After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

Ayers and his group admit what they did. Ayers thought it was funny that the cops messed up and didn't have paperwork in order, so they couldn't use the evidence they had on him. He admitted he was guilty as sin and free as a bird, then added 'only in America.' Defend him all you want, but his terrorist group didn't care who they hurt or killed. They intended to kill military members and their wives at Ft. Dix and I'm glad the idiots blew themselves up transporting the bomb.

You seem to have gotten your story twisted. They targeted property, not people and the accidental detonation was during assembly in a NYC townhouse, not transport. I think you need to check your sources. They may have been talking about someone else or are just totally wrong. If they get those kinds of details wrong, there's no telling what else they got wrong. You'd better think about getting your info from a different source.

i really have to laugh my ass of at libs trying to justify violence and destruction as being ok. Priceless!

No one is justifying violence, just not allowing the Rubes to say that the violent radicals of the 60's and the bombing of government buildings is equal to the radical Islamics targeting innocent civilans.
You seem to have gotten your story twisted. They targeted property, not people and the accidental detonation was during assembly in a NYC townhouse, not transport. I think you need to check your sources. They may have been talking about someone else or are just totally wrong. If they get those kinds of details wrong, there's no telling what else they got wrong. You'd better think about getting your info from a different source.

i really have to laugh my ass of at libs trying to justify violence and destruction as being ok. Priceless!

No one is justifying violence, just not allowing the Rubes to say that the violent radicals of the 60's and the bombing of government buildings is equal to the radical Islamics targeting innocent civilans. support liberal terrorists
Ayers and his group admit what they did. Ayers thought it was funny that the cops messed up and didn't have paperwork in order, so they couldn't use the evidence they had on him. He admitted he was guilty as sin and free as a bird, then added 'only in America.' Defend him all you want, but his terrorist group didn't care who they hurt or killed. They intended to kill military members and their wives at Ft. Dix and I'm glad the idiots blew themselves up transporting the bomb.

You seem to have gotten your story twisted. They targeted property, not people and the accidental detonation was during assembly in a NYC townhouse, not transport. I think you need to check your sources. They may have been talking about someone else or are just totally wrong. If they get those kinds of details wrong, there's no telling what else they got wrong. You'd better think about getting your info from a different source.

i really have to laugh my ass of at libs trying to justify violence and destruction as being ok. Priceless!

"Laugh" all you want. But when you folks give unrepentant criminals like G. Gordon Libby, Oliver North and Darrell Issa, hero status..

The Jokes on you.
No, but we're still curious why Reagan sold weapons to Iran, and we're curious why he removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of Terrorist Nations. And we're curious why Bush let members of the Bin Laden family leave the country immediately following 9/11 without being interrogated. And we're curious about the Bush and Jim Baker oil partnerships with the Saudi's in the Carlye group.

In short, we've never understood your party's hypocrisy when it comes to Terrorism.
Right Wingers have to go back into ancient history to cover over recent terrorist attacks in America ,,, attacks by right wing extremists who often times have a Christian identity thing going on and an obsession on guns and 2nd amendment issues. They also have an anti government mind set except when they are demanding government control of the body and bedroom issues
i really have to laugh my ass of at libs trying to justify violence and destruction as being ok. Priceless!

No one is justifying violence, just not allowing the Rubes to say that the violent radicals of the 60's and the bombing of government buildings is equal to the radical Islamics targeting innocent civilans. support liberal terrorists

Well, I can tell you I didn't support the Vietnam war. I was 12 when they killed those 4 students in Ohio. Too young to ever be drafted but old enough to know several friends whose brothers or fathers never came back.
It was a crime then too.

But so were illegal wire taps.......

no actually they were only ruled illlegal after the fact by the supreme court.

The U.S. Supreme Court, in the 1928 case of Olmstead v. United States 277 U.S. 438, 48 S. Ct. 564, 72 L. Ed. 944, held that the tapping of a telephone line did not violate the Fourth Amendment's prohibition against unlawful searches and seizures, so long as the police had not trespassed on the property of the person whose line was tapped. Justice Louis D. Brandeis argued in a dissenting opinion that the Court had employed an outdated mechanical and spatial approach to the Fourth Amendment and failed to consider the interests in privacy that the amendment was designed to protect.

For almost 40 years the Supreme Court maintained that wiretapping was permissible in the absence of a trespass. When police did trespass in federal investigations, the evidence was excluded in federal court. The Supreme Court reversed course in 1967, with its decision in Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 88 S. Ct. 507, 19 L. Ed. 2d 576. The Court abandoned the Olmstead approach of territorial trespass and adopted one based on the reasonable expectation of privacy of the victim of the wiretapping. Where an individual has an expectation of privacy, the government is required to obtain a warrant for wiretapping.

Wiretapping -

yea, but it wasn't wire tapping phone lines that got them off. nice try though
No one said that, I was debunking the statement that there were innocent victims involved.

