After Civil War, What would the 2 Americas Look Like?

A built-in, easy to make happen plan is to defund and disempower the federal government as much as possible while simultaneously transfering power back to the states. Let them contrast. People move to the states they think best fits them. The federal government maintains the interstate highways, the military exclusively for foreign matters, and so on.

Some states will accumulate tattooed, metal-pierced queers who fuck anything that moves, and don't care if the genitals match, where murderers and robbers roam the streets in wild packs, no cops can be seen, the Stars & Stripes and the Star Spangled Banner are strictly banned, men in lipstick dominate women's sports, kindergartners are all little queers engaging in the little sex acts they've been groomed for and negroes dominate politics and oppress whiteness.

... and then there's states full of normal patrotic, decent, wholesome Americans.
Seeing that nowadays most of the nukes are in the South, including the Pantex weapon plant, the North will look like a nuclear wasteland.
Urban areas have the ports, they have the airports, they have the rail hubs, they have the banks

Rural areas would starve
In a civil war, how long could these isolated urban pockets survive?It would be a matter of days, maybe weeks. The best scenario would be the residence of these shitholes would be sent to liberal areas in an exchange of populations.
America would look conservative, because all the leftists would have ran off to Canada and Sweden.

Those who didn't run away would end up being human lawn jockeys, servants, or working in the cotton fields.
Or shark shit.
What a bunch of dumb ducks. The tools we now have for war are so far superior to what was around during the first Civil War it unfathomable. Millions would be murdered. Millions more would starve and the country would look like a waste land. We would put ourselves back into the stone age. What a bunch of ducking stooges. The whole world would burn with out the US to counter balance power. China and Russia woul invade Europe nukes would fly and you political and religious dogma would destroy our species. What do I care I am old can go out with a bang. Don't want it to happen as it screws my children grandchildren and your but hey tired of hearing about it. Start popping off while I can still make you dumb ducking mother truckers pay for being a bunch of ass holes . I will make Sherman's March look like a prayer meeting for fing up the entire world if given a commission. I would imagine many officers would be of the same mind considering what's at stake
Wouldn’t have to

The liberal areas control the major cities, the banks and the money

Red States would Starve
How the hell would the areas that produce the food starve? You have some hidden farm s and ranches in the middle of the city? Made up currency becomes worthless. A dollar wouldn’t be of any value. So the banks can sit in the cities counting their worthless dollars right up until you all realize you’re not going to outlast the rural areas. It’s impossible.
Theoretical, for sure, but geographically what would a divided America look like? Slivers on the Northeastern seaboard on the left coast are a given, but what of isolated cities/shitholes that dot the vast expanses in between?

What of citizenship or exchange of populations? Would a perforated country be sustainable and could the rural and urban areas function independently?

It may seem alarmist, but there cannot be much doubt that with the persecution of the leader of a great deal of the country, this could come to pass.
Just like now. Give up on your weird Magasterbations already.
America would look conservative, because all the leftists would have ran off to Canada and Sweden.

Those who didn't run away would end up being human lawn jockeys, servants, or working in the cotton fields.
Nah, all the CHRISTOMAGAS would be put into reservations in Oklahoma.
We would no longer be a union. We would be a confederation. Forget the military. There wouldn't be any. The states would have their own military, subject to their own rules and regulation regulations.

Forget about the blue states starving out the red states. The red states grow the food. Freed of federal restrictions food production would explode. Control over the ports would be balanced by control of the interior rail lines.

All in all it would be much better.
In a civil war, how long could these isolated urban pockets survive?It would be a matter of days, maybe weeks. The best scenario would be the residence of these shitholes would be sent to liberal areas in an exchange of populations.
What are you going to do farm them to death. You seem to have a misunderstanding of simple math.
LMAO! The world is crashing around you and you’re asking people for their covid vaccine papers?!
I get that the cult told you the world was ending, and that since Trump cultists are an easily-frightened lot, you were an easy mark for such fear-based propaganda.

You also believed TheParty when TheParty told you that only TheParty could save you from what TheParty told you to be afraid of, so you pledged your money and your loyalty to TheParty.

Try understand how that's not normal. Regular people don't act like you do.
How the hell would the areas that produce the food starve? You have some hidden farm s and ranches in the middle of the city? Made up currency becomes worthless. A dollar wouldn’t be of any value. So the banks can sit in the cities counting their worthless dollars right up until you all realize you’re not going to outlast the rural areas. It’s impossible.
You will be out of gas though.
How the hell would the areas that produce the food starve? You have some hidden farm s and ranches in the middle of the city? Made up currency becomes worthless. A dollar wouldn’t be of any value. So the banks can sit in the cities counting their worthless dollars right up until you all realize you’re not going to outlast the rural areas. It’s impossible.
Every one starves idiot. The areas that produce the food will be scorched. Day one bridges are taken out, electric production is taken out. Day two water and sewer is obliterated, cell phone towers are destroyed, broad spectrum radio jammer are deployed Day three rail road tracks are destroyed, concrete box culverts are destroyed. Day four fields are burning. Every one dies. What a bunch of stooges. How long till chemical and biological weapons are deployed. Day five Russia and China are at the front door to Europe nukes fly. Game the fuck over the hairless ape is history except some ultra important gov officials that are hiding in bunkers and they die slow.
I get that the cult told you the world was ending, and that since Trump cultists are an easily-frightened lot, you were an easy mark for such fear-based propaganda.

You also believed TheParty when TheParty told you that only TheParty could save you from what TheParty told you to be afraid of, so you pledged your money and your loyalty to TheParty.

Try understand how that's not normal. Regular people don't act like you do.
I’m not the idiot asking people for their vaccination records or worried about the fucking weather killing is all in ten years.

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