After Civil War, What would the 2 Americas Look Like?

The question is, are you FBI trying to troll a promotion, a Russobot paid to stir up trouble, or just really lonely because the women aren't impressed with your mass murder fantasies?
You are really a wicked out weirdo. On which planet would you imagine I would have the slightest Interest in women or what they think. No more interest than I have in what you think.

If I were a Russian plant I would do it out of whatever damage I could do to democrats.
If the sonofabitches wanted to kill us like they did in 1861 where a million Americans lost their lives then you are damn right.

Of course the Leftest filth are not Americans.
Maybe you a$$hole$ shouldn't have fired on Fort Sumter then, eh?
Maybe you a$$hole$ shouldn't have fired on Fort Sumter then, eh?
After South Carolina voted to secede, US troops moved off of the coast line into Fort Sumter, a little island in Charleston Harbor. When they began to have supplies delivered shots were fired. It was a message. Get out now. That action was necessary. It was time for the troops to leave Charleston. No one was killed.
After South Carolina voted to secede, US troops moved off of the coast line into Fort Sumter, a little island in Charleston Harbor. When they began to have supplies delivered shots were fired. It was a message. Get out now. That action was necessary. It was time for the troops to leave Charleston. No one was killed.
The split second that Captain James allowed Edmund Ruffin to pull that first lanyard you entered into a state of Rebellion against lawful authority.
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Theoretical, for sure, but geographically what would a divided America look like? Slivers on the Northeastern seaboard on the left coast are a given, but what of isolated cities/shitholes that dot the vast expanses in between?

What of citizenship or exchange of populations? Would a perforated country be sustainable and could the rural and urban areas function independently?

It may seem alarmist, but there cannot be much doubt that with the persecution of the leader of a great deal of the country, this could come to pass.
Throughout history, conservatives and Christians are the ones who have to relocate. Then they are joined by leftwingers, their lands corrupted, then they have to move again. In any free land, the few who are evil and wish to dominate and subjugate others can always succeed. Suffering a persecution are and have always been the lot of those who wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
What a bunch of dumb ducks. The tools we now have for war are so far superior to what was around during the first Civil War it unfathomable. Millions would be murdered. Millions more would starve and the country would look like a waste land. We would put ourselves back into the stone age. What a bunch of ducking stooges. The whole world would burn with out the US to counter balance power. China and Russia woul invade Europe nukes would fly and you political and religious dogma would destroy our species. What do I care I am old can go out with a bang. Don't want it to happen as it screws my children grandchildren and your but hey tired of hearing about it. Start popping off while I can still make you dumb ducking mother truckers pay for being a bunch of ass holes . I will make Sherman's March look like a prayer meeting for fing up the entire world if given a commission. I would imagine many officers would be of the same mind considering what's at stake
The reason I hope we don’t have a breakup is that China would likely take over the world. That would be the likely result even if the breakup was peaceful. It wouldn’t happen over night but would take a couple decades.

Just a warning, If you think living in American is bad now just wait until China takes over.
You will be out of gas though.

It would be the cities that run out of everything. They're surrounded by a sea of red and it would be a simple matter of blowing bridges,rail lines,gas lines,water lines ....etc.
Without red states the cities would be starving in a week since we rely on constant on time stocking of store shelves every couple of days.
Not to mention clean water,you'd be shitting yourselves to death right quick.
Major cities have ports, rail and air ports

They have access to food shipped in from around the world and the money to pay for it
First thing Blue areas would do is freeze the financial assets of the Red areas

Where will this money come from when they have no goods to sell?
Cities rely on products and materials shipped in from the red states not to mention produce and meats.
Where will this money come from when they have no goods to sell?
Cities rely on products and materials shipped in from the red states not to mention produce and meats.

Cities are economic centers
Urban areas have always supported development of rural America
Maybe you a$$hole$ shouldn't have fired on Fort Sumter then, eh?

Maybe that shithead Lincoln shouldn't have broken the truce at Ft Sumter by trying to reinforce the fort that was established by President Buchanan to prevent war.

However, that is history, something you stupid Moon Bats are as ignorant of as Economics, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

The fact is that if there is another Civil War we Americans will kick the ass of you filthy Socialists.
Maybe that shithead Lincoln shouldn't have broken the truce at Ft Sumter by trying to reinforce the fort that was established by President Buchanan to prevent war.
That fort was Federal property... and the President is empowered to reinforce whatever military facility that he, as Commander-in-Chief, sees fit.
However, that is history, something you stupid Moon Bats are as ignorant of as Economics, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.
Incorrect, and irrelevant to the point being made.
The fact is that if there is another Civil War we Americans will kick the ass of you filthy Socialists.
Big Talk. You a$$hole$ couldn't find your backsides with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors... you'd screw-up a One-Car Funeral.
Theoretical, for sure, but geographically what would a divided America look like? Slivers on the Northeastern seaboard on the left coast are a given, but what of isolated cities/shitholes that dot the vast expanses in between?

What of citizenship or exchange of populations? Would a perforated country be sustainable and could the rural and urban areas function independently?

It may seem alarmist, but there cannot be much doubt that with the persecution of the leader of a great deal of the country, this could come to pass.

I think the mistake you make is to assume there will just be two countries that come out of a civil war.

State lines would become meaningless and we would end up with at least 6 new countires.

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