After Civil War, What would the 2 Americas Look Like?

There are very few refineries in big cities. But none of the crude comes from there. Once that runs out…
They import it just like now dumbass. But none for CHRISTOMAGAland. You get Embargo! Then it's off to the Oklahoma care facility for you.
Yep, I have lived a full life but I want my grandchildren to get a chance to be cool, hang with friends, have first love, have first car, and all that good other stuff. My daughter was supposed to bring my grandchildren up for a week of vacation this week. Then she came down with the covid. I was so looking forward to giving my grandchildren their first ride on a boat. My grandson just turned three. Very likely he would have caught his first perch. Granddaughter isn't walking yet but you can see it in her eyes she is observing everything. The events we go to she can't yet partake in much but throws a fit when it is time to leave. You can tell she is storing all she sees in her mind for when she has the motor skills to actually get involved in the activity. At least I got to take her for her first zoo trip. Sure do hope that boat trip happens. The way things are going not sure it does. Time to wake the fuck up. The US goes down so does the whole world.
Sure it does. It wouldn’t just effect us. Most rational people know that. It sure seems like you have a lot of good reasons to keep the democrats from screwing all you built up.
No you guys. It's ok. We'll give the tribes the Dakota's and Kentucky back.
Actually, you will have nothing but what you can hold by yourself. There will be no United States government. No military. No money, nothing. What you have are nightmarish cities locked in open warfare.

Anything else is a mastubatory fantasy.
Seeing that nowadays most of the nukes are in the South, including the Pantex weapon plant, the North will look like a nuclear wasteland.
Considering the use of nuclear weapons against your own countrymen? Without regard to wind-patterns for radioactive fallout dispersal back on top of you?

I'm sure that your Orange Führer and his Oath-Breakers and the Very Fine People of the Klan are all in secret orgasmic agreement with you... mindless dolts.
Actually, you will have nothing but what you can hold by yourself. There will be no United States government. No military. No money, nothing. What you have are nightmarish cities locked in open warfare.

Anything else is a mastubatory fantasy.
No girlfriend huh? Church is a great place to meet people.
There will be no Second American Civil War at anytime in the foreseeable future.

The only way that happens is along racial lines and there is no sign of that unfolding anytime soon.

The Left are such pu$$ie$ that they need Safe Spaces for their thoughts and would $hit their pants at the first sign of vigorous fighting.

The Right are such idiots that they delude themselves they can carry enough of the country or the military to overthrow the Republic and the Constitution.

Both are full of $hit clean up to their ears... merely in different ways.

The Center will hold until the idiot-fringes slip back into the background and a well-deserved oblivion.
They import it just like now dumbass. But none for CHRISTOMAGAland. You get Embargo! Then it's off to the Oklahoma care facility for you.
So you’re going to need a lot of trucks, going through red states, needing to buy diesel on the way, in those red states. You think that’s actually going to happen?
There will be NO civil war and NO two Americas.

Eventually, there WILL be (a) a peaceful divorce and (b) many "Americas."

In short, there will be safe zones for the various ethnic, gender, religious, and sexual groups.

People will live happily and peacefully with like-minded people who share the same cultural values.

(There will be no more violent crime, for anyone who dares commit violence will be immediately kicked out.)
Considering the use of nuclear weapons against your own countrymen? Without regard to wind-patterns for radioactive fallout dispersal back on top of you?

I'm sure that your Orange Führer and his Oath-Breakers and the Very Fine People of the Klan are all in secret orgasmic agreement with you... mindless dolts.

If the sonofabitches wanted to kill us like they did in 1861 where a million Americans lost their lives then you are damn right.

Of course the Leftest filth are not Americans.
So you’re going to need a lot of trucks, going through red states, needing to buy diesel on the way, in those red states. You think that’s actually going to happen?
He is just blowing smoke out of his ass trying to get a reaction.

The Soviet Union broke up without anyone's world coming to an end.
He is just blowing smoke out of his ass trying to get a reaction.

The Soviet Union broke up without anyone's world coming to an end.
The question is, are you FBI trying to troll a promotion, a Russobot paid to stir up trouble, or just really lonely because the women aren't impressed with your mass murder fantasies?

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