Cool, does this mean I can make any innuendo I want, as long as it bolsters my bias? :cuckoo:

why not? thats pretty much all you do anyway. why change your style

Do I? The fact that none of the bombings resulted in deaths isn't innuendo, it's FACT. Suggesting that I believe one can do anything as long as no one dies, IS innuendo. Once again you're misconstruing what's said, just like the OP did when he said Obama and Ayers were pals. You understand 'misconstrue', don't you? That's the polite way of saying you're lying, just in case you have any other comprehension problems.

yea, you do
You seem to have gotten your story twisted. They targeted property, not people and the accidental detonation was during assembly in a NYC townhouse, not transport. I think you need to check your sources. They may have been talking about someone else or are just totally wrong. If they get those kinds of details wrong, there's no telling what else they got wrong. You'd better think about getting your info from a different source.

i really have to laugh my ass of at libs trying to justify violence and destruction as being ok. Priceless!

No one is justifying violence, just not allowing the Rubes to say that the violent radicals of the 60's and the bombing of government buildings is equal to the radical Islamics targeting innocent civilans.

you're 0 for 2 now. want to go for a third and complete the strikeout?
No one is justifying violence, just not allowing the Rubes to say that the violent radicals of the 60's and the bombing of government buildings is equal to the radical Islamics targeting innocent civilans. support liberal terrorists

Well, I can tell you I didn't support the Vietnam war. I was 12 when they killed those 4 students in Ohio. Too young to ever be drafted but old enough to know several friends whose brothers or fathers never came back.

yea, obama is fine to send our boys off to war at 18 to kill. but let them come back to this country and he doesn't even want them to own a weapon to protect themselves
Of course Ayers doesn't bother you, you need either a conscious or a brain for that
Nobody I know or talked to every supported McVeigh

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This isn't the 60's anymore, idiot.

The most dangerous people out there these days are right-wing extremists blowing up women's healthcare clinics and shooting and blowing up other Americans, and Islamic terrorists.

A left-wing fanatic nowadays is the kind of person who wishes to smoke pot after a lascivious afternoon of gay sex.

Weird how all the mass shootings end up being mentally ill left wing city dwellers.

...who need guns kept away from them. Thank you.
On September 23, 2010 William Ayers was unanimously denied emeritus status by the University of Illinois, after a speech by the university's board chair Christopher G. Kennedy (son of assassinated U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy), containing the quote "I intend to vote against conferring the honorific title of our university to a man whose body of work includes a book dedicated in part to the man who murdered my father, Robert F. Kennedy."[42] He added, "There is nothing more antithetical to the hopes for a university that is lively and yet civil...than to permanently seal off debate with one's opponents by killing them".[43] Kennedy referred to a 1974 book Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, written by Ayers and other Weather Underground members, which includes a dedication to a list of over 200 revolutionary figures, musicians and others, including Sirhan Sirhan, who is currently serving a life sentence for Robert Kennedy's assassination in 1968.[44] Ayers said he has never dedicated any book, including Prairie Fire, the book in question, to assassins.

Bill Ayers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
intersting. according to liberals a few psycho's with a couple of guns represnts all gun owners

Theyre incapable of logical thought.

i have never seen a group that uses more double standards in their arguments

If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.

I am just wondering when the left will embrace Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and Bill Ayers will take him under his wing and have him become a future teacher at a college.
Theyre incapable of logical thought.

i have never seen a group that uses more double standards in their arguments

If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.

I am just wondering when the left will embrace Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and Bill Ayers will take him under his wing and have him become a future teacher at a college.

It does not have to be Ayers it could be any of his friends and associates who may take him under their wing.

Kathy Boudin (Weather underground radical and convicted murderer ) teaches at Columbia University and was just named 2013 Sheinberg Scholar-in-Residence at NYU Law School.

Bernadine Dohrn ( Weather Underground Leader) former Sheinberg Scholar-in-Residence at NYU Law School was the first along with Bill Ayers to bomb the Penatgon and the Capitol. They lost three of their own as the bombs they were building to blow up Fort Dix exploded.

Ericka Huggins (former Black Panther party grandee) professor of women’s studies at California State University professor of sociology at Laney and Berkeley City College. Admitted to torture of Alex Rackley and charged with his murder.

Warren Kimbro (Black Panther Party) shot Alex Rackley in the head in 1969( see above story about his torture) . He later confessed to the murder and was sentenced to life in prison, but only served four years. By 1975, he was an assistant dean at Eastern Connecticut State University.

Susan Rosenberg ( Weather Underground ) John Jay College ( spent 16 years in Jail Weather Underground radical)

Eleanor Raskin ( Weather Underground radical) is an associate professor at Albany Law School

Mark Rudd, a Weather Underground leader, Central New Mexico Community College professor

If Bill is too busy, I'm sure one of them can help out. It amazes me these people teach our children.

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