic terrorist Bill Ayers is now confirming what the White House has previously denied – that he held a fundraiser in his living room for Barack Obama.
That 1995 meeting was said to have launched Obama’s political career.

In an October 2008 interview on MSNBC host Chris Matthews’ show, Robert Gibbs, a spokesman for Obama’s presidential campaign, categorically denied the fundraiser was ever held.

Matthews asked Gibbs: “Did [Ayers] have a fundraiser for [Obama], or not?”

Gibbs, who would become the White House spokesman, replied: “No, he did not have a fundraiser for our candidate as he said ten seconds ago.”
"I don't regret setting bombs," said Ayers in 2001, "I feel we didn't do enough." Contemplating whether or not he might again use bombs against the U.S. sometime in the future, he wrote: “I can’t imagine entirely dismissing the possibility.”

Scary stuff.

what scary is the number of democrats defending this guy after you posted this. they don't condemn his words, rather, they line up to defend the guy.

When ever someone start out by saying "What you are saying....." I've alway found that they are going to mischaracterize whatever was said. Just pointing out that the difference between that 60's radical group and the Muslim extremist who target and kill as many innocent civilians as possible.

El Rushbo is famous for that.

the innocent victims are just as dead under either scenario.

Still waiting for the list of innocent civilians targeted or killed by the Weather Underground. Perhaps you could compile a list of sporting events they targeted. How many suicide bombers did they have?

Only folk with ODS still get suckered into comparing what happen here in the 60's and 70's to Radical Islamics.

Turn off Fox.

It's bad News for America.

and this joker is their most ardent defender
When ever someone start out by saying "What you are saying....." I've alway found that they are going to mischaracterize whatever was said. Just pointing out that the difference between that 60's radical group and the Muslim extremist who target and kill as many innocent civilians as possible.

El Rushbo is famous for that.

the innocent victims are just as dead under either scenario.

Still waiting for the list of innocent civilians targeted or killed by the Weather Underground. Perhaps you could compile a list of sporting events they targeted. How many suicide bombers did they have?

Only folk with ODS still get suckered into comparing what happen here in the 60's and 70's to Radical Islamics.

Turn off Fox.

It's bad News for America.

The bombing attacks mostly targeted government buildings, along with several banks. Most were preceded by evacuation warnings, along with communiqués identifying the particular matter that the attack was intended to protest. No persons were killed in any of their acts of property destruction, although three members of the group were killed in the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion and former members of the group robbed a Brinks armored car in 1981 resulting in the death of three people including Waverly Brown, the first black police officer on the Nyack police force

Read a real history book.
Hey, why is it not ok for Obama and Bill to be chummy but totally ok for GWB and Bin Laden to be chummy?
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Was Ayers ever convicted of setting a bomb off?

Ayers and his group admit what they did. Ayers thought it was funny that the cops messed up and didn't have paperwork in order, so they couldn't use the evidence they had on him. He admitted he was guilty as sin and free as a bird, then added 'only in America.' Defend him all you want, but his terrorist group didn't care who they hurt or killed. They intended to kill military members and their wives at Ft. Dix and I'm glad the idiots blew themselves up transporting the bomb.
Tell you what, you idiots worry about Ayers, and the rest of us grown ups will worry about people who might actually attack the U.S.

lol you libs still worry about bush when obama is the one screwing us over right now :eusa_whistle:

He's not screwing me over. He's not screwing you over, either, you're just a whiny baby.

Bought gas lately?

Seen the unemployment numbers especially for blacks?

'U.S. Per Person Debt Now 35 Percent Higher than that of Greece' | The Weekly Standard

Health Actuaries: Obamacare Rates Will Soar

The committee was discussing a study published last month by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) predicting that, thanks to sicker patients joining the coverage pool, medical claims per member will rise 32 percent in the individual plans expected to dominate the ACA exchanges next year. In some states costs will rise as much as 80 percent, the report said.

Yeah, you're being screwed by him but your not realizing it doesn't make it so.
Charles Manson never killed anyone, but...... :cuckoo:

Bill Ayers never ordered anyone killed.

That help?

Notable Attacks:

As a member of the Weatherman, Ayers had a hand in several attacks, all designed to protest the Vietnam War and racism in the United States, including:
1970: Bombing of New York City Police Headquarters
1971: Bombing of U.S. Capitol Building
1972: Bombing of Pentagon
Bill Ayers-- Profile of Bill Ayers, the Weatherman (aka Weather Underground)

Today, that would be a crime

It was a crime then too.

But so were illegal wire taps.......
I lived in NYC when William Ayers was blowing us up, and on 9/11/01 the scumbag gave an interview regretting that he didn't do more of it. After Boston, do you Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

I would be interested in what he had to say about these two in the Boston bombing.

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